Title: North Star Quilters Guild Records, 1981-2022
ID: OGLMC/1638
Creator: North Star Quilters Guild (1981-)
Extent: 8.5 Linear Feet
Date Acquired: 05/07/2015
Languages: English [eng]
Jolene Mikkelson donated the 1997 flood quilts in May 2018 (2018-3386) and the handprint quilt, the gingerbread cookie cutout quilt, and the apron in September 2018 (2018-3389).
Sally Dockter donated the 2022 Constitution and By-Laws (2024-3531).
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the Rules and Regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Source: North Star Quilters Guild, Grand Forks, North Dakota
Acquisition Method: Donation; 2015-3273
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). North Star Quilters Guild Records. OGLMC 1638, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Processing Information: Processed by Dawn Cleveland, Special Collections student assistant, in October 2015
"The Red River Valley Flood Quilt is the result of a challenge put to members of the North Star Quilters Guild to record some aspect of the winter and spring of 1997 in a 12" quilt block. Each of us had different experiences and we all have different skill levels but each block expresses an important part of its maker's life. Most blocks have been signed in the borders of the quilt and many also have an explanation. Thirty-four members shared their feelings in the three panels that make up the quilt."
The individual blocks were set together by Benay Fried and Fran Williams, while Monica Stallman did the quilting.
Quilters on Part 1: Muriel Hoplin, Phyllis Sue Newnan Sand, VKS Crookston, Wynona Wilkins, Benay Fried, Pamela Davis, Iris Lynch, Lyla McLean, Leanne French
Quilters on Part 2: Donald and Susan Cox, Alice Maltern, Mabel Bernard, Evelyn Paschke, Frances Caswell Williams, Margaret Kamnik, Darlyne Christianson, Betty Larsen, Anna Amundson, Bernadine Albrecht
Quilters on Part 3: Nita Fox, Bobbie Shields, Agnes Shurr, Barbara Shuler, Ginger Trzynka, Steve and Irene Mozinski, Cdc, Evangeline Teigen, Dana McLeigh, Vivian Johnson