Title: North Dakota Ballet Company Records, 1960-1984
ID: OGLMC/1577
Creator: North Dakota Ballet Company
Extent: 8.0 Linear Feet
Date Acquired: 09/09/2011
Languages: English [eng]
Accruals: Additions were received from: Nancy Marcotte, East Grand Forks, Minnesota on October 31, 2011 (Acc.#2011-3138); Kata Novak, Minneapolis, Minnesota on January 10, 2012 (Acc.#2012-3147)
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Source: Kata Novak, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Acquisition Method: Donation; Acc.2011-3134
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). North Dakota Ballet Company Records. OGLMC 1577, Box, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections. Chester Fritz Library. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Processing Information: Processed by Katelyn Devine and Daniel Sauerwein, Special Collections Student Assistants in 2012.