Flood Call 1773

A resident on Belmont asking for information on the Lincoln Park evacuation.

Date April 18th 1997, 5:19 am
Duration 50 seconds
Channel 24
Direction incoming call
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The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

Hi, with the evacuation over by Lincoln Drive, it said anywhere between 13th Avenue South
and 8th Avenue South, is that just on Reeves or is that on Belmont too?
We're saying east of Reeves at this point, that's the area that we're going to evacuate
right away.
We are going to continue on with the other low-lying areas and the parks and then the
rest of the city, we are going to notify that they need to get everything out of their
basement to the first floor or themselves to a first floor level.
Okay, I'm on 608 Belmont, does that affect me?
608 Belmont, it could, you could have water.
Okay but we don't have to evacuate?
You don't have to evacuate but you should be on the first floor.