Flood Call 1042

A resident calling to ask for information on evacuation, she was redirected to EOC.

Date April 18th 1997, 11:49 pm
Duration 43 seconds
Channel 23
Direction incoming call
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The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

If somebody who lives in Grand Forks on Library Circle wanted to get over to Crookston for
Safe Haven, how...
Well, at this point, the Kennedy Bridge is open.
I do not know how long it's going to remain open, okay?
Would there be someone to get them over to the buses that's coming to Crookston?
I have no idea which buses are coming.
What are you talking about?
Well, Crookston has accepted a bunch of people.
They've come by bus.
I don't know where those are going to be, I guess.
You probably need EOC and their lines aren't set up yet, if you want to call back in about
15 minutes.
I hope their lines are up by then.
All right.
Thank you.