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World War I Student-Alumni Service Records
World War I Student-Alumni Service Records, 1914-1920
Collection Overview
Title: World War I Student-Alumni Service Records, 1914-1920
ID: UA070
Extent: 0.5 Linear Feet
Subjects: Military History - World War I (WW1), University of North Dakota - Military
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Repository: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Method: The collection was originally part of the UND Administration Records Collection
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). World War I Student-Alumni Service Records. UA 70, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Finding Aid Revision History: Finding aid added to Archon in September 2014.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
[Box 1],
- Box 1
- Folder 1: Surname A-C
- Item 1: Aas, Oliver Samuel
- Item 2: Abrahamsen, Bud
- Item 3: Allen, Frank Taft
- Item 4: Arestad, Elmer A
- Item 5: Bealson, Geo. A.
- Item 6: Babcock, Loren C.
- Item 7: Bacon, Hume
- Item 8: Bacon, Myron D.
- Item 9: Bale, Kirk George
- Item 10: Bailey, Norman S.
- Item 11: Baker, Clinton D.
- Item 12: Bakke, John E.
- Item 13: Bakke, Oscar H.
- Item 14: Ball, Stephen Thomas
- Item 15: Banish, William J.
- Item 16: Barker, Byron H.
- Item 17: Barnes, Harold
- Item 18: Barnes, Howard Hiram
- Item 19: Barnes, Ransom E
- Item 20: Banik, Adolf J.
- Item 21: Barret, Ray A.
- Item 22: Bateman, Clarence V.
- Item 23: Batten, P. Jay
- Item 24: Beede, Ralph G.
- Item 25: Bell, Alexander
- Item 26: Bell, William H.
- Item 27: Bellamy, Ja.
- Item 28: Bemis, Harry G.
- Item 29: Berg, Arthur
- Item 30: Berg, John Bermen
- Item 31: Bertilson, Morton K.
- Item 32: Bjorgo, Lawrence
- Item 33: Blenkner, Edwin A.
- Item 34: Bondelid, Oscar
- Item 35: Bottolfson, Edwin Olia
- Item 36: Boyd, Joseph
- Item 37: Brady, Edward William
- Item 38: Brathovde, James C.
- Item 39: Brett, Oswald F.
- Item 40: Bridges, John
- Item 41: Bridston, Selmer
- Item 42: Brodie, S.
- Item 43: Brooke, Deane F.
- Item 44: Brooke, Richard N.
- Item 45: Brown, Ernest A.
- Item 46: Brown, Leon
- Item 47: Brubaker, Henry J.
- Item 48: Buckley, Earl
- Item 49: Bumreich, Frank G.
- Item 50: Cabbage, Leroy
- Item 51: Campbell, Lloyd K.
- Item 52: Carley, Earl T.
- Item 53: Carlson, Arthur B.
- Item 54: Carter, LeRoy
- Item 55: Cassell, James T.
- Item 56: Chase, Edward F.
- Item 57: Chidlaw, Carrol H.
- Item 58: Chidlaw, Lester
- Item 59: Churchill, George Everett
- Item 60: Clark, William
- Item 61: Clynch, Alfred John
- Item 62: Cole, Chester
- Item 63: Corcoran, John C.
- Item 64: Costello, Patrick H.
- Item 65: Crabtree, Benjamin F.
- Item 66: Crossley, Alfred
- Item 67: Cunningham, Aiken C.
- Item 68: Curtis, Walter G.
- Item 1: Aas, Oliver Samuel
- Folder 2: D-F
- Item 1: Dahl, Arthur William
- Item 2: Dahl, Ole G.
- Item 3: Danforth, Russell E.
- Item 4: Danuser, Walter Scott
- Item 5: Dean, Alfred
- Item 6: DeLancey, Tom
- Item 7: DeLong, Howard
- Item 8: Derby, Alvin L.
- Item 9: Dickerson, Clifford R.
- Item 10: Ditmanson, Peter Olaf
- Item 11: Doering, Raymond E.
- Item 12: Downey, Romanus James
- Item 13: Dresser, William Ernest
- Item 14: Drowley, George H.
- Item 15: Dryden, Ralph
- Item 16: Duff, Edwin Roy
- Item 17: Duggan, Frank James
- Item 18: Duggan, Raymond
- Item 19: Dunlap, Hugh R.
- Item 20: Edwards, Charles P.
- Item 21: Eielson, Charles B.
- Item 22: Einarson, Karl
- Item 23: Ellison, William P
- Item 24: Enerson, Palmer H.
- Item 25: Engstrom, George
- Item 26: Erickson, Arthur S.
- Item 27: Evans, R. Mercer
- Item 28: Falconer, Addison Bentley
- Item 29: Fawcett, Roscoe
- Item 30: Fee, Francis Henry
- Item 31: Feir, Earl E.
- Item 32: Fjeldstad, Gustav A.
- Item 33: Fleck, Joseph Paul
- Item 34: Fogle, Fred
- Item 35: Forbes, Arnold C.
- Item 36: Fosmarck, William
- Item 37: Foster, Edgar Eugene
- Item 38: Fraine, John
- Item 39: Fraser, P. Gjems
- Item 40: Fraser, Oliver M.
- Item 1: Dahl, Arthur William
- Folder 3: G-I
- Item 1: Gass, Edwin J.
- Item 2: Getts, George
- Item 3: Gilby, Alton C.
- Item 4: Gilsness, Rudolph H.
- Item 5: Goldstein, Morris
- Item 6: Goodall, W. J.
- Item 7: Goodman, Donald
- Item 8: Graham, Kenneth D.
- Item 9: Green, Daniel Ray
- Item 10: Griffith, Dick
- Item 11: Grove, George A.
- Item 12: Gordan, Charles N.
- Item 13: Hamilton, Hastings Henry
- Item 14: Hansen, Fred Arthur
- Item 15: Hanson, Arthur G.
- Item 16: Hanson, John T.
- Item 17: Haraldson, Olaf
- Item 18: Haroldson, Julius
- Item 19: Harjoer, F.W. (Frederick William)
- Item 20: Harrison, Edward
- Item 21: Hassell, Clarence L.
- Item 22: Haugen, Ingvald J.
- Item 23: Heil, Theodore
- Item 24: Herigstad, Conrad B.
- Item 25: Herigstad, Henry
- Item 26: Hicks, Fred J.
- Item 27: Higgins, Milton K.
- Item 28: Hill, George A.
- Item 29: Hoff, Bernard A.
- Item 30: Hoff, Lars
- Item 31: Hofstead, John A.
- Item 32: Hofto, Jalmer
- Item 33: Holkestad, Harald M.
- Item 34: Holmes, Arthur Curtis
- Item 35: Hostetter, Harold Clinton
- Item 36: Hunter, David O.
- Item 37: Irwin, Dalton B.D.
- Item 1: Gass, Edwin J.
- Folder 4: J-L
- Item 1: Jacobson, Ray
- Item 2: Jennison, John
- Item 3: Jensen, August F.
- Item 4: Johnson, George McLain
- Item 5: Johnson, Henry Olaf
- Item 6: Johnson, Melvin B.
- Item 7: Johnson, Percy Lloyd
- Item 8: Johnson, Wesley
- Item 9: Johnstone, Robert Henry
- Item 10: Jorandby, Cyrus Sylvester
- Item 11: Jorgenson, Joseph
- Item 12: Josund, Marshall G.
- Item 13: Kelly, Milton G.
- Item 14: Kelly, John
- Item 15: Kelly, Roscoe C.
- Item 16: Kelsey, Chester
- Item 17: Kluch, Joseph R.
- Item 18: Knapp, Orwell B.
- Item 19: Knudson, Clarence
- Item 20: Knuepher, Herman
- Item 21: Koehn, George L.
- Item 22: Kolars, Paul Matthew
- Item 23: Kolitoe, S. A.
- Item 24: Lee, Clarence E
- Item 25: Li, Min H.
- Item 26: Lindland, Thomas
- Item 27: Lindstrom, Axel
- Item 28: Linwell, Emmons
- Item 29: Lium, Elder Leonard
- Item 30: Locklin, Clarence David
- Item 31: Locklin, Fred
- Item 32: Lohn, Leon
- Item 33: Lonnen, Sidney N.
- Item 34: Lord, Vine David
- Item 35: Loughin, Charles A.
- Item 36: Lundberg, George A.
- Item 37: Lurton, Douglas
- Item 38: Lycan, Wilbur S.
- Item 39: Lycan, R. B.
- Item 40: Lynch, Cecil J.
- Item 41: Lynch, Leo P.
- Item 42: Lynch, Matthew Hoyt
- Item 1: Jacobson, Ray
- Folder 5: M-P
- Item 1: Mann, Fred P.
- Item 2: Mann, Willard S.
- Item 3: Mares, Robert M.
- Item 4: Mark, Theodore Hanus
- Item 5: Marsh, William T.
- Item 6: Martin, Neal D.
- Item 7: Mason, Sidney
- Item 8: Matthews, Paul
- Item 9: Matthis, James H.
- Item 10: Mattson, Roger H.
- Item 11: Mayfield, Esom B.
- Item 12: Mayfield, Esom B.
- Item 13: McClintock, F. E.
- Item 14: McClintock, P. B.
- Item 15: McDermott, Edward Henry
- Item 16: McDonald, Grant A.
- Item 17: McGillivray, Frederick Scott
- Item 18: McGrath, Edwin J.
- Item 19: McIntosh, Clifford
- Item 20: McIver, A. J.
- Item 21: McKay, Bail A.
- Item 22: McLees, Raymond
- Item 23: Metclaf, Howard F.
- Item 24: Merry, Lyall Bell
- Item 25: Midkiff, H. F.
- Item 26: Miller, Arthur S.
- Item 27: Miller, Herbert William
- Item 28: Mix, M. M.
- Item 29: Montgomery, Lester A.
- Item 30: Moore, Max
- Item 31: Moultrie, Earle
- Item 32: Mullen, Michael John
- Item 33: Myhra, Melvin R.
- Item 34: Nelson, David T.
- Item 35: Nelson, Fred T.
- Item 36: Nelson, Walter L.
- Item 37: Nichols, Lester C.
- Item 38: Nicholson, Lawrence
- Item 39: Nomland, Ruben
- Item 40: O'Connor, George James
- Item 41: Olafson, Peter
- Item 42: Olson, Alvin Byron
- Item 43: Olson, Charles G.
- Item 44: Olson, George E.
- Item 45: Olson, Melvin A.
- Item 46: Opdahl, Carl
- Item 47: Page, Cyril
- Item 48: Page, John A.
- Item 49: Parker, William
- Item 50: Patterson, Wallace
- Item 51: Payne, Donovan A.
- Item 52: Pearson, Oscar P.
- Item 53: Peck, Ray
- Item 54: Pederson, Gunnar
- Item 55: Perry, Ralph W.
- Item 56: Peterson, Harry S.
- Item 57: Pfeifle, Emil
- Item 58: Phillips, Guy
- Item 59: Pingrey, Hazen B.
- Item 60: Polk, Harry E.
- Item 61: Pray, Ralph
- Item 62: Putcaup, William J.
- Item 63: Putnam, Frank L.
- Item 1: Mann, Fred P.
- Folder 6: Q-S
- Item 1: Quigley, Walter E.
- Item 2: Radke, Lynn W.
- Item 3: Randolph, Thomas Beverly
- Item 4: Rasmussen, John S.
- Item 5: Read, George S.
- Item 6: Reilly, Lloyd V.
- Item 7: Reimers, Fernando Frederick
- Item 8: Richards, Marshall
- Item 9: Robertson, Carl E. ?
- Item 10: Robertson, Donald J. ?
- Item 11: Robertson, George M.
- Item 12: Roble, Melvin
- Item 13: Roche, Johnson R.
- Item 14: Rohde, Ralph William
- Item 15: Ronan, Roy A.
- Item 16: Roy, Ralph
- Item 17: Rygh, Telford Milton
- Item 18: Russell, Roy
- Item 19: Schlosser, A.
- Item 20: Scouten, Harry E.
- Item 21: Seese, Edward E.
- Item 22: Serumgard, Arthur Kirker
- Item 23: Seymour, Lloyd H.
- Item 24: Sheils, Chester A.
- Item 25: Shunk, William F.
- Item 26: Simons, Edwin Jaggard
- Item 27: Skorpen, Joseph Martin
- Item 28: Skretting, Almer
- Item 29: Slater, Clarence
- Item 30: Smith, Earl C.W.
- Item 31: Smith, Peter James
- Item 32: Snallwood, James F.
- Item 33: Solstad, J. H.
- Item 34: Soper, Vernon L.
- Item 35: Sorbo, Harold R.
- Item 36: Sprake, Tyler W.
- Item 37: Stansbury, Howard William
- Item 38: Stedman, Chester B.
- Item 39: Stee, Ernest Clifford
- Item 40: Starned, Steen
- Item 41: Stephenson, Gordon S.
- Item 42: Stewart, Arthur B.
- Item 43: Stomner, Alvin C.
- Item 1: Quigley, Walter E.
- Folder 7: T-V
- Item 1: Taubert, Max G.
- Item 2: Taylor, Leland Stanford
- Item 3: Taylor, Raymond
- Item 4: Teel, Charles Edmond
- Item 5: Thompson, Vernon C.
- Item 6: Thomson, Ralph George
- Item 7: Thorgrimsen, Goodmund
- Item 8: Thorndahl, Otto N.
- Item 9: Thrams, Everett A.
- Item 10: Tinnes, Lloyd Childs
- Item 11: Torrey, Gordon H.
- Item 12: Triplett, Edward Daniel
- Item 13: Tubbs, McKinley Douglas
- Item 14: Tureck, Max
- Item 15: Tuskind, Carl
- Item 16: Vaaler, Paul T.
- Item 17: Vance, Samuel M.
- Item 18: Van Syckle, L.G.
- Item 19: Vobayda, Latimer Kay
- Item 20: Voight, Donald
- Item 1: Taubert, Max G.
- Folder 8: W-Z
- Item 1: Wagner, Fred C.
- Item 2: Walker, Johnstone
- Item 3: Wallace, Russell
- Item 4: Walton, Irwin Elroy
- Item 5: Wardwell, Robert Hayes
- Item 6: Watt, Doyle
- Item 7: Weatherwax, L. F.
- Item 8: Weirs, Fred Harold
- Item 9: Weitzel, Irving H.
- Item 10: Wells, Kenneth M.
- Item 11: Welo, Arthur Edward
- Item 12: Westacott, Floyd A.
- Item 13: Weston, Bert
- Item 14: Weston, Eli
- Item 15: Whipple, Neal
- Item 16: Whitney, Bert J.
- Item 17: Whitson, Walter Baldwin
- Item 18: Wild, Raymond E.
- Item 19: Wilson, Leo E.
- Item 20: Withens, John Wilson
- Item 21: Wonnenberg, Raymond H.
- Item 22: Wylle, Harold
- Item 23: Ylvisaker, Herman L.
- Item 24: Zeyher, Theodore, M.
- Item 25: Zipoy, Stephen
- Item 1: Wagner, Fred C.
- Folder 9: Miscellaneous
- Folder 1: Surname A-C
Browse by Box:
[Box 1],