Title: Joe K. Neel Papers, 1941-1989
ID: OGLMC/1004
Creator: Neel, Joe K. (1915-1990)
Extent: 11.75 Linear Feet
Series 1: Correspondence
Series 2: Subject Files
Series 3: Project Files
Series 4: Oversize Materials
Series 5: Photographs
Series 6: Slides
Date Acquired: 12/28/1984
Languages: English [eng]
Additional donations made by Joe K. Neel and Paul Kannowski
Access Restrictions: Available for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Source: Joe K. Neel
Acquisition Method: Donation; 84-1347
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). Joe K. Neel Papers. OGLMC 1004. Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections. Chester Fritz Library. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Finding Aid Revision History: Finding aid added to Archon in July 2015.
This series dates from 1967-1986, and contains documents pertaining to the many research projects with which Neel was associated. Documents in this series include grant applications, contracts, methods, equipment, data, field notes, working papers, maps, tables, graphs, and reports in both draft and final forms. The arrangement of materials within each project has been standardized. Account records, contracts, and/or methodology statements begin each section. Field notes and tabulated data have been placed next, and each section concludes with draft and final reports. Projects have been arranged in chronological order, though some overlap between projects occurs.
The following research projects documented in this series:
* Grand Forks Sewage Lagoons (1967-1978)
* Turtle River, ND (1967-1986)
* Devils Lake, ND (1967-1974)
* Upper Missouri River Basin - Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Project I (1972-1974)
* Upper Missouri River Basin - Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Project II (1975-1978)
* Lake Sallie and the Pelican River Basin, MN (1971-1985)
* Turtle River - A Northern Prarie Stream
Contains the following items:
a. Devils Lake: Rough Profile for Grade Study (1966) b. Plot Plan of Grand Forks Aerated Pretreatment Lagoon (1968) c. Plans & Specifications for Project 1896, Grand Forks Aerated-Anaerobic Pretreatment Ponds, Phase I, Earthwork, Piping, and Miscellaneous (1968)
221 photographs were separated and placed in the Photograph File Cabinets.
Photograph Number Description
OGL #1004-1 Weed Harvester, Lake Sallie, ca. 1977
OGL #1004-2 Relative irradiance meter, Lake Sallie, ca. 1977
OGL #1004-3 Grad Students Wintfred Smith and Spencer Peterson at Lake Sallie, ca. 1977
OGL #1004-4 Grad Students David Brakke and Wintfred Smith examining weed harvester, ca. 1977
OGL #1004-5 Grad Student Wintfred Smith examining weeds harvested from Lake Sallie, MN, ca. 1977
OGL #1004-6 Unloading weed harvester, Lake Sallie, ca. 1977
OGL #1004-7 Lake Sallie, ca. 1976
OGL #1004-8 Lake Sallie, ca. 1976
OGL #1004-9 Grad Student James Knauss screening bottom samples, Devils Lake, ND, 1968
OGL #1004-10 Grad Student David W. Anderson, ca. 1968
OGL #1004-11 Grad Student David Brakke and JK Neel, ca. 1976
OGL #1004-12 Grad Student David Brakke, ca. 1976
OGL #1004-13 Aerial View of East, Mission, and Main bays of Devils Lake, ND, ca. 1972
OGL #1004-14 Turtle River, ca. 1982
OGL #1004-15 Turtle River, May 1982
OGL #1004-16 Turtle River, May 1982
OGL #1004-17 Turtle River, May 1982
OGL #1004-18 Turtle River, May 1982
OGL #1004-19 Turtle River, 1978
OGL #1004-20 Turtle River, Sep 1978
OGL #1004-21 Turtle River, Sep 1978
OGL #1004-22 Turtle River, Sep 1978
OGL #1004-23 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-24 Turtle River, Sep 1978
OGL #1004-25 Turtle River, undated
OGL #1004-26 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-27 Turtle River, undated
OGL #1004-28 Turtle River, undated
OGL #1004-29 Turtle River, undated
OGL #1004-30 Turtle River, May 1982
OGL #1004-31 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-32 Turtle River, May 1982
OGL #1004-33 Turtle River, Sep 1978
OGL #1004-34 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-35 Turtle River, Sep 1978
OGL #1004-36 Turtle River, Spring 1972
OGL #1004-37 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-38 Park River, ice sheets, Spring 1972
OGL #1004-39 Turtle River, Sep 1978
OGL #1004-40 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-41 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-42 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-43 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-44 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-45 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-46 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-47 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-48 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-49 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-50 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-51 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-52 Turtle River, ca. 1975
OGL #1004-53 (Grand Forks Sewage Lagoons?), ca. 1972
OGL #1004-54 (Grand Forks Sewage Lagoons?), ca. 1972
OGL #1004-55 Missouri River, ND, Basin Electric Power Cooperative Unit Two Discharge, Dec 1975
OGL #1004-56 Missouri River, ND near Basin Electric Power Cooperative plant, Dec 1972
OGL #1004-57 Missouri River, ND near Basin Electric Power Cooperative plant, Dec 1972
OGL #1004-58 Map of Central Missouri River, in ND, SD, NE, and IO
OGL #1004-59 Missouri River or a tributary near Kansas City, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-60 Pollution in Kaw River and Turkey Creek, Kansas City, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-61 Pollution in Missouri River or a tributary near Kansas City, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-62 Sediment build-up in Missouri River or a tributary near Kansas City, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-63 Pollution in Kaw River, Kansas City, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-64 Pollution in Missouri River, St. Louis, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-65 Pollution in Missouri River or a tributary near Kansas City or St. Louis, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-66 Pollution in Kaw River, Kansas City, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-67 Confluence of Cold Water Creek with Missouri River at MoHills property, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-68 Kansas City Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-69 Aerial view of Missouri River or a tributary near Kansas City or St. Louis, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-70 Aerial view of Kaw River and Turkey Creek, Kansas City,MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-71 Aerial view of Missouri River or a tributary near Kansas City, MO, ca. 1960 (see #73)
OGL #1004-72 Pollution in Kaw River, Kansas City, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-73 Aerial view of Missouri River of a tributary near Kansas City, MO, ca. 1960 (see #71)
OGL #1004-74 Pollution in Missouri River, Kansas City, Mo, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-75 Pollution in Missouri River or a tributary near Kansas City or St. Louis, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-76 Pollution in Missouri River near Kansas City or St. Louis, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-77 Staff of US Public Health Service, Kansas City, MO office. JK Neel standing fourth from left. ca. 1960
OGL #1004-78 Staff of USPHS, Kansas City, MO, unidentified
OGL #1004-79 Staff of USPHS, Kansas City, MO, unidentified
OGL #1004-80 Water Intake at Omaha, NE, ca. 1955-1960
OGL #1004-81 Disposal Lagoon for sugar beet waste, Bayard, NE, ca. 1955-1960
OGL #1004-82 Unidentified man reading instruments near waterway
OGL #1004-83 Sewer Outfall near South Omaha, NE, ca. 1955-1960
OGL #1004-84 Pollution near South Omaha, NE sewer outfall, ca. 1955-1960
OGL #1004-85 Pollution near South Omaha, NE sewer outfall, ca. 1955-1960
OGL #1004-86 Pollution near South Omaha, NE sewer outfall, ca. 1955-1960
OGL #1004-87 Pollution near South Omaha, NE sewer outfall, ca. 1955-1960
OGL #1004-88 Sewage Plant at York, NE, summer 1968
OGL #1004-89 Measuring light penetration at Fayette, MO Sewage Laggon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-90 Pollution from asphalt shingle plant, unidentified location, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-91 Rainy River, MN pollution test results, Aug 1962
OGL #1004-92 Rainy River, MN pollution test results, Aug 1962
OGL #1004-93 Collecting fish at Shoal Creek, MO, Oct 1958
OGL #1004-94 Collecting fish at Shoal Creek, MO, Oct 1958
OGL #1004-95 Aerating equipment at (Fayette, MO?) sewage lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-96 Measuring gauges at Fayette, MO sewage lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-97 Collecting fish, Shoal Creek, MO, Oct 1958
OGL #1004-98 Collecting fish, Shoal Creek, MO, Oct 1958
OGL #1004-99 Collecting fish, Shoal Creek, MO, Oct 1958
OGL #1004-100 Aerial view of (Fayette, MO?) sewage lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-101 Basidromycite "Meadow Hygrophorus" photographed by Neel Grad Student, Akey Hung, in Petersburg, ND, Sep 1968
OGL #1004-102 Turkey Creek, MO, ca. 1958
OGL #1004-103 Shoal Creek, MO, ca. 1958
OGL #1004-104 Joplin, MO sewage effluent entering Turkey Creek, ca. 1958
OGL #1004-105 Shoal Creek, MO near Joplin, Oct 1958
OGL #1004-106 Shoal Creek, MO near Joplin, Oct 1958
OGL #1004-107 Collecting Fish, Shoal Creek, MO, Oct 1958
OGL #1004-108 Shoal Creek, MO, Oct 1958
OGL #1004-109 Clinch River, Tazewell County, VA, ca. 1966
OGL #1004-110 Dancing Creek, Rockbridge County, VA, ca. 1966
OGL #1004-111 Unidentified river in VA or KY, ca. 1966
OGL #1004-112 Bob Downey Creek, Allegheny County, VA, ca. 1966
OGL #1004-113 Upper Otter Creek, Rockbridge County, VA, ca. 1966
OGL #1004-114 Lower Otter Creek, Rockbridge County, VA, ca. 1966
OGL #1004-115 Lower Otter Creek, Rockbridge County, VA, ca. 1966
OGL #1004-116 Dancing Creek, Rockbridge County, VA, ca. 1966
OGL #1004-117 Bob Downey Creek, Allegheny County, VA, ca. 1966
OGL #1004-118 Cow Pasture River, Allegheny County, VA, ca. 1966
OGL #1004-119 Cow Pasture River, Allegheny County, VA, ca. 1966
OGL #1004-120 Tygarts Creek, Carther County, KY, ca. 1966
OGL #1004-121 Thief River, MN, ca. 1968
OGL #1004-122 Belle Fourche River, SD, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-123 Cheyenne River, SD, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-124 Belle Fourche River, SD, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-125 Whitewood Creek, SD, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-126 Whitewood Creek, SD, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-127 Belle Fourche River, SD, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-128 Belle Fourche River, SD, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-129 Cheyenne River, SD, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-130 Park River, ND, ca. 1967
OGL #1004-131 Park River, ND, ca. 1967
OGL #1004-132 Park River, ND, ca. 1967
OGL #1004-133 Park River, ND, ca. 1967
OGL #1004-134 Park River, ND, ca. 1967
OGL #1004-135 Park River, ND, ca. 1967
OGL #1004-136 Park River, ND, ca. 1967
OGL #1004-137 Park River, ND, ca. 1967
OGL #1004-138 Fort Peck Power Plant, MT, ca. 1955
OGL #1004-139 Gavins Point Dam, Missouri River at the SD/NE border, Oct 1955
OGL #1004-140 Gavins Point Dam, Missouri River at the SD/NE border, Oct 1955
OGL #1004-141 Powerhouse at Garrison Dam, ND, Oct 1955
OGL #1004-142 Strip mine spoil piles in Cedar Creek, MO, Nov 1958
OGL #1004-143 Strip mine operation near Cedar Creek, MO, Nov 1958
OGL #1004-144 Cedar Creek, MO, downstream of strip mine, Nov 1958
OGL #1004-145 Crooked Creek in Meramec River Basin, MO, Jul 1962
OGL #1004-146 Forest River, ND, ca. 1968
OGL #1004-147 Forest River, ND, ca. 1968
OGL #1004-148 Forest River, ND, ca. 1968
OGL #1004-149 Wilson Creek, MO, ca. 1953
OGL #1004-150 James River, MO, ca. 1953
OGL #1004-151 James River, MO, ca. 1953
OGL #1004-152 James River, MO, ca. 1953
OGL #1004-153 James River, MO, ca. 1953
OGL #1004-154 Wilson Creek, MO, ca. 1953
OGL #1004-155 Wilson Creek, MO, ca. 1953
OGL #1004-156 Wilson Creek, MO, ca. 1953
OGL #1004-157 James River, MO, ca. 1953
OGL #1004-158 Wilson Creek, MO, ca. 1953
OGL #1004-159 Shellrock River at Marble Rock, IA, Jul 1961
OGL #1004-160 SEM micrograph, unidentified organism
OGL #1004-161 SEM micrograph, Cocconeis
OGL #1004-162 SEM micrograph, Stephanodiscus
OGL #1004-163 SEM micrograph, detail of Diatoma
OGL #1004-164 SEM micrograph, detail of Stephanodiscus
OGL #1004-165 SEM micrograph, unidentified organism
OGL #1004-166 Shellrock River at Lake Albert Lea, MN, Jul 1961
OGL #1004-167 Cedar River near Janesville, IA, Jul 1961
OGL #1004-168 Cedar River at Cedar Falls, IA, Jul 1961
OGL #1004-169 Cedar River at Gilbertsville, IA, Jul 1961
OGL #1004-170 Iowa River at Columbus Junction, IA, Jul 1961
OGL #1004-171 Cedar River at Vinton, IA, Jul 1961
OGL #1004-172 Cedar River near Finchford, IA, Jul 1961
OGL #1004-173 Shellrock River near Northwood, IA, Jul 1961
OGL #1004-174 Shellrock River at Shellrock, IA, Jul 1961
OGL #1004-175 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-176 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-177 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-178 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-179 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-180 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-181 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-182 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-183 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-184 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-185 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-186 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-187 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-188 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-189 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-190 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-191 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-192 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-193 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-194 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-195 Microorganism in sample from sewage lagoon at Fayette, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-196 Microorganism in sample from sewage lagoon at Fayette, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-197 Microorganism in sample from sewage lagoon at Fayette, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-198 Microorganism in sample from sewage lagoon at Fayette, MO, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-199 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, Feb 1962
OGL #1004-200 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, Feb 1962
OGL #1004-201 Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, Feb 1962
OGL #1004-202 Panorama of Fayette, MO Sewage Lagoon, ca. 1960
OGL #1004-203 Photomicrographs of Labial plate and mandibular tips of Tendipes riparius, Sep 1982
OGL #1004-204 Blue Sucker, Cycleptus elongatus Le Sueur
OGL #1004-205 Blue Sucker, Cycleptus elongatus Le Sueur
OGL #1004-206 Aerial view of Basin Electric Power Cooperative plant on Missouri River, ND
OGL #1004-207 Aerial view of Missouri River, ND in the vicinity of the BEPC plant
OGL #1004-208 Unidentified researchers performing research at the BEPC plant on the Missouri River, ND, ca. 1976
OGL #1004-209 Unidentified (water discharge?), BEPC, Missouri River, ND, ca. 1976
OGL #1004-210 Aerial view of Missouri River near BEPC plant
OGL #1004-211 Aerial view of Missouri River near BEPC plant
OGL #1004-212 Aerial view of BEPC plant on Missouri River, ND
OGL #1004-213 BEPC plant as seen from road, ca. 1976
OGL #1004-214 Aerial view of Power Station at Garrison Dam, ND, ca. 1976
OGL #1004-215 Aerial view of BEPC plant on Missouri River, ND
OGL #1004-216 Blue Sucker, Cycleptus elongatus Le Sueur
OGL #1004-217 Aerial view of BEPC plant on Missouri River, ND
OGL #1004-218 Aerial view of Missouri River, ND near BEPC plant
OGL #1004-219 Aerial view of BEPC plant on Missouri River, ND
OGL #1004-220 Mosaic of 18 aerial photographs showing large area around BEPC plant on Missouri River, ND, Oct 1976