Flood Call 1453
A resident of Walnut Street called to ask about water in that area and ask for assistance with an evacuation.
Date | April 18th 1997, 11:51 pm |
Duration | 53 seconds |
Channel | 24 |
Direction | incoming call |
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The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.
That I have no idea.
I don't know what the water level is at this time.
I do know that that was probably one of the areas that they requested evacuation from
And we just have little cars now, I'm not sure if I can get over that again.
I wouldn't even attempt to try, if it's an evacuation area they're not going to let you
in anyway.
So how do I get them out?
Is he there now?
Yeah, yeah.
Do you have any telephone contact with him?
We haven't, no.
Okay, what's his name?
His name is Dan Wachowski.
Have you tried calling him?
Okay, can you try calling him and see if he is there and if he is there to call the Grand
Forks Police Department at 746-2500 and we will make arrangements for somebody to go
over and get him.
Okay, thank you.
Yep, bye.