Scholarly Commons Submission

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Most publishers only allow you to deposit your accepted manuscript to a repository, not the published PDF. This is the final manuscript you sent to your publisher, usually as a Word document. It doesn’t have publisher formatting but it has been edited and gone through peer review. Here's an example of what one of those looks like. If you no longer have access to the accepted manuscript for this paper you may be able to retrieve it from the submission portal you used to submit it.

Helping Authors Find AAMs has instructions on how to retrieve accepted manuscripts from the submission systems of most major publishers.

If your paper has been published as open access and has a Creative Commons license, the publisher PDF is fine.

The maximum file size accepted by this form is 10 MB. If you have larger files to submit, let us know and we'll make alternate arrangements.

By filling out this submission form you consent to the terms of the UND Scholarly Commons Submission Agreement. If you have any questions or concerns, please refrain from completing this form and contact Zeineb Yousif at the Chester Fritz Library.