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Dagne Olsen Papers, 1947-2001
Collection Overview
Title: Dagne Olsen Papers, 1947-2001
Primary Creator: Olsen, Dagne (1933-1994)
Extent: 23.75 Linear Feet
Date Acquired: 06/22/1999. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Health and Medicine - Abortion, Politics and Government, Politics and Government - Republican Party, University of North Dakota - Alumni
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Dagne Olsen Papers date from 1947-2001, and are divided into twelve series as follows:
Series 1: Personal Materials
Series 2: Olsen Family Materials
Series 3: Campaign Material
Series 4: Legislative Materials
Series 5: Legislative Committee Work
Series 6: Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
Series 7: Republican Party of North Dakota
Series 8: Republican National Committee
Series 9: Association of Retarded Citizens
Series 10: Local Organizations
Series 11: Statewide Organizations
Series 12: National Organizations
Collection Historical Note
Dagne Esther Borg was born March 19, 1933 in Dalton, Minnesota. She was the second daughter of Glenn F. and Esther J. (Stortroen) Borg. Other children in the family included Beverly, Marcus, and Dagne's twin brother, David. In 1942, the Borg family moved to Park River, North Dakota. Glenn and Esther Borg owned and operated the Golden Valley Creamery in Park River. The creamery was a popular local hang-out because it had an ice cream parlor.
Dagne Borg graduated from Park River High School as co-valedictorian in 1951 and entered the University of North Dakota later that fall. While at UND, she played clarinet in the University Band, was active in Delta Phi Delta, an honorary art society, Pi Lambda Theta, an honorary society for women in education, and the Future Teachers of America. She pledged for Delta Zeta and was also a member of the Women's Recreation Association. She graduated from the College of Education on June 4, 1955 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education, as well as a Bachelor's Diploma in Teaching. She majored in English with minors in German and Art.
She married Duane Douglas "D.D." Olsen on June 25, 1955. The couple met through Betty Olsen, D.D.'s sister, who attended the University and was a friend of Dagne. D.D. Olsen was born August 3, 1931, the son of Peter and Lilah (Benson) Olsen. In 1879, Peter's father, Charles Olsen, homesteaded on a farm in Grand Forks County, six miles west of Manvel. In 1913, the farm was registered by Charles as Cottonwood Farm, in honor of the cottonwood trees he planted. Ownership of the farm passed to Peter Olsen upon the death of his father, and ultimately to D.D. upon Peter's death.
Dagne Olsen taught school in Gilby, North Dakota, from 1955-1957, before her first two children, Deanna and Douglas, were born. From 1960-62, she returned to teach at Midway High School in Inkster, North Dakota. Dagne and D.D. had a third child, Richard ("Dick"), in 1965. Dick was born with Down's Syndrome, which became a life changing event for both Olsens. Dagne became a tireless worker for the Association of Retarded Children, later known as the Association for Retarded Citizens. She joined this group a few weeks after Dick was born, and was very active in the group for well over 20 years. She was the first manager of the ARC's Valley Thrift Shoppe, and was Associate Manager for VARCollection, the group's recycling program. She also edited the association newsletter, The Valley Key. She was recognized by the ARC on several occasions. She received the Outstanding Volunteer Service Award in 1970 and was named by the state chapter as an Outstanding Parent in 1977. She was the ARC of North Dakota Member of the Year in 1981, and the National ARC North Central Region Member of the Year in 1982. She was also given a Distinguished Service Award by the ARC Valley Chapter in 1987. D.D. Olsen was also active in the organization, serving as Treasurer on the ARC Board of Directors, as well as Chairman in 1980-1981.
The ARC was not the only group Olsen was involved with on the local scene. She was an active member of Trinity Lutheran Church in Manvel, served as President of the Manvel Women's Club three times, and was instrumental in the club's participation in the Community Betterment Program. Manvel became one of only two towns in the country to receive two national Community Betterment Awards. In honor of her Community Betterment activities, Dagne Olsen twice received the Governor's Outstanding Leadership Award in 1960 and 1964. Her volunteer activities stretched into nearby Grand Forks, where she was active in the United Hospital Auxiliary, serving for a term as President. She was also involved with Agassiz Enterprises, an organization providing vocational rehabilitation services to the mentally retarded. In honor of her efforts on the local scene, in 1978 Olsen was named the Grand Forks Woman of the Year by Beta Sigma Phi, a non-collegiate social and cultural sorority.
A lifelong Republican, in 1980 Dagne Olsen campaigned for a seat from District 19 in the North Dakota House of Representatives. Her initial victory became the first of seven consecutive terms in the legislature. Her interest in the rights of the disabled carried over to her time in Bismarck, where she was known for her support of programs for the mentally retarded and developmentally disabled. She was also known for her dogged support of the Right to Life movement, and her active and vocal opposition to abortion. She represented her heavily conservative district well, according to her close friend, Representative Alice Olson of Cavalier: "She worked her heart out for the people of her district and for what she thought was right. She really fought diligently for schools and for people with illnesses or disabilities." (Grand Forks Herald, 21 August 1994)
Olsen served the state of North Dakota in more ways than simply the State Legislature. She served on the board of the North Dakota Affiliate of the American Diabetes Association from 1989-1994. She was also involved with several committees of this organization and was honored with the Distinguished Service and Outstanding Support Award in 1991. She also was an active participant in the North Dakota Comprehensive Diabetes Control Program, which sought to identify those at high risk for diabetes, to improve access to the health care system and to promote preventive care of the disease.
Dagne Olsen was also a member of the North Dakota State Council on Developmental Disabilities. Appointed by the governor, members of the Council served as advocates of the developmentally disabled, and reviewed, monitored and evaluated the State Plan for Developmental Disabilities. Olsen was a member of this group from 1982-1990, as well as 1994. In 1986, she was named the Outstanding Volunteer for her leadership and significant contributions on behalf of the developmentally disabled.
Olsen took her support of the disabled to a national level in the 1980s and 1990s. In 1986, she was recognized for outstanding volunteer service and leadership on behalf of citizens with developmental disabilities by President Ronald Reagan's Forum on Developmental Disabilities. She was named to the President's Committee on Mental Retardation by President Ronald Reagan in 1988, and was reappointed by President George Bush in 1992. The PCMR advised the President on a wide array of issues related to mental retardation. She chaired the Full Citizenship and Justice Committee.
Dagne Olsen was also a member of the National Association of Developmental Disabilities Councils from 1985 until 1990. The NADDC sought to improve the lives of the developmentally disabled through education and the exchange of information, while also assisting in the cooperation and communication between various federal, state, local and volunteer agencies.
Olsen received a liver transplant at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, in August 1991. This did not deter her from winning a seventh term in the House of Representatives in 1992. She was campaigning for re-election again in 1994, when she died on August 20th at Cottonwood Farm in Manvel. The Grand Forks Herald remembered her as a "tireless fighter" for her causes. (Grand Forks Herald, 21 August 1994) She is buried at Memorial Park Cemetery in Grand Forks.
Throughout his life, farmwork kept D.D. Olsen quite busy. He still found time, however, to serve on the Manvel Men's Club, the Lakeville Township Board, and several agricultural organizations in the area. D.D. Olsen is also remembered as a member of "The Happy Norsemen," a barbershop quartet popular throughout the state. For over twenty-five years, D.D. Olsen visited United (later Altru) Hospital during the Christmas season, playing the role of Santa Claus. D.D. Olsen died on July 7, 1998, at Cottonwood Farm. He is buried alongside his wife at Memorial Park Cemetery in Grand Forks.
Subject/Index Terms
Health and Medicine - Abortion
Politics and Government
Politics and Government - Republican Party
University of North Dakota - Alumni
Administrative Information
Repository: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Accruals: Additional material was donated by Doug Olsen on March 15, 2000 (Acc.2000-2437) and November 2005 (Acc.2005-2797).
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Source: Doug Olsen, Grand Forks, North Dakota
Acquisition Method: Donation; Acc.99-2328
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). Dagne Olsen Papers. OGLMC 1388, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Processing Information: Processed by Curt Hanson, Assistant Archivist.
Finding Aid Revision History: Finding aid migrated to Archon in April 2014.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Personal Materials],
[Series 2: Olsen Family Materials],
[Series 3: Campaign Materials],
[Series 4: Legislative Materials],
[Series 5: Legislative Committee Work],
[Series 6: Conferences, Workshops and Seminars],
[Series 7: Republican Party of North Dakota],
[Series 8: Republican National Committee],
[Series 9: Association of Retarded Citizens],
[Series 10: Local Organizations],
[Series 11: Statewide Organizations],
[Series 12: National Organizations],
[Photographs :],
- Series 1: Personal Materials
- Sub-Series A: Biographical
- Sub-Series A consists of biographical material, including copies of resumes, Olsen family entries in Manvel community history books and newspaper clippings related to Dagne Olsen.
- Sub-Series B: Correspondence
- Sub-Series B contains Olsen's general correspondence from 1963-1991. Political and legislative correspondence is housed in Series 4, while correspondence related specifically to the North Dakota Republican Party is found in Series 7.
- Sub-Series C: Speeches
- Sub-Series C consists of speeches. The subjects and years of the speeches range from remarks given at Olsen's high school graduation in 1951 to remarks given at a meeting of the Greater Grand Forks Right to Life Association in January 1994. The majority of speeches regard mental retardation. Not included in this series are comments delivered in the House of Representatives regarding bills on debate. These speeches have been placed in Series 4.
- Box 1
- Folder 7: "High School- Preparation for College," (Senior Year Graduation Speech): 1951
- Folder 8: "Speech for UND Class," (Regarding Parenting of the Mentally Retarded): 27 July 1971
- Folder 9: UND Developmental Disabilities Conference: 18 April 1973
- Folder 10: "PTO Speech," (on Special Education): 24 February 1975
- Folder 11: "An Overview of Services for Mentally Handicapped Persons in the Grand Forks Area": 18 March 1978
- Folder 12: North Dakota Republican Party State Convention, Regarding Resolutions on Abortion: June 1978
- Folder 13: Larimore Lions Club: 25 October 1978
- Folder 14: "Happy Birthday Dick!", North Dakota Right to Life Association: 3 November 1978
- Folder 15: "Getting Involved in Community Work," Larimore, North Dakota: 13 May 1980
- Folder 16: UND Middle Adult Years Seminar: 17 September 1980
- Folder 17: Untitled , to Women's Club: April 1978
- Folder 18: "My Impression as a First Time Legislator, "North Dakota Federation of Women's Clubs Convention: 8 May 1981
- Folder 19: Opening Session of the Association of Retarded Citizens of North Dakota Conference: 11 June 1981
- Folder 20: "Good Grief - I'm A Parent": 30 June 1981
- Folder 21: Valley Epilepsy Association: 21 September 1981
- Folder 22: To Presbyterian Church Regarding Mental Retardation: 11 October 1981
- Folder 23: Delta Zeta Luncheon: 14 November 1981
- Folder 24: Regarding Water Management: 12 December 1981
- Folder 25: To District 19 Republicans: 1981
- Folder 26: Right to Life Panel At UND: 31 January 1982
- Folder 27: Untitled, to DOVIA: 2 February 1982
- Folder 28: UND Television Presentation Regarding Abortion: 8 March 1982
- Folder 29: "Get Acquainted" Speech, Delivered to Women's Coffee Parties: March - April 1982
- Folder 30: Untitled, to the Good Samaritan Nursing Home: 1 May 1982
- Folder 31: "Mother's Day Talk" 10 May 1982
- Folder 32: Untitled, 1983 Manvel Commencement
- Folder 33: Agriculture Coalition Day, Carrington, North Dakota: 29 June 1983
- Folder 34: Thompson Catholic Church: 9 October 1983
- Folder 35: "Who Cares?", (Regarding Social Services): 1983
- Folder 36: Larimore Public School Open Forum: 19 September 1984
- Folder 37: Speech at UND Regarding Experiences with Mental Retardation: 1984
- Folder 38: North Dakota Right to Life Association, State Convention at Jamestown: October 1986
- Folder 39: Memorial Day: May 1987
- Folder 40: Human Services Panel, League of Women Voters: 18 February 1989
- Folder 41: 20th District Republicans, Lincoln Day Dinner: 26 February 1989
- Folder 42: American Association of Lutheran Churches Pro-Life Workshop: June 1991
- Folder 43: Emerado- Arvilla Lions Club: 14 May 1992
- Folder 44: 17th Annual Diabetes Symposium: 6 November 1992
- Folder 45: Greater Grand Forks Right to Life Association: 23 January 1994
- Folder 46: "Diabetes is Known as the Quiet Killer": undated
- Folder 47: "History of Mental Retardation": undated
- Folder 48: Untitled and Undated Regarding Mental Retardation
- Folder 49: Untitled and Undated Regarding Parenting the Mentally Retarded
- Folder 50: North Dakota Republican Party State Convention, Regarding Abortion: undated
- Folder 51: Untitled and Undated Political Speech
- Folder 7: "High School- Preparation for College," (Senior Year Graduation Speech): 1951
- Box 1
- Sub-Series D: Constituent Newspaper Articles
- Sub-Series D consists of the newspaper articles Olsen wrote for her constituents, which were printed in local newspapers. The column was entitled Legislative Report from 1981-1991, but in 1993, the name of the column changed to From the Capitol.
- Sub-Series E: Scrapbooks
- Each scrapbook contains photographs, newspaper clippings, and correspondence. The scrapbooks date from 1980-1984.
- Box 1
- Folder 54: 1980 Primary and General Election
- Folder 55: 1980 Primary and General Election (Loose items)
- Folder 56: 1981 Session
- Folder 57: 1981 Reapportionment and Interim 1981-1982
- Folder 58: 1982 Primary and General Election
- Folder 59: 1983 Sessions
- Folder 60: Legislative Pictures, 1981-1983 Sessions
- Folder 61: Legislative Pictures, 1981-1983 Sessions (loose items)
- Folder 62: Untitled scrapbook of visit with President Ronald Reagan: 1984
- Folder 63: Untitled scrapbook of visit with President Ronald Reagan: 1984 (loose items)
- Folder 64: Untitled Scrapbook (primarily dates from 1982-1984)
- Folder 54: 1980 Primary and General Election
- Box 14
- Box 15
- Box 16
- Box 17
- Box 18
- Box 19
- Folder 1: Rep. Dagne Olsen 1993 Legislative/Political (loose items found in folder)
- Folder 2: "A Typical (???) Association for Retarded Citizens Presidency"
- Folder 3: National Association of Developmental Disabilities Councils
- Folder 4: President's Committee on Mental Retardation (loose items found in folder)
- Folder 1: Rep. Dagne Olsen 1993 Legislative/Political (loose items found in folder)
- Box 1
- Sub-Series F: Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous materials are housed in Sub-Series F. This includes an 8th grade graduation program, materials from Olsen's time as a teacher at Midway High School in Inkster and information relating to Olsen's liver transplant in 1991.
- Sub-Series A: Biographical
- Series 2: Olsen Family Materials
- This series contains personal materials related to D.D. Olsen, Dick Olsen, and Esther Borg (Dagne Olsen's mother), as well as several Olsen Family Christmas Letters. Material related to the 1989 Olsen Family Reunion, held at Cottonwood Farm in Manvel, is also included.
- Series 3: Campaign Materials
- Arranged chronologically, this series documents Dagne Olsen's campaigns from 1980-1994. Correspondence, campaign material, financial information, and schedules are found for most years; also frequently included are surveys mailed to Olsen by special interest groups. These surveys document Olsen's feelings and positions on a number of issues. One of the most interesting pieces in this series, if not the entire collection, is found in Box 1, Folder 74. Entitled "Do I Run or Don't I?", this seven page document consists of Olsen's musings on whether or not to run for office in 1980. The impact this decision would play upon the Olsen family, as well as Dagne Olsen's "causes" (volunteer activities), is discussed.
- Box 1
- Folder 74: "Do I Run or Don't I?", 1980
- Folder 75: Campaign Strategy, 1980
- Folder 76: Campaign Materials, 1980
- Folder 77: Campaign Talks, 1980
- Folder 78: Correspondence, 1980
- Folder 79: Petition of Nomination and Press Release, 1982
- Folder 80: Campaign Strategy, 1982
- Folder 81: Campaign Materials, 1982
- Folder 82: Campaign Talks, 1982
- Folder 83: Constituent Correspondence, 1982
- Folder 84: Financial Contributions and Correspondence, 1982
- Folder 85: Expenses, 1982
- Folder 86: North Dakota Republican Party Issue Statements, 1982
- Folder 87: Campaign Calendar, 1984
- Folder 88: Campaign Materials, 1984
- Folder 89: Radio Advertising, 1984
- Folder 90: "Remarks" (Campaign Speech), 1984
- Folder 91: Constituent Correspondence, 1984
- Folder 92: Financial Contributions, 1984
- Folder 93: Expenses, 1984
- Folder 94: Special Interest Group Survey
- Folder 95: North Dakota Republican Party Issue Statement
- Folder 96: Campaign Plan, 1986
- Folder 97: Campaign Material, 1986
- Folder 98: Campaign Contribution, 1986
- Folder 99: Special Interest Group Surveys
- Folder 100: North Dakota Republican Party Issue Statements, 1986
- Folder 101: Certificate of Election, 18 November 1986
- Folder 102: Campaign Schedule, 1988
- Folder 103: Campaign Material, The Informer, 1988
- Folder 104: Correspondence, 1988
- Folder 105: Campaign Contributions, 1988
- Folder 106: Bjerke, Olsen, Shide Fundraiser: 21 July 1988
- Folder 107: Campaign Expenses, 1988
- Folder 108: Special Interest Group Surveys
- Folder 109: Opponent Campaign Material, 1988
- Folder 74: "Do I Run or Don't I?", 1980
- Box 2
- Folder 1: Campaign Calendar, 1990
- Folder 2: Campaign Material, 1990
- Folder 3: Campaign Material, The Informer, 1990
- Folder 4: Radio and Television Advertisements, 1990
- Folder 5: Campaign Contributions, 1990
- Folder 6: Campaign Caravan, 29 October 1990
- Folder 7: District 19 Expenses 1990
- Folder 8: Special Interest Group Surveys, 1990
- Folder 9: North Dakota Republican Party Issue Statements, 1990
- Folder 10: Certificate of Election, 29 November 1990
- Folder 11: Campaign Calendar, 1992
- Folder 12: Campaign Material, 1992
- Folder 13: Campaign Material, The Informer, 1990
- Folder 14: Political Action Committee Donations, 1992
- Folder 15: Campaign Expenses, 1992
- Folder 16: North Dakota Republican Party Issue Statements
- Folder 17: House Republican Caucus Campaign Manual, 1992
- Folder 18: Special Interest Group Surveys
- Folder 19: Certificate of Election, 18 November 1992
- Folder 20: Primary Election Campaign Materials, 1994
- Folder 21: Special Interest Group Surveys, 1994
- Folder 22: Miscellaneous Campaign Notes: undated
- Folder 23: "Re-Elect Dagne Olsen" Nail File: undated
- Folder 24: "Vote for Dagne Olsen State House of Rep." Refrigerator Magnet: undated
- Folder 1: Campaign Calendar, 1990
- Box 1
- Series 4: Legislative Materials
- The majority of this series contains material from each of Olsen's seven terms in the North Dakota House of Representatives. The legislative session materials are arranged chronologically, with each legislative session a separate sub-series. For all sessions except 1981, a listing of all bills sponsored by Olsen begins the materials for that sub-series. Following this, House Bills (HB) and House Concurrent Resolutions (HCR) are arranged first, followed by Senate Bills (SB) and Senate Concurrent Resolutions (SCR). Correspondence from constituents and other legislators, newspaper clippings, and the text of any speeches Olsen delivered before the House are housed in the file of each particular bill. Additional miscellaneous material from each session is arranged last. This usually includes liberal/conservative rankings of the legislators as rated by special interest groups, as well as any materials from the House Republican Caucus.
- Sub-Series A: 47th Legislative Session, 1981
- Box 2
- Folder 25: HB 1049 and HB 1050: Funding and Licensure of Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled
- Folder 26: HB 1051: Reciprocal Postsecondary Vocational Agreements with Minnesota
- Folder 27: HB 1204: Certification of Need
- Folder 28: HB 1212: Special Education Funding
- Folder 29: HB 1250:Special Education Mill Levy Limitations
- Folder 30: HB 1252: Foundation Aid Payments for Special Education Summer School Programs
- Folder 31: HB 1341: State Capitol Construction Fund
- Folder 32: HB 1418: Department of Human Services
- Folder 33: HB 1554: Abortion and Unmarried Pregnant Minors
- Folder 34: HB 1596: Early Intervention for Exceptional Children
- Folder 35: HB 1600 and 1608: Compulsory School Attendance
- Folder 36: HB 1614: Licensing of Community Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled
- Folder 37: HB 1668: Reapportionment of District 19
- Folder 38: HCR 3001:Amendment of Title XIX by the North Dakota Social Service Board
- Folder 39: HCR 3002: Implementation of a plan for Community Services for the Developmentally Disabled
- Folder 40: HCR 3084: Right to Life Constitutional Amendment
- Folder 41: SB 2153: State Cooperation in Special Education
- Folder 42: SB 2182 and SB 2205: Unemployment Compensation
- Folder 43: SB 2195: Closed Sessions for School Board Meetings
- Folder 44: SB 2253: Rights of the Developmentally Disabled
- Folder 45: SCR 4031, SCR 4035, and SCR 4037: Right to Life Constitutional Amendment
- Folder 46: 1981 Session: Legislative Rankings
- Folder 47: 1981 Session: Hearts and Flowers Day Presentation, 30 March 1981
- Folder 48: 1981 Session: "The Potty Plan - or The Tissue Issue," 19 November 1981
- Folder 49: 1981 Session: A Comprehensive Plan for the Developmentally Disabled
- Folder 50: 1981 Session: Developmentally Disabled Bills in the 1981 Legislature
- Folder 51: 1981 Session: General Information on Special Education
- Folder 52: 1981 Session: House Republican Caucus
- Folder 25: HB 1049 and HB 1050: Funding and Licensure of Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled
- Box 2
- Sub-Series B: 48th Legislative Session, 1983
- Box 2
- Folder 53: 1983 Sessions: Bills Sponsored
- Folder 54: 1983 Session: "Bad Bills / Good Bills / Okay Bills if Get Amendments"
- Folder 55: HB 1057: Guardianship of the Developmentally Disabled
- Folder 56: HB 1070: Home Health Care
- Folder 57: HB 1269: Elementary School Student Per-Pupil Payments Under the Foundation Program (aka "Manvel's Bill")
- Folder 58: HB 1280: Legislative Intent - Special Education
- Folder 59: HB 1295: Property Tax Exemption for Group Homes
- Folder 60: HB 1309 and 1314: In-Home Medical Services for the Elderly
- Folder 61: HB 1342: Fees for Services to the Developmentally Disabled
- Folder 62: HB 1379: Moped Bill
- Folder 63: HB 1404: Licensure of Occupational Therapists
- Folder 64: HB 1405: Licensing of Day Care Providers
- Folder 65: HB 1445: Regulation of Firearms and Ammunition
- Folder 66: HB 1447: Zoning of Group Homes for the Developmentally Disabled
- Folder 67: HB 1458: State Committee for the Reorganization of School Districts
- Folder 68: HB 1459 and HB 1461: Executive Sessions for School Boards
- Folder 69: HB 1482: Rural School Boards
- Folder 70: HB 1508: State Payment of Excess Costs of Special Education
- Folder 71: HB 1516: School Board Evaluation, Renewal or Discharge of Superintendents
- Folder 72: HB 1528: Licensure of Social Workers
- Folder 73: HB: 1539: Formula for Highway User Tax Funds
- Folder 74: HB 1570: Tuition Payments for Students Placed Outside District of Residence
- Folder 75: HB 1575: Boarding Care for Handicapped Students
- Folder 76: HB 1601: Composition of the North Dakota Health Council
- Folder 77: HB 1607: Regulation of the Practice of Denturity
- Folder 78: HB 1608: City Mill Levy for the Transportation of Public School Students
- Folder 79: HB 1617: Driver's Education
- Folder 80: HB 1634: Tuition for Kindergarten Pupils
- Folder 81: HB 1644: Reimbursement by State to Counties for Costs of General Assistance
- Folder 82: HB 1648: Education of Handicapped Children, Ages 3-6
- Folder 83: HB 1654: Permissive Special Education
- Folder 84: HB 1670: Employment for Teachers
- Folder 85: HB 1677: Regulation of Rates of Long Term Health Care Facilities
- Folder 86: HB 1724: Oil Extraction Tax Development Fund
- Folder 87: HCR 3007: Peace Through Strength
- Folder 88: HCR 3083: Study of Financing of Resident Care
- Folder 89: SB 2070: Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
- Folder 90: SB 2073: Jurisdiction of the State Board of Higher Education Over Junior Colleges
- Folder 91: SB 2187: Rights of the Developmentally Disabled in Public Schools
- Folder 92: SB 2249: Equal Rights for Women
- Folder 93: SB 2256, SB 2047, and SB 2394: Education Bills
- Folder 94: SB 2447: Developmentally Disabled Loan Fund
- Folder 95: SB 2479: Sunset Bill for State Boards and Agencies
- Folder 96: SB 2494: Insurance Premium Tax
- Folder 97: SCR 4025: Right to Life Constitutional Amendment
- Folder 53: 1983 Sessions: Bills Sponsored
- Box 3
- Box 2
- Sub-Series C: 49th Legislative Session, 1985
- Box 3
- Folder 5: 1985 Session: Bills Sponsored
- Folder 6: HB 1009: Funding Levels for the Department of Human Services
- Folder 7: HB 1048: Foundation Aid Payments for Education
- Folder 8: HB 1080: Mobile Homes
- Folder 9: HB 1168: Non-institutional Personal Care and Family Home Care
- Folder 10: HB 1195: Child Support
- Folder 11: HB 1196: Optional Supplementation Security Income Benefits
- Folder 12: HB 1215: Certificate of Need for Expenditures in Health Care
- Folder 13: HB 1217: School District Tuition Payments
- Folder 14: HB 1251: Friday Following Thanksgiving as a Holiday
- Folder 15: HB 1272: School Start Date
- Folder 16: HB 1274: Child Custody and Visitation
- Folder 17: HB 1299: Grain Warehouse Indemnity
- Folder 18: HB 1318: Licensure and Education of Nurses
- Folder 19: HB 1347: Private School Educational Tax Deduction
- Folder 20: HB 1364: Binding Arbitration
- Folder 21: HB 1387: Health Care Services Provided by Registered Nurses
- Folder 22: HB 1404: Family Farms Survival Act
- Folder 23: HB 1429: Living Wills
- Folder 24: HB 1460: Licensure and Education of Nurses
- Folder 25: HB 1461: Unemployment Compensation for Seasonal Workers
- Folder 26: HB1480: Speeding Violations
- Folder 27: HB 1504: Consolidation of Banking Institutions
- Folder 28: HB 1534: Edible Bean Indemnity Fund
- Folder 29: HB 1542: Confidentiality of Records for Mentally Disabled
- Folder 30: HB 1546: Human Services Caseload Standards
- Folder 31: HB 1578: Health Service Corporation Board of Directors Membership
- Folder 32: HB 1626: Home School Instruction
- Folder 33: HB 1652: Rights of the Developmentally Disabled
- Folder 34: HB 1653: Compensation for State Employees
- Folder 35: HCR 3028: Human Services in North Dakota
- Folder 36: HCR 3038: State Lottery
- Folder 37: HCR 3089: Grain Warehousemen Insolvencies
- Folder 38: HCR 3094 and SB 2375: Nonresident Tuition Reciprocity
- Folder 39: SB 2005: Appropriation for Vocational Education
- Folder 40: SB 2021: Appropriation for the State Council on the Arts
- Folder 41: SB 2063: Boarding Care
- Folder 42: SB 2075: Certificate of Need Review
- Folder 43: SB 2119: Observance of Memorial Day
- Folder 44: SB 2267: School Construction Fund
- Folder 45: SB 2351: Hospital Pre-Admission Review Program
- Folder 46: SB 2391: Health Care Data Council
- Folder 47: SB 2398: Practice of Denturity
- Folder 48: SB 2417: Guardianship of Superintendent of the Grafton State School
- Folder 49: SB 2450: Central Filing of Liens
- Folder 50: SB 2486: Licensing of Foster Care Homes
- Folder 51: SB 2492: Parents and Pupils Rights Act
- Folder 52: SCR 4052: Home Schooling
- Folder 53: SCR 4059: Psychological Tests of Elementary and Secondary Students
- Folder 54: SB 2062 and HB 1403: Special Education Expenses
- Folder 55: 1985 Session: Legislative Rankings
- Folder 56: 1985 Session: House Republican Caucus
- Folder 5: 1985 Session: Bills Sponsored
- Box 3
- Sub-Series D: 50th Legislative Session, 1987
- Box 3
- Folder 57: 1987 Session: Bills Sponsored
- Folder 58: HB 1164: Appointment of Deputy State Toxicologists
- Folder 59: HB 1252: Licensing and Education of Nurses
- Folder 60: HB 1272: Designated Smoking Areas in Places of Public Assembly
- Folder 61: HB 1289: Closing of Local Museums
- Folder 62: HB 1361: Pre-Divorce Counseling
- Folder 63: HB 1368: Non-Resident Waterfowl Hunting
- Folder 64: HB 1384: Uniform Determination of Death
- Folder 65: HB 1416: Foundation Aid Payments to Schools that Reorganize or Annex
- Folder 66: HB 1424: Payment of Tuition for Handicapped Children
- Folder 67: HB 1447: Employment for the Developmentally Disabled
- Folder 68: HB 1455: Certificate of Need
- Folder 69: HB 1470: Licensure of Home Health Agencies
- Folder 70: HB 1532: Tuition Costs of Special Education Students Between 18-21 Years of Age
- Folder 71: HB 1557: Feticide
- Folder 72: HB 1576: County Mill Levy for Human Services Programs
- Folder 73: HB: 1604: School District Tuition Payments
- Folder 74: HB 1650: Access of Parents and Pupils to Instructional Materials Used in Public Schools
- Folder 75: HB 1652: Merged Banks
- Folder 76: HCR 3035: Study of Staff at State Institutions of Higher Education Who Have Difficulty Speaking English
- Folder 77: SB 2039: Establishment of a Children's Coordinating Cabinet
- Folder 78: SB 2044: Non-Operating School Districts
- Folder 79: SB 2091: State Revenue Sharing
- Folder 80: SB 2294: Authority of the Board of Optometry
- Folder 81: SB 2480: Banking Holding Companies Owned by Charitable Trusts
- Folder 82: SB 2502: Non-Profit Corporations
- Folder 83: SB 2510: Rights of Residents in Health Care Facilities
- Folder 84: 1987 Session: Legislative Rankings
- Folder 85: 1987 Session: "1987 Legislative Issues, Grand Forks Public Schools"
- Folder 57: 1987 Session: Bills Sponsored
- Box 3
- Sub-Series E: 51st Legislative Session, 1989
- Box 4
- Folder 1: 1989 Session: Bills Sponsored
- Folder 2: HB 1018: State Aid Distribution Fund Revenue
- Folder 3: HB 1230: Salary Increase for Grant Paid Positions at State Institutions of Higher Education
- Folder 4: HB 1233: Rule of 85 for the Teacher's Fund For Retirement
- Folder 5: HB 1304: School Districts on Military Installations
- Folder 6: HB 1309: Draining Permits and Closing Drains
- Folder 7: HB 1324: Camp Sioux and the North Dakota Park and Recreation Department
- Folder 8: HB 1326: State Diabetes Control Project
- Folder 9: HB 1421, HB 1536, and HB 1639: Home Schooling
- Folder 10: HB 1439: Health Care Data Publication
- Folder 11: HB 1445: Repeal of License Fees for Healthcare Providers
- Folder 12: HB 1455: Definition of "Teacher" for Non-Removal of Contracts
- Folder 13: HB 1481: Living Will
- Folder 14: HB 1487: Sex Education
- Folder 15: HB 1500: Reciprocal Interstate Banking
- Folder 16: HB 1503: City Option Sales Tax
- Folder 17: HB 1521: Levy Tax for Comprehensive Human Services Programs
- Folder 18: HB: 1571: Administration of Nutrition and Hydration for Incompetent Patients
- Folder 19: HB 1599: Residential Treatment Centers for Children
- Folder 20: HB 1625: Instruction and Testing of High School Students Regarding the United States System of Government
- Folder 21: HB 1630: Closing of UND-Lake Region and Creation of a Centennial Model School
- Folder 22: SB 2055: Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
- Folder 23: SB 2062: Comprehensive Health Association of North Dakota
- Folder 24: SB 2320: Regulation of Telecommunication Companies
- Folder 25: SB 2357: Department of Protection and Advocacy for the Developmentally Disabled
- Folder 26: SB 2373: Non-Resident Waterfowl Season
- Folder 27: SB 2397: Sunday Opening
- Folder 28: SB 2516: State Aid for Special Education in Sparsely Populated Districts
- Folder 29: SCR 4012: Designation of 13 May 1989 as Centennial Youth Day
- Folder 30: 1989 Session: Legislative Rankings
- Folder 31: 1989 Session: "Final Report of the House Majority Leader, 51st Legislative Assembly"
- Folder 32: 1989 Session: North Dakota Centennial Grove Dedication by President George Bush, 24 April 1989
- Folder 1: 1989 Session: Bills Sponsored
- Box 4
- Sub-Series F: 52nd Legislative Session, 1991
- Box 4
- Folder 33: 1991 Session: Bills Sponsored
- Folder 34: HB 1046: Sunday Opening
- Folder 35: HB 1257: Rights of Residents in Care Facilities
- Folder 36: HB 1273 and HB 1274: Birth/Death Registration of Diabetes
- Folder 37: HB 1275: State Diabetes Control Project
- Folder 38: HB 1276: Reimbursement for Nursing Home Operating Costs
- Folder 39: HB 1277: Pre-Admission Assessment for Nursing Homes
- Folder 40: HB 1287: Water Well Testing
- Folder 41: HB 1288: Special Education Courses for Teacher Certification
- Folder 42: HB 1309: National Practitioner Data Bank Reports
- Folder 43: HB 1310: Living Will
- Folder 44: HB 1311: Medical Assistance Claims
- Folder 45: HB 1312: Vaccine Charges, Department of Health and Consolidated Labs
- Folder 46: HB 1338: Animal Research Facilities
- Folder 47: HB 1384: Durable Powers of Attorney for Health Care
- Folder 48: HB 1395: Motor Vehicle Excise Tax for Non-Profit Corporations
- Folder 49: HB 1410: Developmental Center at Grafton, North Dakota
- Folder 50: HB 1420: Alcoholic Beverage Laws
- Folder 51: HB 1428: Child Support Guidelines
- Folder 52: HB 1479: Podiatric Medicine
- Folder 53: HB 1499: Financial Assistance to Transplant Patients
- Folder 54: HB 1515: Human Life Protection Act
- Folder 55: HB 1525: Education of Nurses
- Folder 56: HB 1554: Adoption
- Folder 57: HB 1578: Payment of Attorney Fees
- Folder 58: HB 1579: Informed Consent for Abortion
- Folder 59: HB 1593: Binding Arbitration for Teachers
- Folder 60: HB 2022: Protection and Advocacy Project
- Folder 61: HB 2031: Reimbursement for Organ and Tissue Transplants
- Folder 62: HCR 3045: Testing for Nitrates in Ground Water
- Folder 63: SB 2022: Appropriation for the Department of Human Services
- Folder 64: SB 2030: Certificate of Need for Organ Transplant Centers
- Folder 65: SB 2059: Taxation of Banks Engaged in Interstate Banking
- Folder 66: SB 2090: Construction of Solid Waste Treatment Facilities
- Folder 67: SB 2197: Teachers Fund for Retirement
- Folder 68: SB 2231: Ground Water Contamination
- Folder 69: SB 2283: Priority of Water Rights
- Folder 70: SB 2286: Damages to Utility Meters
- Folder 71: SB 2332: Assisted Suicide
- Folder 72: SB 2425: Dispensation of Prescription Drugs
- Folder 73: SB 2430: Developmentally Disabled Persons in the Criminal Justice System
- Folder 74: SB 2439 and SB 2467: Income Tax Credit for Premiums Paid to Nursing Home Insurance
- Folder 75: SB 2492: Licensing of Nurses
- Folder 76: SB 2533: Cable TV
- Folder 77: SB 2561: Licensing of Abortion Facilities
- Folder 78: SCR 4021: Flag Desecration
- Folder 79: SCR 4024: Resolution to the United States Congress and President Regarding Retirement Savings for Seniors
- Folder 80: SCR 4033: Certificate of Need
- Folder 81: SCR 4048: Incentives for Long Term Care Insurance
- Folder 82: 1991 Session: Legislative Rankings
- Folder 83: 1991 Session: The Capitol Classic, 7 March 1991 (Charity Basketball Game)
- Folder 33: 1991 Session: Bills Sponsored
- Box 4
- Sub-Series G: 53rd Legislative Session, 1993
- Box 4
- Folder 84: 1993 Session: Bills Sponsored
- Folder 85: HB 1002: Department of Human Services Budget
- Folder 86: HB 1003: Defraying the Expenses of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Folder 87: HB 1020: Dickinson State University Lifelong Learning Center
- Folder 88: HB 1064: Provider Specific Taxes
- Folder 89: HB 1069: Teachers Fund for Retirement
- Folder 90: HB 1174: Loans Issued by the Consumer Finance Agency
- Folder 91: HB 1194: North Dakota School for the Blind
- Folder 92: HB 1220: Fees for Violation of the Speed Limit
- Folder 93: HB 1277: Moose License Raffle
- Folder 94: HB 1301: State Committee Political Party Membership
- Folder 95: HB 1302: Compensation for Public Library Board of Directors
- Folder 96: HB 1458: Protection of Unborn Human Life
- Folder 97: HB 1490: Services Provided by the Developmental Center at Grafton, North Dakota
- Folder 98: HB 1512: Student Payments for Special Education
- Folder 99: HCR 3034: United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Folder 100: HCR 3051: Air Force Bases at Grand Forks and Minot, North Dakota
- Folder 101: SB 2003: Appropriation for Higher Education
- Folder 102: SB 2071: Certified Public Accountants
- Folder 103: SB 2258: Posting of Warnings Regarding Alcohol and Pregnancy
- Folder 104: SB 2264: Hunting of Deer with Muzzleloading Rifles
- Folder 105: SB 2351: Product Liability
- Folder 106: SB 2466: Universal Health Care Program
- Folder 107: SB 2490: Attendance of Public School Students in Institutions of Bordering States
- Folder 108: SB 2527: Minimum Benefits of a Qualified Health Coverage Plan
- Folder 109: SB 2528: School District Boundary Restructuring
- Folder 110: SB 2531: Health Insurance for Newborn and Adopted Children
- Folder 111: SCR 4048: Long Term Care for North Dakota Veterans
- Folder 112: SCR 4021: Establishment of a Department of Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health
- Folder 113: SCR 4033: Freedom of Choice Act
- Folder 114: SCR 4050: Placement of Developmentally Disabled Students in Regular Classroom Settings
- Folder 115: 1993 Session: Legislative Session
- Folder 116: 1993 Session: House Republican Caucus, January - February 1993
- Folder 117: 1993 Session: House Republican Caucus, March - May 1993
- Folder 118: 1993 Session: "1993 Summary of House Votes," by Rick Berg, Speaker of the House
- Folder 119: 1993 Session: Governor Sinner's Budget Message, 8 December 1992
- Folder 120: 1993 Session: North Dakota Farm Bureau 1993 Policies (Legislative Priorities)
- Folder 121: 1993 Session: The Capitol Classic II, 28 March 1993 (Charity Basketball Game)
- Folder 84: 1993 Session: Bills Sponsored
- Box 4
- Sub-Series H: 1994 Special Session
- Sub-Series I: 54th Legislative Session, 1995
- Sub-Series J: Political Correspondence
- Sub-Series J contains political correspondence. Letters in this sub-series were of too general of a nature to be placed in the files of specific bills. The correspondence is primarily from constituents, although there are letters to and from legislators on both the local, state and national levels. Correspondence relating specifically to the North Dakota Republican Party is housed in Series 7, while Series 8 contains letters from the Republican National Committee.
- Box 5
- Folder 3: Political Correspondence: 1967, 1971
- Folder 4: Political Correspondence: 1979-1980
- Folder 5: Political Correspondence: 1981
- Folder 6: Political Correspondence: State Mill and Elevator, 1981
- Folder 7: Political Correspondence: 1982
- Folder 8: Political Correspondence: 1983
- Folder 9: Political Correspondence: Abandonment of Railroad Line Between Grand Forks and Honeyford, North Dakota
- Folder 10: Political Correspondence: 1984
- Folder 11: Political Correspondence: 1985
- Folder 12: Political Correspondence: Upper Valley Special Education Unit, 1985
- Folder 13: Political Correspondence: 1986
- Folder 14: Political Correspondence: To/From Kenneth Torgerson, Grand Forks, Regarding the Taxation of Social Security Benefits
- Folder 15: Political Correspondence:1987
- Folder 16: Political Correspondence: 1988
- Folder 17: Political Correspondence: 1989
- Folder 18: Political Correspondence: 5 December 1989 Referendums
- Folder 19: Political Correspondence: 1990
- Folder 20: Political Correspondence: 1991
- Folder 21: Political Correspondence: 1992
- Folder 22: Political Correspondence: 1993
- Folder 23: Political Correspondence: 1994
- Folder 24: Political Correspondence: Undated
- Folder 3: Political Correspondence: 1967, 1971
- Box 5
- Sub-Series K: Miscellaneous Legislative Material
- Sub-Series K contains miscellaneous legislative materials which, due to the nature and dates of the materials, could not be readily housed within the Legislative Session sub-series.
- Box 5
- Folder 25: Intercarrier Health Care Insurance Pool: 1981-1982
- Folder 26: Water Permit Application #3288 by Forest River Colony: 1981-1986
- Folder 27: Special Education in North Dakota: 1982
- Folder 28: Manvel Mall and Community Development Block Grant Funds: 1983-1985
- Folder 29: Department of Human Services, Reimbursement Methodology for Long-Term Care Facilities: 1985
- Folder 30: "A Descriptive Study of Elderly Receiving Long-Term Care in North Dakota": 1986
- Folder 31: Education Panel: April 1986
- Folder 32: Insurance Department Forum: 29 September 1986
- Folder 33: Era of Integration: Historical, Present and Future Perspectives, North Dakota Department of Human Services, December 1986
- Folder 34: "Report on the Views of North Dakota Residents on the Abortion Option," Agassiz Women's Political Caucus: October 1987
- Folder 35: 2001: Plan for Services for North Dakotans with Developmental Disabilities (Draft), North Dakota Department of Human Services: August 1990
- Folder 36: State Developmental Center at Grafton, North Dakota (Legislative Meeting): September 1990
- Folder 37: State Health Plan, North Dakota State Health Council: 1990
- Folder 38: "Toward a North Dakota Health Care System: Some Infrastructure Modification Options," by Dr. Robert Wentz, State Health Officer: March 1992
- Folder 39: Health Care Reform Commission, Blue Cross/ Blue Shield of North Dakota: 1992
- Folder 40: Educational Technical Assistance, Grand Forks, North Dakota: December 1993
- Folder 25: Intercarrier Health Care Insurance Pool: 1981-1982
- Box 5
- Sub-Series A: 47th Legislative Session, 1981
- Series 5: Legislative Committee Work
- Arranged alphabetically, this series contains files related to Dagne Olsen's work on several different legislative committees. The series is arranged alphabetically by the name of the committee, and dates from 1983-1994. The series contains correspondence, meeting minutes and agendas, the text of bills, and governmental reports.
- Box 5
- Box 6
- Folder 1: Budget Committee on Human Services: Chronically Mentally Ill, 1986
- Folder 2: Education Finance Committee: 1985
- Folder 3: Education Finance Committee: 1986
- Folder 4: Education Services Committee: June 1993
- Folder 5: Education Services Committee: September 1993- January 1994
- Folder 6: Education Services Committee: February- March 1994
- Folder 7: Education Services Committee: April 1994
- Folder 8: Education Services Committee: June 1994
- Folder 9: Government and Veteran's Affairs Committee: Meeting Minutes, 1993
- Folder 10: Government and Veteran's Affairs Committee: Bills 1993
- Folder 11: Government and Veteran's Affairs Committee: Correspondence, 1993
- Folder 12: Health and Communications Committee: June- November 1993
- Folder 13: Health and Communications Committee: December 1993- March 1994
- Folder 14: Health Care Committee: Meeting Minutes, June 1991- October 1992
- Folder 15: Health Care Committee: Correspondence, September 1991- September 1992
- Folder 16: Health Care Committee: Legislative Council Materials, June 1991- November 1992
- Folder 17: Human Services and Veteran's Affairs Committee: 1991
- Folder 18: Human Services Committee: 1993
- Folder 19: Interim Committees: 1993
- Folder 20: Natural Resources Committee: 1991
- Folder 21: North Dakota Health Task Force: Membership, 1990-1991
- Folder 22: North Dakota Health Task Force: Committee Reports, 1993
- Folder 23: North Dakota Health Task Force: Meeting Minutes, 1990-1992
- Folder 24: North Dakota Health Task Force: Meeting Minutes, 23 April 1992
- Folder 25: North Dakota Health Task Force: Meeting Minutes, 1993
- Folder 26: North Dakota Health Task Force: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Workshop in Bismarck, May 1993
- Folder 27: North Dakota Health Task Force: Meeting Minutes, July 1993 Retreat to Medora
- Folder 28: North Dakota Health Task Force: Meeting Minutes, 1994
- Folder 29: North Dakota Health Task Force: Correspondence, 1991-1994
- Folder 30: North Dakota Health Task Force: Bills, 1992 and undated
- Folder 31: North Dakota Health Task Force: Action of the North Dakota Health
- Folder 32: North Dakota Health Task Force: Preliminary Report on Health Care Reform, April 1994
- Folder 33: North Dakota Health Task Force: Newspaper Clippings, 1993
- Folder 34: Political Subdivisions "A" Committee: 1983
- Folder 1: Budget Committee on Human Services: Chronically Mentally Ill, 1986
- Box 5
- Series 6: Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
- This series contains records of conferences, workshops, and seminars attended by Dagne Olsen which related directly to her role as a state legislator. The series is arranged chronologically and dates from 1981-1994.
- Box 7
- Folder 1: Five State Legislative Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota: September 1981
- Folder 2: "Can Mined Land be Made Better Than Before?", Bismarck: November 1982
- Folder 3: National Commission on Excellence in Education, Hopkins, Minnesota: June 1983
- Folder 4: State Conference on Agriculture, Bismarck: January 1984
- Folder 5: "White House Briefing for Women Elected Officials": February 1984, General Materials
- Folder 6: "White House Briefing for Women Elected Officials": February 1984, Briefing Materials
- Folder 7: Annual Commissioner's Forum, Administration on Developmental Disabilities, United States Department of Health and Human Services, Dallas, Texas: March 1986
- Folder 8: Developmental Disabilities Community Planning Forum, North Dakota Department of Human Services, Medora, North Dakota: May 1986
- Folder 9: "Individuals First Symposium", University of North Dakota: August 1990
- Folder 10: "Restructuring the Upper Midwest: Policy Issues and Choices," W.K. Kellogg Public Policy Program, Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics, University of Minnesota: September 1990
- Folder 11: "1991 Dakota Conference on Rural Health", Bismarck: March 1991
- Folder 12: "Rural Health in the Northwest Area," Institute for Health Services Research, University of Minnesota: July 1992
- Folder 13: "Rural Health Care in the Northwestern United States," Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Timberline, Oregon: Correspondence, August 1992
- Folder 14: "Rural Health Care in the Northwestern United States," Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Timberline, Oregon: Sessions 1-4, August 1992
- Folder 15: "Rural Health Care in the Northwestern United States," Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Timberline, Oregon: Sessions 5-9, August 1992
- Folder 16: "Rural Health Care in the Northwestern United States," Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Timberline, Oregon: Sessions 10-15, August 1992
- Folder 17: "Rural Health Care in the Northwestern United States," Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Timberline, Oregon: Miscellaneous Publications, August 1992
- Folder 18: "1993 Dakota Conference on Rural Health," Bismarck: March 1993
- Folder 19: United Health Services Corporate Meeting, Grand Forks: February 1994
- Folder 20: Grand Forks Airport Authority Community Presentation: April 1994
- Folder 1: Five State Legislative Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota: September 1981
- Box 7
- Series 7: Republican Party of North Dakota
- Sub-Series A: Local
- Sub-Series A contains material on the local level from 1981-1994, including District 19 Republicans and District 19 Republican Women's Club.
- Sub-Series B: State Convention
- Box 7
- Folder 26: 1976 State Convention
- Folder 27: 1978 State Convention
- Folder 28: 1980 State Convention
- Folder 29: 1982 State Convention
- Folder 30: 1984 State Convention
- Folder 31: 1986 State Convention
- Folder 32: 1988 State Convention
- Folder 33: 1992 State Convention: Program and Resolutions
- Folder 34: 1992 State Convention: Correspondence
- Folder 35: 1992 State Convention: Dagne Olsen Nominating Speeches
- Folder 36: 1994 State Convention
- Folder 37: 1996 State Convention (Dagne Olsen Memorial on page 18)
- Folder 26: 1976 State Convention
- Box 7
- Sub-Series C: Campaign Materials
- Sub-Series C contains campaign material from individuals seeking Olsen's support in their campaign. Included is material from Earl Strinden's run for the United States Senate in 1988, and Ed Schafer's campaign for Governor in 1992.
- Box 7
- Folder 38: John Scott for Congress: 1963
- Folder 39: Re-Elect Al Olson - Ernie Sands: 1984
- Folder 40: Alice Olson for Speaker Committee: 1986
- Folder 41: Steve Eason for State Treasurer: 1988
- Folder 42: Leon Mallberg - Donna Nalewaja for Governor/Lt. Governor: 1988
- Folder 43: Jack Dalrymple for United States Senate: 1988
- Folder 44: Earl Strinden for United States Senate: 1988
- Folder 45: Steve Sydness for United States Senate: 1988
- Folder 46: Ed Schafer for Congress: 1990
- Folder 47: Mike Liffrig for Attorney General: 1992
- Folder 48: Gary Nelson for Governor: 1992
- Folder 49: Ed Schafer for Governor: 1992
- Folder 38: John Scott for Congress: 1963
- Box 7
- Sub-Series D: State Committees
- Sub-Series D records Olsen's service to the party through state committees. Arranged chronologically, the material dates from 1986-1993.
- Sub-Series E: Party Publications
- Sub-Series F: Miscellaneous Materials
- Sub-Series F contains miscellaneous materials from 1980-1992.
- Box 8
- Folder 7: General Correspondence: 1985-1994
- Folder 8: Voter Turnout Analysis: 1980, 1982, and 1984 State Legislative Races
- Folder 9: Candidate Workshop: June 1987
- Folder 10: Campaign Seminar: October 1987
- Folder 11: Theodore Roosevelt Chargers: 1987-1990
- Folder 12: GOP Women's Caucus: 1987-1988
- Folder 13: North Dakota Federation of Republican Women: 1982-1992
- Folder 7: General Correspondence: 1985-1994
- Box 8
- Sub-Series A: Local
- Series 8: Republican National Committee
- Box 8
- Folder 14: Reagan-Bush 1984
- Folder 15: Inauguration of President Ronald Reagan: January 1985
- Folder 16: Mississippi Queen Conference: May 1986
- Folder 17: National Conference for Elected Women on the State Level: May 1987
- Folder 18: Victory '88 Committee (Bush-Quayle): 1987-1988
- Folder 19: Bob Dole for President: 1987
- Folder 20: Jack Kemp for President: 1987
- Folder 21: National Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana: 1988
- Folder 22: Republican Presidential Task Force: 1988-1992
- Folder 23: Inauguration of President George Bush: January 1989
- Folder 14: Reagan-Bush 1984
- Box 8
- Series 9: Association of Retarded Citizens
- Dagne Olsen was a very active member of the Association of Retarded Citizens, Valley Chapter for well over twenty years.
- Sub-Series A: Constitution and By-laws
- Sub-Series B: Membership
- Sub-Series C: Meeting Minutes
- Box 8
- Folder 27: Meeting Minutes: 1972-1973
- Folder 28: Meeting Minutes: 1974
- Folder 29: Meeting Minutes: 1975
- Folder 30: Meeting Minutes: 1976
- Folder 31: Meeting Minutes: 1977
- Folder 32: Meeting Minutes: 1978
- Folder 33: Meeting Minutes: 1979
- Folder 34: Meeting Minutes: 1980
- Folder 35: Meeting Minutes: 1981
- Folder 36: Meeting Minutes: 1982
- Folder 37: Meeting Minutes: 1983
- Folder 38: Meeting Minutes: 1984
- Folder 39: Meeting Minutes: 1985
- Folder 40: Meeting Minutes: 1986
- Folder 41: Meeting Minutes: 1987
- Folder 42: Meeting Minutes: 1988
- Folder 43: Meeting Minutes: 1989
- Folder 44: Meeting Minutes: 1993
- Folder 27: Meeting Minutes: 1972-1973
- Box 8
- Sub-Series D: Publications
- Sub-Series E: Awards and Award Banquets
- Sub-Series F: ARC Style Shows
- Sub-Series G: Financial Documents
- Sub-Series H: Miscellaneous Materials
- Box 9
- Folder 4: General Introductory Materials: undated
- Folder 5: General Correspondence: 1976-1994
- Folder 6: Volunteer Program for Retarded Patients: 1978
- Folder 7: Newspaper Clippings: 1978-1986, undated
- Folder 8: ARC Nomination for Employer's Merit Award from the President's Committee on the Employment of the Handicapped: 1985
- Folder 4: General Introductory Materials: undated
- Box 9
- Sub-Series I: Valley Thrift Shoppe
- Olsen was the first manager of the Valley Thrift Shoppe. Included are minutes of the Thrift Shoppe Committee, financial information and personnel documents.
- Box 9
- Folder 9: Purpose Statement: 1971, 1986, undated
- Folder 10: Committee Meeting Minutes: 1974-1979
- Folder 11: Committee Meeting Minutes: 1981-1987
- Folder 12: Building Expansion Committee: 1987
- Folder 13: Correspondence: 1970-1989
- Folder 14: Personal Documents: 1984, 1986
- Folder 15: Publicity Materials: undated
- Folder 16: Financial Report: 1970-1989
- Folder 17: Financial Ledger Book, Store at 1702 12th Avenue North: October 1971- August 1975
- Folder 18: Financial Ledger Book, Store at 1211 17th Street North: August 1975- March 1978
- Folder 19: South End Store Sales: February 1972
- Folder 20: Deposits: November 1971-December 1972
- Folder 21: Deposits: November 1972-October 1973
- Folder 22: Deposits: November 1973-April 1977
- Folder 23: Tax Appeals: 1977
- Folder 9: Purpose Statement: 1971, 1986, undated
- Box 9
- Sub-Series J: VARCollection
- VARCollection was a recycling program undertaken by the group to raise revenue. Olsen was an Assistant Manager on this project. Included are minutes of the VARCollection Committee, correspondence, financial information and personnel documents
- Box 9
- Folder 24: Policy Documents: 1986, undated
- Folder 25: Committee Meeting Minutes: 1979-1986
- Folder 26: Correspondence: 1975-1989
- Folder 27: Financial Documents: 1978-1989
- Folder 28: Pick-Up List: undated
- Folder 29: Publicity: 1979-1981, undated
- Folder 30: Personnel Documents: 1980-1981, 1986
- Folder 31: Visitations in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota: February 20, 1980
- Folder 32: Annual Report: 1983-1984
- Folder 24: Policy Documents: 1986, undated
- Box 9
- Sub-Series K: Association of Retarded Citizens
- Among the materials included are the constitution and by-laws, meeting minutes and agendas, as well as membership and financial documentation.
- Box 9
- Folder 33: Constitution and By-Laws: 1980, 1986
- Folder 34: Meeting Minutes: 1978-1981
- Folder 35: Meeting Minutes: 1982-1987
- Folder 36: Membership: 1981-1982, 1985-1986
- Folder 37: Financial Documents: 1980-1984
- Folder 38: Annual Report: 1984, 1986
- Folder 39: Perspectives: 1976-1993 (some issues missing)
- Folder 40: Governmental Affairs Handbook: 1987 (?)
- Folder 41: Dagne Olsen ARC Member of the Year: 1982
- Folder 42: 25th Anniversary Banquet: 14 July 1983
- Folder 33: Constitution and By-Laws: 1980, 1986
- Box 9
- Sub-Series L: ARC of North Dakota Lawsuit
- The ARC of North Dakota filed a lawsuit versus the state of North Dakota in September 1980, alleging that the state provided inadequate education and care for its mentally retarded citizens. In 1981, United States District Court Judge Bruce Van Sickle ruled in the ARC's favor, forcing deinstitutionalization. Material includes legal documents, press releases, newspaper clippings, correspondence, and Dagne Olsen's notes on the case.
- Box 9
- Box 10
- Folder 1: Legal Documents: 1980-1982
- Folder 2: State Offer of Judgment: October 1981
- Folder 3: Proposed Consent Decree: 1981
- Folder 4: Plaintiffs Implementation Plan: 1982
- Folder 5: Legal Documents: 1984-1986
- Folder 6: Press Releases: 1980-1987
- Folder 7: Newspaper Clippings: 1972, 1978-1988
- Folder 8: The Taylor Report: 1979
- Folder 9: Lake Region Developmental Disability Corporation: 1985-1986
- Folder 10: Commission on Medical Services of the North Dakota State Medical Association: Subcommittee Report on the Grafton State School: undated
- Folder 1: Legal Documents: 1980-1982
- Box 9
- Sub-Series M: National Association of Retarded Citizens
- Sub-Series A: Constitution and By-laws
- Series 10: Local Organizations
- This series is divided into seven sub-series, and contains materials from local organizations in which Dagne Olsen was involved.
- Sub-Series A: Ability Development Center
- The Ability Development Center was headquartered in Grand Forks and sought to train and educate the mentally retarded. The one folder of material contains a copy of the organization's by-laws, dated 1970. This group was in operation until 1974, when it merged with two other organizations to form Agassiz Enterprises.
- Sub-Series B: Agassiz Enterprises
- Agassiz Enterprises was formed in 1974 following the merger of the Opportunity Training Center, the Valley Day Care Center, and the Ability Developmental Center. It continued to provide vocational rehabilitation to the handicapped, while also having pre-school services. Dagne Olsen was an active member of this organization from 1973 until 1992. The majority of material is meeting minutes and agendas, although by-laws, mission statements, financial documents, and grant applications are also included.
- Box 10
- Folder 17: By-Laws: 1979, 1988, 1991
- Folder 18: Philosophy and Mission: 1975, 1977
- Folder 19: Membership of the Advisory Panel/Board of Directors: 1976-1983, 1988, 1991
- Folder 20: Committee to Appoint Committees: 1974
- Folder 21: Remodeling Committee: 1974
- Folder 22: Sheltered Workshop Committee: 1974
- Folder 23: Meeting Minutes: 1973
- Folder 24: Meeting Minutes: 1974
- Folder 25: Meeting Minutes: 1975
- Folder 26: Meeting Minutes: 1976
- Folder 27: Meeting Minutes: 1977
- Folder 28: Meeting Minutes: 1978
- Folder 29: Meeting Minutes: 1979
- Folder 30: Meeting Minutes: 1980
- Folder 31: Meeting Minutes: 1981
- Folder 32: Meeting Minutes: 1982
- Folder 33: Meeting Minutes: 1983
- Folder 34: Meeting Minutes: 1984
- Folder 35: Meeting Minutes: 1985
- Folder 36: Meeting Minutes: 1986
- Folder 37: Meeting Minutes: 1987
- Folder 38: Meeting Minutes: 1988
- Folder 39: Meeting Minutes: 1989
- Folder 40: Meeting Minutes: 1990
- Folder 41: Meeting Minutes: 1991
- Folder 42: Meeting Minutes: 1992
- Folder 43: Financial Information: 1973-1976
- Folder 17: By-Laws: 1979, 1988, 1991
- Box 11
- Folder 1: Financial Statements: 1990, 1992
- Folder 2: Staff Support Funding Request Grant: 1974
- Folder 3: Section V Proposal: undated
- Folder 4: Section VI Proposal: 1975
- Folder 5: Request for Project Development Grant: undated
- Folder 6: Annual Report: 1977-1990, 1992
- Folder 7: Correspondence: 1973-1974, undated
- Folder 8: Personnel Policies: 1975, 1990
- Folder 9: Agassiz Enterprises News: 1982-1985
- Folder 10: Recommendation by Nathan Nelson, Department of Health, Education and Welfare: 1972
- Folder 1: Financial Statements: 1990, 1992
- Box 10
- Sub-Series C: Grand Forks Health Care Committee
- The Grand Forks Health Care Committee was formed in 1978 to oppose an initiated measure designed to control medical costs. Dagne Olsen headed this committee, which was successful when the measure was voted down in the November elections. Material includes meeting minutes, publicity, and newspaper clippings.
- Sub-Series D: Greater Grand Forks Right to Life Association
- Greater Grand Forks Right to Life Association was concerned with the protection of human life, as well as the opposition of abortion. Olsen was a member of this group, and was very sympathetic to the organization's goals during her time in the state legislature. The sub-series includes two different publications of the group, as well as a notebook in which Olsen recorded important themes which she felt the organization needed to follow to be successful.
- Sub-Series E: Transplant Association of the Prairie, Grand Forks Chapter
- This was a mental and financial support group for organ transplant recipients. The group was also concerned with the education of the general public regarding the need for organs and organ donors. Dagne Olsen became involved with this group following her August 1991 liver transplant. Meeting minutes and agendas as well as membership and financial information is included.
- Sub-Series F: United Hospital Auxiliary
- United Hospital Auxiliary was a volunteer organization, which raised funds for the Hospital, assisted the families of patients, and operated the Hospital's gift shop. Dagne Olsen was a frequent volunteer at the United Hospital, and was twice elected President of the Auxiliary. Included are general materials from the Auxiliary from 1977-1981.
- Sub-Series G: University of North Dakota
- Olsen served on the Public Officials Advisory Board from 1968-1969, and the Alumni Committee of 100 in 1980.
- Sub-Series A: Ability Development Center
- Series 11: Statewide Organizations
- This series is divided into nine sub-series and contains materials from the statewide organizations in which Dagne Olsen was involved.
- Sub-Series A: American Diabetes Association, North Dakota Affiliate
- This organization sought to promote the general welfare and well-being of diabetics and their families. Olsen was a member of the Board of Directors from 1989 until 1994. She was involved with the Governmental Affairs Committee, as well as the Budget and Finance Committee. She was involved with the Camp Sioux Committee, a summer camp for insulin dependent boys and girls. This sub-series consists primarily of meeting minutes, correspondence, and committee materials.
- Box 11
- Folder 25: By-Laws: 1994
- Folder 26: Board of Directors: 1989-1994
- Folder 27: Budget and Finance Committee: 1988-1994
- Folder 28: Camp Sioux Committee: 1988-1993
- Folder 29: Education Committee: 1988-1994
- Folder 30: Government Affairs Committee: 1988-1993
- Folder 31: Annual Report: 1988-1991
- Folder 32: Chuck Goodman Roast: June 1989
- Folder 33: Silverman Brothers Roast: June 1991
- Folder 25: By-Laws: 1994
- Box 11
- Sub-Series B: Committee on the Vocational Rehabilitation of the Mentally Retarded
- North Dakota Governor Bill Guy designated the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation to administer funds made available from the Federal Government in 1965. The DVR coordinated and implemented plans and recommendations from its five member committees, of which the Committee on the Vocational Rehabilitation of the Mentally Retarded was one. Dagne Olsen was a member of this committee from its beginning in 1967 until the publication of The North Dakota Plan for Comprehensive Vocational Rehabilitation Service in June 1969. The one folder of material includes meeting minutes, correspondence, and committee materials from 1966-1968.
- Sub-Series C: North Dakota Federation of Women's Clubs
- Olsen was involved on both the local and state level of this organization for many years. On the local level, she was a three time President of the Manvel Woman's Club. On the state level, she attended many conferences, wrote the Legislation Report for the state Annual Report, and frequently hosted the NDFWC when they visited the state capitol for their Legislative Day. The sub-series consists primarily of articles of incorporation and bylaws, convention materials, reports, and general correspondence. Two folders of the sub-series relate to the Manvel Woman's Club, while the remainder regard the North Dakota Federation of Women's Clubs.
- Box 11
- Folder 35: Manvel Women's Club: Constitution, By-Laws and Standing Rules: 1976, 1983
- Folder 36: Manvel Women's Club: 1982-1989
- Folder 37: First District of North Dakota, General Federation of Women's Clubs: 79th Annual Convention, October 1988
- Folder 38: First District of North Dakota, General Federation of Women's Clubs: 81st Annual Convention, September 1990
- Folder 39: NDFWC Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws: undated
- Folder 40: NDFWC Board of Directors: 1988-1992
- Folder 42: NDFWC Meetings: 1986-1990
- Folder 43: NDFWC General Correspondence: 1986-1989, undated
- Folder 44: NDFWC Legislation Report: 1986-1988
- Folder 45: NDFWC Legislation Report: 1989
- Folder 46: NDFWC Legislation Report: 1990-1992
- Folder 47: NDFWC Legislation Correspondence: 1992
- Folder 48: NDFWC Legislative Day: 1987-1993
- Folder 49: NDFWC Public Affairs Reports: 1987
- Folder 50: NDFWC Public Affairs Correspondence: 1986-1987
- Folder 51: NDFWC 1977 State Convention
- Folder 52: NDFWC 1986 State Convention
- Folder 53: NDFWC 1987 State Convention
- Folder 54: NDFWC 1988 State Convention
- Folder 55: NDFWC 1989 State Convention
- Folder 56: NDFWC 1990 State Convention
- Folder 57: NDFWC 1991 State Convention
- Folder 35: Manvel Women's Club: Constitution, By-Laws and Standing Rules: 1976, 1983
- Box 11
- Sub-Series D: North Dakota Agri-Women
- The one folder of material in this sub-series contains the by-laws of the organization, which was designed to promote agriculture, to preserve the American farm system, and to educate the public regarding the value of agriculture. Also included is Dagne Olsen's membership card from 1988.
- Sub-Series E: North Dakota Association of Parents of Deaf-Blind and/or Handicapped Children
- The one folder of material in this sub-series contains the by-laws of the group, the purpose of which was to promote the general welfare of the deaf-blind and/or handicapped, to support local and national programs of benefit to those persons, and to educate the general public.
- Sub-Series F: North Dakota Community Betterment Program
This program was sponsored jointly by the National Federation of Women's Clubs and the Sears-Roebuck Foundation. In North Dakota, the program was also co-sponsored by the North Dakota Economic Development Commission. In Manvel, community betterment efforts were spearheaded by the Manvel Woman's Club. The club won the state grand prize award as well as a national award in 1962, followed by a second national award in 1966. The club participated in over 54 community betterment projects, including the operation of a free summer school and day care for the children of migrant workers, the establishment of a mental health center for the mentally retarded in Grand Forks, the construction of a skating and hockey rink, and the creation of a city park.
Dagne Olsen spearheaded these efforts and was recognized with the Governor's Leadership Award in 1960 and 1964. This sub-series contains correspondence, conference proceedings, awards, newspaper clippings, and publications.
- Box 11
- Folder 60: Governor John E. Davis Leadership Award: 1960
- Folder 61: Correspondence: 1961-1965
- Folder 62: North Dakota Community Betterment Awards Day: 29 November 1962
- Folder 63: North Dakota Economic Conference: February 1964
- Folder 64: North Dakota Community Betterment Awards Day: 24 November 1964 (Dagne Olsen Governor's Leadership Award Winner)
- Folder 65: Community Fact Survey: 1964 (Publication of the Community Improvement Council)
- Folder 66: General Federation of Women's Clubs National Convention: June 1966
- Folder 67: North Dakota Community Betterment Awards Day: 12 October 1966
- Folder 68: The Story of the 1964-66 Community Improvement Program: Published by the General Federation of Women's Clubs in Cooperation with the Sears-Roebuck Foundation
- Folder 69: Newspaper Clippings: 1960, 1964, 1966
- Folder 70: North Dakota Economic Development Commission: Correspondence, 1966-1967
- Folder 60: Governor John E. Davis Leadership Award: 1960
- Box 11
- Sub-Series G: North Dakota Comprehensive Diabetes Control Project
- This sub-series consists of meeting minutes, publications, and subject files from the project, dating from 1989-1994. The program sought to identify those at high risk for diabetes, to improve access to the health care system, and to promote preventive care of the disease.
- Box 12
- Folder 1: Purpose: undated
- Folder 2: Membership: 1993, undated
- Folder 3: Meeting Minutes: 1988-1994
- Folder 4: Annual Report: 1992
- Folder 5: Diabetes as a Reportable Disease: 1989
- Folder 6: North Dakota Diabetes Disability Prevention Plan: undated
- Folder 7: North Dakota Diabetes Fact Sheet: undated
- Folder 8: Statistics and Information Regarding Diabetes: 1990
- Folder 9: Gestational Diabetes: 1991
- Folder 10: Complications of Diabetes
- Folder 1: Purpose: undated
- Box 12
- Sub-Series H: North Dakota Office of Volunteer Services
- The one folder of material in this sub-series documents the efforts of the North Dakota Office of Volunteer Services. Staffed by the North Dakota Department of Human Services, this office sought to assist governmental agencies and private organizations to expand or develop citizen participation in volunteer activities. Dagne Olsen served on the Advisory Council of this group, which also sought to recognize outstanding volunteer efforts.
- Sub-Series I: North Dakota State Council on Developmental Disabilities
- This sub-series contains material from Olsen's tenure on the North Dakota State Council on Developmental Disabilities. Appointed by the governor, members of the Council served as advocates for the developmentally disabled, and reviewed, monitored, and evaluated the State Plan for Developmental Disabilities. Olsen was a member of this group from 1982-1990, as well as 1994. Arranged chronologically, the material consists primarily of meeting minutes and agendas, correspondence, and reports.
- Box 12
- Folder 12: By-Laws: 1992, 1987-1988
- Folder 13: 1982-1983
- Folder 14: 1984
- Folder 15: 1985
- Folder 16: 1986
- Folder 17: 1987-1988
- Folder 18: 1989
- Folder 19: 1990
- Folder 20: 1993
- Folder 21: 1994
- Folder 22: Plan for Community Alternatives for the Developmentally Disabled in North Dakota (draft): undated
- Folder 23: Undated material
- Folder 12: By-Laws: 1992, 1987-1988
- Box 12
- Sub-Series A: American Diabetes Association, North Dakota Affiliate
- Series 12: National Organizations
- This series contains materials from the national organizations in which Dagne Olsen was involved.
- Sub-Series A: American Lutheran Church
- The American Lutheran Church sponsored an abortion task force from 1979-1980. Olsen was a member of the fourteen person task force, which reported its findings in Report of the Task Force on Abortion in February 1980. Along with three others, Olsen voted "no" to the report, feeling it was not strong enough in its condemnation of abortion and its support of the right to life. Material includes correspondence, reports, and newspaper clippings.
- Sub-Series B: National Association of Developmental Disabilities Councils
- The National Association of Developmental Disabilities Councils sought to improve the lives of the developmentally disabled through education and the exchange of information, while also assisting in the cooperation and communication between various federal, state, local, and volunteer agencies. Olsen was a member of this organization from 1985 until 1990. Material contained in this sub-series consists of meeting minutes, committee materials, conference proceedings, and publications.
- Box 12
- Folder 25: By-Laws: 1988-1989
- Folder 26: Membership: 1984, 1988-1989
- Folder 27: Alternative Community Living Arrangements Subcommittee: 1986-1988
- Folder 28: Developmental Disabilities Act Implementation Work Group: 1987-1988
- Folder 29: Executive Board: 1985-1987
- Folder 30: Executive Board: January-June 1988
- Folder 31: Executive Board: July-December 1988
- Folder 32: Executive Board: 1989
- Folder 33: Executive Board: 1990
- Folder 34: Membership and Business Committee: 1986-1990
- Folder 35: Personnel Committee: 1988-1990
- Folder 25: By-Laws: 1988-1989
- Box 13
- Folder 1: Public Policy Committee: 1988-1990
- Folder 2: 1990 Report Advisory Group
- Folder 3: 1989 Fall Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana: October 1989
- Folder 4: Public Policy Seminar, "Forging a New Era," Washington, D.C.: May 1990
- Folder 5: A Handbook for Members of the NADDC Board of Directors: February 1986
- Folder 6: Getting to Know Your National Association: undated
- Folder 7: National Consumer Survey Process: 1988
- Folder 1: Public Policy Committee: 1988-1990
- Box 12
- Sub-Series C: National Order of Women Legislators
- Dagne Olsen was a member of this organization, composed of female state legislators. The Order sought to promote a spirit of helpfulness among women legislators, to encourage a greater participation in public affairs by women, and to promote the election of women to legislative offices. The one folder of material contains correspondence, membership information, and historical materials, dating from 1982-1988.
- Sub-Series D: President's Committee on Mental Retardation
- Dagne Olsen was named to the President's Committee on Mental Retardation by President Ronald Reagan in 1988, and was reappointed by President George Bush in 1992. The PCMR was established in 1966 to advise the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services concerning a broad range of issues related to the mentally retarded. This sub-series dates from 1986-1992, and consists of meeting minutes and agendas, correspondence, membership information, and reports.
- Box 13
- Folder 9: Charter: 1989, 1991
- Folder 10: Membership: 1988-1994
- Folder 11: Correspondence: 1987-1994
- Folder 12: Meetings: 1986-1992
- Folder 13: A Guide for State Planning: For the Prevention of Mental Retardation and Related Disabilities: 1986 (probably)
- Folder 14: Preventing the New Morbidity: A Guide for the Prevention of Mental Retardation and Related Disabilities Associated with Socioeconomic Conditions: 1988-1992
- Folder 15: A Historical Review, 1966-1986
- Folder 16: The New Morbidity: Recommendations for Action and an Updated Guide to State Planning for the Prevention of Mental Retardation and Related Disabilities Associated with Socioeconomic Conditions: 1993
- Folder 17: Orientation and Procedures Manual: 1990
- Folder 18: A Presidential Forum: Citizens with Mental Retardation and Community Integration: 1989
- Folder 19: Report to the President - 1987
- Folder 20: Report to the President: Citizens with Mental Retardation and the Criminal Justice System: 1991
- Folder 21: Draft Version of the Americans with Disabilities Act: 1989
- Folder 22: Nomination of Bud Meece for Public Service Award: 1990
- Folder 9: Charter: 1989, 1991
- Box 13
- Sub-Series E: White House Conference on Natural Beauty
- By virtue of her accomplishments in the Community Betterment Program, Olsen was one of three North Dakotans elected to serve on the White Conference on Natural Beauty. Held over a period of two days in May 1965, the conference sought ways to encourage federal, state and local government, as well as institutions and private citizens, in the preservation of natural beauty and the environment. Material includes the Beauty for America: Proceedings of the White House Conference on Natural Beauty, as well as a short summary of that document.
- Sub-Series A: American Lutheran Church
- Photographs :
- Separated and placed in the Photograph File Cabinets.
- Photograph 1: Dagne Olsen, June 1966
- Photograph 2: Dagne Olsen, May 1986
- Photograph 3: Dagne Olsen at Swearing In Ceremony for the President's Committee on Mental Retardation: December 1988
- Photograph 4: Dagne Olsen and Alice Olsen as "Lena and Hulda" at Grassroots Republicans Membership Project Meeting: 1988
- Photograph 5: Dagne Olsen: 1989
- Photograph 6: Dagne Olsen in the Chambers of the House of Representatives: 1989
- Photograph 7: Dagne Olsen and Don Shide: 1989
- Photograph 8: Dagne Olsen, Alice Olson and Don Shide with representatives of the Burlington Northern Railroad: March 1989
- Photograph 9: Dagne and D.D. Olsen: Christmas 1990
- Photograph 10: Dagne Olsen: March 1991
- Photograph 11: Dagne Olsen and members of the President's Committee on Mental Retardation: 1991
- Photograph 12: Dagne Olsen at Transplant Reunion, Rochester, Minnesota: 1992
- Photograph 13: Dagne Olsen: undated
- Photograph 15: Dagne Olsen: undated (possibly 1985 or 1988)
- Photograph 14: Dagne Olsen: undated
- Photograph 16: Dagne Olsen in the Cambers of the House of Representatives: undated
- Photograph 17: Dagne Olsen, Duane Mutch and Don Shide: undated
- Photograph 18: Dagne Olsen and Rick Clayburgh: undated
- Photograph 19: Dagne Olsen and Laura Farnam (granddaughter): undated
- Photograph 20: Dagne Olsen and Louis Sullivan, M.D. (Secretary of Health and Human Services during the President George Bush administration): undated
- Photograph 21: President's Committee on Mental Retardation (Dagne Olsen 2nd from right in 2nd row): undated
- Photograph 22: National Association of Developmental Disabilities Councils (Dagne Olsen far left in 2nd row): undated
- Photograph 23: D.D. Olsen playing Santa Claus: 1970 or 1971
- Photograph 24: D.D. Olsen and "The Happy Norsemen": July 1974
- Photograph 25: D.D. Olsen at Transplant Reunion, Rochester, Minnesota: 1992
- Folder 26: D.D., Dagne, Deanna, Doug and Dick Olsen: December 1973
- Photograph 27: Deanna, Dick and Doug Olsen: December 1966
- Photograph 28: Deanna, Dick and Doug Olsen: April 1971
- Photograph 29: Dick, Doug and Deanna Olsen: December 1990
- Photograph 30: Deanna Olsen: 1975
- Photograph 31: Mark and Deanna (Olsen) Farnam: December 1990
- Photograph 32: Derek Farnam (grandson), Mark Farnam, Dagne Olsen, Laura Farnam (granddaughter), Deanna (Olsen) Farnam, in the Chambers of the House of Representatives: undated
- Photograph 33: Doug Olsen: 1975
- Photograph 34: Dick Olsen: undated
- Photograph 35: Dick Olsen: November 1990
- Photograph 36: Elise Stortroen (Dagne Olsen's maternal Aunt): December 1990
- Photograph 37: Elise Stortroen (Dagne Olsen's maternal Aunt): February 1991
- Photograph 38: Cottonwood Farm, Lakeville Township, Manvel, North Dakota: 1980
- Photograph 1: Dagne Olsen, June 1966
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Personal Materials],
[Series 2: Olsen Family Materials],
[Series 3: Campaign Materials],
[Series 4: Legislative Materials],
[Series 5: Legislative Committee Work],
[Series 6: Conferences, Workshops and Seminars],
[Series 7: Republican Party of North Dakota],
[Series 8: Republican National Committee],
[Series 9: Association of Retarded Citizens],
[Series 10: Local Organizations],
[Series 11: Statewide Organizations],
[Series 12: National Organizations],
[Photographs :],