Title: Jim Jam Jems Magazine Collection, 1912-1924
Creator: Clark, Samuel H. (1885-1979)
Extent: 0.75 Linear Feet
Arrangement: Chronological
Languages: English [eng]
Written by the fictional “Jim Jam Junior,” Jim Jam Jems was an editorial newsmagazine published monthly in Bismarck, North Dakota, by Sam Clark. The magazine used sensationalism, propaganda, humor and satire to expose corruption and spread truth. The subtitle of each issue was “A Volley of Truth.”
Each issue was composed of around 60 pages, and began with a “Monthly Preamble” by Clark. The rest of each issue contained articles of social and political commentary. Subject matter was truly wide ranging, from the fight versus prostitution in Fargo (March 1912), the war with Mexico (July 1916), and abortion and infant mortality (August 1914). There were occasional cartoons and artwork, but the vast majority of each issue was textual.
Under the guise of Jim Jam Junior, Sam Clark recorded his views regarding the Federal Reserve System in a 1922 book entitled The Federal Reserve Monster. Clark also was responsible for publication of another editorial newsmagazine, Red Ink, in the 1930s.
Accruals: The original acquisition records are unavilable. The collection has been added to on numerous occasions: 89-1678; 2000-2427; 2002-2542; 2002-2580; 2005-2739; 2005-2776; 2006-2829; 2017-3328; 2017-3360
Access Restrictions: Available for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B, Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Related Materials: Sam Clark's Red Ink Magazine Collection: OGLMC 334 For more information please see https://apps.library.und.edu/archon/index.php?p=collections/controlcard&id=299.
Finding Aid Revision History: Finding aid migrated to Archon in October 2012.