Collection Overview
Title: Osmund Gunvaldsen Papers, 1910-1976
Creator: Gunvaldsen, Osmund (1893-1982)
Extent: 7.5 Linear Feet
Languages: English [eng], Norwegian [nor]
1893-1982; founded the Northwest Development Association, which bought and sold mineral and oil rights in the Upper Midwest
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Osmund Gunvaldsen Papers date from 1910-1976 and have been divided into five series:
Series I: Correspondence
Series II: Political Materials
Series III: Oil and Mineral Interests
Series IV: Miscellaneous
Series V: Personal Materials
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions:
Available for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Method:
Donation; the acquisition records are unavailable.
Preferred Citation:
(Description of Item) Osmund Gunvaldsen Papers. OGLMC 391, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections. Chester Fritz Library. University of North Dakota.
Finding Aid Revision History:
Finding aid migrated to Archon in October 2013.
Box and Folder Listing
- Series 1: Correspondence

- This series contains correspondence both sent and received by Gunvaldsen, and is divided into three sub-series.
- Sub-Series 1: 1924-1946

- The first sub-series covers the years 1924-1946 and contains considerable material relative to Gunvaldsen's career as U.S. Marshal for Fargo, as well as to political events in North Dakota and throughout the nation.
- Box 1

- Folder 1: A: 1928 - 1944

- Folder 2: B: 1927 - 1946

- Folder 3: C: 1930 - 1934

- Folder 4: D: 1931 - 1944

- Folder 5: E: 1932 - 1936

- Folder 6: F: 1928 - 1944

- Folder 7: G: 1928 - 1944

- Folder 8: H: 1931 - 1941

- Folder 9: I: 1932 - 1933

- Folder 10: J: 1931 - 1934

- Folder 11: K: 1931 - 1936

- Folder 12: L: 1928 - 1937

- Folder 13: M: 1930 - 1942

- Folder 14: N: 1931 - 1935

- Folder 15: O: 1925 - 1936

- Folder 16: P: 1931 - 1944

- Folder 17: R: 1931 - 1932

- Folder 18: S: 1924 - 1938

- Folder 19: T: 1931 - 1944

- Folder 20: V: 1931 - 1945

- Folder 21: W: 1931 - 1945

- Sub-Series 2: 1948-1976

- This sub-series dates from 1948-1976, and includes materials on local, state, and national politics, as well as much information on Gunvaldsen's career in oil and mineral development in North Dakota.
- Box 1

- Folder 22: A: 1953 - 1967

- Folder 23: B: 1950 - 1970

- Folder 24: C: 1950 - 1975

- Folder 25: D: 1951 - 1974

- Folder 26: E: 1952 - 1962

- Folder 27: F: 1950 - 1975

- Folder 28: G: 1958 - 1976

- Folder 29: H: 1951 - 1971

- Folder 30: I: 1956 - 1957

- Folder 31: J: 1950 - 1974

- Folder 32: K: 1952 - 1975

- Folder 33: L: 1948 - 1975

- Folder 34: Mc: 1952 - 1974

- Folder 35: M: 1950 - 1974

- Folder 36: N: 1950 - 1974

- Folder 37: O: 1952 - 1959

- Folder 38: P: 1951 - 1975

- Folder 39: Q: 1955 - 1957

- Folder 40: R: 1950 - 1974

- Folder 41: S: 1951 - 1975

- Box 2

- Folder 1: T: 1950 - 1974

- Folder 2: U: 1951 - 1957

- Folder 3: V: 1954 - 1965

- Folder 4: W: 1954 - 1966

- Folder 5: XYZ: 1955 - 1962

- Sub-Series 3: Correspondence with prominent politicians

- This series contains correspondence with prominent state and national politicians, including Usher and Quentin Burdick, Hubert Humphrey, William Langer, William Lemke, Richard Nixon, and Milton Young.
- Box 2

- Folder 6: Andrews, Mark, U.S. Congressman from North Dakota: 1958 - 1974

- Folder 7: Burdick, Quentin, U.S. Congressman and Senator from North Dakota: 1959 - 1975

- Folder 8: Burdick, Usher, U.S. Congressman from North Dakota: 1935 - 1957

- Folder 9: Ford, Gerald, U.S. President: 1974 - 1975

- Folder 10: Frazier, Lynn, U.S. Senator from North Dakota (includes correspondence with Frazier’s aide W. O. Skeels): 1931 - 1940

- Folder 11: Humphrey, Hubert, U.S. Senator from Minnesota and Vice- President of the United States: 1951 - 1974

- Folder 12: Johnson, Lyndon, U.S. Senator from Texas and U.S. President: 1956 - 1966

- Folder 13: Langer, William, Governor of North Dakota and U.S. Senator: 1928 - 1959

- Folder 14: Larson, Robert (secretary to Lynn Frazier): 1931 - 1940

- Folder 15: Lemke, William, U.S. Congressman from North Dakota (includes correspondence with Lemke’s secretary, W. O. Skeels): 1925 - 1950

- Folder 16: Nixon, Richard, U.S. President: 1958 - 1974

- Folder 17: Nye, Gerald, U.S. Senator from North Dakota (includes correspondence with Nye's aide P. L. Aarhus): 1931 - 1971

- Folder 18: Nygaard, Hjalmar, U.S. Congressman from North Dakota: 1961 - 1963

- Folder 19: Nystul, John, Nonpartisan League Chairman and Campaign Manager: 1932 - 1944

- Folder 20: Richardson, Seth., Assistant U.S. Attorney General: 1931 - 1939

- Folder 21: Sinclair, James, U.S. Congressman from North Dakota: 1931 - 1935

- Folder 22: Young, Milton., U.S. Senator from North Dakota: 1951 - 1975

- Series 2: Political Materials

- Box 2

- Folder 23: Accreditation Controversy, North Dakota Agricultural College, State Board of Higher Education Amendment: 1938

- Folder 24: America First Committee

- Folder 25: College Trimester Plan - Correspondence: May 1959 - September 1963

- Folder 26: College Trimester Plan - Materials

- Folder 27: Constitutional Amendment County Petitions: 1937

- Folder 28: Collected Editorials

- Folder 29: Farming and the Drought: 1930s

- Folder 30: LaFollete - Wheeler Progressive Clubs

- Folder 31: Langer Senate Investigation

- Folder 32: NIPRO membership lists

- Folder 33: Nonpartisan League

- Folder 34: Nonpartisan League: 1928 Campaign Materials

- Folder 35: King Olav of Norway: 1968 Visit to the American Midwest

- Box 3

- Folder 1: People's Fair Tax League, Correspondence: May 27, 1935 - July 26, 1935

- Folder 2: People's Fair Tax League, Correspondence: May 3, 1935 - May 25, 1935

- Folder 3: People's Fair Tax League, Newspaper Clippings, Petitions, Speeches: 1935

- Folder 4: Republican Party: 1962 State Convention

- Folder 5: Republican Party: 1960 State Convention

- Folder 6: Republican Party, Burke County Central Committee (Samuel Nickey, Chair) - Registered Voters and Township Officers: 1925-26

- Folder 7: Urban Renewal

- Folder 8: Wheat Exports: mostly 1963-64

- Folder 9: Miscellaneous Political Materials

- Series 3: Oil and Material Interests

- This series covers Gunvaldsen's interests and career in the development of oil and minerals in the upper Midwest. The first folders in this series are arranged alphabetically by county, state, or foreign country. Subject folders are arranged second, in alphabetical by folder title.
- Box 3

- Folder 10: Billings County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 11: Bottineau County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 12: Bottineau County Drilling Ventures

- Folder 13: Bowman County Coal

- Folder 14: Bowman County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties - Personal Leases.

- Folder 15: Bowman County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties - Crosby - Irish - Gunvaldsen Tract

- Folder 16: Bowman County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties - Fayfield Lands

- Folder 17: Bowman County Royalties Assigned and General Information

- Folder 18: Bowman County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties - General

- Folder 19: Bowman County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties - General

- Folder 20: Burke County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 21: Burke County Drilling Ventures - Jacob Dewing #1

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Divide County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 2: Dunn County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 3: Foster County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 4: Golden Valley County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 5: Hettinger County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 6: Kidder County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 7: McHenry County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 8: McKenzie County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 9: McKenzie and Williams Counties, Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties - Charlson- Madison Unit

- Folder 10: Mercer County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 11: Morton County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 12: Mountrail County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 13: Oliver County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 14: Slope County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 15: Stark County, Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 16: Stutsman County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 17: Ward County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 18: Williams County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 19: Williams County Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 20: Multiple Counties in North Dakota, Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 21: Montana Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 22: South Dakota Oil and Mineral Rights; Properties

- Folder 23: Canadian Oil and Mineral Rights, Properties

- Folder 24: Litigation: Olson v. Olson (McKenzie County)

- Folder 25: Litigation: Skelly-Ceynar Case (McKenzie County)

- Folder 26: Litigation: Thompson Case (McKenzie County)

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Litigation: Ytterdahl-Boots Cases: September 30, 1954 - November 3, 1964

- Folder 2: Mineral Rights Inquiries: September 1956 - March 1958

- Folder 3: Mineral and Land Offerings Available: August 1952 - November 1961

- Folder 4: Drilling Operations - Plugged Wells: February 1963 - March 1964

- Folder 5: Oil and Gas Properties, Minneapolis Sales: June 1952 - January 1956

- Folder 6: Oil Development, General Materials

- Folder 7: Government Land Condemnations

- Folder 8: Notes and Memoranda on Oil

- Folder 9: Geologic Survey Maps

- Folder 10: Newspaper Clippings on Area Oil and Mineral Prospects.

- Folder 11: Miscellaneous Oil and Minerals Materials

- Folder 12: Miscellaneous Oil and Minerals Materials

- Folder 13: Gunvaldsen Oil Brokerage Registration

- Folder 14: Mineral Rights Deeds to Gunvaldsen Trust, 1970

- Folder 15: Miscellaneous Oil Correspondence

- Folder 16: Miscellaneous Oil Correspondence

- Folder 17: Northwest Development Association Ledgers - Sales, Rental Income, Purchases: 1953-1957

- Folder 18: Northwest Development Association - Advertising Oil Holdings Ledger

- Series 4: Miscellaneous

- This series is small and details Gunvaldsen's business dealings in fields other than oil. Included are materials concerning his career as an inventor and as publisher of Normanden, a Norwegian-language newspaper.
- Box 6

- Folder 1: Legal Forms

- Folder 2: Mexican Lands, 1952

- Folder 3: Normanden materials

- Folder 4: Normanden: Mortgage, Inventory, and Correspondence: 1928 - 1934

- Folder 5: Rol-Gard Corporation: Correspondence (1949 - 1950) and Articles of Incorporation

- Folder 6: Inventions: Rol-Gard Corporation Record and Desk-Tray Holder Correspondence, January 1952 - October 1952

- Series 5: Personal Materials

- The series contains material of family or personal nature. Included are Gunvaldsen family correspondence, genealogical material, family business, real estate, and memorabilia items.
- Box 6

- Folder 7: Gunvaldsen Family Correspondence Gunvaldsen Genealogical material

- Folder 8: Insurance

- Folder 9: Chattel Mortgages, Deeds, Contracts, and Satisfactions (farming, 1920's)

- Folder 10: Newspaper Clippings

- Folder 11: Newspaper Clippings, 1930's

- Folder 12: Newspaper Clippings, May 1967, Elwyn B. Robinson on North Dakota History

- Folder 13: Newspaper Clippings - Letters to the Editor

- Folder 14: Norwegian Correspondence

- Folder 15: Materials in Norwegian

- Folder 16: Assorted Pamphlets

- Folder 17: Real Estate Holdings, 1928

- Folder 18: Real Estate - Fargo Property St. Andreas Logen Oscar: 4/25/1841 - 4/25/1966

- Folder 19: Sons of Norway

- Folder 20: Stock Certificates, North Dakota Companies

- Folder 21: Tax Records

- Folder 22: Memorabilia and Personal Materials Address Book Ledger 1888 - 1891

- Folder 23: Miscellaneous