Title: Grand Forks Chapter of the North Dakota Audubon Society Records, 1971-1988
Creator: Grand Forks Chapter, North Dakota Audubon Society (1971-)
Extent: 2.5 Linear Feet
Date Acquired: 12/00/1984
Languages: English [eng]
The Grand Forks Chapter of the North Dakota Audubon Society Records dates from 1971 to 1988 and has been divided into seven series as follows:
Series 1: Governing Documents/Administrative Records
Series 2: Correspondence
Series 3: Finances
Series 4: State and National Issues
Series 5: News clippings
Series 6: Miscellaneous
Series 7: Publications
Researchers should note that OGLMC 358 and OGLMC 997 have been consolidated into OGLMC 358.
Additional material:
Donated by Sharon Lambeth, Grand Forks, North Dakota, October 1985 (Acc.85-1413 and Acc.85-1421)
Transferred from the Neal Weber Papers (Acc.87-1571)
Donated by Marlene Stiles, January 16, 1989 (Acc.89-1637)
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Source: Robert Lewis, Grand Forks, North Dakota
Acquisition Method: Donation; Acc.84-1340
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). Grand Forks Chapter of the North Dakota Audubon Society Records. OGLMC 358, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Finding Aid Revision History: Finding aid migrated to Archon in November 2014.