Title: North Dakota Federal Emergency Relief Administration Records, 1934-1935
Extent: 0.75 Linear Feet
Languages: English [eng]
This contains reports, newsletters, recipes, and bulletins published by the North Dakota Federal Emergency Relief Administration, which was part of the larger Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), one of the major New Deal programs to attempt to bring relief to Americans during the Great Depression.
The collection contains records that document the activity of the Federal Surplus Relief Corporation in Pembina County, North Dakota, in 1934. The monies appropriated under the Jones-Connally Act were used to purchase cattle in drought-stricken areas, including North Dakota. The purchased cattle were slaughtered and shipped to Minneapolis-St. Paul to relieve urban poverty, as well as to Indianapolis, St. Joseph, Missouri, Sioux City, Waterloo, and Ottumwa, Iowa.
In addition, the Federal Surplus Relief Agency administered the Subsistence Cow Program. Suitable cows were selected at shipping points and distributed within Pembina County to supply milk and cream for needy families. The title for each cow remained with the FERA and delivery could be demanded at any time. In 1935, the Subsistence Cow Program was turned over to the Rural Rehabilitation Corporation in the state.
The records also include correspondence between C.A. Anderson, surplus cattle agent in Pembina County and M.E. Tindall, state supervisor of cattle shipment; agreements and receipts for subsistence cows; weekly disposition reports and shipment reports; and daily shipment print reports. The records are from June 1934 to April 1935.
Accruals: Additional items were donated by Lorne Hillier, Hensel, North Dakota, November 3, 1986 (86-1482).
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Method: Donation; 78-500
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). North Dakota Federal Emergency Relief Agency Collection. OGLMC 475, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Finding Aid Revision History: Finding aid added to Archon in May 2016.