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- Otto Krueger Papers
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Otto Krueger Papers, 1953-1958
Collection Overview
Title: Otto Krueger Papers, 1953-1958
Primary Creator: Krueger, Otto (1890-1963)
Extent: 40.0 Linear Feet
Arrangement: Correspondence, legislative bills, printed materials,arranged by subject and session of Congress.
Date Acquired: 00/00/1959. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Politics and Government - Republican Party, Politics and Government - United States House of Representatives
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Otto Krueger Papers, 1953-1958, consist of congressional documents, reports, and resolutions, as well as correspondence and printed materials dealing with legislative, governmental, and political affairs from Krueger's tenure in the United States House of Representatives. Krueger was elected a Republican representative of North Dakota 4 November 1952 and he served in that capacity until 1958, when he chose not to run for re-election.
Researchers should note that a strict division of material by legislative session was not always followed. This is especially the case with the third series, in which materials from the 83rd and 84th sessions have been filed along with material from the 85th session. In addition, researchers should also note the occasional presence of a general file code number following the folder title. The exact meaning of the numerical scheme is unknown, although it appears to have been utilized by Krueger's office staff.
Collection Historical Note
"Krueger, Otto, a Representative from North Dakota; born of German parents in the Volinia district of southwest Russia, September 7, 1890; attended grade and high school in Russian and German schools; immigrated to the United States in June 1910 and settled in Fessenden, N.Dak.; furthered his education through grade and high schools and two years of business school in Fargo, N.Dak., and Great Falls, Mont.; during the First World War served as a private in the Infantry from April 1918 to May 1919, with overseas service in the Ninety-first Division; county auditor of Wells County, N.Dak., 1920-1940; State treasurer in 1945; State insurance commissioner 1946-1951; budget director in 1951 and 1952; clerk of Fessenden school district 1922-1940; State treasurer of the Republican Party 1948-1952; elected as a Republican to the Eighty-third, Eighty-fourth, and Eighty-fifth Congresses (January 3, 1953-January 3, 1959); was not a candidate for re-nomination in 1958; moved to Lodi, Calif., in 1959 and engaged in accounting and farming; died in Lodi, Calif., June 6, 1963; interment in Cherokee Memorial Park Cemetery."
Source: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=K000332
Subject/Index Terms
Politics and Government - Republican Party
Politics and Government - United States House of Representatives
Administrative Information
Repository: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Accruals: Additional materials from the North Dakota Biographical File were deposited in December 1981 (81-929).
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Source: Otto Krueger
Acquisition Method: Donation; the acquisition records are unavailable.
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). Otto Krueger Papers. OGLMC 14, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota.
Finding Aid Revision History: Finding aid added to Archon in December 2013.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: 83rd Congress, 1953-1954],
[Series 2: 84th Congress, 1955-1956],
[Series 3: 85th Congress, 1957-1958],
[Series 4: Materials from the North Dakota Biographical File],
- Series 2: 84th Congress, 1955-1956
- Box 7
- Folder 32: North Dakota 1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Educational Institutions.
- Folder 33: North Dakota 2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Enterprise; County, Municipal and State.
- Folder 34: North Dakota 3. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Enterprise; private.
- Folder 35: North Dakota 3-6. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Aluminum.
- Folder 36: North Dakota 4. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Highways & Roads.
- Folder 37: North Dakota 6. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Water Development & Resources.
- Folder 38: North Dakota 6-1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Water Development & Resources. Bowman-Haley Dam.
- Folder 39: North Dakota 6-1.1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Water Development & Resources. Buford-Trenton Irrigation Project.
- Folder 40: North Dakota 6-1.2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Sale of Buford-Trenton & Lewis & Clark Irrigation Projects.
- Folder 41: North Dakota 6-1.3. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Water Development & Resources. Cannonball River.
- Folder 42: North Dakota 6-2.1 84th Congress, 1955-56. Water Development & Resources. Fort Clark Irrigation Project.
- Folder 43: North Dakota 6-3. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Water Development & Resources. Garrison Dam & Diversion.
- Folder 32: North Dakota 1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Educational Institutions.
- Box 8
- Folder 32: North Dakota 6-3. 84th Congress 1955-56. Water Development & Resources. Garrison Dam & Diversion.
- Folder 33: North Dakota 6-3.1 84th Congress 1955-56. Resolutions favoring 1850-foot level for Garrison Dam.
- Folder 34: North Dakota 6-3.1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Resolutions from Counties.
- Folder 35: North Dakota 6-3.1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Resolutions from Organizations.
- Folder 36: North Dakota 6-3.1 84th Congress, 1955-56. Resolutions from Cities.
- Folder 37: Garrison Dam Committee Statements. 6-3.2 Statements before House and Senate Appropriations Committees on May 6, 1955. 84th Congress, 1955-56.
- Folder 38: Material for Mr. K's Floor Speech on the Garrison Dam. 6-3.3 84th Congress, 1955-56.
- Folder 39: North Dakota 6-6. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Water Development & Resources. Heart River (General).
- Folder 40: North Dakota 6-7. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Water Development & Resources. Lewis & Clark Irrigation Project.
- Folder 41: North Dakota 6-8.1 84th Congress, 1955-56. Maple River.
- Folder 42: North Dakota 6-9. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Water Development & Resources. Missouri River Basin (General).
- Folder 43: North Dakota 6-9.1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Missouri - Souris Irrigation Project.
- Folder 44: North Dakota 6-11. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Water Development & Resources. Pembina River Flood Control Project.
- Folder 45: North Dakota 7. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Disaster Areas.
- Folder 46: U. S. Government 1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture.
- Folder 47: U. S. Government 1-2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Rural Electrification Administration.
- Folder 48: U. S. Government 1-2.1. 84th Congress, 1955-6. Rural Electrification Administration, REA Telephones.
- Folder 49: U. S. Government 1-2.2. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Rural Electrification Administration. REA & parity Correspondence.
- Folder 50: U. S. Government 1-3 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Farm Loans: Seed, Feed, Livestock: Farm Improvements.
- Folder 51: U. S. Government 1-4. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Soil Conservation.
- Folder 52: U. S. Government 1-5. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Agriculture. Farm Parity - Price Decline.
- Folder 53: U. S. Government 1-5. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Agriculture. Farm Parity - Price Decline.
- Folder 54: U. S. Government 1-6. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Wheat & other grains.
- Folder 55: U. S. Government 1-6.1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Rust Damaged Wheat.
- Folder 56: U. S. Government 1-6.2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Durum Wheat.
- Folder 57: U. S. Government 1-7. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Imports: Rye, Parley, Oats.
- Folder 58: U. S. Government 1-8. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Livestock.
- Folder 59: U. S. Government 1-9. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Farmers Home Administration.
- Folder 60: U. S. Government 1-10. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation.
- Folder 61: U. S. Government 1-11. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Agriculture Stabilization & Conservation.
- Folder 62: U. S. Government 1-12. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Wool.
- Folder 32: North Dakota 6-3. 84th Congress 1955-56. Water Development & Resources. Garrison Dam & Diversion.
- Box 9
- Folder 32: U. S. Government 1-14. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Research & Experimentation.
- Folder 33: U. S. Government 1-15. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. School lunch.
- Folder 34: U. S. Government 1-16. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Dairy Industry.
- Folder 35: U. S. Government 1-17. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Grazing lands.
- Folder 36: U. S. Government 1-18. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Grain Storage Facilities.
- Folder 37: U. S. Government 1-18.1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Mill Storage.
- Folder 38: U. S. Government 1-90. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Surplus disposal.
- Folder 39: U. S. Government 1-21. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Boxcar Shortage.
- Folder 40: U. S. Government 1-22. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Potatoes.
- Folder 41: Potato Surplus Program. 84th Congress, 1955-56. September 26, 1955. Mr. Krueger.
- Folder 42: U. S. Government 1-23. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Agriculture. Freight Rates.
- Folder 43: U. S. Government 2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Commerce.
- Folder 44: U. S. Government 2-1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Official Report. Twin Cities Service Case. Civil Aeronautics Board.
- Folder 45: U. S. Government 2-1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Commerce. Civil Aeronautics Administration.
- Folder 46: U. S. Government 2-l.l. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Commerce. Federal Aid Airport Program.
- Folder 47: U. S. Government 2-9. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Commerce. Small Business Administration.
- Folder 48: U. S. Government 2-3. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Commerce. U. S. Patent Office.
- Folder 49: U. S. Government 2-5. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Commerce. Census Bureau.
- Folder 50: U. S. Government 3. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Interior. General.
- Folder 51: U. S. Government 3-2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Interior. Indian Affairs.
- Folder 52: U. S. Government 3-2.1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Interior. Indian Hospitalization.
- Folder 53: U. S. Government 3-2.9. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Indian Affairs. Per Capita Payment.
- Folder 54: U. S. Government 3-2.3. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Newtown Reimbursement.
- Folder 55: U. S. Government 3-2.4. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Bureau Indian Affairs. Schools.
- Folder 56: U. S. Government 3-3. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Interior. Land Management.
- Folder 57: U. S. Government 3-4. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Interior. Bureau of Mines.
- Folder 58: U. S. Government 3-5. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Interior. Reclamation & Water Development.
- Folder 59: U. S. Government 3-5.1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Interior. Public Power vs. Private Power.
- Folder 60: U. S. Government 3-6. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Interior. Fish & Wildlife Service.
- Folder 61: U. S. Government 3-7. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Interior. National Park Service.
- Folder 62: U. S. Government 4. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Justice. General.
- Folder 63: U. S. Government 4-1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Justice. Immigration.
- Folder 64: U. S. Government 4-2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Justice. Subversion: Communists.
- Folder 65: U. S. Government 4-3. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Justice. Congressional Investigations.
- Folder 66: U. S. Government 4-4. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Justice. Claims.
- Folder 67: U. S. Government 4-5. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Justice. Federal Court.
- Folder 68: U. S. Government 5. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Labor. General.
- Folder 69: U. S. Government 5-1. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Labor. Strikes.
- Folder 70: U. S. Government 5-2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Labor. Morale: Obscene Literature.
- Folder 71: U. S. Government 6. 84th Congress, l955-56. National Defense. General.
- Folder 72: U. S. Government 6-1. 84th Congress, 1955 -56. Air Force. General.
- Folder 32: U. S. Government 1-14. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Agriculture. Research & Experimentation.
- Box 10
- Folder 32: U. S. Government 6-1.1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Air Force. (A-Z).
- Folder 33: U. S. Government 6-1.2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. National Defense. Jet Air Force Bases: N.Dak.
- Folder 34: U. S. Government 6-2. 84th Congress, l955-56. National Defense. Army. (General).
- Folder 35: U. S. Government 6-2.l. 84th Congress, 1955-56. National Defense. Army (A - Z).
- Folder 36: U. S. Government 6-2.la. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955-56. Army. Scott, John.
- Folder 37: U. S. Government 6-2.2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Army. National Guard.
- Folder 38: U. S. Government 6-3. 84th Congress, 1955-56. National Defense. Navy (General).
- Folder 39: U. S. Government 6-3.1. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. National Defense. Navy (A-Z).
- Folder 40: U. S. Government 6-4. 84th Congress, 1955-56. National Defense. Marine Corps (General).
- Folder 41: U. S. Government 6-5. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. National Defense. Selective Service.
- Folder 42: U. S. Government 6-6. National Defense. Veterans (General).
- Folder 43: U. S. Government 6-6.1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. National Defense. Veterans (A-Z).
- Folder 44: U. S. Government 6-6.2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. National Defense. Veterans Hospital Facilities.
- Folder 45: U. S. Government 6-6.2-1. Transcript, re. Proposed Closure of John Moses Memorial Veterans Hospital, Minot, N.Dak. June 6, 1955.
- Folder 46: U. S. Government 6-6.2-l. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Veterans Hospital Facilities. Minot Veterans Hospital.
- Folder 47: U. S. Government 6-7. 84th Congress, 1955-56. National Defense. Procurement.
- Folder 48: U. S. Government 6-8. 84th Congress, 1955-56. National Defense. Service Discharges.
- Folder 49: U. S. Government 6-9. 84th Congress, 1955-56. National Defense. Merchant Marine.
- Folder 50: U. S. Government 6-11. 84th Congress, 1955-56. National Defense. Prisoners (POW'S).
- Folder 51: U. S. Government 6-12. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Liquor Regulations on Military Installations.
- Folder 52: U. S .Government 6-13. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. National Defense. USO.
- Folder 53: U. S. Government 7. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Post Office. General.
- Folder 54: U. S. Government 7-1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Post Office. Mail Contracts.
- Folder 55: U. S. Government 7-2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Post Office. Issuance--New Stamps.
- Folder 56: U. S. Government 7-3. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Post Office Department. Post Office Facilities.
- Folder 57: U. S. Government 7-4. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Rural Route Changes.
- Folder 58: U. S. Government 8. 84th Congress, 1955-56. State Department. General.
- Folder 59: U. S. Government 8-1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. State Department. Visas & Passports.
- Folder 60: U. S. Government 8-1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. .Alfred Beyer's Application for a Visa.
- Folder 61: U. S. Government 8-2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. State Department. Refugee Relief Program.
- Folder 62: U. S. Government 9. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Treasury. General.
- Folder 63: U. S. Government 9-1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Treasury. Taxes.
- Folder 64: U. S. Government 9-2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Treasury. Bureau of Customs.
- Folder 65: U. S. Government 9-3. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Treasury. Bureau of Internal Revenue.
- Folder 66: U. S. Government Agencies 1-1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Emergency Governmental Agencies. Office of Civil Defense
- Folder 67: U. S. Government Agencies. 1-2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Office of Defense Mobilization.
- Folder 68: U. S. Government Agencies 2-1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Independent Government Agencies. Civil Service.
- Folder 69: U. S. Government Agencies 202. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Department of Health, Education, & Welfare. General.
- Folder 32: U. S. Government 6-1.1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Air Force. (A-Z).
- Box 11
- Folder 32: U. S. Government Agencies 2-2.1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Department of Health, Education, Welfare. Office of Education.
- Folder 33: U. S. Government Agencies 2-2.1A. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Congress in Action Film. August 18, 1955.
- Folder 34: U. S. Government Agencies 2-2.2. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Department of Health, Education, Welfare. Public Health Service.
- Folder 35: U. S. Government Agencies 2-2.3. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Department of Health, Education, Welfare. Social Security Administration.
- Folder 36: U. S. Government Agencies 2-3. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Independent Government Agencies. District of Columbia.
- Folder 37: U. S. Government Agencies 2-4. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1956. Independent Government Agencies. Federal Communications Commission.
- Folder 38: U. S. Government Agencies 2-4.1. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Independent Government Agencies. Federal Housing Administration.
- Folder 39: U. S. Government Agencies 2-5. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Federal Home Loan Bank Board
- Folder 40: U. S. Government Agencies 2-5. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Independent Government Agencies. Federal Power Commission.
- Folder 41: U. S. Government Agencies 2-6. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Independent Government Agencies. General Service Admin.
- Folder 42: U. S. Government Agencies 2-7. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Independent Government Agencies. Housing & Home Finance Agency.
- Folder 43: U. S. Government Agencies 2-8. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Independent Government Agencies. Interstate Commerce Commission
- Folder 44: U. S. Government Agencies 2-9. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Independent Government Agencies. Foreign Operations Administration.
- Folder 45: U. S. Government Agencies 2-11. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Independent Government Agencies. Tennessee Valley Authority.
- Folder 46: U. S. Government Agencies 2-12. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Independent Government Agencies. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.
- Folder 47: U. S. Government Agencies 2-13. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955-56. Independent Government Agencies. U. S. Tariff Commission.
- Folder 48: Legislation. 84th Congress, 1955-56. General.
- Folder 49: Agricultural Legislation. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. S. 139, 517. Repeals Holland Amendment re. Excess Harvesting Under Acreage Allotment.
- Folder 50: Agriculture. S. 745, 1252. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Young's Durum Bills (125% Parity for Class II Durum & Non-recourse Loans).
- Folder 51: Agriculture. S. 1636. 84th Congress, 1955-56. To require humane methods of slaughtering livestock & poultry.
- Folder 52: Agriculture Legislation. H.R. 2410. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Additional Credit Facilities for Farmers.
- Folder 53: Agricultural Legislation. H.R. 2566. 84th Congress. To foster the cooperative agriculture education work of the Extension Services, etc
- Folder 54: Agriculture Legislation S. 3138. H.R. 10875 "Agricultural Act of 1959".
- Folder 55: Agriculture. H.R. 3952. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Amends Cotton marketing quota provisions of Agriculture Adjustment Act of 1938.
- Folder 56: Agriculture Legislation. H.R. 4054, 5337. Amends perishable agricultural commodities act regarding marketing practices.
- Folder 57: Agriculture. S. 4135. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. To permit deductions for a self-help beef promotion program.
- Folder 58: Agriculture Legislation. H.R. 4300. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955 "Family Farm Development Act" See H.R. 2410 also.
- Folder 59: Agriculture. H.R. 5168, 10285. 84th Congress, 1955-56. "Farm Credit Act of 1955 & 1965".
- Folder 60: Agriculture. H.R. 5562. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Support of agriculture experiment stations in U. S., Alaska, Hawaii, & Puerto Rico.
- Folder 61: Agriculture. H.R. 6815, 5088. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Promotes agricultural development under Title III of Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act.
- Folder 62: Agriculture. H.R. 8750. 84th Congress, 1955-56. To amend the Watershed protection & flood prevention act.
- Folder 63: Agriculture. H.R. 9346. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Amends Packers & Stockyards Act re. regulation of brand inspection.
- Folder 64: Agriculture. H.R. 9484. 84th Congress, 1955-56. "National Potato Marketing Act".
- Folder 65: Agriculture. H.R. 10593. 84th Congress, 1955-56. "Soil Bank Act".
- Folder 66: Agriculture H.R. 11236. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Amends Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 re. Potato Marketing Quotas.
- Folder 67: Agriculture. H.R. 11544. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Amends Bankhead-Jones Act to Improve & Simplify credit facilities for farmers.
- Folder 68: Appropriations. H.R. 5046. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. 1965 Appropriations for Depts. Of Labor, Health, Education, & Welfare.
- Folder 69: Appropriations. H.R. 6042. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. 1956 Appropriations for Department of Defense.
- Folder 70: Appropriations. H.R. 5085. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Department of Interior Appropriations for 1956.
- Folder 71: Appropriations. H.R. 6367. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. 1956 Appropriations for Department of Commerce.
- Folder 72: Appropriations Committee. H.R. 6766. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Public Works Appropriations for 1956.
- Folder 32: U. S. Government Agencies 2-2.1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Department of Health, Education, Welfare. Office of Education.
- Box 12
- Folder 1: Appropriations. H.R. 7224. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Mutual Security Appropriations for 1956.
- Folder 2: Appropriations. H.R. 7278. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Supplemental Appropriations for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1956.
- Folder 3: Appropriations Committee. H.R. 9390. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. 1957 Appropriations for Department of Interior & Related Agencies.
- Folder 4: Appropriations. H.R. 9720. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. 1957 Appropriations for Depts. of Labor & Health, Education, & Welfare.
- Folder 5: Appropriations. H.R. 9739. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. 1957 Independent Offices Appropriation Act.
- Folder 6: Appropriations. H.R. 10986. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. 1957 Appropriations for Department of Defense.
- Folder 7: Appropriations. H.R. 11177. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. 1957 Appropriations for Department of Agriculture & Farm Credit Administration.
- Folder 8: Armed Services Legislation. S. 2
- Folder 9: Armed Services Legislation. S.2. "National Security Training Act". (UMT).
- Folder 10: Armed Services Legislation. S. 1643, H.R. 6408. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Disability & Death benefits for Armed Services Reserves.
- Folder 11: Armed Services Legislation. H.R. 4654. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Prices for barber services at Army & Air Force Bases not less than 80% of prices charged in nearby towns.
- Folder 12: Armed Services Legislation. H.R. 7000, 5297. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Provides for Strengthening of the Reserves Forces. "National Reserve Plan".
- Folder 13: Armed Services Legislation. H.R. 6057. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955 Doctor Draft Law.
- Folder 14: Armed Services. H.R. 6600. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Authorizes travel & transportation allowances for dependents of certain service personnel.
- Folder 15: Armed Services Legislation. H.R. 7565. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955 Grants military status & discharges to members of the Russian Railway Service Corps.
- Folder 16: Armed Services Legislation. H.Res. 396. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Disapproving the sale of the Institute, West Virginia, Copolymer Plant, Plancor 980.
- Folder 17: Armed Services Legislation, H.R. 9429. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Provides medical care for dependents of members of the Uniformed Services.
- Folder 18: Armed Services. H.R. 2213. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Permits credit of academy training toward longevity pay.
- Folder 19: Armed Services. H.R. 4695, S. 1121. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. .Authorizes Army to make cash allowance instead of providing grave markers.
- Folder 20: Armed Services. S. 1748. 84th Congress, 2nd Session. 1956. Authorizes Appointment of reserve midshipmen in U.S. Navy.
- Folder 21: Armed Services. S. 3290. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Provides for Appointment of a Chief of Chaplains of the U.S. Air Force.
- Folder 22: Armed Services. H.R. 5738. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Authorizes flight inspection during reserve officers training programs, etc.
- Folder 23: Armed Services. H.R. 9893. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. To authorize certain construction at military installations, etc.
- Folder 24: Atomic Energy. S. 4146, H.R. 12061. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. "Atomic Power Acceleration Amendment of 1956".
- Folder 25: Banking & Currency Legislation. 84th Congress, 1955-56. General.
- Folder 26: Banking & Currency. S.J. Res. 19. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Provides for more effective control of narcotic drugs.
- Folder 27: Banking & Currency. H.R. 5710. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Amends Home Owners' Loan Act re. establishment of Branch Federal Savings & Loan Associations.
- Folder 28: Banking & Currency. S. 212.6. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. "Housing Amendment of 1955".
- Folder 29: Banking & Currency. S. 3302, 3855. H.R. 11742, H.R. 12328. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. "Housing .Amendments of 1956".
- Folder 30: Banking & Currency. S. 880, 2577, H.R. 2674, H.R. 6227. 84th Congress, 1955-56. "Bank Holding Company Act of 1955".
- Folder 31: District of Columbia. S. 2015 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Prohibits experiments on living dogs in D.C. & provides penalty for violation.
- Folder 32: District of Columbia. H.R. 5807. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Requires certain commercial establishments in D.C. to be closed on Sunday.
- Folder 33: Education & Labor. S. 533. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Increases Education & training allowance under Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952
- Folder 34: Labor & Public Welfare Legislation. S. 662, 2168. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1955
- Folder 35: Education & Labor. H.R. 3812, 14, 7535. S. 968. 84th Congress, 1955-56. "School Construction Assistance Act of 1955".
- Folder 36: Education & Labor. S. 1095, H.R. 4086, 4311, S. 1426. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Extends time for local schools to apply for payments under P.L. 815.
- Folder 37: Education & Labor. H.R. 4565. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Amendments to Labor management relations act, 1947.
- Folder 38: Education & Labor. H.R. 286, 355, 2179, 2211, 6176, 7839, 8779. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Federal Scholarships Acts.
- Folder 39: Education & Labor. S. 2280, H.R. 10765. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Amends Longshoreman's & Harbor Worker's Compensation Act to Increase Benefits for disability injuries.
- Folder 40: Education & Labor. H.R. 11695. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Extends to June 30, 1958, program of financial assistance to schools in areas affected by the Federal Activities.
- Folder 41: Education & Labor. H.R. 2840, 84th Congress, 1955-56. "Library Services Act".
- Folder 42: Education & Labor. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Minimum Wage & Hour Law (1956 Correspondence).
- Folder 43: Foreign Affairs. H.Conc.Res. 21. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. U.S. Protection of Formosa not to include Matsu & Quemoy Islands.
- Folder 44: Foreign Affairs. H.J.Res. 159. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Authorizes President to employ U.S. Armed Forces in protecting Formosa, etc.
- Folder 45: Foreign Affairs. H.J.Res. 309. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Regarding Criminal Jurisdiction over American Armed Forces Personnel Overseas.
- Folder 46: Foreign Affairs. S. 2090. 84th Congress, 1955-56. To Amend the Mutual Security Act of 1954.
- Folder 47: Foreign Affairs. H.Res. 482. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Expresses House disapproval of Anti-Christian terror & persecution by Communists of Ukrainian Christians.
- Folder 48: Foreign Affairs. H.R. 11356. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. To further amend the Mutual Security Act of 1954.
- Folder 49: Legislation before Government Operations. 84th Congress, 1955-56.
- Folder 1: Appropriations. H.R. 7224. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Mutual Security Appropriations for 1956.
- Box 13
- Folder 1: Government Operations. H.R. 188. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Provides for Donation of Government Surplus property to 4-H Clubs.
- Folder 2: Government Operations. H.J.Res. 276. 84th Congress, 1955-56 Conveyance of Texas Hill Country Development Foundation Land to Kerr County & Texas.
- Folder 3: Government Operations. H.R. 279. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Provides for termination of Government Operations in competition with private enterprise.
- Folder 4: Government Operations. H.J.Res. 330, 331, 332. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Provides for the Acceptance & Maintenance of Presidential Libraries, etc
- Folder 5: Government Operations. H.R. 482. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Provides for Conveyance of part of O'Reilly General Hospital to Missouri State.
- Folder 6: Government Operations. H.R. 4660, S. 1527. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Authorizes disposal of surplus property for Civil Defense purposes.
- Folder 7: Government Operations. H.R. 6295. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Increases maximum per diem allowance for subsistence & travel expenses, etc.
- Folder 8: Government Operations. H.Res. 534, 541. 84th Congress, 1955-56, Resolutions not favoring reorganization plans nos. 1 & 2.
- Folder 9: Government Operations. S. 3897, H.R. 11526. 84th Congress, 1955-56. To improve government budgeting & accounting methods
- Folder 10: Government Operations. S. 4183. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. "Payments to local governments act of 1956".
- Folder 11: Government Operations. H.R. 7227. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Conveyance of U.S. lands to Harrisville Consolidated School District, Alcona County, Michigan.
- Folder 12: Government Operations. H.R. 7612. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Conveyance of U. S. lands to Harrisville Consolidated School district, Alcona. County, Michigan.
- Folder 13: Government Operations. H.R. 9049. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Authorizes transfer of surplus U.S. property in St. Joseph's Bay Military Reservation (Fla.) to former owners.
- Folder 14: Government Operations. H.R. 9593. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. To simplify accounting, facilitate payment of obligations, etc.
- Folder 15: House Administrative Legislation. H.R. 11199, H.R. 12354, 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Provides one additional clerk for members at large & districts over 500,000 in population.
- Folder 16: Government Operations Legislation. S. 1003. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. "Anti-Government-Competition Act"
- Folder 17: Government Operations. H.R. 1994. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Reconveyance of certain surplus realty to Herman Hospital Estate, Houston, Texas.
- Folder 18: Government Operations. H.R. 3322, S. 1004. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Utilization of surplus property for Educational & Public Health Purposes.
- Folder 19: Interior & Insular Affairs. S. 33, H.R. 2682. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Re. Exploration, Location, & Entry of Mineral Lands in Papage Indian Reservation.
- Folder 20: Interior & Insular Affairs. H.R. 104, 384, 5881, 10299. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Small Projects Bill.
- Folder 21: Interior & Insular Affairs. S. 435. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Authorizes Addition of certain lands to Pipestone National Monument.
- Folder 22: Interior & Insular Affairs. S. 787, H.R. 109, 5804. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Missouri Basin Compact.
- Folder 23: Interior & Insular Affairs. H.R. 1852. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Return of Mineral Rights to former owners of Federal lands.
- Folder 24: Interior &. Insular Affairs. H.R. 2535. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Statehood for Hawaii & Alaska.
- Folder 25: Interior & Insular Affairs. H.R. 3383, 3384. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Authorizes Construction, Operation, & Maintenance of Colorado River Storage Project.
- Folder 26: Interior & Insular Affairs. H.R. 4719, 4730, 4739, 4740. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Authorizes Construction, Operation etc. of Hells Canyon Dam.
- Folder 27: Interior & Insular Affairs. H.R. 5608, S. 1712. 84th Congress, 1955-56. U.S. Acquisition of Lends for Oahe Dam & Rehabilitation of Standing Rock Sioux Indians.
- Folder 28: Interior & Insular Affairs. H.R. 5957. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Authorizes Secretary of Interior to Contract with State for cost of Indian Law Enforcement.
- Folder 29: Interior & Insular Affairs. H.R. 6471, S. 2067, H.R. 6994. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Provides for entry & location on discovery of valuable source material in coal-bearing U.S. Public lands.
- Folder 30: Interior & Insular Affairs. H.R. 6904. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. To provide for the establishment of the Booker T. Washington National Monument.
- Folder 31: Interior & Insular Affairs. S.J.Res. 110. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Authorizes a study & investigation of Indian education in the U.S.
- Folder 32: Interior & Insular Affairs. S.Res. 281. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Relative to Conservation & Development of land & water resources.
- Folder 33: Interior & Insular Affairs. H.R. 412. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Authorizes Construction, operation, & maintenance of Fryingpan-Arkansas Project.
- Folder 34: Interior & Insular Affairs. S. 2144. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Authorizes Secretary of Interior to convey certain U.S. property to Fairview Cemetery Assn. Inc. at Wahpeton, N.D.
- Folder 35: Interior & Insular Affairs. S. 3548. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Promotes rehabilitation of Navajo & Hopi Tribes.
- Folder 36: Interior & Insular Affairs. H.R. 5566. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. To terminate the Indian Claims Commission.
- Folder 37: Interior & Insular Affairs. H.R. 6376. 84th Congress, 1955-56. "Alaska Mental Health Act".
- Folder 38: Interior & Insular Affairs. H.R. 8558. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Establishes Pea Ridge Battlefield National Park, Arkansas.
- Folder 39: Interior & Insular Affairs. H.R. 9324. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Grants certain grazing, fishing, hunting rights to Indians of Fort Berthold Reservation.
- Folder 40: Interior & Insular Affairs. H.R. 12185. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Requires Act of Congress to withdraw more than 5,000 acres of U.S. Public lands for certain purposes.
- Folder 41: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. S.J.Res. 38. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Consenting to an Interstate Compact to Conserve Oil & Gas.
- Folder 42: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. H.J.Res. 171, 485. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Establishes a Commission on Nursing Services.
- Folder 43: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. H.R. 2225. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Amends Civil Aeronautics Act to require permanent certificates for local airlines.
- Folder 44: Interstate &. Foreign Commerce. H.B. 3087, 4744, 9065. 84th Congress, 1955-56. To amend the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937, & for other purposes.
- Folder 45: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. H.B. 3902, 4560, 4675, 4943, 6645. 84th Congress, 1955-56. To amend the Natural Gas Act. (Ikard's Bill).
- Folder 46: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. H.R. 4627, S. 923. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Prohibits Interstate Transportation of advertisements of alcoholic beverages.
- Folder 47: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. H.R. 6l4l, S. 1920, 84th Congress, 1955-56. "Transportation Amendments Act of 1955".
- Folder 48: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. H.R. 6043. 84th Congress, 1955-56. To maintain a U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at King's Point, New York.
- Folder 1: Government Operations. H.R. 188. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Provides for Donation of Government Surplus property to 4-H Clubs.
- Box 14
- Folder 1: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. H.R. 258, 2688, 6544, 11360. S. 2929, 3110, 3879, 3946. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Bills relating to Auto Marketing.
- Folder 2: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. H.R. 525. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Eliminates the Government free or reduced rate privilege.
- Folder 3: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. S. 24l8. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Allows recovery of Attorney's fees in a successful action to recover damages sustained in transportation of property.
- Folder 4: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. S. 2770. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. To aid in alleviating shortages of railroad cars during emergencies.
- Folder 5: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. H.R. 2845, 8000. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Prevents serving of alcoholic beverages aboard commercial & military aircraft.
- Folder 6: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. S. 3163, 3164. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Authorizes permanent certification for certain air carriers in Hawaii & Alaska.
- Folder 7: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. S. 3176, H.R. 8599, 9006. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Establishes uniform poultry inspection regulations throughout country.
- Folder 8: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. S. 3365. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Amends Interstate Commerce Act to change requirements for obtaining a Freight Forwarder Permit.
- Folder 9: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. S. 3449. H.R. 8902. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Reinvestment by Air Carriers of proceeds from sale of certain operating property & equipment.
- Folder 10: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. H.R. 6873, S. 898. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Amends ICC regulations regarding trip leasing.
- Folder 11: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. H.R. 7817. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. "Textile Fiber Products Identification Act".
- Folder 12: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. H.R. 8348, 8400, S. 2870. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, l956. Provides research & technical assistance for control of pest mosquitoes.
- Folder 13: Interstate & Foreign Commence. H.R. 8901, 10871. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Providing an adequate & economically sound transportation system for D.C.
- Folder 14: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. H.R. 9087, S. 3246. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Increases appropriation for facilities of National Institute of Dental Research.
- Folder 15: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. H.S. 9592. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Grants reduced-rate sir transportation to members of the clergy.
- Folder 16: Interstate & Foreign Commerce, H.R. 11549, S. 3958. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. "Health Amendments Act of 1956".
- Folder 17: Judiciary. H.R. 3828, S. 462. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Increases salaries of Justices, judges & Members of Congress.
- Folder 18: Judiciary. H.R. 4267. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1956. To establish a Commission on Patent Laws & Administration.
- Folder 19: Judiciary. H.R. 3, S. 3143. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Establishes Rules of Interpretation governing questions of effect of Aces of Congress on State Laws.
- Folder 20: Judiciary. H.R. 5459. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. For the relief of Herbert Strauss.
- Folder 21: Judiciary Legislation. H.R. 4283, 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. For the relief of William T. Collins, also known as Vasilios T. Buzunis.
- Folder 22: Judiciary. H.R. 6421. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. For the relief of certain individuals in Lake Alice area for land flooded by Federal Government.
- Folder 23: Judiciary. S.J.Res. 1. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Regarding legal effect of treaties & international agreements. (Bricker Amendment).
- Folder 24: Judiciary. H.R. 11, S. 11, H.R. 4954, 8395. 84th Congress, 1955-56. To amend the Robinson-Patman Act with reference to equality of opportunity.
- Folder 25: Judiciary. H.J.Res. 12, S.J.Res. 40. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Grants Eighteen-Year Old Citizens Right to vote
- Folder 26: Judiciary. H.J.Res. 82. 84th Congress, Equal Eights for Men & Women.
- Folder 27: Judiciary. S. 204. 84th Congress, 1955-56. For the relief of Fred. F. Hines.
- Folder 28: Judiciary. S. 287. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. For the relief of Melitta Elizabeth Rhone.
- Folder 29: Judiciary. S. 590. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Relating to rendition of musical compositions on coin-operated machines.
- Folder 30: Judiciary. H.R. 3233. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Makes avoiding prosecution, custody, etc. after conviction for arson a criminal offense.
- Folder 31: Judiciary. H.R. 3425. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Overtime compensation for custom officers & other employees.
- Folder 32: Judiciary. H.R. 6852. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Permits Future Farmers of America chapters at schools not qualifying for Federal Reimbursement.
- Folder 33: Judiciary. H.R. 627, 84th Congress, 1955-56. Provides means of further securing & protecting civil rights of U.S. citizens.
- Folder 34: Judiciary. S. 3978. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Col. Walter E. Cole's claim for service-connected disability retirement from Army.
- Folder 35: Judiciary Committee Legislation. S. 1644. 84th Congress, 1955-56. "Federal Construction Contract Act of 1955"
- Folder 36: Merchant Marine & Fisheries. H.R. 162, 3257. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Federal Aid to states for Wildlife-Restoration projects.
- Folder 37: Merchant Marine & Fisheries. S. 3275. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. "Fisheries Act of 1965".
- Folder 38: Merchant Marine & Fisheries. H.R. 5306. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. To protect & preserve the National Wildlife Refuges, etc.
- Folder 39: Merchant Marine & Fisheries. H.R. 10389. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Requires Military reservations to comply with state game & fish laws.
- Folder 40: Post Office & Civil Service. S. 67. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Federal Pay Raise.
- Folder 41: Post Office & Civil Service. H.R. 73, 9228. 84th Congress, l955-56. To readjust size & weight limitations on Fourth-Class Parcel Post.
- Folder 42: Post Office & Civil Service. H.R. 379, 3791, 3792, 11178. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Amends Civil Service Retirement Act re. Computation of Annuities.
- Folder 43: Post Office & Civil Service. S. 88l, H.R. 11380. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Readjusts postal rates, establishes a commission on postal rates, etc.
- Folder 44: Post Office & Civil Service. S. 1792. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Amends Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Act of 1954.
- Folder 45: Post Office & Civil Service. H.R. 1826. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Postal Pay Raises.
- Folder 46: Post Office & Civil Service. H.R. 4067. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Provides that Post Office Department furnishes equipment for use in Post Offices.
- Folder 47: Post Office & Civil Service. H.R. 4228, 4979. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Authorizes CSC study of technical, scientific & engineering positions.
- Folder 48: Post Office & Civil Service. H.R. 5139, S. 1292. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Readjusts postal classification on educational & Cultural materials.
- Folder 49: Post Office & Civil Service. H.R. 7241. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. "Federal employees' Group Health Insurance Act".
- Folder 50: Post Office & Civil Service. H.J.Res. 658. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Provides for issuance of "National Liberation Stamp".
- Folder 51: Post Office & Civil Service. S. 2875, 3041, H.R. 8812. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Civil Service Retirement Act Amendments of 1956.
- Folder 52: Post Office & Civil Service. H.R. 3255. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Corrects certain inequities in Civil Service Reclassification Act of 1949.
- Folder 53: Post Office & Civil Service. S. 3593 H.R. 10237. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Recognition of Organizations of Federal & Postal employees.
- Folder 54: Post Office & Civil Service. S. 3670. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Permits certain employees of state & county Agricultural Stabilization to come under the Civil Service Retirement Act.
- Folder 55: Post Office & Civil Service. H.R. 9966. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Provides for Issuance of a Stamp in Honor of the American Farmer.
- Folder 56: Booklet. Calendars of the U. S. House of Representatives & History of Legislation. All legislative actions & statistics as of August 14, 1956.
- Folder 57: Public Works. S. 890, H.R. 9540. 84th Congress, 1955-56. To extend & strengthen the Water Pollution Control Act.
- Folder 58: Public Works. H.R. 5878, 11477, S. 1823. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Authorizes construction of certain works in Niagara River for power improvement, etc.
- Folder 1: Interstate & Foreign Commerce. H.R. 258, 2688, 6544, 11360. S. 2929, 3110, 3879, 3946. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Bills relating to Auto Marketing.
- Box 15
- Folder 1: Public Works. H.R. 6769. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Provides better facilities for enforcements of customs & immigration laws.
- Folder 2: Public Works. H.R, 8836, 10660. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Amends Federal Aid Road Act.
- Folder 3: Public Works Legislation. H.R. 4260. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. "National Interstate Highways Act".
- Folder 4: Public Works. H.R. 234, 7072, S. 1573. 1048. 84th Congress, 1956. "The Federal-Aid Highway Act".
- Folder 5: Public Works Legislation. H.R. 9498. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Provides an addition to the National System of Interstate Highways.
- Folder 6: Exiles. S. Conc. Res. 15. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Provides for annual consolidated general appropriations bills.
- Folder 7: Rules Committee. H. J. Res. 433. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. To establish the Joint Committee on U.S. International Information program.
- Folder 8: Rules Committee. H.Res. 462. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Creates a Standing Committee on Administrative Procedures & Practices.
- Folder 9: Rules Committee. S. 3558. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Provides a Library of Captioned Films for the Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing.
- Folder 10: Veteran's .Affairs. S. 302 H.R. 10173. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Extends period for GI Loan Benefits to 1960.
- Folder 11: Veterans Affairs. S. 2810. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Permits certain Veterans to obtain nonparticipating insurance under National Life Insurance Act.
- Folder 12: Veterans Affairs. H.R. 2867. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Increases Pensions of widows of Spanish-American War Veterans.
- Folder 13: Veterans Affairs. H.R. 9139, S. 3067. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Provides a one year period during which certain veterans may be granted national life insurance.
- Folder 14: Veterans Affairs. H.R. 7580. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Compensation to members of National Guard for disability incurred in line of duty.
- Folder 15: Veterans Affairs. H.R. 7886, 8127. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Increases in Veterans' Pension Allowances. (see Education & Labor file on S. 533 also).
- Folder 16: Veterans Affairs. H.R. 11310, 12038. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Increases service-connected disability compensation & dependency allowances.
- Folder 17: Veterans Affairs. H.R. 707, 754, 3708. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Extends pension benefits to Veterans of hostilities in Moro Province & their family.
- Folder 18: Veterans Affairs. H.R. 1846, 2440, 2863, S. 1213. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Pensions for widows & children of World War II & Korean Veterans.
- Folder 19: Veterans Affairs. H.R, 4006. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Postpone reduction in allowances paid to Institutional On-Farm Training Veteran Trainee.
- Folder 20: Veterans Affairs. H.R. 5100. 84th Congress, 1st Session 1955. Clarifies entitlement of Veterans to Outpatient Dental Care.
- Folder 21: Veterans Affairs. H.R. 5298. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Extends Veterans' Benefits to dependents of Female Veterans.
- Folder 22: Veterans Affairs Legislation. H.R. 587. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. To continue educational benefits to Veterans.
- Folder 23: Veterans Affairs Legislation. H.R. 588, 9824. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 19556. War Orphans Educational Assistance Act of 1955.
- Folder 24: Veterans Affairs Legislation. H.R. 4264, 4439, 9844. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Legislation regarding pensions & claims for World War I Veterans.
- Folder 25: Ways & Means. H.R. 1. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1955.
- Folder 26: Ways & Means. H.R. 1601, 2416, 5206. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Regulations regarding qualifications of persons who assist taxpayers in computing Federal Tax liabilities.
- Folder 27: Ways & Means. H.R. 1775 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Establish quota limitations on imports of foreign residual fuel oil.
- Folder 28: Ways & Means. H.R. 4471, 4472. 84th Congress, 1955-56. "Pay-as-you-go Social Security Act". (Townsend Plan).
- Folder 29: Ways & Means. H.R. 5131. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Exempts Automobile parts or accessories from tax on sales or resales to manufacturer.
- Folder 30: Ways & Means. H.R. 9, 10. 84th Congress, 1955-56. "Individual Retirement Act of 1955".
- Folder 31: Ways & Means. H.R. 5550. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Authorizes United States membership in the Organization for Trade Cooperation.
- Folder 32: Ways & Means. H.R. 7634. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Exempts Transportation Tax from fares of 06 cents or less.
- Folder 33: Ways & Means. H.R. 8780. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Removal of excise tax on gasoline & special fuels used for farming purposes.
- Folder 34: Ways & Means. H.R 9075. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. "Highways Revenue Act of 1956".
- Folder 35: Ways & Means. H.R. 12298. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. To make technical changes in Federal excise tax laws, etc.
- Folder 36: Ways & Means Committee. H.R. 228, 9875. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. To terminate the tax on admissions.
- Folder 37: Ways & Means Legislation. H.R 43, 1780, 4793. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Bills relating to taxation of Cooperative Corporations.
- Folder 38: Ways & Means Legislation. H.R. 290. 84th Congress, 1956. Excise tax exemption for automobiles used in driver training program.
- Folder 39: Ways & Means. H.R. 746. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Exempts annuities received under Civil Service Retirement Act from income tax.
- Folder 40: Ways & Means. S. 1058. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Income tax deductions for meals & lodging when employed away from home.
- Folder 41: Ways & Means Legislation. H.R. 2966. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Increases amount which is exempt from surtax on corporate taxable income.
- Folder 42: Ways & Means legislation. H.R. 3437. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. Provides maximum manufacturer's excess tax on leases of automobile utility trailers.
- Folder 43: Ways & Means Legislation. H.R. 4259. 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955. "Revenue Act of 1935".
- Folder 44: Ways & Means Legislation. H.R. 7225, 3292, 3293, 751, 3654, 10283, 10284. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Social Security Amendments.
- Folder 45: Ways & Means Legislation. 84th Congress, 1955-56. Miscellaneous Bills on Excise taxes.
- Folder 46: Ways & Means Legislation. H.R, 9585. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Imposes an Import Tax on Natural Gas.
- Folder 1: Public Works. H.R. 6769. 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956. Provides better facilities for enforcements of customs & immigration laws.
- Box 7
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: 83rd Congress, 1953-1954],
[Series 2: 84th Congress, 1955-1956],
[Series 3: 85th Congress, 1957-1958],
[Series 4: Materials from the North Dakota Biographical File],