Flood Call 1903
Mr. Johnson called to ask for information on diking, he was redirected to EOC.
Date | April 19th 1997, 12:00 am |
Duration | 40 seconds |
Channel | 24 |
Direction | incoming call |
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The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.
if we should just shut our pumps off and let it flow.
The Emergency Operations Center has been evacuated and we do not have, they have not transferred
the poem lines as of yet so you have to try calling back in a little bit.
Like how long?
Hopefully the next 15-20 minutes.
Alright, can somebody call me back?
I can't guarantee that sir because I'm in the 911 Center downtown and we have not been
evacuated yet.
Um, there's...
Okay, I'll call back.
Okay, bye.