Flood Call 345

Caller on North 4th Street is wondering about the status of a possible evacuation. The dispatcher tells him to move above ground, but that Grand Forks is not currently in evacuation.

Date April 18th 1997, 5:58 am
Duration 49 seconds
Channel 25
Direction incoming call
Abstract By Samantha Criswell
Tagged As


The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

Now an emergency.
Hi, I was calling the OMSAT.
How safe is North 4th Street in Grand Forest?
We're recommending, if you're not in the immediate evacuation area of Lincoln Drive, Central Park or Riverside Park,
and you need to be in an above ground level.
What's off of that?
So if you're in a basement.
No, I'm an OMSAT, ground floor.
Ground floor, okay, ground floor should be fine.
Because I can hear the signs right now.
Right, we're sounding the signs for everybody.
Are you? Yep.
So how safe is that? For now? Is it just for now or?
For now you're not in the evacuation area.
Okay. Okay?
Just stay above ground.
Okay. Thanks.
Law enforcement center.