Flood Call 1723

A caller asking for information on road reports and someone he could talk to.

Date April 18th 1997, 11:41 pm
Duration 58 seconds
Channel 24
Direction incoming call
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The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

Yeah, um, see I have a question on road reports. I called in earlier and I got one number for recording.
I'm wondering if I can talk to a person and who can I talk to about, I want to be able to drive from Drayton, or from Grand Forks to Drayton.
I have no idea what the road conditions are, sir. That road report's the only thing that we have.
So, who, is, is no one I can talk to at all?
No, sir. We're trying to handle all the emergency due to the flood.
Okay, I was trying to evacuate on the town.
Right, I, I could not tell you what, uh, you, the only thing I can tell you is to stay away from water.
Yeah, they say it's, what does this mean when they say I-29 is closed, but then they say there's a, it's detoured from 152 to 175 mile per hour?
I, there must be a detour, and then around, it's closed up to that point, and then they have a detour around it, and then it continues on its own.
That's a possibility, there's no guarantee in that.