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Faculty Wives and Women's Association Records, 1938, 1947-1993
Title: Faculty Wives and Women's Association Records
Extent: 1.75 Linear Feet
Predominant Dates: 1947-1993

The Faculty Wives and Women's Association was organized in January 26, 1948. Membership was derived from several categories: women faculty members and wives of male faculty with the rank of instructor or higher; women and wives of men who were heads of administrative departments; wives of special lecturers; housemothers; and those who were retired and living in the community. Entertainment, hobbies and interacting with friends were the main purposes of the group. There were several smaller interest groups within the larger organization, in addition to a Newcomer's Club, geared especially for new members. The organization was started and dissolved several times throughout its history, due either to an increase or decrease in participation and number of members. In 1990, the name of the club was officially changed to Association of Campus Women; in October 1993, the club was formally closed due to lack of member involvement.

Additional material was received from:
Donald Pearce, September 3, 1970; Acc.#81-773)
Pat Berger, Grand Forks, North Dakota, November 2, 1993; Acc.#93- 1919)
Evelyn Cole, Grand Forks, North Dakota, November 9, 1993; Acc.#93-1920
Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Note:
Source: Pauline Noble.
Related Materials:
Newcomer’s Club of the University of North Dakota Records, OGLMC1195
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item) Faculty Wives and Women's Association Records. OGLMC 298. Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections. Chester Fritz Library. University of North Dakota.
Finding Aid Revisions: The finding aid was migrated to Archon in October 2013.
Collection Material Type: University of North Dakota Records
Scope and Contents: The Faculty Wives and Women’s Association Records consist mainly of material outlining the history and activities of the club. Membership rolls, financial statements, by-laws, information about club Presidents and minutes of meetings are included. The bulk of the material dates between 1947 and 1993.