Flood Call 939

Caller is angry at residents of the Burke Addition, who he claims will not allow people access through there, despite being the only access point to residences to the northeast of the Grand Forks Country Club.

Date April 18th 1997, 11:05 am
Duration 141 seconds
Channel 23
Direction incoming call
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The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

The Houston Manhattan people.
Hi, can we talk to the sheriff please?
This is the dispatch, Sheriff's
9-1-1, what can I help you with?
Yes, we, the Burke addition people will not let people come into the Burke addition, we
let each of them.
Our only access is by boat, we've got to get people over here to save our property
and they will not let them into the Burke addition and we want them in here.
Who won't let them in?
They're stopping them at the entrance to the Burke addition.
Who the deputies are?
We don't know, it's the people who live there.
I know that there were some deputies out there that were stopping traffic because there was
a traffic jam and they were screening who went in.
You know what, we have got, we're trying to protect the property but the only way in
is through there and they won't let anybody in.
Alright, I'll contact the deputies that were out there and see if there's...
Let me give you my number if you have any question because our property is important
to us, we're trying to protect it but there's no other way to get here except by boat but
they've got to get down to the end there.
And these people all of a sudden are looking out for themselves and this is the survival
out here.
What is your cell number?
My name is Doug Murfeld.
How do you spell your last name?
Okay, and what's your cell number?
My cell number is 218-779-0767.
We can protect our property if we get any help.
And are you on, which road right now are you at?
Well, we're out here on that road but it's been closed for almost two weeks.
Right, I was just wondering where you're at right now.
We've got to come to the end of Lake Drive and then we'll have the boat pick them up.
Alright, Doug.
We have many people here that need help and they're willing to help.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
But we don't want those people at the end.
The Burke's stopping people because they've got a hundred, they've got fifty to a hundred
people for every house in the Burke for catching it and we're sitting over here.
We can't bring anybody in because they won't let them in.
I'll contact one of the deputies and I'll get back to you, okay?
Call me or I don't care what we've got to do but get in there.
Sir, sir, I'll have them give you a call.
Okay, let me get a hold of them on the radio and give them a message, okay?
They're in the process of turning the roads up out here.
We're so desperate.
Thank you very much.