Flood Call 441

Caller wants to know if the city is letting people in to Grand Forks. Operator says she thinks they are.

Date April 18th 1997, 7:43 pm
Duration 39 seconds
Channel 25
Direction incoming call
Abstract By Samuel O Donnell
Tagged As


The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

I just have a question. Are they letting people into Grand Forks from outside?
I haven't heard any difference.
Okay, because my sister in Hatton was going to come and get my kids and she had heard
that they wouldn't allow them in to do that, but because we didn't want her to...
Hold on a second.
No, I haven't heard anything like that.
So it's fine for us to take the kids out and get back in, I mean.
As far as I know, at this point it is anyway.
All right, thanks.