Flood Call 1033

A caller asking for information on the routes for evacuation to the base.

Date April 18th 1997, 10:53 pm
Duration 19 seconds
Channel 23
Direction incoming call
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The following transcript was automatically generated, and has not been reviewed for accuracy. It may contain errors.

Oh, there's one one just talking to me.
Alright, do you live at 422 Walnut?
What number do you, where do you live?
I live at 307 and a half, 7th Avenue North.
Okay, what did you need to know?
I need to know if, you know, if you've been doing evacuation yet.
Well, not in that area, but if you feel that you need to leave, you should leave.
No, I don't.
I don't know, I'm at work right now, see.
I work at Big Sioux.
Hang on a second.
Come on, Firstman Center, can you hold?
Okay, at this point, we're not evacuating that area, but they may at a later time.
Listen to your TV or radio, okay?
You mean when I get off work?
Thanks for holding.
Can I help you?
Yes, we're wondering, we were trying to get out of town, and which is the safest and the
highest way to go?
Probably take Marissa I-29 and then over to Highway 2.
And how far would that take?
Just take it to the base.
What is the center, can you hold?
Base has got a center, so does Emerito.
Okay, thanks.
Yep, bye-bye.