Flood Call 1641

The operators daughter called to ask if the washing machine is unplugged.

Date April 18th 1997, 7:25 am
Duration 35 seconds
Channel 24
Direction incoming call
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The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

Yes, the only thing to tell Brent is go down there and just turn it tighter if he can because
I turned it as tight as I could.
Okay, just turn the plug tight.
Turn the plug tight.
Yeah, I turned it, but it's as tight as I can get it, if he can get it tighter, fine.
We're evacuating between 13th and 17th Avenue South, east of Cottonwood right now.
That's not us though.
No, that's within five blocks of us.
I know Ron, I called Ron and I explained everything to Ron and he's just coming home now.
Alright, okay.