Flood Call 458

Caller says she can give someone a rid out to a shelter.

Date April 18th 1997, 11:44 pm
Duration 110 seconds
Channel 25
Direction incoming call
Abstract By Emily Mell
Tagged As


The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

Law enforcement center, could you hold please?
Yeah, thank you.
Law enforcement center?
Wow, I was looking for an emergency center, but I guess they haven't opened yet.
Nope, we were still waiting for their phone lines to come up.
Okay, do you know where they're located now?
I just know that we're at the university, but I don't know where they're at exactly.
Do you have a cell phone for a missed receiver?
Nope, they didn't leave us any cell phone numbers or anything, so...
There's no one there who can tell me how many people were involved in the 100-year floodplain evacuation?
No, we don't.
We just have two dispatchers and myself from the police officer.
We don't have that information here, so...
Okay, thank you.
Law enforcement center?
Yeah, say, I was wondering if anybody from South 25th Street needed a ride out to the base,
because I've got one Mazda protege, and I'm just one person, and I'm just bringing a pillow and a...
Okay, um...
I was just wondering if anybody needed a ride from the city out there.
Okay, that's one nice thing to offer, but right now the ELC, who would know that,
their phone lines are being reconnected because they had to move.
And their lines are going to probably be up for another 15 minutes or so.
Okay, because I was thinking of leaving here pretty soon.
Okay, I have no way of connecting with anybody.
The only other thing I could suggest is you could try K-CNN.
They've been really good about connecting people.
Oh, where is that?
At the radio station.
I don't have their number, but it should be in the phone book.
Oh, okay.
And they've been really good about, you know, so-and-so needs a ride, and this person can offer them one.
Oh, really?
Oh, okay.
Yeah, so you might want to try them, or I'll try this number back in about 20 minutes.
Oh, okay.
All right, thank you.