Flood Call 1310

Request for sandbags at Elk Drive.

Date April 18th 1997, 9:47 am
Duration 89 seconds
Channel 23
Direction incoming call
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The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

I had a message to call Jean on my answering machine.
She needed an address for SAND from Marin Daily and it's 255 Elks Drive and it's pretty
urgent or we're going to have water flowing down Belmont.
Okay, you're needing to hold the EOC, is that correct?
Well, this is the phone number that I was supposed to call back.
746-2500 or?
No, 746-2685.
It probably rolls you guys.
Yes, it did.
Okay, it's at 255 what?
Elks Drive off of Belmont.
What's your name and phone number?
Well, there's 19 condos and a whole bunch of townhomes.
Right, I'm going to have to have someone from EOC give me a call.
Marin Daily.
At 746-1132.
You bet.
Okay, I'll have someone give me a call and get someone out there, yeah?
There's a Marin Daily that just called from 255 Elks Drive.
She states that they need sandbags or some help out there that the water is coming up.
Yeah, the message has been delivered to the appropriate jet tower.
I'm sorry, she called here and said it was urgent that she was supposed to call somebody
Yep, we've got the message to them.
It's just a matter of getting them over there.
Okay, just wanted to make sure.
You bet.