Flood Call 1431

A caller reported Borrowed Bucks Road House is open.

Date April 18th 1997, 4:54 pm
Duration 56 seconds
Channel 24
Direction incoming call
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The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

Yes, ma'am. I know the mayor mandated for all non-emergency and non-essential businesses
to close today. Borrowed Bucks Roadhouse is open. I called their manager and asked
him how he figured he was essential since he's at bar and he said it wasn't his decision
to open and that they were going to stay open. Now I'd like to know is there a fine, a penalty?
What did he get for this?
Well actually she said she was not going to determine what was essential and what was not.
It was up to the businesses to determine if they're essential and that's okay.
Yeah, well actually anybody who thinks they're essential can stay open, yeah.
Which department?
Which department is there a barking assignment?
I know Cassie, RRR Cassie, that's right.
Okay, well that's all we wanted to know. Thank you.
Yep, I am.