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North Dakota Ballet Company Records, 1960-1984
Collection Overview
Title: North Dakota Ballet Company Records, 1960-1984
Primary Creator: North Dakota Ballet Company
Other Creators: Novak, Kata
Extent: 8.0 Linear Feet
Date Acquired: 09/09/2011. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Ballet, Grand Forks - Organizations, Organizational Records
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Collection Historical Note
The North Dakota Ballet Company was founded in 1961 by Mrs. Kata Novak and Rogers Barnes. The mission of the company was to achieve a wider appreciation for the art of dance among the children and adults of Grand Forks. Its desire was to encourage a more complete culture in the fine arts for people of all ages.
Mrs. Novak, founder of the Company, served as the Ballet Mistress while also performing as the Prima Ballerina. She also owned the Kay School of Dance, donating the space for auditions, rehearsals, and classes.
Over two years of professional work and planning were undertaken before the first performance was held. During the Company’s first years, there were a total of fifteen girls and four young men among its members. It was successful in expanding in the Grand Forks area, as membership in the Company, as well as audiences at performances grew, which was made possible through more productions, scholarships, variety shows, festivals, and summer camps being offered.
The North Dakota Ballet Company enjoyed a successful cooperative venture with the University of North Dakota’s orchestra and dance groups. Mimi Marr, a modern dance instructor at UND, who held BA and MA degrees, as well as attended several dance schools, became the new owner/director of Kay’s School of Dance. Having previously conducted the Marr School of Dance, which served children in preschool through high school, Mrs. Marr became one of the finest directors and choreographers of her time during her tenure with the Ballet Company.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Repository: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Accruals: Additions were received from: Nancy Marcotte, East Grand Forks, Minnesota on October 31, 2011 (Acc.#2011-3138); Kata Novak, Minneapolis, Minnesota on January 10, 2012 (Acc.#2012-3147)
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Source: Kata Novak, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Acquisition Method: Donation; Acc.2011-3134
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). North Dakota Ballet Company Records. OGLMC 1577, Box, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections. Chester Fritz Library. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Processing Information: Processed by Katelyn Devine and Daniel Sauerwein, Special Collections Student Assistants in 2012.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: North Dakota Ballet Company],
[Series 2: Other Ballet Companies],
[Series 3: Photographs],
[Series 4: Artifacts],
- Series 1: North Dakota Ballet Company
- Box 1
- Folder 1: History, undated
- Folder 2: Constitution and By-Laws, undated
- Folder 3: Angel Contract Agreement, undated
- Folder 4: Meeting, September, 1964
- Folder 5: Membership, 1963-1964
- Folder 6: Kay School of Dance, 1961-1964
- Folder 7: Programs, 1956-1967
- Folder 8: Newspaper Clippings, 1963-2006
- Folder 9: Magazine Articles, 1963-1984
- Folder 10: Correspondences, 1956-1968
- Folder 11: Correspondences, 1961-1971
- Folder 12: Community Music Association, 1959-1960
- Folder 15: Dance Certificate, 1965
- Folder 16: Untitled Ballet Routine, undated
- Folder 17: "Open House" TV Script, undated
- Folder 18: Ballet Essay, April 1965
- Folder 1: History, undated
- Box 5
- Box 1
- Series 2: Other Ballet Companies
- Series 3: Photographs
- Box 1
- Folder 19
- Photograph 1: Dvorak Dances-UND Fieldhouse, July, 1964
- Photograph of Nancy Lund, Kaye Mullaly, and Kata Novak performing.
- Photograph 2: Eileen Severson and Nancy Lund Marcott performing
- Eileen Severson and Nancy Lund Marcott perform John (?) Wills History Book Dance, choreographed by Lynette Fry Abra of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet.
- Photograph 3: Roger Barnes as The Bad Fairy
- Roger Barnes as The Bad Fairy, as part of the Sleeping Beauty Recital, performed May 1961. Barnes assists another performer with makeup.
- Photograph 4: Pam Sidie as the Lilac Fairy
- Photograph 5: Janet Spencer, Nancy Lund Marcott, and Kata Novak in "Yellow Bird", choreographed by Mimi Marr
- Photograph 6: Undated proof sheet
- Photograph 7: Undated proof sheet
- Photograph 8: Undated proof sheet
- Photograph 9: Undated proof sheet
- Photograph 10: Undated photograph
- Photograph 1: Dvorak Dances-UND Fieldhouse, July, 1964
- Folder 20
- Photograph 11: Undated photograph
- Photograph 12: Undated photograph
- Photograph 13: Undated photograph
- Photograph 14: Francis Vosicek
- Photograph 15: Undated photographs
- Photograph 16: Undated photographs
- Photograph 17: Undated photographs
- Photograph 18: Undated photographs
- Photograph 19: Undated photographs
- Photograph 20: Undated photographs
- Photograph 11: Undated photograph
- Folder 21
- Photograph 21: Signed photograph of Bill Martin-Viscount
- Photograph 22: Signed photograph from ballet dancer "Norbert"
- Photograph 23: Portrait of Beverley Barkley
- Photograph 24
- Photograph 25
- Photograph 26: Photograph signed by David Shields (other name illegible)
- Photograph 27: Richard Rutherford and Lynette Fry
- Photograph 28: Signed photograph of Jim Clouser and Marilyn Young
- Photograph 29: Signed photograph of Fredric Strobel (?) and Marilyn Young
- Photograph 30: Signed photograph of Ted Shawn outside the Ted Shawn Theatre.
- Photograph 31: Unknown performer
- Photograph 32: Undated dance class photograph
- Photograph 33: Undated dance class photograph
- Photograph 34: Undated dance class photograph
- Photograph 35: Undated dance class photograph
- Photograph 36: Undated dance class photograph
- Photograph 21: Signed photograph of Bill Martin-Viscount
- Folder 22
- Folder 23
- Folder 24
- Folder 25
- Folder 26
- Folder 27
- Photograph 107: Signed photograph of Violet Verdy
- Photograph 108: Signed photograph of Violet Verdy
- Photograph 109: Signed photograph of Violet Verdy
- Photograph 110: Photograph of Bill Martin-Viscount and Sheila Mackinnon, signed by Martin-Viscount
- Photograph 111: Signed photograph of Gene Mauraccio
- Photograph 112: Signed photograph of Violette Verdy
- Photograph 113: Signed photograph of Edward Villella
- Photograph 107: Signed photograph of Violet Verdy
- Folder 28
- Folder 19
- Box 1
- Series 4: Artifacts
- Box 2
- Item 1: Ballet Costume headpiece with peacock plume decoration
- Item 2: Black Ballet Flats
- Item 3: Black Character Shoes
- Item 4: White Ballet Flats used at Jacob's Pillow in Summer 1963 signed by various ballet students
- Item 5: Capezio Pointe Shoes (pink)
- Item 6: Kata Novak's first character shoes from Grand Forks in the early 1960s.
- Item 7: Hernes Sandles (used for jazz character dance)
- Item 8: Pink Pointe Shoes
- Item 1: Ballet Costume headpiece with peacock plume decoration
- Box 3
- Box 4
- Box 2
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: North Dakota Ballet Company],
[Series 2: Other Ballet Companies],
[Series 3: Photographs],
[Series 4: Artifacts],