Flood Call 72

Operator contacts an elderly lady to make sure she has shelter in case the dike breaks. The lady lives in a trailer, which is why the operator is concerned. The operator also reports that it likely won't be long will the dike breaks.

Date April 18th 1997, 9:24 am
Duration 239 seconds
Channel 25
Direction outgoing call
Abstract By Samuel O Donnell
Tagged As


The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

Okay, that sounds good. Thank you very much.
Hello. Hi. How are you guys doing?
We're all fine.
How are you?
Are you still in the shelter over there?
Like what?
I mean, I think you survived, right? I don't think your trailer would survive it.
Certainly the Civic Center, upstairs, I think that's where we go in the tornado, are the sentry apartments.
Plus the block.
Are they really expected to go?
I think there's a good possibility.
David Powell's been trying to get me to come over, you know.
I think if you can get over there, you should go.
I really do.
He was going to come and pick us up.
Well, I would call him.
Well, except he's on his way over to our house. He helped Jim with the basement.
I want him to keep calling.
I'll let Jim come over and pick you guys up.
But because if he's going to do it, I would do it now because it may not be longer than it used to be.
It's bad though.
If you can either keep it out or if you can get Jim to come get you.
He needs to be up somewhere higher.
If not, then this is going to turn out good.
There may be an evacuation of the whole city.
I don't know for sure.
Hopefully we won't get to that.
Yeah, if you can get over here, come up your house or go over to Jim's.
I don't even know where he lives or where Tana is.
I don't know where she lives.
I think I got to think of the address.
Do you know where Apollo Park is?
It's right by her apartment.
That's where she lives, right across the street from Apollo Park.
And the address is 2524 South.
2524 17th Avenue South.
2524 what?
17th Avenue South, number 12.
17th Avenue South, number 772, 5624.
Well, I refuse to go over because I figured, you know.
You need to go.
Get Mother up.
Should I call Elle and Elle and come pick us up?
He's not there.
Jim said he is on his way over.
Call them and see if they can.
Call Jan's house.
If they've left and if not, you know, then you call them over at the other.
I don't know.
Get all the, type it down first and if he's not there, if she can't come get you,
see if, then call him at my place.