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- President's Office Records
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President's Office Records, 1884-Present
Collection Overview
Title: President's Office Records, 1884-Present
ID: UA043
Extent: 82.0 Boxes
Subjects: University of North Dakota, University of North Dakota - Administration, University of North Dakota - Presidents
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The President's Office Records are divided into four series. Series 1 has the Presidential Files and contains administrative records from the earliest presidents through the Kendall Baker era. The materials are arranged chronologically by president and then alphabetical by subject for each president. Note that the Starcher subseries is further divided into administrative files and speeches, remarks, and introductions given by Starcher. These speeches, etc., are arranged alphabetically by the name of the organization or institution at which the address was given. In some instances, the contents of folders span more than one administration and are then filed under the latest administration.
Subject files comprise Series 2 and pertain to more recent administrations, beginning with that of Charles Kupchella. The records in this series are arranged alphabetically by subject for each fiscal year. This is how the files were received, and is the result of the institution of the records management program in the 1990s. Fiscal years go from July 1 to June 30 of the following year.
Series 3 pertains to materials prepared by UND presidents for the governing boards. These are further divided into subseries of correspondence, assorted materials, and reports. The materials are arranged in chronological order.
Series 4 represents documents pertaining to various presidential searches, beginning in the early 1970s through 2008. Contents include meeting minutes of search committees, application materials of finalists, correspondence, and rankings.
Collection Historical Note
Service Summaries for UND Presidents:
William M. Blackburn, 1884-1885 (dismissed)
Henry Montgomery (acting president), 1885-1887
Homer B. Sprague, October 1887-March 1891 (resigned)
Webster Merrifield, March 1891-June 1909 (retired)
Frank L. McVey, June 1909-October 1917 (resigned)
Earle J. Babcock (interim president), October 1917-April 1918
Thomas F. Kane, April 1918-June 1933 (resigned)
John C. West, July 1933-June 1954 (retired)
George W. Starcher, July 1954-June 1971 (retired)
Thomas J. Clifford, July 1971-June 1992 (retired)
Kendall L. Baker, July 1992-June 1999 (resigned)
Charles E. Kupchella, July 1999-June 2008 (retired)
Robert O. Kelley, July 2008-January 2016 (retired)
Ed Schafer (interim president), January-June 2016
Mark R. Kennedy, July 2016-June 2019 (resigned)
Joshua Wynne (interim president), June 2019-June 2020
Andrew Armacost, July 2020-
Subject/Index Terms
University of North Dakota
University of North Dakota - Administration
University of North Dakota - Presidents
Administrative Information
Repository: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Access Restrictions: Available for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Department of Special Collections.
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item) Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections. Chester Fritz Library. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Processing Information: Reprocessed by Amber Bouret, work study assistant, beginning in June 2013.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Presidential Files (1884-1999)],
[Series 2: Subject Files (1999-current)],
[Series 3: SBHE/NDUS],
[Series 4: Presidential Searches],
- Series 1: Presidential Files (1884-1999)
- Sub-Series 1: William M. Blackburn, 1884-1885
- Sub-Series 2: Homer B. Sprague, 1887-1891
- Sub-Series 3: Webster Merrifield, 1891-1909
- Sub-Series 4: Frank McVey, 1909-1917
- Sub-Series 5: Thomas F. Kane, 1918-1933
- Box 1
- Folder 11: Board of Administration Reports, 1930 and 1933
- Folder 12: Carney Song Contest, 1919-1932
- Folder 13: Casel, John W. Bequest, 1921-1932
- Folder 14: Correspondence, 1923 -1932
- Folder 15: Cosmopolitan Club, 1931
- Folder 16: Dacotah Annual - Correspondence, 1924-1932
- Folder 17: Dacotah Annual - Newspaper Clippings, 1927-1931
- Folder 18: Dacotah Annual - "To the Students", 1922-1928
- Folder 19: Dakota Student, 1931
- Folder 20: Duplication of Courses at North Dakota Universities, 1932-1933
- Folder 21: Faculty Lists, 1921-1925
- Folder 22: Fulton Bequest, 1927
- Folder 23: Gansl Cup, 1925-1932
- Folder 24: Hancock, John M., 1922-1924
- Folder 25: Harpoon Case, 1927
- Folder 26: Homecoming, 1925-1932
- Folder 27: Installation Program and Address, June 1918
- Folder 28: Lunell Collection, 1926-1927
- Folder 29: Memorial Stadium Campaign, 1926
- Folder 30: Memorial Stadium Corporation, 1926 and 1931
- Folder 31: Memorial Stadium - Dedication, 1927
- Folder 32: Merrifield Fund, 1923-1932
- Folder 33: O'Brian, Robert E., 1931-1932
- Folder 34: Program for Memorial Service, 23 October 1919
- In memory of students and alumni who had died
- Folder 35: Quarterly Journal, 1918-1929
- Folder 36: Radio Station KFJM, October-November 1932
- Folder 37: Salaries at UND, 1924-1933
- includes a report (16 pages) from ca. 1933
- Folder 38: Sociology, Department of, 1925-1930
- Mainly correspondence regarding salaries and staffing.
- Folder 39: Square & Compass, 1922-1928
- Folder 40: Tuition, 1930-1933
- Folder 41: UND Report, ca. 1930
- Folder 42: University Problems Report, ca. 1922
- Folder 43: Wesley College, 1926-1933
- Folder 44: Wesley College - Survey Report, April 1931
- Folder 11: Board of Administration Reports, 1930 and 1933
- Box 1
- Sub-Series 6: John C. West, 1933-1954
- Box 1
- Folder 45: Abbott, Dr. Gordon A., 1953
- Folder 46: Acting President of ND Agricultural College, 1937
- Folder 47: Administrative Committee, 1935-1950
- Folder 48: Alumni Association, 1945-1951
- Folder 49: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Report, October 1953
- Folder 50: Armory - Construction, 1953
- Folder 51: Armory - Correspondence, 1934
- Folder 52: Army/Military Contracts, 1943-1944
- Folder 53: Army/Military Training, 1942-1944
- Folder 54: Assorted Materials, 1934-1953
- Folder 55: Blue Key Journal, 1938-1939
- Folder 56: Bridston, J. B., 1951-1954
- Folder 57: Brunsdale, Norman - North Dakota Governor, 1951-1954
- Folder 58: Burr Report, 1947
- Folder 59: Carney, E. C., 1931-1954
- Folder 60: Clifford, Thomas J., 1946-1954
- Folder 61: Committee on Religious Agencies, 1940-1943
- Folder 62: Congratulatory Letters, 1933
- Folder 63: Congratulatory Letters, 1933
- Folder 64: Congratulatory Letters, 1933
- Folder 65: Cooper, Sam, 1952
- Folder 66: Correspondence - Firing of Margaret Robinson, 1952
- Folder 67: Correspondence - Last Name A-I, 1951-1954
- Folder 68: Correspondence - Last Name J-N, 1926-1954
- Folder 69: Correspondence - Last Name R-T, 1951-1960
- Folder 70: Correspondence - Last Name Y-Z, 1949-1951
- Folder 71: Correspondence - Sidney Wold, 1951-1952
- Folder 72: Crown Prince of Norway, 1939
- Includes two copies of the program at University Stadium, 7 June 1939, for the visit of Crown Prince Olav and Crown Princess Märtha.
- Folder 73: Dacotah Annual, 1934-1935
- Folder 74: Dakota Student, 1934-1936
- Folder 45: Abbott, Dr. Gordon A., 1953
- Box 2
- Folder 1: Danforth Foundation, 1946
- Folder 2: Day, Carroll, 1934-1953
- Folder 3: Donations, 1945-1946
- Folder 4: Draft Age, 1942
- Folder 5: Duplication of Courses at North Dakota Schools, 1933-1934
- Folder 6: Engineering, College of, 1952-1953
- Folder 7: Engineer's Council for Professional Development, 1937-1948
- Folder 8: Expulsion Cases, 1951-1952
- Folder 9: Founder's Day, 1939-1945
- Folder 10: Gansl Cup, 1935-1945
- Folder 11: Georgia Authority Act, 1952
- Folder 12: Griffith, Robert, January 1951
- Folder 13: Guest Lectures, 1953-1954
- Folder 14: Hancock, John M., 1931-1954
- Folder 15: Higher Education in North Dakota - Reports and Statistics, 1935-1943
- Folder 16: Homecoming, 1933-1941
- Folder 17: Honors Day, 1937-1951
- Folder 18: Hughes, Edmund A., 1944
- Includes a memorial booklet with biographical information on his father, Alexander Hughes, a prominent attorney, politician, and business leader in Bismarck.
- Folder 19: Iceland, February 1953
- Folder 20: Janitors, 1945
- Folder 21: Langer, William, 1941-1954
- Folder 22: LaVerne Noyes Scholarship, 1933-1949
- Folder 23: Legal Status of UND, March 1934
- Folder 24: Legislature, 1953
- Folder 25: Letters of Congratulations, 1931-1937
- Folder 26: Lily (Theta Sigma Phi publication), 1951
- Folder 27: Lincoln, Abraham, letter with signature, February-August 1953
- Folder 28: Lunding, Frank, April-May 1949
- Folder 29: McCannel, Archie D., 1948-1954
- Folder 30: Medical School - Infant Incubators, 1939-1940
- Folder 31: Medical School - New Dean, April-July 1953
- Folder 32: Medical School - Report, April 7-8, 1950
- Folder 33: Medical School - Report, October 1-5, 1951
- Folder 34: Medical School - Survey, July-August 1951
- Folder 35: Memorial Stadium Corporation, 1938
- Folder 36: Memorial Student Union, 1947-1951 and undated
- Folder 37: Memos to UND Personnel, 1933-1936
- Folder 38: Mills, Mrs. D. B., May 1940
- Folder 39: Museum, 1934-1947
- Folder 40: National Youth Administration, 1937-1943
- Folder 41: Navy College Training Program, March-April 1943
- Folder 42: New Faculty, 1951-1952
- Folder 43: Nichols, A. R. - Landscaping, 1949-1950
- Folder 44: North Central Association, 1937
- Folder 45: North Dakota Agricultural College, 1933-1951
- Folder 46: North Dakota Agricultural College, 1952-1954
- Folder 47: North Dakota Engineer, 1942-1949
- Folder 48: North Dakota Independent, 1946
- Folder 49: Olson, E. W., 1948-1954
- Folder 50: Physical Education/Athletics, 1933-1948
- Folder 51: Physical Facilities and Human Resources Report, February 1951
- Folder 52: President's Residence, 1951-1953
- Folder 53: President West, October 1953
- Folder 54: Presser Foundation Scholarship, 1953-1954
- Folder 55: Printing Center - Historical, 1945-1953
- Folder 56: Radio - KFJM, 1936-1939
- Folder 57: Radio - KFJM, 1940-1948
- Folder 58: Religion, April 1952
- Folder 59: Report of Operation on Constitution & Regulations, May 6, 1938
- Folder 60: Report on Suggested Curriculum for Basic Nursing Program, September 11, 1947
- Folder 61: Reports and Statistics, 1933-1935
- Folder 62: Research Grants, 1952-1954
- Folder 63: Retirement Policy, 1934-1948
- Folder 64: Robertson, Donald J. - Correspondence, 1944-1954
- Folder 65: ROTC, 1952-1954
- Folder 66: Salaries, 1933-1944
- Folder 67: School for the Blind, 1952-1954
- Folder 68: School of Commerce, 1949
- Folder 69: Sitting Bull Trophy, April-November 1953
- Folder 70: Smith-Hughes & George-Deem Funds, 1940-1942
- Folder 71: St. Michael's Hospital/St. Joseph School of Nursing, 1950-1953
- Folder 72: Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 1939-1944
- Includes a print of a portrait of Stefansson painted by Maxim Kopf
- Folder 73: Student Health Infirmary, October 1951
- Folder 74: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1948-1954
- Folder 75: Tax Commission Consultant Spencer Larsen - Correspondence, 1935-1936
- Folder 76: Television in Education, May-December 1953
- Folder 77: Tenure, 1944-1945
- Folder 78: Think magazine article on North Dakota, 1950-1951
- Folder 79: Traynor, Fred J., 1942-1953
- Folder 80: Trubey, Ralph A., 1942-1951
- Folder 81: Tuition, 1939-1940
- Folder 82: Ulsrud, Jennie, May-September 1953
- Folder 83: University Club, New York, May 1947
- Folder 84: University of North Dakota Constitution, 1950-1951
- Folder 85: UND Overview, ca. 1942
- Folder 86: University Seal, 1947
- Folder 87: Upson, Maxwell M., 1946-1954
- Folder 88: Vacation/Sick Leave, January 1944
- Folder 89: Vannatta, Thomas A., 1949-1953
- Includes two photographs of Vannetta
- Folder 90: Veterans, 1944-1951
- Folder 91: Wesley College, 1933-1954
- Folder 92: Wesley College Memoranda, 1934-1953
- Folder 93: West - Assorted Materials, 1948-1952
Alumni Review article on West, February 1948
Dedication of Johnstone and Hancock Halls, October 1952
- Folder 94: Westbee, Don W., 1952-1954
- Folder 95: Whitney, Frank P., 1950-1953
- Folder 96: Young, Milton, 1952-1954
- Folder 1: Danforth Foundation, 1946
- Box 1
- Sub-Series 7: George Starcher, 1954-1971
- Sub-Series 1: Administrative Files
- Box 2
- Folder 92: Abbott Hall, 1960-1962
- Folder 93: Academic Freedom, 1956
- Folder 94: Administrative Committee, July - Oct 1959
- Folder 95: Administrative Conference, 1964-1971
- Folder 96: Admissions, 1964-1969
- Folder 97: Aerospace Education Workshop, 1966
- Folder 98: Agassiz Health Planning Council, May- July 1971
- Folder 99: Aging, 1962-1963
- Folder 100: Air Force ROTC Outstanding Service Award presented to George W. Starcher, undated
- Folder 101: Alcoholism, 1962-1971
- Folder 92: Abbott Hall, 1960-1962
- Box 3
- Folder 1: Alumni, 1954-1961
- Folder 2: Alumni Association, Jan. 1962
- Folder 3: Alumni Advisory Committee, 1963-1967
- Folder 4: American Assembly/ Minnesota-Dakota Assembly, 1961-1969
- Folder 5: American Association of University Professors, 1954-1960
- Folder 6: American Association of University Professors, 1961-1967
- Folder 7: American Association of State Colleges & Universities, 1971
- Folder 8: American College - Correspondence, Testing Program, March 1966
- Folder 9: American College Testing Program, 1964-1965
- Folder 10: American Institute for Foreign Trade Phoenix, 1964-1969
- Folder 11: Andrews, Mark, 1964-1971, n.d.
- Folder 12: Animal Welfare, 1967
- Folder 13: Army - College Review Visit, 1962
- Folder 14: Arneberg, John G., 1957-1959
- Folder 15: Arneberg Scholarship Recipients, 1961-1971
- Folder 16: Arneberg Trust, 1957-1971
- Folder 17: Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 1962-1965
- Folder 18: Athletics, Department of, 1958-1963
- Folder 19: Athletics, Department of, 1964-1967
- Folder 20: Athletics - General, 1957-1967
- Folder 21: Athletics - NCAA Inquiry, 1960
- Folder 22: Athletics - North Central Conference, 1961-1964
- Folder 23: Athletics - North Central Conference, 1964-1966
- Folder 24: Athletics - Physical Education, 1956-1965
- Folder 25: Atlantic Council, 1964-1970
- Folder 26: Audit, Brady Report, 1954-1968
- Folder 27: Auxiliary Services, 1968-1971
- Folder 28: Auxiliary Services - Audit Report, 1968
- Folder 29: Aviation - Aircraft Leases, 1967
- Folder 30: Aviation - Audit Conference Resume, 1970-1971
- Folder 31: Aviation - Cost Comparisons, 1968-1971
- Folder 32: Aviation - Correspondence, 1968-1970
- Folder 33: Aviation - Miscellaneous, 1969
- Folder 34: Awards & Prizes, Faculty, 1954-1959
- Folder 35: Baker, C.W. - Correspondence, 1957-1960
- Folder 36: Beck, Richard, 1961
- Folder 37: Bek Hall, 1957-1961
- Folder 38: Biological Station Properties, 1967-1970
- Folder 39: Biology Studies and Agreements, 1964-1969
- Folder 40: Bismarck Junior College, 1961
- Folder 41: Blood Bank, 1955-1963
- Folder 42: Board of Student Publications, 1969-1970 and undated
- Folder 43: Bridston, J.B., 1955-1965
- Folder 44: Bronson, H.A. - Estate, 1958-1968
- Folder 45: Brunsdale, Norman, 1955-1961
- Folder 46: Budge, Alexander G., 1958-1962
- Folder 47: Budget, 1956-1958
- Folder 48: Budget, 1960-1970
- Folder 1: Alumni, 1954-1961
- Box 4
- Folder 1: Building and Plant Improvement, 1955-1971
- Folder 2: Building Program Financing, Working Rules, & Regulations, 1956-1964
- Folder 3: Buildings and Grounds, 1955-1971
- Folder 4: Burdick, Quentin N., 1959-1969
- Folder 5: Burdick, Usher L., 1955-1959
- Folder 6: Bureau of Governmental Research, 1960
- Folder 7: Bureau of Mines - Correspondence, 1954-1963
- Folder 8: Bureau of Mines - Excess Real Property Report, 1954-1955
- Folder 9: Bureau of Mines - Extension of Cooperative Agreement, 1954-1963
- Folder 10: Burtness, Mrs. O. B., 1960-1963
- Folder 11: Burtness- Olger B. and Zoe E, Trust Agreement & Will, 1961-1962
- Folder 12: Burtness Theater, 1961-1968
- Folder 13: Business Education, 1964
- Folder 14: Buttz, Adrian E. - Will, 1955-1956
- Folder 15: Byrne, M. S., 1956-1959
- Folder 16: Calnan, J. N, 1954-1955
- Folder 17: Campus Improvement Plans, 1968-1971
- Folder 18: Campus Planning/Executive Committee minutes, 1968-1971
- Folder 19: Campus Planning - General, 1954-1971
- Folder 20: Campus Planning - Perkins & Will Conference Memos, 1962-1970
- Folder 21: Campus Planning - Perkins & Will correspondence, 1962-1970
- Folder 22: Campus Planning - State Board of Higher Education, 1962-1965
- Folder 23: Cancer Control Program/Convocation on Smoking and Health, 1964
- Folder 24: Carillon, 1958-1971
- Folder 25: Carillon - Specifications, 1958-1962
- Folder 26: Carleton College Visit, 1958-1959
- Folder 27: Chapels - Correspondence, 1962
- Folder 28: Chemistry Building/Abbott Hall, 1959-1962
- Folder 29: Chemistry Department, 1961-1969
- Folder 30: Chess Table, 1962
- Folder 31: Chester Fritz Auditorium, 1958-1965
- Folder 32: Chester Fritz Auditorium, 1966-1971
- Folder 33: Chester Fritz Auditorium - Financial, 1968-1971
- Folder 34: Chester Fritz Auditorium - Memoranda, 1965-1971
- Folder 35: Chester Fritz Library - Correspondence, 1957-1970
- Folder 36: Chester Fritz Library - Dedication, 1961
- Folder 37: Chester Fritz Library - Miscellaneous, 1957-1961 and undated
- Folder 38: Chosum University, Korea, 1969
- Folder 39: Christensen, Ralph, 1960-1962
- Folder 40: Christmas Cards, 1956-1971, undated
- Folder 41: Christmas Letters/Speeches, 1955-1970
- Folder 42: Christmas Parties - Newspaper Articles, 1964-1970, undated
- Folder 43: Christmas Party Programs, 1956-1970
- Folder 44: Civil Rights - Correspondence, 1958-1970
- Folder 45: Civil Rights - North Dakota Advisory Committee, 1958-1960
- Folder 46: Civil Rights - North Dakota Advisory Committee Minutes & Reports, 1958-1961
- Folder 47: Civil Rights - North Dakota Commission Correspondence, 1958-1961
- Folder 48: Civil Rights - North Dakota Indian Affairs Commission, 1957-1959
- Folder 49: Clifford, Thomas J., 1955-1971
- Folder 50: Coal Liquefaction Subcontract, 1966-1971
- Folder 51: Commencement, 1959-1962
- Folder 52: Committee of 100, 1961-1963
- Folder 53: Commitee of 100, 1964-1965, n.d.
- Folder 54: Common Operations Committee, December 1967
- Folder 1: Building and Plant Improvement, 1955-1971
- Box 5
- Folder 1: Compact for Education, 1965-1967
- Folder 2: Condell, James F., 1959-1960
- Folder 3: Conference - 75th Anniversary, 1957-1958
- Folder 4: Conference on Higher Education, 1954-1958
- Folder 5: Congratulatory Letters, 1957-1960
- Folder 6: Conrad, John, 1961-1968
- Folder 7: Cornell College Visit - Mount Vernon, Iowa, 1960-1961
- Folder 8: Correspondence - Last Name A, 1954-1960
- Folder 9: Correspondence - Last Name A, 1961-1967
- Folder 10: Correspondence - Last Name B, 1954-1965
- Folder 11: Correspondence - Last Name B, 1966-1968
- Folder 12: Correspondence - Last Name B, 1969-1970
- Folder 13: Correspondence - Last Name C, 1955-1964
- Folder 14: Correspondence - Last Name C, 1965-1968
- Folder 15: Correspondence - Last Name D, 1956-1973
- Folder 16: Correspondence - Last Name E, 1954-1968
- Folder 17: Correspondence - Last Name F, 1956-1961
- Folder 18: Correspondence - Last Name F, 1963-1968
- Folder 19: Correspondence - Last Name G, 1956-1963
- Folder 20: Correspondence - Last Name G, 1964-1969
- Folder 21: Correspondence - Last Name H, 1954-1958
- Folder 22: Correspondence - Last Name H, 1959-1962
- Folder 23: Correspondence - Last Name H, 1963-1965
- Folder 24: Correspondence - Last Name H, 1966-1969
- Folder 25: Correspondence - Last Name I, 1957-1969
- Folder 26: Correspondence - Last Name J, 1954-1962
- Folder 27: Correspondence - Last Name J, 1963-1970, n.d.
- Folder 28: Correspondence - Last Name K, 1955-1958
- Folder 29: Correspondence - Last Name K, 1959-1965
- Folder 1: Compact for Education, 1965-1967
- Box 6
- Folder 1: Correspondence - Last Name K, 1966-1969
- Folder 3: Correspondence - Last Name L, 1961-1965
- Folder 2: Correspondence - Last Name L, 1954-1960
- Folder 4: Correspondence - Last Name L, 1965-1969
- Folder 5: Correspondence - Last Name M, 1955-1960
- Folder 6: Correspondence - Last Name M, 1961-1965
- Folder 7: Correspondence - Last Name M, 1966-1969, n.d.
- Folder 8: Correspondence - Last Name Mc, 1956-1970
- Folder 9: Correspondence - Last Name N, 1955-1962
- Folder 10: Correspondence - Last Name N, 1963-1969
- Folder 11: Correspondence - Last Name O, 1953-1965
- Folder 12: Correspondence - Last Name P, 1955-1962
- Folder 13: Correspondence - Last Name P, 1963-1971
- Folder 14: Correspondence - Last Name Q, 1958-1964
- Folder 15: Correspondence - Last Name R, 1955-1961
- Folder 16: Correspondence - Last Name R, 1962-1970, n.d.
- Folder 17: Correspondence - Last Name S, 1955-1957
- Folder 18: Correspondence - Last Name S, 1958-1959
- Folder 19: Correspondence - Last Name S, 1960-1962
- Folder 20: Correspondence - Last Name S, 1963-1964
- Folder 21: Correspondence - Last Name S, 1965-1967
- Folder 22: Correspondence - Last Name S, 1968-1970, n.d.
- Folder 23: Correspondence - Last Name T, 1955-1962
- Folder 1: Correspondence - Last Name K, 1966-1969
- Box 7
- Folder 1: Correspondence - Last Name T, 1963-1971, n.d.
- Folder 2: Correspondence - Last Name U-V, 1956-1965
- Folder 3: Correspondence - Last Name W, 1954-1960
- Folder 4: Correspondence - Last Name W, 1961-1965
- Folder 5: Correspondence - Last Name Y-Z, 1957-1964
- Folder 6: Coulee Bridge, 1963-1965
- Folder 7: Council of State Government, 1957-1958
- Folder 8: Counseling and Guidance - Education Curriculum, 1958-1964
- Folder 9: Counselor Training Program, 1964-1965
- Folder 10: Courses - New and Pending, 1958-1959
- Folder 11: Cultural Charter Committee, 1959
- Folder 12: Dan Dugan Scholarships, 1956-1960
- Folder 13: Davis, John E., 1957-1960
- Folder 14: Day, Carroll E., 1955
- Folder 15: Deaconess Hospital - School of Nursing, 1952-1962
- Folder 16: DeRemer Architects, 1955-1961
- Folder 17: Dimitri, Ivan - Photography in Fine Arts Exhibit, 1963-1965
- Folder 18: Dohnanyi, Ernest Von, 1954-1967
- Picture of Dohnanyi included
- Folder 19: Dolan, F. M., 1960-1961
- Folder 20: Donnelly, P. J., 1954-1955
- Folder 21: Douglas Speech Scholarships (James H. Douglas), 1956-1960
- Folder 22: Earth Science Summer Institute, 1967-1969
- Folder 23: Economic Development Commission, 1957-1963
- Folder 24: Education, College of, 1954-1970
- Folder 25: Education, College of - Accreditation of Teacher Education, 1963-1969
- Folder 26: Elementary Teacher Education, 1955-1959
- Folder 27: Ellendale - Academic Records, 1936, 1953-1967
- Folder 28: Ellendale - Correspondence, 1956-1969
- Folder 29: Ellendale - Curriculum, 1966-1969
- Folder 30: Ellendale Branch - UND Faculty & Enrollments, 1965-1972
- Folder 31: Ellendale Branch - Financial, 1966-1968
- Folder 32: Ellendale Branch - Financial, 1969-1971, n.d.
- Folder 33: Ellendale Branch - Fire, 1970
- Folder 34: Ellendale - Meeting Minutes, 1970-1971
- Folder 35: Ellendale - Miscellaneous, 1969-1970, undated
- Folder 36: Ellendale - Policies & Administration, 1965-1969
- Folder 37: Ellendale - Reports, 1961-1969
- Folder 38: Ellendale - Students, 1961, 1965-1970
- Folder 39: Engen, Hans - Ambassador of Norway, 1956-1957
- Folder 40: Engineering, College of - Accreditation, 1957-1970
- Folder 41: Engineering, College of - Assorted Materials, 1954-1971
- Folder 1: Correspondence - Last Name T, 1963-1971, n.d.
- Box 8
- Folder 1: Engineering, College of - Memos, 1961-1971
- Folder 2: Engineering, College of - Reports & Proposals, 1956-1970
- Folder 3: Exchange Lecture Program, 1955-1962
- Folder 4: Extension Division/Continuing Education, 1958-1968
- Folder 5: Extension Division/Continuing Education - Air Force Classes, 1964-1968
- Folder 6: Extension Division - Williston Center, 1958-1963
- Folder 7: Faculty Club, 1963-1969
- Folder 8: Faculty Conferences, 1956-1966
- Folder 9: Faculty - Course Evaluations by Students, 1964
- Folder 10: Faculty Lecture Series - Correspondence, 1956-1960
- Folder 11: Faculty Lecture Series - Schedules and Dinners, 1954-1960
- Folder 12: Faculty Lists, 1954-1962
- Folder 13: Faculty Lists, 1962-1964
- Folder 14: Faculty Lists, 1964-1965
- Folder 15: Faculty Lists, 1965-1970
- Folder 16: Faculty Orientation - Pamphlets, 1973
- Folder 17: Faculty Promotions, 1957-1971
- Folder 18: Fallout Shelters - Campus, 1962-1971
- Folder 19: Fees - Correspondence, 1958-1970
- Folder 20: Fees - Memoranda, 1957-1970
- Folder 21: Fees - Miscellaneous, 1955-1966
- Folder 22: Fees - Rates, 1959-1970
- Folder 23: Fellows of the University of North Dakota, 1970
- Folder 24: Ferguson, Elmer - Engineering Loan Fund, 1957-1958
- Folder 25: Final Report of the Director of the Councelor Advisor University Summer Education Project, July- September 1964
- Folder 26: Follies, 1958-1962
- Folder 27: Founder's Day, 1959-1971
- Folder 28: Founder's Day - Correspondence, 1954-1970
- Folder 29: Founder's Day - Remarks, Speeches, and Committee Materials, 1959-1971
- Folder 30: Fox Memorial Bridge (Coulee), 1965-1966
- Folder 31: Fraternities and Sororities - Correspondence, 1956-1963
- Folder 32: Fraternity, Lambda Chi - Correspondence, 1962-1966
- Folder 33: Fraternity, Lambda Chi - Financial Reports, 1973-1974
- Folder 34: Fraternity, Lambda Chi - Pledges, 1963
- Folder 35: Freedom Shelf, February-May 1962
- Folder 36: Freshman Orientation - Correspondence, 1955-1970
- Folder 37: Freshman Orientation - Miscellaneous, 1968
- Folder 38: Freshman Orientation - Remarks to Freshman, 1962-1970
- Folder 39: The "Friends" - Correspondence and article, September 1969
- Folder 40: Fritz, Chester - Assorted Materials, 1954-1974
- Folder 41: Fritz, Chester - Correspondence, 1957-1959
- Folder 42: Fritz, Chester - Correspondence, 1960-1978
- Folder 43: Fritz, Chester - Scholarship, 1956-1971
- Folder 44: Fritz, Chester - Stock Donations, 1966-1971
- Folder 45: Fulton Hall - Dedication, 1955-1957
- Folder 46: Fulton Hall - Remodeling, 1957
- Folder 47: Furment Meetings, 1968
- Folder 48: Gamble, Burt - Bibliography, 1962
- Folder 49: Gamble, Burt - Gamble Hall Correspondence, 1962-1969
- Folder 50: Gamble Hall - Dedication, 1969
- Folder 51: Gamble Hall - Funding Agreement, 1967-1968
- Folder 52: Geology, 1955-1965
- Folder 53: Gibson, Roland Scholarship - Correspondence, 1959-1964
- Folder 54: Girls State, 1955-1963
- Folder 55: Golf Course, 1962
- Folder 56: Graduate Club, 1954-1963
- Folder 57: Graduate Diversion - Correspondence, 1954-1962
- Folder 1: Engineering, College of - Memos, 1961-1971
- Box 9
- Folder 1: Graduate Division - Memoranda, 1958-1963
- Folder 2: Graduate Divison - Miscellaneous, 1961-1962
- Folder 3: Grand Forks City Schools - Agreements, 1955
- Folder 4: Grand Forks City Schools - Correspondence, 1955-1959
- Folder 5: Grand Forks - Correspondence, 1955-1967
- Folder 6: Grand Forks Herald, 1955-1971
- Folder 7: Greek Week, 1958-1965
- Folder 8: Griffith, Maude B. Scholarship (Music) - Correspondence, 1956-1959
- Folder 9: Gruter, Arnold- Correspondence, 1966
- Folder 10: Guerrero, Manuel - Correspondence & Photographs, October 1956
- Correspondence with Manuel Guerrero of Guam with three photographs, two of which include Starcher
- Folder 11: Guy, William, 1960-1966
- Folder 12: Guy, William, 1967-1971
- Folder 13: Haas, Albert, 1955-1969
- Folder 14: Hall of Fame, 1954-1970
- Folder 15: Hallinglaget, 1966-1967
- Folder 16: Hancock, John, 1954-1956
- Folder 17: Hanson Honor Scholarship- Correspondence, 1961-1963
- Folder 18: Hanson, Mrs. Rema Farup- Correspondence, 1957-1959
- Folder 19: Health, Education and Welfare, Department of - Audit Reports- Grants Issued and control over Government owned property, 1969-1971
- Folder 20: Health, Education and Welfare, Department of- Higher Education Act of 1965, 1965-1969
- Folder 21: Health, Education, & Welfare, Department of - Fall Report on Faculty & Survey of Students Enrolled, 1955-1970
- Folder 22: Health, Education and Welfare, Department of - National Technical Institute for the Deaf Act, 1965-1966
- Folder 23: Health, Education, & Welfare, Department of - Office of Education Report, 1961
- Folder 24: Health, Education, & Welfare, Department of - Report of Suggested Long-Range Physical Facilities Department Programs, 1961
- Folder 25: Health, Education, & Welfare, Department of - Estimated State Allotment for Fiscal Year, 1972
- Folder 26: Health, Education, & Welfare Department of - Correspondence, 1957-1963
- Folder 27: Health, Education, & Welfare Deparment of - Correspondence, 1964-1967
- Folder 28: Health, Education, & Welfare, Department of - Correspondence, 1968-1971
- Folder 29: Health, Education, & Welfare, Department of - Correspondence: Grants, Loans, & Workstudy, 1967-1972
- Folder 30: Health, Education, & Welfare, Department of - Correspondence: Grants, Loans, & Workstudy, 1956-1966
- Folder 31: Health, Education, & Welfare, Department of - Correspondence: National Defense Education Act, 1959-1971
- Folder 32: HEW Regulations on Title 9, 1974
- Folder 33: Hextall, Dennis H., 1966-1967
- Folder 34: Higher Education in Alaska, 1972
- Folder 35: Higher Education Facilities Acts - Assorted Material, 1963-1971
- Folder 36: Higher Education Facilities Acts - Bulletins, 1964-1968
- Folder 37: Higher Education Facilities Acts - North Dakota Planning Commission, 1964-1968
- Folder 38: Higher Education Facilities Acts - State Plans, 1963-1968
- Folder 39: Historical Data, 1957-1966
- Folder 40: History of the Northern Plains, 1955-1961
- Folder 41: History of the University of North Dakota, Correspondence, 1957-1965
- Folder 42: Hoghaug, Tom Memorial Hockey Scholarship, 1958-1959
- Folder 43: Honor Code, May 1967
- Folder 44: Honor Roll, Presidents, 1962-1971
- Folder 45: Honorary Degrees - Biographies of Nominees, 1960-1966
- Folder 46: Honorary Degrees - Correspondence, 1957-1968
- Folder 47: Honorary Degrees - Standards & Procedures, 1954
- Folder 48: Honors Day - Convocation, 1956-1970
- Folder 49: Honors Day - Correspondence, 1959-1962, n.d.
- Folder 50: Honors Day - Memorandum, 1959-1962
- Folder 51: Honors Day - Miscellaneous, 1957-1962, n.d.
- Folder 52: Honors Program - Correspondence, 1961-1962
- Folder 1: Graduate Division - Memoranda, 1958-1963
- Box 10
- Folder 1: Honors Program - Description, 1962
- Folder 2: Honors Program - Miscellaneous, 1961-1967
- Folder 3: Honors Work Committee, 1958-1960
- Folder 4: Horner Wooden Comp, 1967-1969
- Folder 5: Housing, 1954-1964
- Folder 6: Hughes, Edmond A., 1958-1962
- Folder 7: Hughes, Edmond A., 1962-1971
- Folder 8: Hughes, Edmond A. - Biography, August 1961
- Folder 9: Human Relations Conference, 1954-1957
- Folder 10: Humphrey, Hubert H., 1966-1967
- Folder 11: Hunger, Gordon C., December- May 1967
- Folder 12: Inauguration, April 1955
- Folder 13: Insurance, 1957-1963
- Folder 14: Insurance, 1964-1968
- Folder 15: Insurance Federation, June-August 1954
- Folder 16: International Association of Universities, August 1965
- Folder 17: International Commission Irrigation and Drainage, 1956-1957
- Folder 18: International Geophysical Year, November 1959
- Folder 19: Ireland Laboratory, 1953-1965
- Folder 20: Iron Mask, February 1968
- Folder 21: Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Associaton, 1956-1964
- Folder 22: Jestrab, Elvira, 1956-1970
- Folder 23: Johnson, Mildred, 1954-1966
- Folder 24: Johnstone, M. Beatrice - Memorial Fund, 1959-1960
- Folder 25: Joint Civilian Orientation Conference, Febuary 1960
- Folder 26: Kennedy, J. F. - President, 1963-1969
- Folder 27: Kidder, Merle, 1952-1961
- Folder 28: King, Cora Smith, 1889/ 1962
- Folder 29: Kleppe, Tom, 1967-1970
- Folder 30: Koehn, George L. - Student Loan Fund, 1965-1968
- Folder 31: Kruse, Martin G., 1956-1969
- Folder 32: Labor, 1964-1974
- Folder 33: Langer, William, 1954-1960
- Folder 34: Language Institute - Summer, 1960-1961
- Folder 35: Law School - Admission, Bar, Cirriculum, etc., 1961-1966, n.d.
- Folder 36: Law School - Memoranda, 1961-1966
- Folder 37: Law School - Miscellaneous, 1961-1969
- Folder 38: Law School - Foundation (Correspondence), 1961-1966, n.d.
- Folder 1: Honors Program - Description, 1962
- Box 11
- Folder 1: Legislature, 1959
- Folder 2: Legislature, 1960-1963
- Folder 3: Legislature, 1964-1967
- Folder 4: Legislature, 1968-1969
- Folder 5: Legislators School, 1960
- Folder 6: Legislators School, 1962-1964
- Folder 7: Leonard Hall Dedication, 1965
- Folder 8: Letters (general) from Starcher, 1963-1971
- Folder 9: Li, Dr. Min Hin, 1956-1973
- Folder 10: Libby Historical Collection, March 1956
- Folder 11: Liquor on campus - correspondence, 1968
- Folder 12: Long Range Planning Committee Report, 1967
- Folder 13: Lowe, Kenneth C. (State Representative), 1959-1960
- Folder 14: Loyalty Oath, 1961
- Folder 15: Man in the Sea, undated
- Folder 16: Mary Elizabeth Hetherington Trust, 1971
- Folder 17: Maxwell M. Upson Lectureship, 1964-1966, n.d.
- Folder 18: Maxwell M. Upson Scholarships, 1958-1961
- Folder 19: McCannel, A. D., 1954-1963
- Folder 20: McCoy, Lawrence, 1956-1963
- Folder 21: Medical Center Advisory Council Minutes and Agenda, 1956-1970
- Folder 22: Medical Center - Financial Statements, 1949-1960
- Folder 23: Medical Center - Miscellaneous, 1955-1971
- Folder 24: Medical Rehabilitation & Treatment Center, 1955-1970
- Folder 25: Medical Rehabilitation and Treatment Center - Aging of Accounts Receivable & Agreement, June-July 1971
- Folder 26: Medical Rehabilitation & Treatment Center Construction, 1961-1971
- Folder 27: Medical Rehabilitation & Treatment Center - Miscellaneous, 1959-1971
- Folder 28: Medical School, 1956-1970
- Folder 29: Medical School - Reports & Surveys, 1958-1971
- Folder 30: Memorial Building Fund, 1958-1964
- Folder 1: Legislature, 1959
- Box 12
- Folder 1: Minuteman Missile Program, 1962-1969
- Folder 2: Minuteman Missile Program, 1970-1971
- Folder 3: Mitchell, L. C., 1956-1959
- Folder 4: Montana State University Study, 1954-1957
- Folder 5: Moratorium - Vietnam, 1969
- Folder 6: Natonal Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 1957-1966
- Folder 7: National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 1967-1970, n.d.
- Folder 8: National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education Report, 1964
- Folder 9: National Defense Education Act, 1958-1959
- Folder 10: National Science Foundation, 1955-1960
- Folder 11: National Science Foundation, 1960-1962
- Folder 12: National Science Foundation, 1963-March 1964
- Folder 13: National Science Foundation, May 1964-April 1965
- Folder 14: National Science Foundation, May 1966-February 1968
- Folder 15: National Science Foundation, March 1968-April 1970
- Folder 16: National Science Foundation, May 1970-1971
- Folder 17: Naval Reserve, 1957-1959
- Folder 18: Nebraska Visit, 1959-1960
- Folder 19: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Visit, April-August 1965
- Folder 20: New Mexico Visit, January-May 2013
- Folder 21: Newcomen Society - Correspondence, 1956-1964
- Folder 22: Newcomen Society - Invitations & Speeches, June-July 1958
- Folder 23: New School of Behavioral Studies, 1967-1971 and undated
- Folder 24: New School - Budget, 1968-1971
- Folder 25: New School - Miscellaneous, 1967-1971 and undated
- Folder 26: Newspaper Articles - Assorted, 1966-1968
- Folder 27: Nixon, V.P. Richard, 1960
- Folder 28: North Central Association, 1963-May 1968
- Folder 1: Minuteman Missile Program, 1962-1969
- Box 13
- Folder 1: North Central Association, June 1968-1971
- Folder 2: North Central Association - site visit, 1964
- Folder 3: North Central Intercollegiate Athletic Conference - Constitution and Rules, 1959
- Folder 4: North Dakota Agricultural College, 1954-1955
- Folder 5: North Dakota Agricultural College, 1956-1957
- Includes a memo from 1916 regarding courses in Engineering at NDAC and UND by E.J. Babcock and a collection of correspondence from 1917 between Babcock, E.S. Keene (dean at NDAC) and the State Board of Regents concerning duplication in Engineering in the two schools.
- Folder 6: North Dakota Agricultural College, 1958-1960
- Folder 7: North Dakota League for Nursing, May 1969
- Folder 8: North Dakota State University, 1961-1965
- Folder 9: North Dakota Teacher (Journal), 1958-1967
- Folder 10: North Dakota Youth Brochure (Education), ca. 1955
- Folder 11: Nursing (College of) - Agreements, 1963-1967
- Folder 12: Nustad, Harry, September 1954
- Folder 13: Nygaard, Rep. Hjalmar, 1960-1963
- Folder 14: O'Connor Estate, 1959-1968
- Folder 15: O'Connor Scholarship Trust, 1955-1966
- Folder 16: Oil and Gas Meeting, May-September 1970
- Folder 17: Olav V, King of Norway, January 1968
- Folder 18: Old Main, 1960-1963
- Folder 19: Olson, E.W., 1954-1961 and undated
- Folder 20: Omicron Delta Kappa, 1971
- Folder 21: Open Forum with Faculty and Students, 11 May 1970
- Folder 22: Operation North Star, 1966-1967
- Folder 23: Oppegard, M.M., 1969-1970
- Folder 24: Paul E. Barr Memorial Fund, June 1958
- Folder 25: Peace Officers Development Council, 1964
- Folder 26: Petitions/Protests, 1965-1970
- Folder 27: President's Council, 1954-April 1970
- Folder 28: President's Council, May 1970-June 1971
- Folder 29: President's Council Booklet - Standing Committees, 1971
- Folder 30: President's Medal, February-June 1970
- Folder 31: President's Residence, 1956-1957
- Folder 32: Radio Free Europe, 1961-1962
- Folder 33: Reception for Faculty, 1960-1970
- Folder 34: Reception for Starcher, 1971
- Folder 35: Redlin, Rep. Rolland, 1965
- Folder 36: Recommendations by Graduate Faculty to improve research, ca. 1966
- Folder 37: Rehabilitation Center/Physical Therapy, 1966-1971
- Folder 38: Religion - Correspondence, 1957-1962
- Folder 39: Religion - Teaching of, 1956-1962
- Folder 40: Report of Committee on Administrative Procedures, ca. 1957
- Folder 41: Report of Special Ad Hoc Committee, 2 June 1965
- The committee, comprised of faculty members and students, investigated and addressed concerns of the student body regarding rumors of the forced resignation of Ronald Jackson, Dean of Students, in this report.
- Folder 42: Report of Survey of UND School of Medicine, November 1961
- Folder 43: Richards, Raymond, 1961-1965
- Folder 44: Rickey, Branch, 1955-1958
- Folder 45: Robert D. Campbell Foundation, 1955-1964
- Folder 46: Robert D. Campbell Foundation, 1965-1971
- Folder 47: Robertson, Dean Donald J., 1954-1973
- Folder 1: North Central Association, June 1968-1971
- Box 14
- Folder 1: Rockwell, George (American Nazi Party), November 1965
- Folder 2: Roll of Honor in Scholarship, April 1959
- Folder 3: Rosa Mary Gates Trust, 1966-1971
- Includes a photograph of Jack Gates from 1955.
- Folder 4: Rotary Foundation Scholarships, 1957-1958
- Folder 5: ROTC - Air Force, 1963-1971
- Folder 6: ROTC - Army, 1959-April 1967
- Folder 7: ROTC - Army, May 1967-1970
- Folder 8: ROTC - Army Advisory Panels, 1961-1962
- Folder 9: "Rumor" Newsletter (UND Publication), 1965-1967
- Folder 10: Russell, John Dale - Special Education Programs, 1964
- Folder 11: St. Michael's Hospital, 1960-1970
- Folder 12: Scholarship Averages - Dorms/Fraternities/Sororities, 1960-1971
- Folder 13: Scholarships, 1955-1964
- Folder 14: Scholarships, 1965-1967
- Folder 15: Scholarships, 1968-1971
- Folder 16: School for the Blind, April-November 1959
- Folder 17: Science Institute for Teachers, 1957-1962
- Folder 18: Science Institute for Teachers, 1963-1970
- Folder 19: Science/Mathematics Camp for High School Students, 1960-1961
- Folder 20: Semester vs. Quarter System, 1961-1971
- Folder 21: Sevareid, Eric, 1957-1970
- Folder 22: Seventy Fifth Anniversary, 1956-1959
- Folder 23: Short, Rep. Don L., 1959-1964
- Folder 24: Smart, Dr. Charles Allen, 1954-1960
- Folder 25: Smith, Gene, 1964-1965
- Folder 26: Smith Hall Dedication, 1962-1964
- Includes biographical information on Cora Smith (Eaton), a member of UND's first graduating class.
- Folder 27: The Snark (UND publication), undated
- Folder 28: Social Security, 1954-1957 and undated
- Folder 29: Squires, Dean Vernon P. - Memorial Fund, 18 August-14 September 1964
- Folder 30: Squires, Dean Vernon P. - Memorial Fund, 15-29 September 1964
- Folder 31: Squires, Dean Vernon P. - Memorial Fund, October 1964-1971
- Folder 32: Squires Hall Dedication, August-October 1964
- Folder 33: Squires, James Duane, 1954-1964
- Folder 34: Staff Appointments, 1956-1959
- Folder 35: Staff Personnel Policies, 5 November 1970
- Folder 36: Standing Committees, 1964-1971
- Folder 37: Starcher - Awards and Recognitions, 1970-1973
- Folder 38: Starcher Hall - Groundbreaking and Dedication, 1979-1980
- Folder 39: Starcher - Reports/Statements, 1956-1965
- Folder 1: Rockwell, George (American Nazi Party), November 1965
- Box 15
- Folder 1: State Universities Association, 1960-1961
- Folder 2: Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 1957-1962
- Folder 3: Stuart, Jesse, 1957-1971
- Includes the manuscript "The Tale of the Tumbleweed" by Stuart
- Folder 4: Student Corporation (University Student Association), 1967-1968
- Folder 5: Student Council, 1954-1959, n.d.
- Folder 6: Student Financial Aid, 1956-1968
- Folder 7: Student Financial Aid, 1969-1971
- Folder 8: Student Health Service Report, 15 March 1965
- Folder 9: Student Senate, 1962-1971, n.d.
- Folder 10: Student Union Building Revenue Bonds, 1959-1963
- Folder 11: Student Union - Miscellaneous, 1955-1964
- Folder 12: Sullivan, Henry P, 1962-1969
- Folder 13: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1954-1962
- Folder 14: Surveys, 1954-1962
- Folder 15: Swarthmore College - Questionnaire of Business Education, March-April 1957
- Folder 16: Teacher Corps Curriculum, October 1969
- Folder 17: Television/Radio, 1963-1965
- Folder 18: Television - Educational, Correspondence, 1954-1960
- Folder 19: Television - Educational, Correspondence, 1961-1963
- Folder 20: Television - Educational, Correspondence, 1964-1969
- Folder 21: Television - Educational, Miscellaneous, 1955-1969 and undated
- Folder 22: Tenure, 1957-1971
- Folder 23: Terry Lee Casey Trust, April-May 1969
- Folder 24: Theater, 1957-1961
- Folder 25: Thomas D. Campbell Foundation, 1957-1970
- Folder 26: Tiffany, K.B. - Correspondence, 1957
- Folder 27: Tiffany, K.B. - Correspondence, 1958-1961
- Folder 28: TIffany, K.B. - Miscellaneous, 1957-1959
- Folder 29: Tuberculosis Program, June 1957
- Folder 30: Twamley, Edna - Correspondence, 1956-1959
- Folder 31: Twamley, Edna - Correspondence, 1960-1963
- Folder 32: Twamley, Edna - Miscellaneous, 1960-1967
- Folder 33: Twamley Hall/Administration Building, 1956-1963
- Folder 1: State Universities Association, 1960-1961
- Box 16
- Folder 1: Twamley Hall Dedication, 1962-1963
- Folder 2: Twamley Legal Documents, 1958-1970
- Folder 3: Twamley Trust - Assorted Financial Records, 1958-1970
- Folder 4: Union Agreements, December 1970
- Folder 5: University Center Dedication (Student Union), October 1964
- Folder 6: University Constitutions, 1960-1970
- Folder 7: University Council, 1954-1961
- Folder 8: University Legislature/Senate, 1960-1969 and undated
- Folder 9: University Letter to Starcher (Letter of the 25) - Campus Issues, January 1965
- Folder 10: University Medallions and Official Seal, 1956-1969
- Folder 11: University Memos - General, 1954-1971
- Folder 12: University Mothers Day/Parents Day, 1960-1971
- Folder 13: "University of North Dakota and the Next Ten Years", ca. 1962
- Folder 14: University of North Dakota - Brief History, 1964
- Folder 15: University Press, 1956-1969
- Folder 16: University Self-Study Committees, 1957-1959 (Folder 1 of 2)
- Folder 17: University Self-Study Committees, 1957-1959 (Folder 2 of 2)
- Folder 18: University Speakers List, 1970-1971
- Folder 19: Upper Great Plains School of Social Work, 1967-1971
- Folder 20: Upson Engineering Building, 1967-1971
- Folder 21: Upson Lectures, 1964-1965
- Folder 22: Upson, Maxwell M. - Correspondence, 1955-July 1961
- Folder 23: Upson, Maxwell M. - Correspondence, August 1961-August 1965
- Folder 24: Upson, Maxwell M. - Correspondence, September 1965-1970
- Folder 25: Upson, Maxwell M. - Miscellaneous, 1954-1966
- Folder 26: Upson Scholarships Trust - Financial Information, 1959-1964
- Folder 27: Varsity Bards, 1963-1964
- Folder 28: Veteran Enrollment Data, 1944-1958
- Folder 29: Walsh Hall - Dedication
- Folder 30: Wang, Gilman, 1954-1963
- Folder 31: Wesley College - Correspondence, 1955-1965
- Folder 32: Wesley College - Miscellaneous, 1956-1965 and undated
- Folder 33: West Hall - Dedication, June 1965
- Folder 1: Twamley Hall Dedication, 1962-1963
- Box 17
- Folder 1: Westbee, Dr. D. W., 1954-1958
- Folder 2: Whitney, Frank P., 1954-1955
- Folder 3: Wilkerson Complex - Dedication, 1969
- Folder 4: Williston Center - Audits, 1963-1966
- Folder 5: Williston Center - Construction and Grant, 1965-1966
- Folder 6: Williston Center - Correspondence, 1961-1966
- Folder 7: Winter Sports Building, 1969-1971
- Folder 8: Witmer Hall - Dedication, 1968-1969
- Folder 9: Women's Gymnasium, December 1969
- Folder 10: Writing Rock Relocation, 1964-1965
- Folder 11: Yankton College Review Visit, 1959-1960
- Folder 12: Young, Milton, 1954-1966
- Folder 13: Young, Milton, 1967-1971
- Folder 1: Westbee, Dr. D. W., 1954-1958
- Box 2
- Sub-Series 2: Speeches, Remarks, and Introductions
- Box 17
- Folder 14: Abbott Hall - Association of Women Students, 1957-1970
Abbott Hall Dedication, April 1962
Aging, Conference
Alpha Lambda Delta & Phi Eta Sigma Initiates, April 1970
American Academy of General Practice, November 1958
American Association of University Professors (AAUP), October 1957
AAUP - Minneapolis, May 1969
AAUP - North Dakota, May 1970
AAUP - Ohio
AAUP - South Dakota, May 1969
American Home Economics Association, June 1959
Associated Collegiate Press - National Council of College Publications Advisers (ACP - NCCPA), October 1969
ACP - NCCPA, November 1969
Association of Women Students, February 1960
- Folder 15: Alumni, 1959-1970
- Mainly remarks to various UND alumni groups.
- Folder 16: Athletic Banquets, 1960-1971
- Folder 17: Bankers - Business, 1958-1971
Bankers - Address, December 1964
Bankers Conference, February 1971
Bankers Educational Conference, February 1970
Bek Hall Dedication, January 1958
Bek Hall Scholarship Banquet
Bemidji State College, June 1960
Budget Committees - State Legislature, 1969 & 1971
Burtness Theatre Dedication, April 1963
Business Conference, April 1961
- Folder 18: Campus Conference on Religion - Concrete, 1958-1972
Campus Conference on Religion, March 1958
Chester Fritz Auditorium Groundbreaking, June 1970
Chester Fritz Auditiorium Dedication, October 1972
Christmas messages, 1961, 1969, & 1970
Coaches Clinic, April 1968
College Faculty Conference, September 1969
Committee of 100, May 1964
Computer Group
Computer Science Symposium, March 1969
Concrete Conference
- Folder 19: Chester Fritz Library Dedication, October 1961
- Folder 20: Commencement - Other (Ada - Dickinson)
- Folder 21: Commencement - Other (Ellendale - Moorhead)
- Folder 22: Commmencement - Other (Mott - Williston)
- Folder 23: Commencement - UND, 1956-1971
- Folder 24: Delta Tau Delta - Farmer's Union, 1960-1968
Delta Tau Delta Dinner, January 1967
Delta Tau Delta Regional Conference, April 1960
Delta Upsilon Founders Day, December 1966
Dormitory Personnel, September 1968
Ellendale tele-lecture, November 1966
Employees School, April 1965
Engineers - County, November 1960
Engineers - UND
Episcopal Laymen's Conference, January 1966
Fargo Elks Club, November 1966
Farmer-Labor Group, October 1960
Farmer's Union Convention, December 1968
- Folder 25: Editor's Day, 1958-1970
- Folder 26: Faculty, 1956-1970
- Folder 27: Federated Women's Clubs - Freshmen, 1962-1971
Federated Women's Clubs
Food Service Managers, January 1971
4-H in Thief River Falls, November 1968
Fox Memorial Bridge Dedication, June 1966
Freshmen at UND, 1962-1970
- Folder 28: Founders Day, 1959-1971
- Folder 29: Gamble Hall - Hockey, 1956-1969
Gamble Hall Dedication, May 1969
Girls State, 1956 & 1958
Governor's Day, May 1959
Graduate Club, December 1961
Grain Dealers Association, January 1959
Grand Forks Herald articles, August 1958 & January 1965
Greek Week, November 1962
Hamre Recognition Dinner (Dean Christopher J. Hamre), April 1967
Havig Appreciation Banquet in Williston (Leonard T. Havig), May 1966
High School Girls Career Day, November 1960
Hockey Team Banquet, May 1967
- Folder 30: Honors Day - Intramural, 1954-1970
Honors Day - Jamestown College, April 1963
Honors Day - UND, 1959-1970
Hospital Administrators, April 1960
Inauguration of President Starcher, April 1955
Independent Monthly, January 1955
Installation of Dr. Neve (Rev. Herbert Neve), October 1959
Installation of Pastor Kopka (Rev. Gustav Kopka), September 1969
Institute on Alcolholism, July 1970
Insurance Federation of North Dakota, September 1954
International Club, December 1962
Intramural Appreciation Banquet, September 1967
Intramural Directors
- Folder 31: Introductions
- Introductions of various speakers by President Starcher
- Folder 32: Jamestown College Convocation - League of North Dakota Municipalities, 1958-1971
Jamestown College Convocation, October 1969
Jamestown Conference, June 1965
John F. Kennedy Convocation, September 1963
Junior College Faculties, October 1966
Juvenile Delinquency Conference, April 1962
Kathrine Belanger Tiffany Graduate Student Center Dedication, April 1971
Kiwanis Club of Grand Forks, October 1958
Lambda Chi Alpha, undated and March 1968
Law students welcome, September 1966
League of North Dakota Municipalities
- Folder 33: Legislative Personnel - Missouri Valley, 1954-1970
Legislative and Government Personnel, March 1970
Legislators dinners, November 1964 & March 1967
Legislators School, November 1960
Legislature - North Dakota, February 1959
Leonard Hall Dedication, October 1965
Lignite fora, May 1958 & May 1969
Lions Club - Bismarck, September 1962
Lions Club - Grand Forks, July 1961
Loan Company Convention, 1954
Lutheran Student Center Dedication, October 1957
Methodist Conference, May 1956
Midwest Registrars, October 1955
Missouri Valley Adult Education Association, April 1970
- Folder 14: Abbott Hall - Association of Women Students, 1957-1970
- Box 18
- Folder 1: Moorhead State College - Newcomen Society, 1958-1967
Moorhead State College convocations, May 1958 & February 1962
National Student Association, November 1967
New Citizens
Newcomen Society Dinner, July 1958
- Folder 2: North Dakota Assn. of Higher Education - Nutrition Lab, 1956-1971
North Dakota Association of Higher Education, October 1964
North Dakota Hotel Association, November 1956
North Dakota Oil & Gas Association, September 1970
North Dakota Press Association, April 1963
North Dakota Regional Medical Advisory Group, April 1968
North Dakota State Employment Conference
Northern Interscholastic Press Association, May 1971
Nuclear Reactor Dedication, May 1962
Nutrition Lab Dedication, September 1970
- Folder 3: Old Main Site - PTA, 1939-1969
Old Main Site Dedication, May 1964
Orientation Week Directors Conference, November 1958
Phi Beta Kappa - Ohio University, 1939
Phi Delta Kappa - UND, July 1969
Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO) Convention, 1956
Presidents' Council, November 1965
PTA, April 1957
PTA State Convention
- Folder 4: Parents, 1958-1971
- Addresses and remarks to parents of UND students, including Parents Day and Mothers Day events.
- Folder 5: Red Lake Falls Commercial Club - Strategic Air Command, 1957-1969
Red Lake Falls Commercial Club, January 1969
Red River Valley Winter Show, February 1962
Robert D. Campbell Foundation, November 1957
Rotary Club - Grand Forks, January 1961
Rotary Club - Bismarck, March 1962
Rotary Club - Pelican Rapids, May 1959
Rotary International - April 1957
Rotary notes
Strategic Air Command Education Conference, October 1964
- Folder 6: ROTC Commissioning, 1960-1971
- Speeches/remarks given at various commissioning ceremonies
- Folder 7: School Administrators - South Dakota, 1954-1971
School Administrators Conference, July 1955 & July 1966
School Board Officers
School Personnel - Youngstown, Ohio, 1954
Science Institute Banquet, April 1971
Science Teachers, undated & 1970
Senate Appropriations Committee, January 1961
Seniors - UND, 1959, 1964 & 1965
75th Anniversary of UND, 1958
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, March 1958
Sigma Gamma Epsilon, January 1961
Sigma Xi, January 1967
Smith Hall Dedication, May 1964
South Dakota Conference on Higher Education, April 1964
- Folder 8: South Dakota Education Association - Theta Chi, 1959-1980
South Dakota Education Association, November 1966
Starcher Hall Dedication, October 1980
State Board of Higher Education, October 1959
Student Advisory Committee, December 1966
Student Union Groundbreaking, May 1963
Students - UND, April 1965
Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1970
Symposium on Legal Rights of Indians, March 1969
Tau Kappa Epsilon - Moorhead, January 1964
Theta Chi, April 1961, April 1963, & May 1970
- Folder 9: Twamley Hall - Zonta Club, 1958-1968
Twamley Hall Groundbreaking, June 1961
Twamley Hall Dedication, May 1963
United Lutheran Church, April 1968
University Center Dedication, October 1964
University Convocation, September 1966 & September 1968
University of South Dakota
Valley City Chamber of Commerce, February 1965
West Hall Dedication, June 1965
Williston Teachers, May 1958
Women Leaders Conference, March 1958
Zonta Club
- Folder 10: Undesignated or untitled - Education and other topics
- Speeches, notes, etc. about aspects of education. Presentations on other topics are also included.
- Folder 11: Undesignated or untitled - Ohio or mathematics
- Presentations in Ohio and/or on the topic of mathematics.
- Folder 12: Undesignated or untitled - UND related
- Various speeches, etc. pertaining to UND. Includes biographical sketches of early UND leaders and a proposal for a separate freshman division.
- Folder 1: Moorhead State College - Newcomen Society, 1958-1967
- Box 17
- Sub-Series 1: Administrative Files
- Sub-Series 8: Thomas Clifford, 1971-1992
- Sub-Series 1: Administrative Files
- Box 18
- Folder 13: Abbott Hall Addition, 1982-1992
- Folder 14: Academic Affairs - Vice President for, 1976-1992
- Folder 15: Academic Affairs Council, May 1980
- Folder 16: Accounting, Uniform System, 1988-1991
- Folder 17: Accreditation - Assorted, 1971-1991
- Folder 18: Ad Hoc Committees, 1983-1984
- Folder 19: Administration - Medical School, 1988-1992
- Folder 20: Admissions/Financial Aid, 1973-1992
- Folder 21: Aerospace - Academics, 1980-1983
- Folder 22: Aerospace - Annual Report, 1990
- Folder 23: Aerospace - Building, 1981-1986
- Folder 24: Aerospace - China Airlines, 1988-1992
- Folder 25: Aerospace - Correspondence, 1980-1990
- Folder 26: Aerospace - FAA, 1982-1988
- Folder 27: Aerospace - Fiscal Information, 1981-1983
- Folder 28: Aerospace - Flight Simulators, 1984-1985
- Folder 29: Aerospace - General, 1974-1984
- Folder 30: Aerospace - General, 1985-1991
- Folder 31: Aerospace - US Army, 1983-1984
- Includes a photograph of a meeting of US Army personnel with John Odegard and other UND representatives
- Folder 32: Aerospace - Weather Modification Program, 1983-1984
- Folder 33: Aerospace Foundation, 1987-1992
- Folder 34: Affirmative Action, 1979-1990
- Folder 35: Affirmative Action Plan Review and Analysis, 1989-1990
- Folder 36: Agricultural Analysis Proposal, 29 June 1992
- Folder 37: Agassiz Health Planning Council, 1971-1973
- Folder 38: Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), 1971-1988
- Folder 39: Air Force ROTC, 1985-1992
- Folder 40: Air University Board of Visitors, 1983-1986
- Folder 41: Air War College, 1972-1973
- Folder 42: Alcohol/Drug Use, 1971-1990
- Folder 43: Alumni Association & Foundation - Robert Nelson paintings, March-September 1988, 1988
- Folder 44: American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), 1980-1983
- Folder 45: American Association of University Professors, 1988-1989
- Folder 46: American Association of University Women, July 1981 & September 1990
- Folder 47: American Council on Education, January-March 1987
- Folder 48: American Society for Engineering Education, June 1977
- Folder 13: Abbott Hall Addition, 1982-1992
- Box 19
- Folder 1: Anderson, John Arthur - UND Diploma, 1979
- Folder 2: Anthropology/Archaeology, 1976-1990
- Folder 3: Arthur P. Anderson Trust, January 1973
- Folder 4: Assessment of Mined Land Reclamation Laws (Report), 1977
- Folder 5: Associated Western Universities, Inc. (Summary Report), 1985
- Folder 6: Athletic Director, 1974-1990
- Folder 7: Athletics, 1974-1990
- Folder 8: Athletics Hall of Fame, 1983-1990
- Folder 9: Aviation, Department of - Aircraft, 1971-1982
- Folder 10: Aviation, Department of - Assorted Materials, 1971-1983
- Mostly correspondence
- Folder 11: Aviation, Department of - Facilities, 1976-1982
- Folder 12: Aviation, Department of - Faculty/Staff meetings, 1980-1981
- Folder 13: Aviation, Department of - Financial Reports, 1976-1982
- Folder 14: Aviation, Department of - Memos, 1971-1981
- Folder 15: Aviation, Department of - Meteorology Curriculum, 1979-1980
- Folder 16: Beijing Normal University, March 1988
- Folder 17: Belk, Lyle "Bud", February-March 1981
- Folder 18: Biographical Sketch - Thomas Clifford, ca. 1971
- Folder 19: Biology and Industrial Technology - Office/Laboratory Building, 1977-1978
- Folder 20: Biology, Department of, 1972-1992
- Folder 21: Black Student Programs, 1979-1987
- Folder 22: Board of Student Publications, 1974-1987
- Folder 23: Bookstore Expansion, 1979-1980
- Folder 24: Boxing - Olympics, 1990-1992
- Folder 25: Boy Scouts, 1985-1992
- Folder 26: Bronson, H.A. - Estate, 1974-1977
- Folder 27: Budge, Alexander, 1976-1977
- Folder 28: Budget/Financial Information, 1971-1974
- Folder 29: Budget/Financial Information, 1975-1981
- Folder 30: Budget Projections, 1973-1977
- Folder 31: Buildings/Plant Improvements/Property, 1971-1992
- Folder 32: Burdick, Senator Quentin N., 1979-1990
- Folder 33: Bureau of Govermental Affairs Summit Conference, 1990-1992
- Folder 34: Burlington Northern Foundation, 1989-1992
- Folder 35: Burtness Theater Expansion, 1981-1982
- Folder 36: Bus Service Agreements, 1980-1988
- Folder 37: Bush Foundation, 1989-1990
- Folder 38: Business and Public Administration, College of, 1973-1992
- Folder 39: Campus Ministry Center, 1984-1986
- Includes a history of campus ministry at UND
- Folder 40: Campus Planning, 1972-1973
- Folder 41: Career Planning and Placement Center, October 1985
- Folder 42: Career Services, 1989-1992
- Folder 43: Carillon, 1971-1985
- Folder 44: Carlson, Arnold W. - Estate, 1980-1988
- Folder 45: Centennial - UND, 1980-1983
- Folder 46: Centennial Endownment Funds, January-February 1984
- Folder 47: Center For Innovation and Business Development, 1989-1992
- Folder 48: Central Legal Research, May-July 1978
- Folder 49: Charlotte Danstrom Conference, 1987-1992
- Folder 50: Chemistry Endowment (Olaf J. Bostrom), 1987-1988
- Folder 51: Chester Fritz Auditorium, 1971-1992
- Folder 52: Chester Fritz Auditorium - Dedication, 1971-1972
- Folder 53: Chester Fritz Distinguished Professors, 1972-1992
- Folder 54: Chester Fritz Library, 1972-1992
- Folder 55: Chester Fritz Oriental Room Trust, 1973-1979
- Folder 56: Child Care - UND, 1973-1990
- Folder 57: Children's Writer's Conference, 1983-1986
- Folder 58: Christmas Dinners - UND, 1971-1973
- Folder 59: Civil Defense/Disaster Act, October 1973
- Folder 60: Clifford Appointment/Inauguration - Congratulations, 1971-1972
- Folder 61: Clifford - Assorted Materials, 1960-1980
- Folder 62: Clifford - Assorted Materials, 1981-2009
- Folder 1: Anderson, John Arthur - UND Diploma, 1979
- Box 20
- Folder 1: Clifford Chats, 1973-1976
- Folder 2: Clifford Inauguration, 1971-1972
- Folder 3: Clifford Inauguration - General Correspondence, 1971-1972
- Folder 4: Clifford - Speeches, 1971-1980
- Folder 5: Coal Research/Project Lignite, 1971-1976
- Folder 6: Commencement, 1984-1992
- Folder 7: Committee on Class Limitations, ca. 1984
- Folder 8: Committee on the Criminal Justice System, June 1978
- Folder 9: Communication - School of, 1989-1992
- Folder 10: Communication Disorders, 1988-1989
- Folder 11: Community Medicine/Family Nurse Practitioner Program, 1987-1992
- Folder 12: CommUniversity, 1976-1992
- Folder 13: Computer Science Program, 1983-1992
- Folder 14: Computers/Computing Needs, 1975-1985
- Folder 15: Conflict Resolution Center, 1989-1992
- Folder 16: Continuing Education, 1975-1983
- Folder 17: Cooperative Education, 1979-1992
- Folder 18: Council of Deans - Minutes, 1974
- Folder 19: Council of Deans - Minutes, January-June 1975
- Folder 20: Cytotechnology Program, 1992
- Folder 21: Dean's Retreat, 1983
- Folder 22: Dean's Retreat, 1985
- Folder 23: Desert Storm Veterans, 19 February 1991
- Folder 24: Developmental Leaves, 1990-1991
- Folder 25: Diversity/Cultural Awareness, 1982-1992
- Folder 26: Earth System Science Institute, 1988-1992
- Folder 27: Economic Development in North Dakota, 23 January 1987
- Folder 28: Education - College of, 1986-1987
- Folder 29: Emergency Operations Plan, 3 March 1986
- Folder 30: Emeritus Status, 1989-1992
- Folder 31: Energy and Environmental Research Center (EERC), 1976-1992
- Folder 32: Engelstad, Ralph, 1987-1991
- Folder 33: Engineering & Mines - School of, 1975-1992
- Folder 34: English - Department of, April-June 1991
- Folder 35: Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCOR), 1979-1992
- Folder 36: Experimental Schools Proposal, October-November 1971
- Folder 37: Exxon Education Foundation, 1980-1990
- Folder 38: Faculty Appointments, 1985-1991
- Folder 39: Faculty - General, 1971-1987
- Folder 40: Faculty Promotions (Folder 1 of 2), 1972-1980
- Folder 41: Faculty Promotions (Folder 2 of 2), 1981-1989
- Folder 42: Faculty Receptions, 1971-1978
- Folder 43: Faculty/Staff Lists, 1971-1976
- Folder 44: Family Medicine - Department of, 1973-1990
- Folder 45: Family Nurse Practitioner Program, 1976-1985
- Folder 46: Federal Finance Assistance Report, 1975-1977
- Folder 47: Fellows of the University of North Dakota, 1972-1992
- Folder 48: Financial Planning for Outreach Report, 27 May 1980
- Folder 49: Flex Comp Benefit Program, 17 March 1988
- Folder 50: Flood Impact Statement, 1 May 1979
- Folder 1: Clifford Chats, 1973-1976
- Box 21
- Folder 1: Founders Day, 1971-1976
- Folder 2: Founders Day, 1977-1987
- Folder 3: Founders Day, 1988-1992
- Folder 4: Fringe Benefits - Retirement, 1980-1981
- Folder 5: Fritz, Chester, 1973-1987
- Folder 6: Gallery Apartments, 1981
- Folder 7: Garland, Sara G., 1988-1992
- Folder 8: Garrison Diversion Unit Contract, August 1975
- Folder 9: Geography - Department of, 1987-1991
- Folder 10: Geology - Department of, 1990
- Folder 11: Georgian College (Ontario, Canada), 1986
- Folder 12: Gerontology Institute, 1973-1976
- Folder 13: Gerontology Studies/Institute, 1973-1978
- Folder 14: "Giants in the Earth" Opera, 1974
- Folder 15: Glenn Allen Paur Memorial Award Fund, 1978
- Folder 16: Governor's Conference on Career Education, 2 October 1972
- Folder 17: Graduate School, 1977-1992
- Folder 18: Grand Forks Air Force Base, February-March 1992
- Folder 19: Greek Life, 1989-1991
- Folder 20: Greater North Dakota Association, 1986-1992
- Folder 21: Guy, William, 1972-1973
- Folder 22: Health, Education, & Welfare - Department of, 1971-1974
- Folder 23: Health, Physical Education, and Recreation - Department of, 1982-1990
- Folder 24: Health Task Force, 1 June 1991
- Folder 25: Higher Education Computer Network, 1981-1992
- Folder 26: Higher Education in North Dakota, 1986-1991
- Folder 27: Higher Education Study Comission, 1982-1983
- Folder 28: Home Economics & Nutrition - Department of, 1989-1990
- Folder 29: Homecoming, 1985-1990
- Folder 30: Honorary Degrees, 1975-1992
- Folder 31: Honors Day, 1988-1992
- Folder 32: Hughes, Edmond A. - Estate, 1971-1977
- Folder 33: Hughes Fine Arts Center, 1970-1976
- Folder 34: Hughes Fine Arts Center - Dedication, July-October 1974
- Folder 35: Hultberg Lectureship, 1991-1992
- Folder 36: Human Nutrition Research Center, 1985-1986
- Folder 37: Hyslop, Kenneth - Gift, 1980-1982
- Folder 38: Hyslop Sports Center, 1984-1986
- Folder 39: Indians Into Medicine (INMED) Program, 1972-1991
- Folder 40: Industrial Technology Program - Accreditation, February-April 1988
- Folder 41: Institute for Agricultural Health Sciences and Rural Medicine, 1988-1992
- Folder 42: Institute for Earth Systems Science Proposal, 14 April 1987
- Folder 43: Institute for Rural Policy Prospectus, 1982-1984
- Folder 44: Institute of International Education Proposal, 5 December 1991
- Folder 45: Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee, 1979-1992
- Folder 46: Institutional Biosafetey Committee, September-November 1987
- Folder 47: Institutional Research Funds, 1981-1990
- Folder 48: Institutional Review Board/Human Subjects Committee, 1976-1981
- Folder 49: Internal Resource Allocations Committee Report, 22 December 1983
- Folder 50: Internal Revenue Service, 1973-1984
- Folder 51: International Programs, 1988-1991
- Folder 52: Ishim Teachers Institute Agreement, 1985-1991
- Folder 53: John G. Arneberg Trust, 1971-1977
- Folder 54: Kane, Thomas, March 1975
- Folder 55: Kellogg Foundation, 1988-1989
- Folder 56: Kresge Foundation Grants, 1987-1992
- Folder 57: Kroeber, Gordon, February-May 1989
- Folder 1: Founders Day, 1971-1976
- Box 22
- Folder 1: Lake Region (UND), 1988-1992
- Folder 2: Law - School of, 1972-1988
- Folder 3: Legislative Interns, 1975
- Folder 4: Legislature (Folder 1 of 2), 1982-1989
- Folder 5: Legislature (Folder 2 of 2), 1990-1992
- Folder 6: Management and Internal Accounting Report, June-September 1973
- Folder 7: Markovich, Denise, May-September 1988
- Folder 8: Medical Center Rehabilitation Hospital, 1972-1992
- Folder 9: Medical Park Report, 12 December 1973
- Folder 10: Medicine - School of, 1971-1972
- Folder 11: Medicine - School of, 1973-1991
- Folder 12: Medicine - School of, Five Year Plan, April 1978
- Folder 13: Memorial Union/University Center, 1971-1985
- Folder 14: Meritorious Service Awards, 1984-1992
- Folder 15: Mining and Mineral Resources Research Institute, 1978-1987
- Folder 16: Music - Department of, 1985-1990
- Folder 17: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1987-1992
- Folder 18: National Kaohsiung Normal University (Taiwan) Agreements, 1983-1992
- Folder 19: National Science Foundation, 1971-1974
- Folder 20: Native American Programs, 1979-1992
- Folder 21: Neuropsychiatric Institute Agreement, May-July 1987 and undated
- Folder 22: Neuroscience - Department of, 1987-1990
- Folder 23: New School, 1971-1972
- Folder 24: New Wealth Creation Task Force, July-December 1986
- Folder 25: Noren, Ruth, 1977-1984
- Folder 26: North Central Association, 1982-1984
- Folder 27: North Dakota Delta Upsilon Foundation Lease, 1974
- Folder 28: North Dakota Future Fund, January-February 1992
- Folder 29: North Dakota Medical Research Foundation, November-December 1971
- Folder 30: North Dakota Museum of Art ,1986-1991
- Folder 31: North Dakota Quarterly, 1982-1987
- Folder 32: North Dakota State University (NDSU), 1981-1992
- Folder 33: Northern Lights Public Radio (KFJM), 1978-1992
- Folder 34: Northwest Aerospace Training Corporation (NATCO)/UND Aerospace Foundation Agreement, 1986-1990
- Folder 35: Nursing - College of, 1973-1992
- Folder 36: Nursing - College of, Building, 1972-1977
- Folder 37: Obstetrics & Gynecology, February-July 1979
- Folder 38: Occupational Therapy, 1975-1991
- Folder 39: Open Government Meeting Law, 3 February 1978
- Folder 40: Organization Charts, 1971-1980
- Folder 41: Parking Survey, 5 May 1977
- Folder 42: Pathology - Department of, 1987-1990
- Folder 43: Peace Studies, 1984-1992
- Folder 44: Phi Beta Kappa, 1990-1991
- Folder 45: Physical Education Teacher Education, January-May 1987
- Folder 46: Physical Therapy - Department of, 1979-1989
- Folder 47: Policies, 1978-1992
- Folder 48: Presidential Freshman Scholars, 1988-1991
- Folder 49: President's Capsule Reports, 1972-1982
- Folder 50: President's Council/Council of Deans, 1971-1980
- Folder 51: President's Medal, 1971-1987
- Folder 52: President's Roll of Honor, 1972-1992
- Folder 53: Presser Foundation - Music Scholarships, 1973-1991
- Folder 54: Pride of the North Marching Band, 1988
- Folder 55: Program Evaluations, 1981-1986
- Folder 56: Psychology - Department of, 1974-1992
- Folder 1: Lake Region (UND), 1988-1992
- Box 23
- Folder 1: Purchasing Department, 1987-1992
- Folder 2: Radiation Safety, 1981-1991
- Folder 3: Rask, Barbara, 1985-1991
- Folder 4: Reciprocity, 1983-1985
- Folder 5: Referral - UND Legislative Appropriations, March-July 1975
- Folder 6: Residence Services, 1990
- Folder 7: Retirement Programs, 1978-1991
- Folder 8: Robert D. Campbell Foundation, 1971-1983
- Folder 9: Robertson, Dean D.J., 1972-1976
- Folder 10: Role and Scope of UND, 1972-1983
- Folder 11: Role of Departments in University Governance Report, January-February 1976
- Folder 12: Rosa Mary Gates Trust, 1973-1974
- Folder 13: Roughrider Equity Corporation, 1989-1990
- Folder 14: Safety, 1977-1992
- Folder 15: Salary Committee, 1975-1976
- Folder 16: Scandinavian Cultural Center (Honve House), 8 September 1988
- Folder 17: Scholarships, 1975-1987
- Folder 18: Sheridan, William - Maize Genetics, 1991-1992
- Folder 19: Sioux Awards Dinner - North Dakota Supreme Court Justices, January 11, 1973
- Remarks by Weston R. Christopherson
- Folder 20: Sioux Council Report, 29 April 1982
- Folder 21: Social Work - Department of, 1988-1991
- Folder 22: South Dakota/North Dakota Medical Education Cooperation, 1988-1989
- Folder 23: Standing Committees, 1984-1990
- Folder 24: State Board of Higher Education Report, 1 July 1972
- Folder 25: Strategic Planning Council - Progress Reports, 1990-1992
- Folder 26: Student Affairs - Division of, 1975-1991
- Folder 27: Student Health, 1985
- Folder 28: Student Housing/Visitor Center Proposal, 1991
- Folder 29: Student Issues, 1976-1992
- Folder 30: Student Senate, 1974-1990
- Folder 31: Study Committee on Planning & Evaluation (SCOPE) Report, April 1973
- Folder 32: Study Committee on Planning & Evaluation (SCOPE) Subcommittee Reports - Area I (Academic Goals and Environment), 1972
- Folder 33: Study Committee on Planning & Evaluation (SCOPE) Subcommittee Reports - Area II (Academic Support Programs), 1972
- Folder 34: Study Committee on Planning & Evaluation (SCOPE) Subcommittee Reports - Area III (Academic Programs), 1972
- Folder 35: Study Committee on Planning & Evaluation (SCOPE) Subcommittee Reports - Area IV (Institutional Support Programs), 1972
- Folder 36: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1990-1991
- Folder 37: Technology Park, 1990-1992
- Folder 38: Telecommunications Proposal, 17 January 1990
- Folder 39: Ten Year Academic Plan (1978-1988), March 1979
- Folder 40: Tenure, 1972-1975
- Folder 41: "The Dirty Shame", 1988-1989
- Publication of limericks to draw attention to inadequate faculty salaries at UND. Edited by Professor Dean Engel, The Dirty Shame was the nickname of his rusty 1973 Mazda RX2, which was the "prize" for the limerick contest winner. The publication was prepared by the North Dakota Conference of the American Association of University Professors.
- Folder 42: Theatre Arts - Department of, 1987-1991
- Folder 43: Thomas D. Campbell Scholarship Fund, 1971-1985
- Folder 44: Thomas J. Clifford Endowment, 1990-1991
- Folder 45: Thompson, Era Bell - Estate, 1988-1989
- Folder 46: Title IX - Assorted Materials, 1974-1992
- Folder 47: Title IX Self Evaluation Report - UND, February 1977
- Folder 48: Title IX Self-Evaluation Subcommittee Reports, 1976-1977 (Folder 1 of 2)
- Folder 49: Title IX Self-Evaluation Subcommittee Reports, 1976-1977 (Folder 2 of 2)
- Folder 50: Traffic Study - Columbia Road Overpass, January 1975
- Folder 51: Truman Scholarships, 1990-1991
- Folder 52: Twamley Trust, 1974-1975
- Folder 53: Union Agreement with UND, 1 July 1973
- Folder 54: United States Postal Service, 1980-1992
- Folder 1: Purchasing Department, 1987-1992
- Box 24
- Folder 1: University Fees (Committee on Fees), 1990-1992
- Folder 2: University Financial Statements, 1991-1992
- Folder 3: UND Constitutions, 1974-1979
- Folder 4: UND - Lake Region Agreement, March 1988
- Folder 5: UND - NDSU Engineering Merger, October 1974
- Folder 6: UND - Williston, 1990-1992
- Folder 7: University of Quebec Exchange Program, June-September 1984
- Folder 8: University Relations, 1986-1989
- Folder 9: University Seal, Mace, and Logos, 1972-1991
- Folder 10: Upson Engineering Building - Phase II, 1971-1974
- Includes a 1972 report by the UND Computer Center on considerations for the design and location of computer facilities on campus
- Folder 11: Vision 2000, 1989
- Folder 12: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), 1985-1991
- Folder 13: Winter Sports Center, 1971-1972
- Folder 14: Witmer Art Gallery, 1991-1992
- Folder 15: Women's Equity Committee - Assorted Materials, 1980-1992
- Folder 16: Women's Equity Committee - Meeting Minutes, 1981-1992
- Folder 17: Women's Equity Committee - Reports, 1981-1992
- Folder 18: Women's Issues, 1981-1988
- Folder 19: Women's Resouce & Development Center, March 1974
- Folder 20: Writers Conference, 17 April 1991
- Folder 21: Wuhan Technical University (China) Agreement, 1 July 1984
- Folder 1: University Fees (Committee on Fees), 1990-1992
- Box 18
- Sub-Series 2: Study Committee on Planning and Evaluation (SCOPE)
- SCOPE was a comprehensive planning strategy initiated by President Clifford, involving more than 350 people affiliated with UND. There were two major divisions: The Committee for the 70's and The Committee for the 80's. The Committee for the 70's was divided into four broad study areas. There were then further subdivisions within each of these areas. SCOPE activities were guided by a steering committee, led by William E. Koenker, vice president for academic affairs. This sub-series contains records detailing various SCOPE activities. Summary reports for each study area are also included in the administrative files for President Clifford.
- Item 1: Audiotapes of the SCOPE meeting in Medora, May 1972
- Six open-reel audiotapes of the sessions in Medora.
- Folder 1: Descriptions of Medora sessions recorded on audiotapes, May 1972
- Folder 2: Medora meeting, May 1972
- Bound Volume 1: Subcommittee reports - Medora meeting, May 1972
- Bound Volume 2: Subcommittee reports from William E. Koenker, 1972
- Likely duplication with the reports in the first bound volume.
- Folder 3: Reports by study area
- Folder 4: Area I and Area II documents, 1972
- Folder 5: Area III documents, 1972
- Folder 6: Assorted materials, 1972-1973
- Folder 7: Assorted reports, 1971-1976
- Includes a report from the Committee for the 80's
- Folder 8: Correspondence, 1971-1974
- Folder 9: Meeting minutes, 1971-1973
- Folder 10: Dakota Student articles, November-December 1972
- Folder 11: Draft report, November 1972
- Folder 12: Revised draft report, March 1973
- Folder 13: Report for the 70's, April 1973
- two copies
- Folder 14: Committee on Athletics, 1974
- Bound Volume 3: Self-study supplement to SCOPE, 1974
- prepared for North Central Association review
- Item 1: Audiotapes of the SCOPE meeting in Medora, May 1972
- Sub-Series 1: Administrative Files
- Sub-Series 9: Kendall Baker, 1992-1999
- Box 24
- Folder 22: Academic Affairs, VP, 1992-1995
- Folder 23: Academic Affairs, VP, 1996-1999
- Folder 24: Academic Affairs, VP - Search Committee, 1992-1993
- Folder 25: Academic Computing Advisory Committee, 1996-1999
- Folder 26: Adjunct Appointments, 1995-1998
- Folder 27: Administrative Procedures Committee, 1996-1998
- Folder 28: Administrative Restructuring Report, February 1997
- Folder 29: Administrative Retreats, 1993-1995
- Folder 30: Administrative Retreats, 1996-1998
- Folder 31: Admissions, 1992-1996
- Folder 32: Admissions, 1997-1998
- Folder 33: Aerospace Foundation, 1989-1992
- These materials were from the Clifford era, but were provided for President Baker per information in the folder
- Folder 34: Aerospace Foundation - Assorted Materials, 1993-1999
- Folder 35: Aerospace Foundation - Board of Directors Meetings, 1994-1998
- Folder 36: Aerospace Foundation - Financial Statements, 1991-1998
- Folder 22: Academic Affairs, VP, 1992-1995
- Box 25
- Folder 1: Aerospace Sciences - Accreditation, 1994-1998
- Folder 2: Aerospace Sciences - Aircraft, 1994-1998
- Folder 3: Aerospace Sciences - Assorted Materials, 1993-1995
- Folder 4: Aerospace Sciences - Assorted Materials, 1996-1999
- Folder 5: Aerospace Sciences - Assorted Reports, 1993-1998
- Folder 6: Aerospace Sciences - Atmospheric Sciences, 1992-1996
- Folder 7: Aerospace Sciences - Business Review, 1997-1998
- Folder 8: Aerospace Sciences - China Airlines, 1992-1996
- Folder 9: Aerospace Sciences - Dean Search, 1998-1999
- Folder 10: Aerospace Sciences - Earth System Science Institute/Supercomputing, 1992-1996
- Folder 11: Aerospace Sciences - Financial Information, 1992-1996
- Folder 12: Aerospace Sciences - Financial Information, 1997-1999
- Folder 13: Aerospace Sciences - Flight Training Agreements, 1993-1994
- Folder 14: Aerospace Sciences - Flight Training Agreements, 1995-1998
- Folder 15: Aerospace Sciences - Industry Advisory Board, June-August 1998
- Folder 16: Aerospace Sciences - John D. Odegard, 1998
- The Center for Aerospace Sciences was renamed the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences in 1998. In addition, the building known as CAS I was renamed John D. Odegard Hall.
- Folder 17: Aerospace Sciences - Laptop Computer Program, 1995-1998
- Folder 18: Aerospace Sciences -Â Skywalk Project, 1996-1998
- Folder 19: Aerospace Sciences - Space Studies, 1992-1998
- Folder 20: Aerospace Sciences - Upper Midwest Aerospace Consortium, 1995-1996
- Folder 21: Aerospace Sciences - Weather Information Center, 1992-1996
- Folder 22: Affirmative Action, 1992-1999
- Folder 23: Alcohol/Drug Use, 1992-1998
- Folder 24: American Association for Higher Education (AAHE), 1993-1996
- Includes several reports/plans by UND faculty members who attended AAHE conferences. In particular, there are reports by the Presidential Team on Faculty Roles and Rewards.
- Folder 25: American Council on Education (ACE), 1993-1998
- Folder 26: American Indian Centers, 1993-1996
- Folder 27: AmeriCorps, 1994-1995
- Folder 28: Arneberg - Larsen Scholarships, 1996-1999
- Folder 29: Arts & Sciences - College of, 1992-1999
- Folder 30: Associated Western Universities Inc. (AWU), 1994-1997
- Folder 31: Athletics, 1993-1997
- Folder 32: Athletics, 1998-1999
- Folder 33: Athletics - Athletic Director Search, September 1998
- Folder 34: Athletics - Broadcast Rights, 1996-1998
- Folder 35: Athletics - Gender Equity, 1992-1998
- Folder 36: Auxiliary Services, 1993-1997
- Folder 37: Baker - Assorted Correspondence, 1992-1993
- Folder 1: Aerospace Sciences - Accreditation, 1994-1998
- Box 26
- Folder 1: Athletics - Broadcast Rights, 1996-1998
- Folder 2: Athletics - Gender Equity, 1992-1998
- Folder 3: Auxiliary Services, 1993-1997
- Folder 4: Baker - Assorted Correspondence, 1992-1993
- Folder 5: Baker - Assorted Correspondence, 1994
- Folder 6: Baker - Assorted Correspondence, 1995-1996
- Folder 7: Baker - Assorted Correspondence, 1997
- Folder 8: Baker - Assorted Correspondence, 1998-1999
- Folder 9: Baker - Campus Reports, 1996-1998
- Folder 10: Baker - General, 1992-1999
- Folder 11: Baker - Inauguration, August-October 1992
- Folder 12: Baker - Inauguration Committee, July-October 1992
- Folder 13: Baker - Speeches/Statements, 1993-1999
- Folder 14: Barnes & Noble Bookstore, 1997-1999
- Folder 15: Bike Path Lighting, November-December 1998
- Folder 16: Biology - Department of, 1993-1998
- Folder 17: Biomedical Communications - Division of, 1993-1997
- Folder 18: Biomedical Research Facility (Animal Testing), 1996-1999
- Folder 19: Board of Student Publications/Dakota Student, 1993-1996
- Folder 20: Bookstore, 1993-1998
- Folder 21: Bookstore - Studies and Proposals, 1997-1998
- Folder 22: Boy Scouts, 1992-1999
- Folder 23: Bronson Property/University Village, 1997-July 1998
- Folder 24: Bronson Property/University Village, August 1998-1999
- Folder 25: Budgets and Grants, 1992-1997
- Folder 26: Budgets and Grants, 1998-1999
- Folder 27: Buildings and Grounds, 1992-1998
- Folder 28: Bureau of Governmental Affairs, 1993-1997
- Includes materials about the biennial Summit Conference for state officials.
- Folder 29: Burger King, 1994-1995
- Folder 30: Burlington Northern Foundation, September-October 1992
- Folder 31: Burtness Theatre, 1992-1999
- Folder 32: Bush Foundation, 1992-1999
- Folder 33: Business and Public Administration - College of, 1992-1996
- Folder 34: Business and Public Administration - College of, 1997-1999
- Folder 1: Athletics - Broadcast Rights, 1996-1998
- Box 27
- Folder 1: Business and Vocational Education, Department of - Correspondence, October-December 1993
- Contains only a sampling of the correspondence received in support of retaining the business and vocational education program at UND.
- Folder 2: Business Office, 1993-1998
- Folder 3: Campus Initiatives, 1996-1997
- Folder 4: Campus Ministry, 1992-1998
- Folder 5: Campus Wide Information System, 1994-1995
- Folder 6: Career Services, 1992-1996
- Folder 7: Center for Innovation & Business Development, 1992
- Folder 8: Center for Innovation & Business Development, 1993
- Folder 9: Center for Innovation & Business Development, 1994
- Folder 10: Center for Innovation & Business Development, 1995
- Folder 11: Center for Innovation & Business Development, 1996
- Folder 12: Center for Innovation, 1997-1998
- The name was shortened to Center for Innovation in 1996.
- Folder 13: Center for Instructional & Learning Technologies, 1993-1998
- The name was changed from Academic Media Center to Center for Instructional & Learning Technologies in 1995. All materials are found under the new name.
- Folder 14: Charlotte Danstrom Conference, August-October 1992
- Folder 15: Chemistry - Department of, 1992-1997
- Folder 16: Chester Fritz Auditorium, 1992-1998
- Folder 17: Chester Fritz Distinguished Professors, 1993-1999
- Folder 18: Chester Fritz Library, 1992-1998
- Folder 19: Child Care Facilities/University Children's Center, 1992-1998
- Folder 20: Children's Literature Conference, 1992-1994
- Folder 21: Clark, Alice T. Mentoring Program, 1992-1993
- Folder 22: Clark, Alice T. Mentoring Program, 1994-1998
- Folder 23: Classical Languages Program - Correspondence, October-December 1993
- Contains only a sampling of the correspondence received in support of retaining the classical languages program at UND.
- Folder 24: Coca-Cola Vending Contract, 1995-1996
- Folder 25: College for Kids, 1993
- Folder 26: Commencement, 1992-1996
- Folder 27: Commencement, 1997-1999
- Folder 28: Committees - General, 1993-1999
- Folder 29: Communication - School of, 1992-1994
- Folder 30: Communication - School of, 1995
- Folder 31: Communication - School of, 1996-1998
- Folder 32: Communication Disorders - Department of, 1992-1998
- Folder 33: Community Leaders Advisory Group, 1997-1998
- Folder 34: CommUniversity, 1992-1993
- Folder 35: Complaints, 1993-1994
- Folder 36: Complaints, 1995
- Folder 37: Complaints, 1996-1999
- Folder 1: Business and Vocational Education, Department of - Correspondence, October-December 1993
- Box 28
- Folder 1: Computer Center, 1993-1999
- Folder 2: Computer Science - Department of, 1994-1997
- Folder 3: Conflict of Interest, 1994-1996
- Folder 4: Conflict Resolution Center, 1992-1999
- Folder 5: Conrad, Kent, 1998-1999
- Folder 6: Continuing Education - Division of, 1993
- Folder 7: Continuing Education - Division of, 1995-1999
- Divisions of Student Affairs and of Continuing Education were merged into the Division of Student and Outreach Services in July 1998.
- Folder 8: Cooperative Education, 1992-1997
- Folder 9: Corporate Engineering Degree Program, 1997-1999
- Folder 10: Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), 1995-1996
- Folder 11: Council of Deans, 1993-1997
- Folder 12: Council of State Employees (Campus Open House), 1992-1994
- Folder 13: Counseling - Department of, 1993-1994
- Folder 14: Counseling Center, 1994-1997
- Folder 15: Credit Union, 1996-1998
- Folder 16: Crisis Coordination Team, 1995-1996
- Folder 17: Dean of Students, 1992-1996
- Folder 18: Debate Team, 1993-1999
- Folder 19: Denim Day, 1994-1999
- Folder 20: Developmental Leave, 1993-1999
- Folder 21: Dickinson State University, 1995-1999
- Folder 22: Dining Services, 1993-1998
- Folder 23: Diploma Enhancement Committee, July 1993
- Folder 24: Disability Research Encompassing American Indians in Math & Science (DREAMS), 1995-1998
- Folder 25: Disability Support Services, 1992-1998
- Folder 26: Distance Education, 1993-1999
- Folder 27: Diversity/Cultural Awareness, 1992-1993
- Folder 28: Diversity/Cultural Awareness, 1994-1998
- Folder 29: Diversity/Cultural Awareness - President's Advisory Council on Diversity, 1994-1998
- Folder 30: Diversity/Cultural Awareness - Reports, 1993-1999
- Folder 31: Dorgan, Byron (Senator), March-December 1998
- Folder 32: Duplicating Services, 1992-1996
- Folder 33: Early Retirement, 1993-1998
- Folder 34: Economic Development, 1992-1997
- Folder 35: Education and Human Development - College of, 1992-1995
- Folder 36: Education and Human Development - College of, 1996-1999
- Name changed from Center for Teaching and Learning to College of Education and Human Development in 1996.
- Folder 37: Emeritus Status, 1992-1999
- Folder 38: Employee Assistance Program, 1993-1997
- Folder 39: Energy and Environmental Research Center, 1992-February 1994
- Folder 40: Energy and Environmental Research Center, March-December 1994
- Folder 1: Computer Center, 1993-1999
- Box 29
- Folder 1: Energy and Environmental Research Center, 1995
- Folder 2: Energy and Environmental Research Center, 1996-1997
- Folder 3: Energy and Environmental Research Center, 1998-1999
- Folder 4: Energy and Environmental Research Center Foundation, 1992-1995
- Includes Board of Directors meeting minutes.
- Folder 5: Energy and Environmental Research Center Foundation, 1996-1998
- Includes Board of Directors meeting minutes.
- Folder 6: Engelstad, Ralph, 1994-1999
- Folder 7: Engineering and Mines - School of, 1992-1994
- Folder 8: Engineering and Mines - School of, 1995-1996
- Folder 9: Engineering and Mines - School of, 1997-1999
- Folder 10: English - Department of, 1994-1999
- Folder 11: Enrollment Reporting, 1993-1999
- Folder 12: Enrollment Services/Management, 1992-1994
- Folder 13: Enrollment Services/Management, 1995-1996
- Folder 14: Enrollment Services/Management, 1997-1999
- Folder 15: Enrollment Services/Management Reorganization Task Force, May-October 1993
- Folder 16: Era Bell Thompson Cultural Center, 1993-1999
- Folder 17: Events Center (Aurora), 1995-1998
- Folder 18: Events Center Committee, 1995-1996
- Folder 19: External Auditing, 1993-1995
- Folder 20: External Auditing, 1996-June 1997
- Folder 21: External Auditing, August 1997-June 1998
- Folder 22: External Funding, January-March 1994
- Folder 23: External Relations Council, 1993-1995
- Folder 24: Faculty Ambassadors, 1998-1999
- Folder 25: Faculty Athletics Representative, 1992-1998
- Folder 26: Faculty Bus Tours, 1990-1997
- Folder 27: Faculty Club, 1993
- Folder 28: Faculty Dinners, 1993-1999
- Folder 29: Faculty Lectures, 1997-1999
- Folder 30: Faculty Research Seed Money, 1998-1999
- Folder 31: Faculty Roles and Rewards, 1992-1998
- Folder 1: Energy and Environmental Research Center, 1995
- Box 30
- Folder 1: Faculty Turnover, 1992-1996
- Folder 2: Family Consumer Sciences - Department of, 1994-1995
- Folder 3: Family Medicine/Family Practice Centers, 1992-1999
- Folder 4: Family Practice Center Audits, 1992-1998
- Folder 5: Federal Initiatives/Activities, 1993-1994
- Folder 6: Federal Initiatives/Activities, 1994-1996
- Folder 7: Federal Initiatives/Activities, 1996-1997
- Folder 8: Federal Initiatives/Activities, 1997-1999
- Folder 9: Fees/Fee Committees, 1992-1995
- Folder 10: Fees/Fee Committees, 1996-1999
- Folder 11: Fellows of the University, 1992-1998
- Folder 12: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Center, 1993-1994
- Folder 13: Finance - Vice President for, 1992-1995
- Folder 14: Finance - Vice President for, 1996-1997
- Folder 15: Finance - Vice President for, Portfolio Reviews, 1995-1997
- Folder 16: Finance and Operations - Vice President for, 1998-1999
- Finance and Operations were separate divisions until merging in February 1998
- Folder 17: Finance and Operations - Vice President for, Portfolio Reviews and Investments, 1998-1999
- Folder 18: Fine Arts and Communication - College of, 1992-1998
- Folder 19: Flood of 1997 - Administrative Meeting Notes, April-August 1997
- Folder 20: Flood of 1997 - Announcements/Reports, 1997-1998
- Folder 21: Flood of 1997 - Articles/Newsletters, May-December 1997
- Folder 22: Flood of 1997 - Assorted Materials, 1997-1998
- Folder 23: Flood of 1997 - Correspondence, April-July 1997
- Folder 24: Flood of 1997 - Correspondence, August 1997-1999
- Folder 1: Faculty Turnover, 1992-1996
- Box 31
- Folder 1: Flood of 1997 - Insurance, 1997-1998
- Folder 2: Flood of 1997 - Post-Flood Effects on Employees, September-December 1997
- Folder 3: Flood of 1997 - Project Recovery, September-December 1997
- Folder 4: Flood Planning, March-April 1999
- Folder 5: 42nd Street Underpass, May 1998
- Folder 6: Founders Day, 1993-1999
- Folder 7: Fulbright Scholars, 1993-1997
- Folder 8: Garland, Sara G., 1993-1999
- Folder 9: Garrison Diversion, April-June 1996
- Folder 10: Gasparini, John "Gino", 1993-1994
- Folder 11: General Education Requirements, 1992-1996
- Folder 12: General/Legal Counsel, 1992-1997
- Folder 13: Geography - Department of, 1992-1998
- Folder 14: Geology and Geological Engineering - Department of, 1993-1998
- Folder 15: Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology (Ontario, Canada), 1993-1994
- Folder 16: Gerontology, July-September 1993
- Folder 17: Golf Course, 1994-1998
- Folder 18: Governance, 1993-1998
- Folder 19: Graduate Committee, 1994-1999
- Folder 20: Graduate School, 1993-1999
- Folder 21: Graduate School - Annual Reports, 1996-1998
- Folder 22: Grand Forks Air Force Base, 1993-1997
- Materials are mainly related to Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) activities.
- Folder 23: Grand Forks Airport, 1995-1996
- Folder 24: Grand Forks Chamber of Commerce, 1993-1999
- Folder 25: Grand Forks City Council, 1995-1998
- Folder 26: Grand Forks Region Economic Development Corporation, 1992-1999
- Folder 27: Grants and Contracts, 1992-1997
- Folder 28: Greater Grand Forks 20/20 Project, 1995-1996
- Folder 29: Greater North Dakota Association, 1992-1998
- Folder 30: Greek Life (Fraternities/Sororities), 1992-1999
- Folder 31: Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 1994-1998
- Folder 32: Higher Education Computer Network, 1992-1998
- Folder 33: Higher Education Survey, September-October 1994
- Folder 34: Hiring Freeze, 1992-1993
- Folder 35: Honorary Degrees, 1992-1999
- Folder 36: Honors Day, 1993-1999
- Folder 37: Honors Program, March 1993
- Folder 38: Housing/Residence Halls, 1993-1999
- Folder 39: Human Nutrition Research Center, 1994-1997
- Folder 40: Human Resources Development - College for, 1994-1996
- The College for Human Resources Development became part of the College of Education and Human Development in 1996.
- Folder 41: Identification Card System for Campus, 1993-1994
- Folder 42: Indians in Psychology, 1992-1999
- Folder 1: Flood of 1997 - Insurance, 1997-1998
- Box 32
- Folder 1: Indians into Medicine (INMED) Program, 1992-1999
- Folder 2: Institute for Agricultural Health Sciences and Rural Medicine, 1992-1994
- Folder 3: Institutional Analysis - Office of, 1993-1997
- The name was changed from Office of Institutional Research to Office of Institutional Analysis in July 1995.
- Folder 4: Institutional Analysis - Office of, 1998-1999
- Folder 5: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, 1993-1999
- Folder 6: Institutional Biosafety Committee, 1992-1998
- Folder 7: Institutional Data Task Force, 1993-1994
- Folder 8: Institutional Review Board, 1992-1999
- Folder 9: Instructional Design and Technology Graduate Program Proposal, 18 December 1995
- Folder 10: Instructional Development - Office of, 1993-1999
- Folder 11: Instructional Development - Office of, Reports, 1992-1997
- Folder 12: Interactive Video Network (IVN), 1992-1998
- Folder 13: Internal Auditing, 1992-1995
- Folder 14: Internal Auditing, 1996-1998
- Folder 15: International Centre, 1992-1998
- Folder 16: International Programs, 1992-1993
- Folder 17: International Programs, 1994-1998
- Folder 18: Inventory, 1992-1997
- Folder 19: Karl Christian Wold, M.D., Bio-Information Learning Resources Center, 1993-1994
- Folder 20: Kresge Foundation, 1992-1995
- Folder 21: Lake Ilo Project, July-December 1995
- Folder 22: Languages Department, 1992-1999
- Documents mainly pertain to retaining the Norwegian language program.
- Folder 23: Latvia Commission - Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies, 1995-1996
- Folder 24: Law - School of, 1992-1995
- Folder 25: Law - School of, 1996-1999
- Folder 26: Law - School of, Accreditation, March-December 1993
- Folder 27: Law - School of, Accreditation, 1994-1996
- Folder 28: Law - School of, Reports / Proposals, 1993-1999
- Folder 29: Leave of Absence Requests, 1994-1998
- Folder 1: Indians into Medicine (INMED) Program, 1992-1999
- Box 33
- Folder 1: Legislative Activities, 1992-1993
- Folder 2: Legislative Activities, 1994-1995
- Folder 3: Legislative Activities, 1996-1997
- Folder 4: Legislative Activities, 1998-1999
- Folder 5: Legislative Activities - North Dakota Legislative Council, 1992-1998
- Folder 6: Legislative Activities - Reports ND Legislative Council's Budget Section, July - September 1998
- Folder 7: Mathematics - Department of, 1992-1999
- Folder 8: Mayville State University, 1994-1997
- Folder 9: Medicine, School of - Accreditation, 1992-1999
- Folder 10: Medicine, School of - Agreements
- Folder 11: Medicine, School of - Dean Search, 1993-1995
- Folder 12: Medicine, School of - General, 1992-1993
- Folder 13: Medicine, School of - General, 1994
- Folder 14: Medicine, School of - General, 1995
- Folder 15: Medicine, School of - General, 1996
- The School of Medicine was renamed School of Medicine and Health Sciences in 1996.
- Folder 16: Medicine, School of - General, 1997
- Folder 17: Medicine, School of - General, 1998-1999
- Folder 18: Medicine, School of - Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science, 1992-1996
- Folder 19: Medicine, School of - Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science, 1997-1999
- Folder 20: Medicine, School of - Microbiology and Immunology, 1995-1999
- Folder 21: Medicine, School of - Neuroscience, 1994-1999
- Folder 22: Medicine, School of - North Dakota Medical Education & Research Foundation (NDMERF), 1992-1996
- Folder 23: Medicine, School of - Occupational Therapy, 1993-1998
- Occupational Therapy was moved into the School of Medicine in July 1995.
- Folder 24: Medicine, School of - Occupational Therapy Satellite Program (Casper College), 1992-1998
- Folder 25: Medicine, School of - Pathology Foundation, 1992-1999
- Folder 26: Medicine, School of - Pharmacology and Toxicology, 1993-1998
- Folder 27: Medicine, School of - Physical Therapy, 1993-1998
- Folder 28: Medicine, School of - Physical Therapy Accreditation, 1993-1999
- Folder 29: Medicine, School of - Presentations/Proposals, 1993-1994
- Folder 1: Legislative Activities, 1992-1993
- Box 34
- Folder 1: Medicine, School of - Presentations/Proposals, 1995-1996
- Folder 2: Medicine, School of - Reports (Accreditation), January - April 1999
- Folder 3: Medicine, School of - Reports (Assorted), 1994-1998
- Folder 4: Medicine, School of - Reports (Financial Report), 1997-1998
- Folder 5: Medicine, School of - Reports (Medical Center Advisory Council), 1998
- Folder 6: Memorial Union, 1993-1999
- Folder 7: Meritorious Service Awards, 1993-1999
- Folder 8: Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) Program, 1994-1996
- Folder 9: Minority Employment, 1993-1995
- Folder 10: Minot State University, 1994-1997
- Folder 11: Mortar Board, 1993-1998
- Folder 12: Music - Department of, 1992-1999
- Folder 13: Myers Trust, 1998-1999
- Folder 14: National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, 1992-1999
- Folder 15: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1992-1993
- Folder 16: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1994-1996
- Folder 17: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1997-1999
- Folder 18: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Self Study, 1994
- Folder 19: National Kaohsiung Normal University, 1992-1996
- Folder 20: National Science Foundation, 1992-1998
- Folder 21: Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation, 1993-1995
- Folder 22: Native American Programs, 1992-1994
- Folder 23: Native American Programs, 1995
- Folder 24: Native American Programs, 1996-1999
- Folder 25: Native American Programs - Assorted Reports, 1992-1998
- Folder 26: Native Media Center/Indians into Journalism Initiative, 1992-1998
- Folder 27: Nelson, Gladys - Estate, May 1996
- Folder 28: Neuropsychiatric Research Institute, 1992-1993
- President Baker served on the Board of Directors for this institute.
- Folder 29: Neuropsychiatric Research Institute, 1994
- Folder 30: Neuropsychiatric Research Institute, 1995-1996
- Folder 31: Neuropsychiatric Research Institute, 1997
- Folder 1: Medicine, School of - Presentations/Proposals, 1995-1996
- Box 35
- Folder 1: Neuropsychiatric Research Institute, 1998-1999
- Folder 2: Neuropsychiatric Research Institute - Reports, 1993-1997
- Folder 3: New UND Program Proposals, 1993-1996
- Folder 4: Non-returning Student Surveys, 1993-1995
- Folder 5: North Central Association (UND Accreditation), 1992-1994
- Folder 6: North Central Association - Assorted Materials, 1993-1998
- Folder 7: North Central Conference, 1992-1999
- Folder 8: North Dakota Academy of Science, 1997-1999
- Includes proceedings of a symposium in September 1997 about the 1997 flood.
- Folder 9: North Dakota Campus Violence Project, October 1995
- Folder 10: North Dakota Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (ND-EPSCoR), 1992-1999
- Folder 11: North Dakota House of Representatives Appropriations Committee Presentations, 1997-1999
- Folder 12: North Dakota Museum of Art, 1992-1993
- Folder 13: North Dakota Museum of Art, 1994
- Folder 14: North Dakota Museum of Art, February-August 1995
- Folder 15: North Dakota Museum of Art, September-December 1995
- Folder 16: North Dakota Museum of Art, 1996-1999
- Folder 17: North Dakota Public Employee Retirement System (NDPERS), 1992-1998
- Folder 18: North Dakota Quarterly, 1993-1998
- Folder 19: North Dakota School for the Blind, 1992-1998
- Folder 20: North Dakota Senate Approprations Committee Presentations, 1995-1999
- Folder 21: North Dakota Small Business Development Center, 1992-1998
- The main office for the North Dakota Small Business Development Center was in the College of Business and Public Administration.
- Folder 22: North Dakota State Aerospace Advisory Committee, 1993-1995
- Folder 23: NDSU-UND Collaborations/Cooperation, 1992-1998
- Folder 24: NDSU - Correspondence, 1994-1999
- Folder 25: North Dakota Student Association, 1992-1998
- Folder 26: Norway, 1997-1999
- Folder 27: Nursing - College of, 1992-1993
- Folder 28: Nursing - College of, 1994-1999
- Folder 1: Neuropsychiatric Research Institute, 1998-1999
- Box 36
- Folder 1: Oak Ridge Associated Universities, 1992-1999
- Folder 2: Office of Management and Budget, 1992-1999
- Folder 3: Office of Research and Program Development, 1992-1999
- Folder 4: Office of Research and Program Development - Monthly Summaries, 1992-1999
- Folder 5: Old Science Hall - Demolition and Salvage, 1998-1999
- Folder 6: Operations - Vice President for, 1992-1998
- Finance and Operations were separate divisions until merging in February 1998
- Folder 7: Organization Charts, 1993-1998
- Folder 8: Orientation/Retention, 1993-1996
- Folder 9: Outreach Programs, 1994-1998
- Folder 10: Peace Studies - Center for, 1992-1996
- Folder 11: Personnel Services, 1993-1999
- Folder 12: Pew Higher Education Roundtable/Pew Charitable Trusts, 1993-1996
- Folder 13: Phi Beta Kappa, 1992-1997
- Folder 14: Philosophy and Religion - Department of, 1992-1996
- Folder 15: Physics - Department of, 1998
- Folder 16: Plan ABC License (Financial Planning Software), August-October 1996
- Folder 17: Plant Services (Physical Plant), 1992-1994
- Folder 18: Plant Services (Physical Plant), 1995-1999
- Folder 19: Policies, 1992-1999
- Folder 20: Presidential Freshman Scholars, 1992-1999
- Folder 21: Presidential Lecture Series, 1994-1999
- Folder 22: President's Advisory Council on Women (PAC-W), 1992-1994
- The Women's Equity Committee became the President's Advisory Committee on Women in April 1994.
- Folder 23: President's Advisory Council on Women (PAC-W), 1995
- Folder 24: President's Advisory Council on Women (PAC-W), 1996-1999
- Folder 25: President's Award of Greek Excellence (PAGE), 1992-1999
- Folder 26: President's Cabinet, 1998-1999
- Folder 27: President's Medal/Medallions, 1993-1999
- Folder 28: President's Roll of Honor, 1992-1999
- Folder 29: Pride of the North Marching Band, 1994-1999
- Folder 30: Princeton Mobile Home Park, 1999
- Folder 31: Program Suspensions/Terminations, 1994-1997
- Folder 32: Promotions, 1994-1999
- Folder 1: Oak Ridge Associated Universities, 1992-1999
- Box 37
- Folder 1: Psychology - Department of, 1992-1998
- Folder 2: Public Relations, 1993-1998
- Folder 3: Racism, 1993-1996
- Folder 4: Radiation Safety and Hazardous Materials, 1992-1999
- Folder 5: Radio Stations/Public Broadcasting, 1993-1999
- Folder 6: Ralph Engelstad Arena, 1998-1999
- Folder 7: Receptions, 1994-1998
- Folder 8: Reciprocity, 1995-1996
- Folder 9: Recommendation Letters, 1993-1997
- Folder 10: Recommendation Letters, 1998-1999
- Folder 11: Recruitment of Students, 1996-1998
- Folder 12: Recruitment/Retention of American Indians into Nursing (RAIN), 1992-1998
- Folder 13: Recycling Program, 1995-1999
- Folder 14: Red River Trade Corridor, 1994-1995
- Folder 15: Registrar, 1993-1999
- Folder 16: Rehabilitation Hospital (MCRH), 1992-1993
- Folder 17: Rehabilitation Hospital (MCRH), 1994
- Folder 18: Rehabilitation Hospital (MCRH), 1995-1998
- Folder 19: Rehabilitation Hospital (MCRH) - Board of Trustees Meetings, 1992-1996
- Baker was a member of the MCRH Board of Trustees.
- Folder 20: Rehabilitation Hospital (MCRH) - Financial Statements, 1993-1997
- Folder 21: Rehabilitation Hospital (MCRH) - Program Evaluation Reports, 1992-1994
- Folder 22: Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), 1992-1995
- Folder 23: Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), 1996-1999
- Folder 24: Resignations, 1992-1994
- Many of the form letters ackowledging resignations were not retained.
- Folder 25: Resignations, 1995-1996
- Many of the form letters ackowledging resignations were not retained.
- Folder 26: Resignations, 1997-1999
- Many of the form letters ackowledging resignations were not retained.
- Folder 1: Psychology - Department of, 1992-1998
- Box 38
- Folder 1: Restructuring/Reallocation, 1993-1994
- Folder 2: Restructuring/Reallocation, 1995-1999
- Folder 3: Retirement Counseling, 1993-1998
- Folder 4: Retirement Letters and Dinners, 1992-1999
- Folder 5: Retreat Requests, 1993-1999
- Folder 6: Risk Management, 1993-1998
- Folder 7: Rural Technology Center, 1994-1998
- Folder 8: Ryan, Thomas, 1994-1996
- Folder 9: Safety, 1993-1999
- Folder 10: SAGE (Service, Access, Growth, Empowerment) Project, 1997
- Folder 11: Salaries, 1993-1999
- Folder 12: Schafer, Ed (Governor), 1993-1998
- Folder 13: Seven Year Plan, 1992-1994
- Folder 14: Sheridan, William - Maize Genetics Research, 1992-1999
- Folder 15: Sioux Boosters, 1994-1999
- Folder 16: Social Science Research Institute, 1993-1996
- Folder 17: Social Work - Department of, 1992-1999
- Folder 18: Society for Energy Alternatives (Solar Car), 1997-1999
- Folder 19: Sociology - Department of, 1995-1998
- Folder 20: Space Utilization (Campus Master Plan), 1992-1998
- Includes meeting minutes of facilities/space committees.
- Folder 21: Special Olympics, 1994-1997
- Folder 22: Staff Development (Report), 1993-1994
- Folder 23: Staff Senate, 1995-1999
- Folder 24: Standing Committees, 1992-1999
- Folder 25: State Employees Compensation Commission, August-November 1993
- Folder 26: State of the University Addresses, 1994-1998
- Folder 27: Statistics/Surveys - Assorted, 1992-1999
- Folder 28: Strategic Planning, 1994-1997
- Folder 29: Strathe, Marlene, 1993-1998
- Folder 30: Student Academic Services, 1996-1999
- Folder 31: Student Affairs, 1993-1999
- Divisions of Student Affairs and of Continuing Education were merged into the Division of Student and Outreach Services in July 1998.
- Folder 32: Student Ambassadors, 1995-1997
- Folder 33: Student Employees, 1994-1998
- Folder 34: Student Financial Aid/Scholarships, 1992-1995
- Folder 35: Student Financial Aid/Scholarships, 1996-1999
- Folder 1: Restructuring/Reallocation, 1993-1994
- Box 39
- Folder 1: Student Government, 1993-1999
- Folder 2: Student Health Service, 1992-1999
- Folder 3: Student Senate Agendas and Minutes, 1993-1999
- Folder 4: Studio One/Television Center, 1995-1998
- Folder 5: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1993-1997
- Folder 6: Summer Sessions, 1992-1999
- Folder 7: Summit Conference, 1996-1998
- Folder 8: Technology Coordination Committee, 1996-1997
- Folder 9: Technology Task Force, 1993-1996
- Folder 10: Technology Transfer Inc., 1992-1997
- Baker served on the TTI Board of Directors.
- Folder 11: Technology Transfer Inc., 1998-1999
- Folder 12: Telecommunications, 1992-1998
- Folder 13: Tenure, 1993-1995
- Folder 14: Tenure, 1996-1999
- Folder 15: Terminal Contracts, 1992-1998
- Folder 16: Theatre Arts, 1994-1999
- Folder 17: TIAA-CREF, 1992-1997
- Folder 18: Title III Application, January 1998
- Folder 19: Total Quality Improvement, 1992-1994
- Folder 20: Transfer/Articulation Agreements, 1995-1996
- Folder 21: Transportation and Parking, 1992-1993
- Folder 22: Transportation and Parking, 1994-1999
- Folder 23: Travel Requests, 1992-1995
- Folder 24: TRG Project, 1996
- Folder 25: Tribal Colleges, 1992-1997
- Folder 26: TRIO Programs, 1992-1998
- The five TRIO programs are Talent Search, Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement, Upward Bound, Educational Opportunity Center, and Student Support Services.
- Folder 27: Tuition and Tuition Waivers, 1997-1999
- Folder 28: Tuition and Tuition Waivers, 1992-1996
- Folder 29: Twamley Hall - Space Utilization, 1996-1999
- Folder 30: Underrepresented Student Recruitment Committee, 1994-1995
- Folder 31: United States Postal Service, 1992-1999
- Folder 32: United Way, 1992-1998
- Folder 33: University Assessment Committee, 1993-1999
- Folder 34: University Health Center, February-August 1998
- Folder 35: University of Minnesota - Crookston, 1992-1993
- Folder 36: UND Alumni - Assorted, 1992-1998
- Includes materials related to the UND Alumni Association and Foundation, and Homecoming activities.
- Folder 1: Student Government, 1993-1999
- Box 40
- Folder 1: UND Biennial Budget, 1993-1995
- Folder 2: UND Branches - Lake Region and Williston, 1992-1994
- Folder 3: UND Branches - Lake Region and Williston, 1995-1999
- Folder 4: UND - General, 1992-1998
- Includes mission statements, changes to the UND constitution, and a 1993-94 campus profile.
- Folder 5: UND Goal Statements (Various Departments), 1992-1993
- Folder 6: UND Indian Association (UNDIA), 1992-1998
- Folder 7: UND Related Articles, 1993-1998
- Folder 8: University Planning Council, 1994-1999
- Folder 9: University Police Department, 1993-1999
- Folder 10: University Relations - Office of, 1992-1999
- Folder 11: University Senate, 1993-1997
- Folder 12: University Senate, 1998
- Folder 13: University Senate, 1999
- Folder 14: University Technology Park, 1992-1993
- Folder 15: University Technology Park, 1994-1995
- Folder 16: University within the University (U2), 1996-1999
- Folder 17: Valley City State University, 1993-1994
- Folder 18: Veterans, 1993-1997
- Folder 19: Visual Arts - Department of, 1992-1999
- Folder 20: Western Collegiate Hockey Association (WCHA), 1992-1998
- Folder 21: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), 1992-1995
- Folder 22: Who's Who, 1995-1998
- Folder 23: Witmer Art Gallery, 1993-1999
- Folder 24: W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1994-1995
- Folder 25: W. M. Keck Foundation, 1995-1997
- Folder 26: Women Studies, 1992-1999
- Folder 27: Women's Center, 1996-1998
- Folder 28: Women's Hockey, 1998-1999
- Folder 29: Workers Compensation, 1993-1998
- Folder 30: Workforce Development, 1996-1999
- Folder 31: Writers Conference, 1994-1999
- Folder 32: Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC), 1992-1998
- Folder 33: Wyoming, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana (WINSM) Consortium, 1992-1996
- Folder 34: Year 2000 (Y2K), 1998-1999
- Folder 1: UND Biennial Budget, 1993-1995
- Box 24
- Sub-Series 1: William M. Blackburn, 1884-1885
- Series 2: Subject Files (1999-current)
- Arranged by fiscal year beginning with FY 2000 (July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000). This is also when Charles Kupchella began his tenure as UND president. The majority of the files retain the original labels used by the president's office. The change to fiscal year coincides with the records management program, which began later in the 1990s.
- Sub-Series FY 2000
- Box SF-1
- Folder 1: Academic Computing Advisory Committee (ACAC)
- Folder 2: Adelphi Foundation
- Folder 3: Adjunct Appointments
- Folder 4: Admissions
- Folder 5: Aerospace Sciences, School of
- Folder 6: Affirmative Action, Office of
- Folder 7: Alcohol Policy & Use
- Folder 8: Alerus Center
- Folder 9: Altru Health System
- Folder 10: Arts & Sciences, College of
- Folder 11: Athletics
- Folder 12: Biomedical Research Center
- Folder 13: Bookstore
- Folder 14: Bronson Property
- Folder 15: Bush Foundation
- Folder 16: Business & Public Administration, College of
- Folder 17: Campus Master Plan - Space Utilization
- Folder 18: Career Services
- Folder 19: Carnegie Library Restoration Committee
- Folder 20: Center for Innovation
- Folder 21: Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor
- Folder 22: Chester Fritz Library
- Folder 23: Clark, Alice Mentoring Program
- Folder 24: Commencement Programs
- Folder 25: Commencement Speakers
- Folder 26: Commission on Student Use of Alcohol
- Folder 27: Committees
- Folder 28: Communication, School of
- Folder 29: Communication Sciences & Disorders, Department of
- Folder 30: Community Medicine
- Folder 31: Conflict Resolution Center (CRC)
- Folder 32: Conrad, Kent
- Folder 33: Continuing Education, Division of
- Folder 34: Counseling Center
- Folder 35: Dakota 2000 Conference
- Folder 36: Dakota Science Center
- Folder 37: Dakota Student
- Folder 38: Dean's Council
- Folder 39: Denim Days
- Folder 40: Developmental Leave
- Folder 41: Disability Support Services
- Folder 42: Dorgan, Byron (Senator)
- Folder 43: Dual Career Couples
- Folder 44: Education & Human Development, College of
- Folder 45: Emeritus Status
- Folder 46: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Folder 47: Engelstad, Ralph
- Folder 48: Engineering & Mines, School of
- Folder 49: English, Department of
- Folder 50: Enrollment Management/Services
- Folder 51: Enrollment Reporting
- Folder 52: Entrepreneurship Program
- Folder 53: Environmental Science Program
- Folder 54: Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)
- Folder 55: Faculty Ambassadors
- Folder 56: Faculty Athletic Representative
- Folder 57: Faculty Bus Tour
- Folder 58: Faculty Research Seed Money Project
- Folder 59: Faculty Sick Leave
- Folder 60: Family Medicine Center - Grand Forks
- Folder 61: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - Project Impact
- Folder 1: Academic Computing Advisory Committee (ACAC)
- Box SF-2
- Folder 1: Federal Initiatives
- Folder 2: Fees Committee
- Folder 3: Fort Berthold - New Town
- Folder 4: Fort Totten - Spirit Lake
- Folder 5: Fort Yates - Standing Rock
- Folder 6: Founders Day
- Folder 7: Garland, Sara
- Folder 8: Governance
- Folder 9: Graduate School
- Folder 10: Grand Forks Air Force Base (GFAFB)
- Folder 11: Grand Forks, City of
- Folder 12: Grand Forks Convention & Bureau (GFCVB)
- Folder 15: Greater North Dakota Association (GNDA)
- Folder 13: Grand Forks Herald
- Folder 14: Grand Forks Region Economic Development Corporation (EDC)
- Folder 16: Greek Life
- Folder 17: Higher Education Roundtable
- Folder 18: Hockey, Men's
- Folder 19: Hockey, Women's
- Folder 20: Honorary Degrees
- Folder 21: Honors Program
- Folder 22: Hughes, Edmund - Estate
- Folder 23: Humanities & Integrated Studies, Department of
- Folder 24: Inaugural Congratulations
- Folder 25: Indians Into Medicine (INMED)
- Folder 26: Industrial Technology
- Folder 27: Information Technology
- Folder 28: Institutional Research, Office of
- Folder 29: Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Folder 30: Interactive Video Network (IVN)
- Folder 31: International Programs
- Folder 32: Knight Foundation
- Folder 33: Kupchella - General
- Folder 34: Kupchella - Goals & Objectives
- Folder 35: Kupchella Inauguration
- Folder 36: Law, School of
- Folder 37: Legislature
- Folder 38: Logo Licensing & Royalties
- Folder 39: Lutheran Community Foundation
- Folder 40: Mathematics, Department of
- Folder 41: Medical Center Advisory Council
- Folder 42: Medicine & Health Sciences, School of
- Folder 43: Medicine & Health Sciences, School of - Accreditation
- Folder 44: Meritorious Service Award
- Folder 45: Military Science - ROTC
- Folder 1: Federal Initiatives
- Box SF-3
- Folder 1: Minnesota-Crookston, University of
- Folder 2: Minot Leadership Group
- Folder 3: Multicultural Awareness
- Folder 4: Music, Department of
- Folder 5: Myers, Col. Eugene - Trust
- Folder 6: National Aeronautical & Space Administration (NASA)
- Folder 7: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
- Folder 8: National Council for Accreditation for Teacher Education (NCATE)
- Folder 9: National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Folder 10: Native American Programs
- Folder 11: Native Media Center
- Folder 12: Next In Command
- Folder 13: Nordic Initiative
- Folder 14: North Central Conference (NCC)
- Folder 15: North Dakota Museum of Art
- Folder 16: North Dakota Public Employees Association (NDPEA)
- Folder 17: North Dakota State University (NDSU)
- Folder 18: Norway
- Folder 19: Nurse Anesthesia Program
- Folder 20: Nursing, College of
- Folder 21: Occupational Therapy
- Folder 22: Office of Research & Program Development (ORPD)
- Folder 23: Old Science Hall
- Folder 24: Organizational Chart
- Folder 25: Outreach Services/Continuing Education/Distance Education
- Folder 26: Payroll, Office of
- Folder 27: Peace Studies
- Folder 28: Pharmacology, Physiology & Therapeutics (PPT)
- Folder 29: Physician Assistant (PA) Program
- Folder 30: Police, University
- Folder 31: Prairie Public Broadcasting (KUND) Agreement
- Folder 32: President's Advisory Council on Women's Issues (PAC-W)
- Folder 33: President's Cabinet
- Folder 34: President's Event Analysis
- Folder 35: President's Medallion
- Folder 36: Pride of the North Marching Band
- Folder 37: Promotions/Tenure
- Folder 38: Ralph Engelstad Arena
- Folder 39: Ralph Engelstad Arena - Business Plan & Overview
- Folder 40: Ralph Engelstad Arena - Compass Facilities Management
- Folder 41: Ralph Engelstad Arena - Design & Construction
- Folder 42: Ralph Engelstad Arena - Facilities & Equipment
- Folder 43: Receptions/Invitations/Luncheons & Dinners
- Folder 1: Minnesota-Crookston, University of
- Box SF-4
- Folder 1: Recruitment & Retention
- Folder 2: Residence/Housing Services
- Folder 3: Resignations
- Folder 4: Retirement Counseling
- Folder 5: Retirements
- Folder 6: Safety & Environmental Health, Office of
- Folder 7: Salaries
- Folder 8: Schafer, Ed (Governor)
- Folder 9: Shanghai University for Science & Technology (China)
- Folder 10: Sheridan, Dan
- Folder 11: Smoking Policy
- Folder 12: Space Studies, Department of
- Folder 13: Speech & Debate Program
- Folder 14: Spirit Days
- Folder 15: Staff Senate
- Folder 16: State Auditor, Office of
- Folder 17: Strategic Planning
- Folder 18: Student Ambassadors
- Folder 19: Student Awards & Honors
- Folder 20: Student Financial Aid
- Folder 21: Student Government
- Folder 22: Student Senate
- Folder 23: Student Technology Fee Committee
- Folder 24: Student Use of Alcohol Commission
- Folder 25: Summer Sessions
- Folder 26: Technology Planning Task Force
- Folder 27: Theater Arts, Department of
- Folder 28: Thelin, Mildred - Estate
- Folder 29: Time Out & Wacipi
- Folder 30: Transition Team
- Folder 31: Transportation, Traffic & Parking
- Folder 32: Travel Requests
- Folder 33: Trenton Indian Service Area
- Folder 34: Tuition & Fees
- Folder 35: Twamley Hall
- Folder 36: United States - Norway Forum
- Folder 37: United Tribes Technical College
- Folder 38: University Constitution
- Folder 39: University Council
- Folder 40: University Neighbors
- Folder 41: University Planning & Budget Committee (UPBC)
- Folder 42: University Relations, Office of
- Folder 43: University Senate
- Folder 44: University Village
- Folder 45: Upper Midwest Aerospace Consortium (UMAC)
- Folder 46: Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost Search
- Folder 47: Vice President for Finance & Operations Search
- Folder 48: Workforce Development, Office of
- Folder 49: Writers Conference
- Folder 1: Recruitment & Retention
- Box SF-5
- Box SF-1
- Sub-Series FY 2001
- Box SF-5
- Folder 3: Academic Affairs, VP Office of
- Folder 4: Adjunct Appointments
- Folder 5: Administrative Procedures Committee
- Folder 6: Aerospace Sciences, School of
- Folder 7: Alcohol Policy & Use
- Folder 8: Alerus Center
- Folder 9: American Indian Programs Council (AIPC)
- Folder 10: Articulation Agreements
- Folder 11: Athletics
- Folder 12: Aviation, Department of
- Folder 13: Awano, Japan - Sister City
- Folder 14: Barnes & Noble Bookstore
- Folder 15: Biomedical Research Center
- Folder 16: Brien, Bennett
- Folder 17: Bronson Property
- Folder 18: Bush Foundation
- Folder 19: Business & Public Administration, College of
- Folder 20: Campus Master Plan - Space Utilization
- Folder 21: Campus Report
- Folder 22: Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor
- Folder 23: Chief Information Officer
- Folder 24: China
- Folder 25: Commencement Programs
- Folder 26: Commencement Speakers
- Folder 27: Commission on Student Use of Alcohol
- Folder 28: Committees
- Folder 29: Communication, School of
- Folder 30: Conflict Resolution Center (CRC)
- Folder 31: Conrad, Kent
- Folder 32: Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
- Folder 33: Crisis Coordination Team
- Folder 34: Critical Needs/Donor Wish List
- Folder 35: Cuba
- Folder 36: Dakota Science Center
- Folder 37: Dean's Council
- Folder 38: Denim Days
- Folder 39: Dependent Tuition Waiver
- Folder 40: Developmental Leave
- Folder 41: Diversity
- Folder 42: Dorgan, Byron (Senator)
- Folder 43: Earth System Science Program
- Folder 44: Emeritus Status
- Folder 45: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Folder 46: Engelstad, Ralph
- Folder 47: Enrollment Management/Services
- Folder 48: Enrollment Reporting
- Folder 49: Experiential Learning
- Folder 50: Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)
- Folder 51: Facilities
- Folder 52: Faculty Bus Tour
- Folder 53: Faculty Research Seed Money Project
- Folder 54: Faculty Sick Leave
- Folder 55: Family Medicine Center - Grand Forks
- Folder 56: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
- Folder 57: Federal Initiatives
- Folder 58: Fees Committee
- Folder 59: Finance & Operations, VP Office of
- Folder 60: Flight Operations
- Folder 61: Founders Day
- Folder 62: Garland, Sara
- Folder 63: Graduate School
- Folder 64: Grand Forks Air Force Base (GFAFB)
- Folder 65: Graphic Design & Identity Guidelines
- Folder 66: Greek Life
- Folder 67: Healthy UND
- Folder 3: Academic Affairs, VP Office of
- Box SF-6
- Folder 1: Higher Education Roundtable
- Folder 2: Hockey, Men's
- Folder 3: Hoeven, John - Governor
- Folder 4: Honorary Degrees
- Folder 5: Honors Program
- Folder 6: Human Nutrition Research Center (HNRC)
- Folder 7: Humanities & Integrated Studies, Department of
- Folder 8: Immigration
- Folder 9: Inaugural Congratulations
- Only a sampling of the form letters and certificates were retained.
- Folder 10: Indians Into Counseling: Advancing Reservation-based Education (INCARE)
- Folder 11: Indians Into Medicine (INMED)
- Folder 12: Information Technology
- Folder 13: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
- Folder 14: Insitutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
- Folder 15: Institutional Review Board
- Folder 16: Intellectual Property
- Folder 17: Internal Auditing
- Folder 18: International Programs
- Folder 19: Joint Civilian Orientation Conference (JCOC)
- Folder 20: Knight Foundation
- Folder 21: Kupchella - General
- Folder 22: Kupchella - Goals & Objectives
- Folder 23: Laboratory Education for North Dakota (LEND)
- Folder 24: Law, School of
- Folder 25: Legislature
- Folder 26: Logo Licensing & Royalties
- Folder 27: Lutheran Community Foundation
- Folder 28: Mahidol University - Thailand
- Folder 29: Mathematics, Department of
- Folder 30: Medicine & Health Sciences, School of
- Folder 31: Meritorious Service Award
- Folder 32: Military Science - ROTC
- Folder 33: Mission Statement of UND
- Folder 34: Modesitt, Ken
- Folder 35: Music, Department of
- Folder 36: Myers, Col. Eugene - Trust
- Folder 37: National Aeronautical & Space Administration (NASA)
- Folder 38: National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
- Folder 39: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
- Folder 40: National Council for Accreditation for Teacher Education (NCATE)
- Folder 41: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Folder 42: National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Folder 43: Native American Programs
- Folder 44: Native Media Center
- Folder 45: Neuroscience
- Folder 46: Next in Command
- Folder 47: North Central Conference (NCC)
- Folder 48: North Dakota Agricultural Network (NDAWN)
- Folder 49: North Dakota House Appropriations Committee Presentation
- Folder 50: North Dakota Museum of Art
- Folder 51: North Dakota Senate Appropriations Committee Presentation
- Folder 1: Higher Education Roundtable
- Box SF-7
- Folder 1: North Dakota State University (NDSU)
- Folder 2: Northern Lights Public Radio (KFJM)
- Folder 3: Norway
- Folder 4: Nursing, College of
- Folder 5: Office of Instuctional Development (OID)
- Folder 6: Office of Research & Program Development (ORPD)
- Folder 7: Old Science Hall
- Folder 8: Outreach Services/Continuing Education/Distance Education
- Folder 9: Para-Protect
- Folder 10: Peer Institutions
- Folder 11: Performance Evaluations
- Folder 12: Physician Assistant (PA) Program
- Folder 13: Plant Improvement Requests
- Folder 14: Pomeroy, Earl (US Rep)
- Folder 15: President's Advisory Council on Women's Issues (PAC-W)
- Folder 16: President's Cabinet
- Folder 17: President's Report
- Folder 18: Promotions
- Only a portion of the form letters were retained.
- Folder 19: Ralph Engelstad Arena
- Folder 20: Receptions/Invitations/Luncheons & Dinners
- Folder 21: Records Management & Retention
- Folder 22: Recruitment & Retention
- Folder 23: Red River Valley Research Corridor (RRVRC)
- Folder 24: Research & Development Showcase
- Folder 25: Residence/Housing Services
- Folder 26: Resignations
- Folder 27: Resource Allocation Benchmark Project
- Folder 28: Retirements
- Folder 29: Safety & Environmental Health, Office of
- Folder 30: Salaries
- Folder 31: Seielstad, George
- Folder 32: Senate Budget Restructuring & Reallocation Committee - UND
- Folder 33: Senate Legislative Affairs Committee - UND
- Folder 34: Severe Weather
- Folder 35: Shanghai University for Science & Technology, China
- Folder 36: Sheridan, William
- Folder 37: Small Business Development Center, ND (SBDC)
- Folder 38: Social Security Administration
- Folder 39: Sports Medicine
- Folder 40: Staff Senate
- Folder 41: State of the University Address
- Folder 42: Strategic Planning
- Folder 43: Strinden, Earl
- Folder 44: Student Awards & Honors
- Folder 45: Student Evaluation of Teaching
- Folder 46: Student Financial Aid
- Folder 47: Student Government
- Folder 48: Student Health
- Folder 49: Student Senate
- Folder 50: Student Technology Fee Committee
- Folder 51: Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL)
- Folder 52: Summer Sessions
- Folder 53: Tenure
- Folder 54: Title III
- Folder 55: Transportation, Traffic & Parking
- Folder 56: TRIO Programs
- Folder 57: Tuition & Fees
- Folder 58: Turtle Mountain Community College
- Folder 59: United States - Norway Forum
- Folder 60: United Tribes Technical College
- Folder 61: University Children's Center
- Folder 62: University Information Technology Council (UITC)
- Folder 63: UND 2000 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Senior Follow-up Survey
- Folder 64: University Planning & Budget Committee
- Folder 1: North Dakota State University (NDSU)
- Box SF-8
- Box SF-5
- Sub-Series FY 2002
- Box SF-8
- Folder 5: Academic Affairs, VP Office of
- Folder 6: Adjunct Appointments
- Folder 7: Administrative Procedures Committee
- Folder 8: Aerospace Sciences, School of
- Folder 9: Affirmative Action
- Folder 10: Alcohol Policy & Use
- Folder 11: Alumni & President Office - REA Suite Guidelines
- Folder 12: American Indian Center
- Folder 13: American Indian Programs Council (AIPC)
- Folder 14: American Indian Student Services
- Folder 15: Articulation Agreements
- Folder 16: Arts & Sciences, College of
- Folder 17: Athletics
- Folder 18: Aviation, Department of
- Folder 19: Biomedical Research Center
- Folder 20: Business & Public Administration, College of
- Folder 21: Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor
- Folder 22: College of Business Capital Campaign
- Folder 23: Commencement Programs
- Folder 24: Commencement Speakers
- Folder 25: Commission on Student Use of Alcohol
- Folder 26: Communication, School of
- Folder 27: Computer Science
- Folder 28: Conflict Resolution Center (CRC)
- Folder 29: Connect North Dakota (formerly Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP))
- Folder 30: Conrad, Kent
- Folder 31: Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
- Folder 32: Council on Campus Climate
- Folder 33: Developmental Leave
- Folder 34: Dietetics
- Folder 35: Division I
- Folder 36: Dorgan, Byron (Senator)
- Folder 37: Education & Human Development, College of
- Folder 38: Emeritus Status
- Folder 39: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Folder 40: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) - Building Additions
- Folder 41: Engelstad, Ralph
- Folder 42: Enrollment Management/Services
- Folder 43: Enrollment Reporting
- Folder 44: Environmental Science Program
- Folder 45: Facilities
- Folder 46: Faculty Bus Tour
- Folder 47: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
- Folder 48: Federal Initiatives
- Folder 49: Fees Committee
- Folder 50: Football - NCAA Division II Championship
- Folder 51: Founders Day
- Folder 52: Grand Forks Air Force Base (GFAFB)
- Folder 53: Grand Forks, City of
- Folder 54: Grand Forks Convention & Visitors Bureau (GFCVB)
- Folder 55: Greek Life
- Folder 56: Healthy UND
- Folder 57: Higher Education Roundtable
- Folder 58: Hoeven, John - Governor
- Folder 59: Honorary Degrees
- Folder 60: Honors Program
- Folder 61: Inaugural Congratulations
- Only a sampling of the form letters and certificates were retained.
- Folder 62: Indians Into Medicine (INMED)
- Folder 63: Information Technology
- Folder 64: Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Folder 65: Intercollegiate Athletic Committee (IAC)
- Folder 66: International Programs
- Folder 5: Academic Affairs, VP Office of
- Box SF-9
- Folder 1: Kupchella - General
- Folder 2: Kupchella - Goals, Objectives, and Contract
- Folder 3: Law, School of
- Folder 4: Legislative Audit & Fiscal Review Committee (LAFRC)
- Folder 5: Legislative Council - Higher Education Committee
- Folder 6: Legislature
- Folder 7: Manitoba, University of
- Folder 8: Mathematics, Department of
- Folder 9: Medicine & Health Sciences, School of
- Folder 10: Memorial Union
- Folder 11: Meritorious Service Award
- Folder 12: Multicultural Student Services
- Folder 13: Music, Department of
- Folder 14: National Aeronautical & Space Administration (NASA)
- Folder 15: National Council for Accreditation for Teacher Education (NCATE)
- Folder 16: Native American Art Program
- Folder 17: Native American Programs
- Folder 18: Native American Recruitment
- Folder 19: Naturalization Ceremony
- Folder 20: Neuroscience
- Folder 21: New Programs - UND
- Folder 22: Next in Command
- Folder 23: North Central Conference (NCC)
- Folder 24: North Dakota Museum of Art
- Folder 25: North Dakota State University (NDSU) - Duplicative Programs
- Folder 26: Norway
- Folder 27: Nursing, College of
- Folder 28: Occupational Therapy
- Folder 29: Office of Instructional Development (OID)
- Folder 30: Office of Research & Program Development (ORPD)
- Folder 31: Otto Bremer Foundation
- Folder 32: Outreach Services/Continuing Education/Distance Education
- Folder 33: Physical Therapy, Department of
- Folder 34: Pomeroy, Earl (US Rep)
- Folder 35: President's Advisory Council on Women's Issues (PAC-W)
- Folder 36: President's Cabinet
- Folder 37: President's Report
- Folder 38: Pride of the North Marching Band
- Folder 39: Proactive Compliance
- Folder 40: Promotions
- Folder 41: Psychology, Department of
- Folder 42: Ralph Engelstad Arena
- Folder 43: Ray, James
- Folder 44: Receptions/Invitations/Luncheons & Dinners
- Folder 45: Regional Weather Information Center (RWIC)
- Folder 46: Residence/Housing Services
- Folder 47: Resignations
- Folder 48: Retirements
- Folder 49: Roberts, Robert - Estate
- Folder 50: Safety & Environmental Health, Office of
- Folder 51: Seal - University of North Dakota
- Folder 52: Seielstad, George
- Folder 53: September 11th
- Folder 54: Signage & Banners
- Folder 55: Soaring Eagle Prairie Garden
- Folder 56: Staff Senate
- Folder 57: State of the University Address
- Folder 58: Strategic Planning
- Folder too large to fit in box at this time. Located adjacent to box on shelf.
- Folder 59: Student & Outreach Services, VP Office of
- Folder 60: Student Awards & Honors
- Folder 61: Student Evaluation of Teaching
- Folder 62: Student Financial Aid
- Folder 63: Student Government
- Folder 64: Student Health Services Audit Report
- Folder 65: Student Orientation
- Folder 1: Kupchella - General
- Box SF-10
- Folder 1: Student Senate
- Folder 2: Student Technology Fee Committee
- Folder 3: Summer Haven
- Folder 4: Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL)
- Folder 5: Surveys
- Folder 6: Telesis
- Folder 7: Tenure
- Folder 8: Theater Arts, Department of
- Folder 9: Time Out & Wacipi
- Folder 10: Tribal Leaders Day
- Folder 11: TRIO Programs
- Folder 12: Tuition & Fees
- Folder 13: United States - Norway Forum
- Folder 14: University Constitution
- Folder 15: University Council
- Folder 16: University Information Technology Council (UITC)
- Folder 17: University Planning & Budget Committee
- Folder 18: University Relations, Office of
- Folder 19: University Research Council
- Folder 20: University Senate
- Folder 21: Veterans Services
- Folder 22: Vice President for Research, Search
- Folder 23: Vladivostok State University, Russia
- Folder 24: Wellness Center
- Folder 25: Women Studies
- Folder 26: Workforce Development, Office of
- Folder 27: Writers Conference
- Folder 1: Student Senate
- Box SF-8
- Sub-Series FY 2003
- Box SF-10
- Folder 28: Academic Affairs, VP Office of
- Folder 29: Adjunct Appointments
- Folder 30: Administrative Procedures Committee
- Folder 31: Aerospace Sciences, School of
- Folder 32: Affirmative Action
- Folder 33: Alcohol Policy & Use
- Folder 34: Alerus Commission
- Folder 35: American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU)
- Folder 36: American Indian Center
- Folder 37: American Indian Programs Council (AIPC)
- Folder 38: American Indian Student Services (AISS)
- Folder 39: Annual Reporting
- Folder 40: Arts & Humanities Summit
- Folder 41: Arts & Sciences, College of
- Folder 42: Athletics
- Folder 43: Atmospheric Sciences, Department of
- Folder 44: Aviation, Department of
- Folder 45: Biology, Department of
- Folder 46: Biomedical Research Center
- Folder 47: Bronson Property
- Folder 48: Budget Office
- Folder 49: Bush Foundation
- Folder 50: Business & Public Administration, College of
- Folder 51: Cankdeska Cikana Community College
- Folder 52: Centers of Excellence
- Folder 53: Center for Innovation
- Folder 54: Chamber of Commerce
- Folder 55: Chester Fritz Auditorium
- Folder 56: Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor
- Folder 57: Chester Fritz Library
- Folder 58: Chief Information Officer
- Folder 28: Academic Affairs, VP Office of
- Box SF-11
- Folder 1: China
- Folder 2: Clifford, Tom
- Folder 3: College of Business Capital Campaign
- Folder 4: Commencement Programs
- Folder 5: Commencement Speakers
- Folder 6: Communication Sciences & Disorders, Department of
- Folder 7: Conflict Resolution Center (CRC)
- Folder 8: Connect North Dakota
- Folder 9: Conrad, Kent
- Folder 10: Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
- Folder 11: Council on Campus Climate
- Folder 12: Developmental Leave
- Folder 13: Dorgan, Byron (Senator)
- Folder 14: Dual Career Couples
- Folder 15: Early/Phased Retirement
- Folder 16: Earth System Science Program
- Folder 17: Economic Development
- Folder 18: Emeritus Status
- Folder 19: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Folder 20: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) - Building Addition
- Folder 21: Engelstad, Ralph
- Folder 22: Engineering & Mines, School of
- Folder 23: English, Department of
- Folder 24: Enrollment Management/Services
- Folder 25: Epidemiology Center
- Folder 26: Experiential Learning
- Folder 27: Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)
- Folder 28: Facilities
- Folder 29: Faculty Bus Tour
- Folder 30: Faculty Research Seed Money Project
- Folder 31: Federal Initiatives
- Folder 32: Fees Committee
- Folder 33: Finance & Operations, VP Office of
- Folder 34: Fort Berthold - New Town
- Folder 35: Founders Day
- Folder 36: Garland, Sara
- Folder 37: General Counsel, Office of
- Folder 38: Graduate School
- Folder 39: Grand Forks Air Force Base (GFAFB)
- Folder 40: Grand Forks, City of
- Folder 41: Greek Life
- Folder 42: Healthy North Dakota
- Folder 43: Healthy UND
- Folder 44: Hilton Garden Inn
- Folder 45: Hockey, Women's
- Folder 46: Honorary Degrees
- Folder 47: Honors Program
- Folder 48: Human Nutrition Research Center (HNRC)
- Folder 49: Inaugural Congratulations
- Only a sampling of the form letters and certificates were retained.
- Folder 50: Indians into Aviation
- Folder 51: Information Management & Security
- Folder 52: Institutional Review Board
- Folder 53: Intellectual Property
- Folder 54: Intercollegiate Athletic Committee (IAC)
- Folder 55: Interdisciplinary Studies Program
- Folder 56: Internal Auditing
- Folder 57: International Programs
- Folder 58: Investment Committee
- Folder 59: Knight Foundation
- Folder 60: Kupchella - General
- Folder 61: Kupchella - Goals, Objectives, and Contract
- Folder 62: Law, School of
- Folder 63: Legislature
- Folder 1: China
- Box SF-12
- Folder 2: Lighting of the Green
- Folder 3: Lips, Evan
- Folder 4: Manitoba, University of
- Folder 5: Marketing Plan for the University
- Folder 6: Marketplace of Ideas
- Folder 7: Mathematics, Department of
- Folder 8: Medicine & Health Sciences, School of
- Folder 9: Memorial Union
- Folder 10: Meritorious Service Award
- Folder 11: Military Science - ROTC
- Folder 12: Music, Department of
- Folder 13: Multicultural Student Services
- Folder 14: National Aeronautical & Space Administration (NASA)
- Folder 15: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
- Folder 16: National Kaohsiung Normal University - Taiwan
- Folder 17: National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Folder 18: Neuroscience
- Folder 19: New Programs - UND
- Folder 20: Newman Signs, Inc.
- Folder 21: Next In Command
- Folder 22: North Central Conference (NCC)
- Folder 23: North Dakota House Appropriations Committee Presentation
- Folder 24: North Dakota Museum of Art
- Folder 25: North Dakota Public Employees Retirement System (NDPERS)
- Folder 26: North Dakota Senate Appropriations Committee Presentation
- Folder 27: North Dakota State University (NDSU) - Duplicative Programs
- Folder 28: Northern Lights Public Radio (KFJM)
- Folder 29: Norway
- Folder 30: Nurse Anesthesia Program
- Folder 31: Nursing, College of
- Folder 32: Occupational Therapy
- Folder 33: Office of Research & Program Development (ORPD)
- Folder 34: Performance Evaluations
- Folder 35: Physical Therapy, Department of
- Folder 36: Police, University
- Folder 37: Pomeroy, Earl (US Rep)
- Folder 38: President's Advisory Council on Women's Issues (PAC-W)
- Folder 39: President's Advisory Council on Women's Issues (PAC-W) - Leadership Program
- Folder 40: President's Cabinet
- Folder 41: President's Report
- Folder 42: Promotions
- Folder 43: Ralph Engelstad Arena
- Folder 44: Receptions/Invitations/Luncheons & Dinners
- Folder 45: Records Management & Retention
- Folder 46: Recruitment & Retention
- Folder 47: Red River Basin Institute
- Folder 48: Red River Valley Research Corridor (RRVRC)
- Folder 49: Research & Development Showcase
- Folder 50: Research, VP Office of
- Folder 51: Resignations
- Folder 52: Retirements
- Folder 53: Rural Health
- Folder 54: Russia
- Folder 55: Safety & Environmental Health, Office of
- Folder 56: Schremp, Rick - Social Security
- Folder 57: Seielstad, George
- Folder 58: September 11th
- Folder 59: Sheridan, William
- Folder 60: Signage & Banners
- Folder 61: Space Studies, Department of
- Folder 62: Staff Senate
- Folder 63: State Employee Recognition Week (COSE)
- Folder 64: State of the University Address
- Folder 65: Stategic Planning
- Folder 66: Student Awards & Honors
- Folder 67: Student Financial Aid
- Folder 68: Student Government
- Folder 69: Student Health
- Folder 70: Student & Outreach Services, VP Office of
- Folder 71: Student Relations Committee
- Folder 72: Student Senate
- Folder 73: Summer Haven
- Folder 74: Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL)
- Folder 2: Lighting of the Green
- Box SF-13
- Folder 1: Surveys
- Folder 2: Tenure
- Folder 3: Termination
- Folder 4: Time Out & Wacipi
- Folder 5: Transportation, Traffic & Parking
- Folder 6: Tribal Leaders Day
- Folder 7: University Constitution
- Folder 8: University Council
- Folder 9: University Planning & Budget Committee
- Folder 10: University Relations, Office of
- Folder 11: University Senate
- Folder 12: Vice President for Research, Search
- Folder 13: War in Iraq
- Folder 14: Wellness Center
- Folder 15: Workers Compensation
- Folder 16: Writers Conference
- Folder 1: Surveys
- Box SF-10
- Sub-Series FY 2004
- Box SF-13
- Folder 17: Academic Affairs, VP Office of
- Folder 18: Adjunct Appointments
- Folder 19: Administrative Procedures Committee
- Folder 20: Admissions
- Folder 21: Aerospace Sciences, School of
- Folder 22: Affirmative Action, Office of
- Folder 23: Alcohol Policy & Use
- Folder 24: American Indian Center
- Folder 25: American Indian Programs Council (AIPC)
- Folder 26: American Indian Student Services (AISS)
- Folder 27: Annual Reporting
- Folder 28: Articulation Agreements
- Folder 29: Arts & Sciences, College of
- Folder 30: Athletics
- Folder 31: Awano, Japan
- Folder 32: Biomedical Research Center
- Folder 33: Budget Office
- Folder 34: Bush Foundation
- Folder 35: Business Government Alliance (BGA)
- Folder 36: Business & Public Administration, College of
- Folder 37: Caen Lower-Normandy, France - Agreement
- Folder 38: Campus Security & Safety
- Folder 39: Cankdeska Cikana Community College
- Folder 40: Centers of Excellence
- Folder 41: Center for Innovation
- Folder 42: Chester Fritz Distinguished Professors
- Folder 43: China
- Folder 44: College Development Strategies
- Folder 45: College of Business Capital Campaign
- Folder 46: Commencement Programs
- Folder 47: Commencement Speakers
- Folder 17: Academic Affairs, VP Office of
- Box SF-14
- Folder 1: Community Medicine
- Folder 2: Conflict Resolution Center (CRC)
- Folder 3: Connect North Dakota
- Folder 4: Conrad, Kent (Senator)
- Folder 5: Council for Advancement & Support of Education (CASE)
- Folder 6: Council on Campus Climate
- Folder 7: Cuba
- Folder 8: Denim Days
- Folder 9: Developmental Leave
- Folder 10: Dining Services
- Folder 11: Diversity
- Folder 12: Dorgan, Byron (Senator)
- Folder 13: Early/Phased Retirement
- Folder 14: Earth System Science Program
- Folder 15: Economic Development
- Folder 16: Education & Human Development, College of
- Folder 17: Emeritus Status
- Folder 18: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Folder 19: Engelstad Family
- Folder 20: Faculty Bus Tour
- Folder 21: Faculty Research Seed Money Project
- Folder 22: Federal Initiatives
- Folder 23: Finance & Operations, VP Office of
- Folder 24: Founders Day
- Folder 25: Garland, Sara
- Folder 26: General Counsel, Office of
- Folder 27: Graduate School
- Folder 28: Grand Forks Convention & Visitors Bureau (GFCVB)
- Folder 29: Greek Life
- Folder 30: Healthy North Dakota
- Folder 31: Healthy UND
- Folder 32: Higher Education Act (HEA)
- Folder 33: Higher Education Roundtable
- Folder 34: Higher Learning Commission - Accreditation 2003-04
- Folder 35: Higher Learning Commission - Accreditation 2003-04, Reference Materials
- Folder 36: Hockey, Women's
- Folder 37: Hoeven, John (Governor)
- Folder 38: Honorary Degrees
- Folder 39: Human Nutrition Research Center (HNRC)
- Folder 40: Inaugural Congratulations
- Folder 41: Industrial Technology
- Folder 42: Intercollegiate Athletic Committee (IAC)
- Folder 43: Internal Auditing
- Folder 44: Jamestown College
- Folder 45: Kupchella - General
- Folder 46: Kupchella - Goals, Objectives, and Contract
- Folder 47: Kupchella - Presentations
- Folder 48: Law, School of
- Folder 49: Legislative Audit and Fiscal Review Committee (LAFRC)
- Folder 50: Legislative Council - Higher Education Committee
- Folder 1: Community Medicine
- Box SF-15
- Folder 1: Legislature
- Folder 2: Lighting of the Green
- Folder 3: Manitoba, University of
- Folder 4: Medicine & Health Sciences, School of
- Folder 5: Meritorious Service Award
- Folder 6: Minnesota State Community & Tech College, Fergus Falls - Agreement
- Folder 7: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
- Folder 8: National Collegiate Athletic Association - Self Study
- Folder 9: National Kaohsiung Normal University - Taiwan
- Folder 10: Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology, New Zealand - Agreement
- Folder 11: Next in Command
- Folder 12: North Dakota Design Center
- Folder 13: North Dakota Museum of Art
- Folder 14: Norway
- Folder 15: Nursing, College of
- Folder 16: Occupational Therapy
- Folder 17: Operation UND: Campus Friends/Operation Enduring Friendship
- Folder 18: Otto Bremer Foundation
- Folder 19: Outreach Services/Continuing Education/Distance Education
- Folder 20: Physical Therapy, Department of
- Folder 21: Physician Assistant (PA) Program
- Folder 22: Pomeroy, Earl (US Rep)
- Folder 23: President's Advisory Council on Women's Issues (PAC-W)
- Folder 24: President's Cabinet
- Folder 25: President's Report
- Folder 26: Promotions
- Folder 27: Public Relations & Marketing Communication, Council on
- Folder 28: Ralph Engelstad Arena
- Folder 29: Receptions/Invitations/Dinners & Luncheons
- Folder 30: Red River Valley Research Corridor (RRVRC)
- Folder 31: Regional Weather Information Center (RWIC)
- Folder 32: Research & Tech Park
- Folder 33: Researh, VP Office of
- Folder 34: Residence/Housing Services
- Folder 35: Resignations
- Folder 36: Retirements
- Folder 37: Salaries
- Folder 38: Shanghai University for Science & Technology, China
- Folder 39: South Dakota State University - Technology Visit
- Folder 40: Space Studies, Department of
- Folder 41: Sports Medicine
- Folder 42: Staff Senate
- Folder 43: St. Louis Rams Training Camp
- Folder 44: State Historical Society of North Dakota
- Folder 45: State of the University Address
- Folder 46: Strategic Planning
- Folder 47: Strinden, Earl
- Folder 48: Student Awards & Honors
- Folder 49: Student Government
- Folder 50: Student & Outreach Services, VP Office of
- Folder 51: Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL)
- Folder 52: Summer Programming
- Folder 53: Surveys
- Folder 54: Tenure
- Folder 55: Termination
- Folder 56: Time Out & Wacipi
- Folder 57: Transportation, Traffic & Parking
- Folder 58: Tuition & Fees
- Folder 59: University Council
- Folder 1: Legislature
- Box SF-16
- Folder 1: University of North Dakota - 125th Anniversary
- Folder 2: University Planning & Budget Committee
- Folder 3: University Research Council
- Folder 4: University Senate
- Folder 5: Utsunomiya University, Japan - Agreement
- Folder 6: Veterans Services
- Folder 7: Website - UND
- Folder 8: Wellness Center
- Folder 9: Western Area Power Administration (WAPA)
- Folder 10: Winnipeg, University of
- Folder 11: Worksite Wellness
- Folder 12: Writers Conference
- Folder 1: University of North Dakota - 125th Anniversary
- Box SF-13
- Sub-Series FY 2005
- Box SF-16
- Folder 13: Academic Affairs, VP Office of
- Folder 14: Adjunct Appointments
- Folder 15: Administrative Procedures Committee
- Folder 16: Admissions
- Folder 17: Aerospace Sciences, School of
- Folder 18: Alcohol Policy & Use
- Folder 19: Alumni Hall of Fame
- Folder 20: American Councils for International Education, Russia - Agreement
- Folder 21: American Humanics
- Folder 22: American Indian Programs Council (AIPC)
- Folder 23: American Indian Student Services (AISS)
- Folder 24: American Indians in Aviation
- Folder 25: Arts & Sciences, College of
- Folder 26: Athletics
- Folder 27: Awano, Japan
- Folder 28: Bank of North Dakota
- Folder 29: Betty Engelstad Sioux Center
- Folder 30: Biomedical Research Center
- Folder 31: Budget Office
- Folder 32: Business Government Alliance (BGA)
- Folder 33: Business & Public Administration, College of
- Folder 34: Career Services
- Folder 35: Castilla University, Spain - Agreement
- Folder 36: Center for Innovation
- Folder 37: Centers of Excellence
- Folder 38: Chester Fritz Distinguished Professors
- Folder 39: China
- Folder 40: College Development Strategies
- Folder 41: Commencement
- Folder 42: Communication, School of
- Folder 43: Community College
- Folder 44: Conflict Resolution Center (CRC)
- Folder 45: Conrad, Kent (Senator)
- Folder 46: Council on Campus Climate
- Folder 47: DC-8
- Folder 48: Denim Days
- Folder 49: Developmental Leave
- Folder 50: Diversity Advisory Subcommittee
- Folder 51: Division I
- Folder 52: Donations
- Folder 53: Dorgan, Byron (Senator)
- Folder 54: Early/Phased Retirement
- Folder 55: Economic Development
- Folder 56: Education & Human Development, College of
- Folder 57: Emeritus Status
- Folder 58: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Folder 59: Engelstad Family
- Folder 60: Engineering & Mines, School of
- Folder 61: English, Department of
- Folder 62: Enrollment Management/Services
- Folder 63: Environmental Science Program
- Folder 64: Faculty Bus Tour
- Folder 65: Family Medicine Center - Grand Forks
- Folder 66: Finance & Operations, VP Office
- Folder 67: Founders Day
- Folder 68: Grand Forks, City of
- Folder 69: Greek Life
- Folder 70: Healthy North Dakota
- Folder 71: Higher Learning Commission
- Folder 72: Hockey, Women's
- Folder 73: Hoeven, John (Governor)
- Folder 74: Honorary Degrees
- Folder 75: Inaugural Congratulations
- Folder 13: Academic Affairs, VP Office of
- Box SF-17
- Folder 1: Industrial Technology
- Folder 2: Intercollegiate Athletic Committee (IAC)
- Folder 3: Internal Auditing
- Folder 4: International Programs
- Folder 5: Investment Committee
- Folder 6: Kupchella - General
- Folder 7: Kupchella - Goals, Objectives, and Contract
- Folder 8: Law, School of
- Folder 9: Legislature
- Folder 10: Lighting of the Green
- Folder 11: Manitoba - Faculty of Ecology Advisory Board
- Folder 12: Manitoba, University of
- Folder 13: Marketplace (Entrepreneurs/Ideas/Kids)
- Folder 14: Medicine & Health Sciences, School of
- Folder 15: Meritorious Service Award
- Folder 16: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
- Folder 17: Neuroscience
- Folder 18: Norm Skalicky Tech Incubator
- Folder 19: North Dakota House Appropriations Committee Presentation
- Folder 20: North Dakota Senate Appropriations Committee Presentation
- Folder 21: North Dakota State University
- Folder 22: Norway
- Folder 23: Nursing, College of
- Folder 24: Occupational Therapy
- Folder 25: Operation UND: Campus Friends/Operation Enduring Friendship
- Folder 26: Otter Tail Corporation
- Folder 27: Otto Bremer Foundation
- Folder 28: Outreach Services/Continuing Education/Distance Education
- Folder 29: Pathology
- Folder 30: Physical Therapy, Department of
- Folder 31: Pomeroy, Earl (US Rep)
- Folder 32: President's Advisory Council on Women's Issues (PAC-W)
- Folder 33: President's Advisory Council on Women's Issues (PAC-W) - Leadership Program
- Folder 34: President's Cabinet
- Folder 35: President's Report
- Folder 36: Preventive Medicine & Wellness Award
- Folder 37: Promotions
- Folder 38: Psychology, Department of
- Folder 39: Ralph Englestad Arena
- Folder 40: Receptions/Invitations/Dinners & Luncheons
- Folder 41: Red River Valley Research Corridor (RRVRC)
- Folder 42: Regional Biocontainment Lab
- Folder 43: Research, VP Office of
- Folder 44: Residence/Housing Services
- Folder 45: Resignations
- Folder 46: Retirements
- Folder 47: Rural Health
- Folder 48: Safety & Environmental Health, Office of
- Folder 49: Schremp, Rick - Social Security
- Folder 50: Seielstad, George
- Folder 51: Shanghai University for Science & Technology (USST), China
- Folder 52: Small Business Development Center, ND (SBDC)
- Folder 53: Staff Senate
- Folder 54: State Historical Society of North Dakota
- Folder 55: State of the University Address
- Folder 56: Strategic Planning
- Folder 57: Student Awards & Honors
- Folder 58: Student Government
- Folder 59: Student & Outreach Services, VP Office of
- Folder 60: Student Senate
- Folder 61: Summer Programming
- Folder 1: Industrial Technology
- Box SF-18
- Folder 1: Surveys
- Folder 2: Tenure
- Folder 3: Theater Arts, Department of
- Folder 4: Time Out and Wacipi
- Folder 5: TRIO Programs
- Folder 6: United States - Norway Forum
- Folder 7: United Tribes Technical College
- Folder 8: University Council
- Folder 9: UND Alumni
- Folder 10: University of North Dakota and Casper College - Agreement
- Folder 11: University of North Dakota Fargo Center
- Folder 12: UND-NDSU-Minn-Manitoba Collaboration
- Folder 13: University Planning & Budget Committee (UPBC)
- Folder 14: University Relations Director, Search
- Folder 15: University Relations, Office of
- Folder 16: University Senate
- Folder 17: University Village
- Folder 1: Surveys
- Box SF-16
- Sub-Series FY 2000