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- WE Club Records
WE Club Records, 1925-1949
Title: WE Club Records
Extent: 0.25 Linear Feet

Women's faculty organization at the University of North Dakota, 1925-1949

On October 8, 1925, UND women faculty members met to discuss forming a club for social and recreational purposes. Persons attending the meetings were: Grace E. Colton, Christian Dick, Hazel Hutcheson, Anita Landacre, Lillian Leith, Ella Moen, Marian Stephenson. An organizational meeting was held on October 22, 1925, at which the following officers were elected: Grace E. Colton, President; Pearl McDonnell, Vice President; Lillian Leith, Secretary- Treasurer. Membership was open to “any woman member of the instructional and administrative faculties” of UND, not including those “employed for a period of emergency only.” On November 12, 1925, members voted to name the organization “C.A.P. Club,” meaning “Come and Play Club.” Activities included establishing a circulating library, sporting events (tennis, swimming, curling, volleyball, basketball, and golfing), and recreational activities (dancing, card playing, bowling, movies, and musical programs). The club voted to rename itself “The Gang” on October 13, 1927. After some members voiced strong disapproval over the new name, on October 19, 1927 another was adopted, “WE.” The group was known informally as the “WE Club.” In 1935, without explanation, the minutes began referring to the club solely by variations upon the name “Faculty Women’s Club.” “WE” was not mentioned again in the minutes until the club disbanded on February 7, 1949.

Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Note:
Source: Donald Pearce, UND Chester Fritz Library.
Donation; Acc.#82-999
Donation; Acc.#82-999
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). WE Club Records. OGLMC 763, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota.
Finding Aid Revisions: Finding aid migrated to Archon in December 2013.
Collection Material Type: Organizational Records
Scope and Contents: The WE Club Records consists of two folders. Folder one contains miscellaneous papers primarily concerning elections and a record book (1925-1949) containing minutes, reports of activities, membership lists, and financial statements. Folder two contains club programs (1930-1932) and member survey materials concerning the disbanding of the club (1949).