Flood Call 301

Caller wanted to know if the west side of Washington to 6th Avenue was supposed to evacuate. The dispatcher explained that the voluntary evacuation recommended that people leave if they had somewhere to go. The dispatcher said the caller could try the Emergency Operations Center if they wanted more information, but their phones were down while they were relocating to the UND campus. She recommended that the caller try back in 15 to 20 minutes.

Date April 19th 1997, 12:32 am
Duration 52 seconds
Channel 25
Direction incoming call
Abstract By Lucas Amundson
Tagged As


The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

Law enforcement center.
Do you know if they are evacuating anybody from the west side of Washington to 6th Avenue?
What they're doing right now is calling for a voluntary evacuation of the whole city,
which means if you have someplace else to go it would be a good idea to leave the city,
but right now they're not doing any of those evacuations west where you just said.
The other thing, if you want to call this number back in about 20 minutes,
the EOC had to relocate because they were getting flooded out at the police department building,
and their lines aren't back up yet. We're hoping to be up here within 20 minutes.
You guys ain't getting flooded, are you?
Yeah, we're in the police department building. We're surrounded by water here.
Are you?
What are you guys doing? Are your microphones and everything?
I don't know. We're just basically waiting for the lines to connect over there,
and then we're going to relocate over there too.
Okay, thank you.