Flood Call 622

Man from Channel 4 in Fargo calls and inquires about the evacuation. Operator notifies him that the mayor is coming on the 10 o'clock news to make a statement about it and deliver more information to the public, tells him to call the EOC when they are set back up for more information.

Date April 18th 1997, 9:39 pm
Duration 74 seconds
Channel 25
Direction incoming call
Abstract By Erin Lurie
Tagged As


The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

Hi, it's Mike Morgan at Channel 4 in Fargo.
What are you hearing about evacuations in Grand Forks?
We're evacuating all of everything by the river, just a second.
I hear it's about 10,000 people.
I'll be right with them.
And the mayor's supposed to be coming out at 10 o'clock on the newest, I don't know,
I think she's going to be requesting a voluntary evacuation of the city.
Of the whole city?
She thinks she's going to request people to voluntarily because the water's going to keep
coming up.
It's coming up in the sewers now.
Do you have, is there any way I can get a hold of her because she won't be on our station.
Okay, I don't have any way the EOC department on their phones left and they had to evacuate
They're resetting up so their line should be open in about 10 minutes.
Oh man.
I don't have any further information.
I just know that they're wanting people to prepare to evacuate so that if it's necessary
that they can.
The entire town?
She's going to make a statement for people's safety.
For people's safety I believe that it is probably in their best interest to go ahead
and evacuate the town.
That's my understanding so far.
So if you want to try back, do you have an EOC number?
Is it 746-2685?
Try that one in about 10, okay?