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Ole H. Olson Papers, 1934-1935
Collection Overview
Title: Ole H. Olson Papers, 1934-1935
Primary Creator: Olson, Ole H. (1872-1954)
Extent: 2.5 Linear Feet
Subjects: Politics and Government - North Dakota Governor, Politics and Government - Republican Party
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Ole H. Olson Papers date from 1934 to 1935 and consist mainly of correspondence. The collection has been divided into three series as follows:
Series 1: General Correspondence
Series 2: Legal
Series 3: Farm Moratorium
Collection Historical Note
"OLE H. OLSON, the eighteenth governor of North Dakota, was born in Mondovi, Wisconsin on September 19, 1872. His education was attained at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota. In 1892 he moved to Eddy County, North Dakota, where he owned and operated a successful farm. Olson first entered politics in 1916, serving as a member of the North Dakota House of Representatives, a position he held two years (1917-1919). He also served in the North Dakota State Senate from 1919 to 1931; was president pro tempore of the senate in 1929; and served as the lieutenant governor of North Dakota from 1933 to 1934. On July 17, 1934 Governor William Langer was removed from office, and Olson, who was the lieutenant governor at the time, assumed the duties of the governorship. During his brief tenure, demonstrators marched at the state capitol and the National Guard was called in to quiet the protest. After leaving office, Olson retired from politics. He continued to stay active in the Farmers Union Livestock Commission, as well as becoming involved in the Farmers Union. Governor Ole H. Olson passed away on January 29, 1954 in New Rockford, North Dakota."
Source: website of the National Governors Association
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Repository: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Source: the William Langer Family
Acquisition Method: Donation; separated from the William Langer Papers: OGLMC 19
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). Ole H. Olson Papers. OGLMC 25, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Finding Aid Revision History: Finding aid migrated to Archon in March 2016.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: General Correspondence],
[Series 2: Legal ],
[Series 3: Farm Moratorium],
- Series 1: General Correspondence
- Box 1
- Folder 1: Board of Accountancy; Adjutant General; Board of Administration, North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo; Agriculture and Labor; Attorney General
- Folder 2: State Auditor; Bank Examiner
- Folder 3: Bank of North Dakota; Closed Banks; Bar Association; Barbers Examiners
- Folder 4: School for the Blind at Bathgate; Dental Examiners Board; Board of Electricians; Board of Embalmers; Bonding Fund; Budget Board; Capital Commission; Capitol Dedication; Board of Chiropractics; Coal Mine Inspector; Congratulations
- Folder 5: Data; State Engineer; Emergency Council; Board of Equalization; Federal Emergency Relief Administration; Federal Loans
- Folder 6: North Dakota Institution for the Feeble Minded in Grafton; Fire Marshall; Fort Lincoln; Game and Fish Commission
- Folder 7: Harry Hopkins of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration; Grain Storage Commission; Hairdressers and Cosmetologists; Board of Health
- Folder 8: Highway Commission
- Folder 9: Historical Society; High Department; Highway Safety Week; Industrial Commission; State Hospital in Jamestown
- Folder 10: Invitations; Jobs
- Folder 11: Jobs
- Folder 12: Jobs
- Folder 13: Jobs; Floyd Johnson; Land Commission
- Folder 14: Library Commission; Live Stock Sanitation; Medical Examiners; Mill and Elevator; Miscellaneous, July 1934
- Folder 15: Miscellaneous, August 1934
- Folder 16: Miscellaneous, September 1934
- Folder 17: Miscellaneous, October 1934
- Folder 18: Miscellaneous, November 1934
- Folder 19: December 1934-February 1935
- Folder 1: Board of Accountancy; Adjutant General; Board of Administration, North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo; Agriculture and Labor; Attorney General
- Box 2
- Folder 1: Missouri River Diversion; Motor Vehicle Department; Normal Schools and Teachers Colleges; Nurses Examiners
- Folder 2: Old Age Pension Plan; Ole Olson Ouster; Opinions and Suggestions, etc.
- Folder 3: Opinions and Suggestions, etc.; State Penitentiary in Bismarck; Petition to Remove State Coal Mine Inspector
- Folder 4: Pharmacy Board; Planning Board; Railroad Commission; Regulatory Department
- Folder 5: Requests and Recommendations; School Land Department; Secretary of State; Securities Commission; Soldiers' Home of Lisbon, State Fire and Tornado Fund; Superintendent of Public Instruction; Tax Commissioner; Teachers Insurance and Retirement Fund; Training School of Mandan; Tuberculosis Sanitarium
- Folder 6: Workmen's Compensation; University of North Dakota; State Veterinarian; Veteran's Service; Vocational Rehabilitation
- Folder 1: Missouri River Diversion; Motor Vehicle Department; Normal Schools and Teachers Colleges; Nurses Examiners
- Box 1
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: General Correspondence],
[Series 2: Legal ],
[Series 3: Farm Moratorium],