Title: Grand Forks County Marriage Licenses, 1875-1995
ID: OGLMC/1421
Creator: Grand Forks County, North Dakota
Extent: 39.25 Linear Feet
Date Acquired: 00/00/2000
Languages: English [eng]
Searchable indexes for 1875 through 1925
This collection consists of marriage records for Grand Forks County and eleven ledger books with indexes to the licenses, 1875-1995. Researchers should begin their search by determining a certificate number from the index books. Once the number is found, the license can be located using the box and folder inventory. Overview of ledger books:
Index 1, November 1875 - December 1886, has 44 entries. This book is unique in that there are no corresponding certificates for each entry. Entries in the book are the only records of the licenses. The title on the spine is Marriage Certificate Index.
Index 2, September 1887 - May 1889, has 284 entries. This index book includes a copy of each license with corresponding loose copies in Box 1, Folders 1-12. The title on the spine is Marriage Records.
Index 3, April 1889 - December 1891. Certificates from this book were given the letter "B" followed by a certificate number. The last numbered certificate in this book is B555, although there are large gaps in the numbering scheme. As with index 2, a copy of the license is present in the book with corresponding loose copies in Box 1, Folders 13-18. The title on the spine is Marriage Records.
Index 4, January 1891 - October 1915 (Title on spine: Marriage License Index 1)
Index 5, October 1915 - October 1938 (Title on spine: Index to Marriage Licenses 2)
Index 6, October 1938 - August 1965 (Title on spine: Index to Marriage Licenses 3)
Index 7, August 1965 - May 1974 (Title on spine: Index to Marriage Licenses 4)
Index 8, May 1974 - December 1984 (Title on spine: Index to Marriage Licenses 5)
Index 9, December 1984 - November 1985 (Title on spine: Index to Marriage Licenses 6)
Index 10, November 1985 - January 1995 (Title on spine: Marriage Record Index 56)
Index 11, February 1995 - October 1995 (Title on spine: Marriage Record Index 57)
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Source: Grand Forks County Commissioners
Acquisition Method: Donation; 2000-2472
Related Materials: Searchable indexes for 1975 through 1925
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). Grand Forks County Marriage Licenses. OGLMC 1572, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Finding Aid Revision History: Finding aid added to Archon in May 2015.
13.172 missing
[Note on license 13.173 l notes that license 13.172 was "not issued" due to "negro blood"]