Flood Call 1490

Larry called from U.S. West Communications called to ask for information on his crews working by the Sorlie Bridge.

Date April 18th 1997, 7:34 pm
Duration 37 seconds
Channel 24
Direction incoming call
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The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

9-1-1 Center. Hello. Hello.
Say, my name is Larry McNamara. I'm with the U.S. Western Communications.
Yeah. Who can I talk to about, we've got people working down by the
bridge on each side of the bridge. They're pumping manholes and stuff.
Uh-huh. Is there a time or if they were to have to get out of there, is there anybody that's
coordinating watching that down there?
Oh, that's a good question.
Is there a number that I could have somebody call you back at? Yeah, they could call me back at
7-7-5-1-2-8-1. Okay. Do you have the number for the East Grand Forks Emergency Control?
Yeah, it's 7-7-3-7-8-9-4. Thank you. You're welcome.