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State Normal and Industrial School/UND Ellendale Branch Records
Board of Trustees/Board of Regents/State Board of Higher Education
State Normal and Industrial School/UND Ellendale Branch Records, 1893-1973
Collection Overview
Title: State Normal and Industrial School/UND Ellendale Branch Records, 1893-1973
ID: UA015
Extent: 5.25 Linear Feet
Subjects: Ellendale, North Dakota, University of North Dakota
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The State Normal and Industrial School/UND Ellendale Branch Records are divided into eight series as follows:
Series 1: General Historical Materials
Series 2: Board of Trustees/Board of Regents/State Board of Higher Education
Series 3: Correspondence
Series 4: Faculty
Series 5: Students
Series 6: Publications
Series 7: Other Organizations
Series 8: Miscellaneous
Collection Historical Note
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Repository: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Preferred Citation: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections. Chester Fritz Library. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Processing Information: The collection was reprocessed and reorganized by Curt Hanson in March 2023.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: General Historical Materials],
[Series 2: Board of Trustees/Board of Regents/State Board of Higher Education],
[Series 3: Correspondence],
[Series 4: Faculty],
[Series 5: Students],
[Series 6: Publications],
[Series 7: Other Organizations],
[Series 8: Miscellaneous],
- Series 1: General Historical Materials
- Box 1
- Folder 1: General, 1899-1948
- Item 1: "Hon. T.F. Marshall's Address at Laying of Corner Stone of Manual Training School, Wednesday, June 14, 1899"
- Item 2: "The State Normal and Industrial School," author unknown, 1 page, 1921
- Item 3: "Ellendale Described as 'Progressive and Happy' City," Fargo Forum, November 13, 1945
- Item 4: "Ellendale N-I Advances," Aberdeen American-News, December 18, 1948
- Item 5: "History of the State Normal and Industrial School," author unknown, 6 pages, undated
- Item 6: "The State Normal and Industrial School," author and date unknown, 11 pages
- Item 1: "Hon. T.F. Marshall's Address at Laying of Corner Stone of Manual Training School, Wednesday, June 14, 1899"
- Folder 2: U.S. Bureau of Education Survey, 1915
- Folder 3: "A Survey Report and Recommendations Relative to the State Normal and Industrial School, Ellendale, North Dakota," by E.F. Riley, President of the State School of Science in Wahpeton, North Dakota, 1936
- Folder 4: "Report of the Inspection of North Dakota Teachers Colleges", 1939
- Folder 5: "Modern Educational Aims and Objectives As Applicable to the State Normal and Industrial School", 1942-1943
- Folder 6: Citizens Committee on the Future of the Ellendale State Teachers College, 1962-1963
- Folder 7: Citizens Letters on the Future of the Ellendale State Teachers College, 1962-1963
- Folder 8: Campus Master Plan, 1964
- Folder 9: UND Ellendale Branch Fire, 1970
- Folder 10: UND Ellendale Branch Study, 1970
- Folder 11: UND Ellendale Branch Closing, 1971-1973
- Folder 12: Trinity Bible Institute, 1971-1973
- Folder 1: General, 1899-1948
- Box 1
- Series 2: Board of Trustees/Board of Regents/State Board of Higher Education
- Series 3: Correspondence
- Series 4: Faculty
- Series 5: Students
- Box 2
- Folder 10: Commencement Programs, 1901-1938 (incomplete)
- 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1911, 1923, 1924, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1937, 1938
- Folder 11: Official List of Graduates, 1924-1936 and 1954-1959
- Folder 12: "Data on Graduation, 1921-1933"
- Folder 13: Dean's List, 1932-1959
- Folder 14: Dean's List, 1960-1971
- Folder 15: Teacher Certifications, 1937-1969
- Folder 16: Student Recital Programs, 1907-1931 (incomplete)
- Folder 17: Student Declamation Contest Programs, 1917-1935 (incomplete)
- Folder 18: North Dakota Forensic Association (student group), 1925-1936
- Folder 19: Athletics, 1910s-1940s
- Mainly regarding interscholastic track meets
- Folder 10: Commencement Programs, 1901-1938 (incomplete)
- Box 4
- Box 2
- Series 6: Publications
- Box 3
- Folder 1: "Bulletin", 1903-1972 (incomplete)
- Contains information on course offerings, faculty, and administration
- Folder 2: "Cheers, Yells and Songs of the S.N.I.S.", Compiled and Edited by H. Preston Porter, circa 1927
- Folder 3: Dedication Programs
- Folder 4: "Financial Report", 1967 and 1968
- Folder 5: "Fourth Annual Military Contest, Company A, State Normal Industrial School", 1911
- Folder 6: "The Mimeographic: Published by the Students of the State Manual Training School," 1905
- Folder 7: "The Snitcher" (student yearbook), 1915
- Folder 8: "The Snitcher" (student yearbook), 1917
- Folder 9: "The Snitcher" (student yearbook), 1918-1919
- Folder 10: "The Snitcher" (student yearbook), 1950
- Folder 11: "The Snitcher" (student yearbook), 1962
- Folder 12: "The Snitcher" (student yearbook), 1966
- Folder 13: "Some Views from the State Normal and Industrial School", circa 1924
- Folder 1: "Bulletin", 1903-1972 (incomplete)
- Oversize Folder 1
- Item 2: "The Carnival Dope Dispenser", 19 January 1917
- Satirical newspaper published to raise funds for the Athletic Association
- Item 3: "The Dustie Times" (student newspaper), 18 October 1965
- Item 4: "The Dustie Times" (student newspaper), 8 November 1965
- Item 5: "The Dustie Times" (student newspaper), 17 December 1965
- Item 6: "The Dustie Times" (student newspaper), 14 February 1966
- Item 7: "The Dustie Times" (student newspaper), 21 March 1966
- Item 8: "The Dustie Times" (student newspaper), 18 April 1966
- Item 9: "The Dustie Times" (student newspaper), 23 May 1966
- Item 2: "The Carnival Dope Dispenser", 19 January 1917
- Box 3
- Series 7: Other Organizations
- Box 3
- Folder 14: Alumni Association, 1927-1962 and undated
- Folder 15: Civil Aeronautics Authority, 1940-1941
- Folder 16: Federal Emergency Relief Administration, 1934
- Folder 17: National Youth Administration Correspondence, 1936-1943
- Folder 18: National Youth Administration Meeting Minutes, 1935-1942
- Folder 19: National Youth Administration, Resident Training Program: State Plans for North Dakota
- Folder 20: National Youth Administration, Resident Training Program: Personnel Records, 1937-1942
- Folder 21: National Youth Administration, Resident Training Program: Correspondence, 1941-1942
- Folder 22: National Youth Administration, Resident Training Program: Weekly Reports, 1941-1942
- Folder 23: National Youth Administration Job Acceptances and Notifications, 1939-1940
- Folder 24: National Youth Administration, Defense Training: Correspondence, 1940-1941
- Folder 25: Temporary State Educational Commission: "Report of Mr. Kingsford's Address at the Meeting of the Temporary State Educational Commission at Valley City, North Dakota, November 8, 1912"
- Folder 26: Young Man's Christian Association, 1949
- Folder 27: 164th Infantry, 1914, 1915, 1923
- Folder 14: Alumni Association, 1927-1962 and undated
- Box 3
- Series 8: Miscellaneous
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: General Historical Materials],
[Series 2: Board of Trustees/Board of Regents/State Board of Higher Education],
[Series 3: Correspondence],
[Series 4: Faculty],
[Series 5: Students],
[Series 6: Publications],
[Series 7: Other Organizations],
[Series 8: Miscellaneous],