Flood Call 261

Operator at Police Department answers, woman asks if it is dispatch and operator says yes. Woman is from EOC, says the Grand Forks Herald needs a list of addresses that evacuated the Central Park area, she asks for it to be faxed to them and gives operator the number.

Date April 18th 1997, 9:09 pm
Duration 26 seconds
Channel 25
Direction incoming call
Abstract By Erin Lurie
Tagged As


The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

Um, yes.
Is this dispatch?
Yes, it is.
Um, this is Jane down in the EOC and, um, the Grand Forks Herald wish to have a list
of those addresses that evacuated central park area that you dispatched.
Can you fax that to them?
Uh, should you have their fax number?
It's 780-1123.
Thank you.
You bet.