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OGLMC0056 St. James High School Records, 1926-1969

OGLMC532 St. Michael's Hospital, 1929

OGLMC1626 Gunder Salverson Papers, 1891-1909

OGLMC989 Chester Sampson Papers, 1936-1937

OGLMC1617 Guri Sand Papers, 1919, 1956, 1961

OGLMC1613 L. Mae Saunders Papers, 1924-1927

OGLMC1730 Don Schmid Papers, 1966-2023

OGLMC704 Charles C. Schmidt Papers

OGLMC1462 Mary Jane Schneider Papers, 1990, 2014

OGLMC1461 Fred Schneider Papers, 1905-2002

UA016-Aeronautical School of Engineering and Mines: Aeronautical Training Records, 1945-1946

UA016-Correspondence School of Engineering and Mines: Correspondence File

UA016-General School of Engineering and Mines: General Records

UA016-Foundation School of Engineering and Mines: North Dakota Research Foundation

OGLMC705 William Schrier Papers

OGLMC1077 Schulz Family Records

OGLMC005 William A. Scouton Papers, 1884-1956

OGLMC1733 Sears Family Records

OGLMC0078 Ira James Seitz Papers

OGLMC1200 Harold Shaft Papers, 1934-1974

OGLMC1635 Agnes Shurr Papers, 1915-2015

OGLMC765 Sigma Delta Chi Records, 1920-1971

OGLMC302 Carrie Simpson Papers, 1914-1964

OGLMC137 Howard E. Simpson Papers, 1905-1938

OGLMC172 Gregg M. Sinclair Papers

OGLMC1267 Jane Sinner Papers, 1981-1992

OGLMC1534 Margaret Skinner Papers, 1937-1982

OGLMC1000 J.F.S. Smeall Papers, 1953-1988

OGLMC706 Cora E. Smith Papers, 1893-1964

OGLMC1386 Ken Smith Papers, 1999

OGLMC210 Raymond R. Smith Papers, 1914-1970

OGLMC1049 Isabel P. Snelgrove Papers

OGLMC1655 Mark Solberg Papers

OGLMC432 J. J. Somers Papers, 1913

OGLMC190 Mrs. Lloyd Sondreal Papers, 1970

OGLMC1491 Sons of Norway, District IV Records

OGLMC0040 Arthur G. Sorlie Papers, 1924-1932

OGLMC1515 Souvenir Letter, Lakota, ND, ca. 1906

OGLMC1094 Leo Speare Papers

OGLMC232 Vernon P. Squires Papers, 1888-2000

OGLMC195 Ethel W. Squires Papers, 1952-1971

OGLMC362 Annie L. Stabler Papers

OGLMC1472 Raymond C. Staley Papers, 1923-1963

OGLMC238 George Starcher Papers, 1909-1994

OGLMC281 Fred James Steck Papers

OGLMC0081 Vilhjalmur Stefansson Papers, 1906-1980

OGLMC870 Henry Steinberger Papers, 1931-1988

OGLMC1211 Sten Hofto Papers, 1868-1879

OGLMC708 Albert Stern Papers

OGLMC217 Herman Stern Papers, 1904-1979

OGLMC541 Jack Stewart Papers, 1919-1971

OGLMC517 Stock Certificates Collection

OGLMC0070 Ellen Stoeser Papers

OGLMC216 J. Lloyd Stone Papers

OGLMC1339 Bryce Streibel Papers, 1926-2000

OGLMC610 Earl Strinden Papers

OGLMC1054 Stroch Scrapbook

OGLMC440 Alvin C. Strutz Papers, 1959-1973

UA052 Student Organizations

OGLMC280 Studness and Arneberg Store Records

OGLMC0077 Folden J. Stumpf Jr. Diaries, 1879-1889

OGLMC359 Enos Stutsman Papers

OGLMC1086 Jane Frazer Summers Papers, 1923-2002

OGLMC1484 Lawrence Summers Papers, 1952-2000

OGLMC1469 Surface Weather Observations (Grand Forks), 1946-1948, 1952-1959, 1965, 1967-1977, 1980-1987

OGLMC1061 J. Harry Sylvestre Papers

OGLMC1473 Lucy Johnston Sypher Papers, 1977-2002

OGLMC170 Edgar and Henry Syverud Papers