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Elizabeth Grandbois Memorial Collection of Manuscripts
Elizabeth Grandbois Memorial Collection of Manuscripts, 1928-2005
Collection Overview
Title: Elizabeth Grandbois Memorial Collection of Manuscripts, 1928-2005
Predominant Dates:1976-1996
Primary Creator: Vraniak, Damian (1950-)
Extent: 18.75 Linear Feet
Date Acquired: 00/00/2005
Subjects: Health and Medicine, Native Americans
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Elizabeth Grandbois Memorial Collection of Manuscripts document the scholarly career of her great-grandson Dr. Damian Vraniak (also known as Damian McShane). The collection was received without an original order, and for this reason the collection was organized and arranged by the Department of Special Collections as follows:
Series 1: Biographical/Personal
Series 2: Publications
Series 3: Presentations
Series 4: Research
Series 5: Grants and Proposals
Series 6: 1987 Tenure Files from Utah State University, Logan
Series 7: Subject Files
Collection Historical Note
The oldest son of Damian Joseph Vraniak and Katherine Waggoner was born Damian Anthony Vraniak on May 19, 1950. Damian Joseph, a veteran of WWII and the Korean War died in 1954, leaving his wife to care for their three young boys. Katherine and her sons stayed with her parents, John Waggoner and Alice (Grandbois-Rogers) Waggoner and her 14 siblings, until she met and married Kenneth McShane in 1958. From 1959 to 1989, Damian Anthony used his step-father's last name and was known as Damian Anthony McShane. In 1989, during a time of great personal loss and transition, Damian Anthony resumed the last name of Vraniak, which had always been his legal name.
Vraniak received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Mankato State College in 1973, and a Master of Arts degree in Psychology from George Peabody College in 1976. He earned a PhD in Psychology from Vanderbilt University in 1980. He was on the faculty of several universities, including the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Northern Arizona University, Utah State University, and the Oregon Health Sciences University. He is a prodigious scholar, who authored or co-authored over fifty journal articles and book chapters regarding many different subjects in the field of psychology. He was one of the foremost Indian mental health scholars in the country.
Vraniak has also been involved with prairie restoration for over 25 years. He won recent awards from the Washburn County (Wisconsin) Land and Water Department, as well as the Northwest Wisconsin County Land and Water Conservation Association. In 2004, he published a book entitled Prairie Relations: Book One, Sources Signs and Seasons of Flowering Plants on the Prairie and Savanna under the name Waubishmaa'ingan.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Repository: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Source: Damian Vraniak, Springbrook, Wisconsin
Acquisition Method: Donation; Acc.2005-2778
Related Publications:
All books available in Special Collections:
The Lord's Prayers: (a Brief Study of the 33 Gospel Passages Concerning Prayer by Jesus). Damian and Christina Vraniak. Springbrook, WI: Whitewolf Press, 2017.
The Magic Map of a Woman. Written by Damian Vraniak and Illustrated by Sue Geiken. Hayward, WI: Whitewolf Press, 2011.
Maps and Metaphors of the Human Heart: 1-2-3 Mystery. Book 2: Parents, Pals, and Partners (Chapters 5-8). Damian Vraniak. Hayward, WI: Whitewolf Press, 2009.
Patterns Illuminating How Jesus Opens Hearts: a New Passage Through the Gospels. Damian and Christina Vraniak. Springbrook, WI: Whitewolf Press, 2016.
Prairie Relations: Book One, Sources Signs and Seasons of Flowering Plants on the Prairie and Savanna. Waubishmaa'ingan (Damian Vraniak). Hayward, WI: Whitewolf Press, 2004.
School-Based 123M: a Guide and Manual for Optimizing Student Functioning. Damian Vraniak and William Schmelzer. 2009.
Scouting 123M: a Guide and Manual for Optimizing Team Process. Damian Vraniak, William Schmelzer, and Erik Hansen. 2009.
Travailler: Volume 1-the Huron of Georgian Bay and Quebec. Damian Vraniak. Springbrook, WI: Whitewolf Press, 2020.
Travailler: Volume 4-the Metis of Winnipeg, Pembina, and Grand Forks. Damian Vraniak. Hayward, WI: Whitewolf Press, 2019.
Welcoming the Holy Spirit into your Heart & Soul: Guide to an Eight Week Study of the Holy Spirit in Scripture. Damian and Christina Vraniak. Whitewolf Press, 2018.
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). Elizabeth Grandbois Memorial Collection of Manuscripts. OGLMC 1494, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Finding Aid Revision History: Finding aid migrated to Archon in February 2015.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Biographical/Personal],
[Series 2: Publications],
[Series 3: Presentations],
[Series 4: Research],
[Series 5: Grants and Proposals],
[Series 6: Tenure Files from Utah State University, Logan],
[Series 7: Subject Files],
- Series 2: Publications
- Damian Vraniak is a prodigious scholar who authored numerous journal articles and book chapters on subjects ranging from intelligence testing to neuropsychology. This series contains his both his published and unpublished scholarly work. Arranged alphabetically by title, the series dates from 1976 to 1995. The names of all known co-authors have been noted.
- Box 1
- Folder 12: "Administration of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) to Seventeen Native American Students in a High Potential-Gifted Program Called The Northwind Warriors (N.W.W.)'," Damian McShane, undated
- Folder 13: "American Indian Mental Health Research: Meta-Review, Synthesis, and Future Priorities," Damian McShane, undated
- Folder 14: "American Indian Mental Health Research: Meta-Review, Synthesis, and Future Priorities," Damian McShane, undated drafts
- Folder 15: "American Indian Mental Health Research: Meta-Review, Synthesis, and Future Priorities," Damian McShane Correspondence: 1984-1985
- Folder 16: "American Indians and Alaska Natives in Psychology," Damian McShane, in Is Psychology the Major for You?, edited by Paul J. Woods and Charles S. Wilkinson. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1987
- Folder 17: "American Indians in Public Mental Health Care," Damian Vraniak and James Greenley, 1992
- Folder 18: "An Analysis of Mental Health Research with American Indian Youth," Damian McShane, Journal of Adolescence, 1988
- Folder 19: "Assessing American Indian Children: Perspectives of Direct Service Providers," Damian Vraniak and Paul Dauphinais, 1991
- Folder 20: "Assessment and Evaluation of American Indian Children and Families: Biopsychological Perspectives," Damian Vraniak, second rough draft, April 1991
- Folder 21: "Assessment of American Indian Children Using Wechsler Intelligence Scales: A Review," Damian McShane, undated
- Folder 22: "Assessment of Ojibwa Children," Damian McShane, undated
- Folder 23: "Available Empirical Data-Base: Intelligence Tests and American Indians," Damian McShane, undated
- Folder 24: "Brain Structure and Function: Are Neuroanatomical Asymmetries Related to Lateralized Abilities?", Damian McShane, undated
- Folder 25: "A Brief Historical Overview of Intelligence Testing' with American Indians," undated
- Folder 26: "CAT, PET, and NMR: Implications of Computer-Assisted Technology for the Diagnosis of Mental Illness," Damian McShane, Nancy Barklage, and Teresa Welch, 1982
- Folder 27: "Cerebral Asymmetries on CT Scan in Three Ethnic Groups," Damian McShane, Gail L. Risse, and Alan B. Rubens, International Journal of Neuroscience, 1984
- Folder 28: "Chippewa Families Survey Report," Damian McShane, Submitted to the Title IV Indian Education Program, Minneapolis Public Schools, July 1977
- Folder 29: "A Clinical Approach to Cross-Cultural Exploration of Socio-Emotional Functioning," undated
- Folder 30: "The Cognitive Functioning of American Indian Children," Damian McShane and Jeanne M. Plas, School Psychology Review, 1984
- Folder 31: "Comprehensive Biopsychosocial Assessment of American Indians: An Illustrative Case, The Girl Who Beads'," Damian McShane, undated (also used in "Cross-Cultural Testing Ability" by McShane and Beiser)
- Folder 32: "Critical Review of the Style of Learning and Thinking (SOLAT)," Kenneth A. Kiewra and Damian McShane, undated
- Folder 33: "Cross-Cultural Testing Ability: Applications to Research with American Indian Children," Damian McShane and Morton Beiser, in Ability Testing: Uses, Consequences and Controversies, Washington D.C.: National Academy Press, 1982
- Folder 34: "Differences in Assessment Procedures Used with American Indian and Non-Indian Children," Damian McShane, Listening Post: A Periodical of the Mental Health Programs, Indian Health Service, October 1979
- Folder 35: "Differences in Cerebral Asymmetries Related to Drinking History and Ethnicity," Damian McShane and Mark L. Willenbring, The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1984
- Folder 36: "The Effects of Gender and Age Upon Cerebral Asymmetries: A Computed Tomography Study of Neuroanatomy," Damian McShane, undated
- Folder 37: "The Emotional Effects of Injury on Female Collegiate Gymnasts," Nancy J. Albert, Damian McShane, Richard Gordin, and William Dobson, Seoul Olympic Scientific Congress Organizing Committee, 1988
- Folder 38: "Ethnicity, Race, and Measured Intelligence," Lisa A. Suzuki and Damian Vraniak, in Encyclopedia of Human Intelligence, edited by Robert J. Sternberg, New York: Macmillan, 1994
- Folder 39: "Evaluating A Neuropsychosocial Assessment of an American Indian Child: An Illustrative Case," Damian McShane, undated
- Folder 40: "Evaluation of Eight Years of a Multidisciplinary Training Team in the Public Schools: Analysis and Future Prospects," Damian McShane, David Rose, and Gay McRainey Clark, undated
- Folder 41: Executive Summary, Final Report: An Evaluation of Four North Dakota Day Treatment Programs: Beach, Belcourt, Dickinson and Grand Forks, Damian Vraniak and Paul Dauphinais, December 1992
- Folder 42: "Explaining Achievement Patterns of American Indian Children: A Transcultural and Developmental Model," Damian McShane, Peabody Journal of Education, 1983
- Folder 12: "Administration of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) to Seventeen Native American Students in a High Potential-Gifted Program Called The Northwind Warriors (N.W.W.)'," Damian McShane, undated
- Box 2
- Folder 1: "Improving Interventions with American Ethnic Minority Children: Recurrent and Recalcitrant Challenges," Damian Vraniak and Susan A. Pickett, in Handbook of Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents, edited by Thomas R. Kratochwill and Richard J. Morris, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1993
- Folder 2: "Indian Health Board Directory to Native American Service Organizations," Sheila Nelson and Damian McShane, 1978
- Folder 3: "In Search of a Transcultural Model: An Examination of the RAINS' Project - An Epidemiological Study of the Emotional Health and Academic Achievement of American Indian and Anglo Children," Damian McShane, December 1982
- Folder 4: "Intellectual Assessment Across Cultures," Lisa A. Suzuki, Damian Vraniak, and John F. Kugler, in Handbook of Multicultural Assessment: Clinical, Psychological, and Educational Applications, edited by Lisa A. Suzuki, Paul J, Meller, and Joseph G. Ponterotto, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1996
- Folder 5: "Interdisciplinary Collaboration: A Review," Mark L. Willenbring and Damian McShane, undated
- Folder 6: "Issues Surrounding Bilingualism and Neuropsychological Assessment," Damian Vraniak, December 1990
- Folder 7: Journal of Adolescence Special Issue Regarding Minority Youth, guest editors Damian McShane and Gerald R. Adams, 1988
- Folder 8: Journal of Indigenous Studies Special Issue Regarding Indian Mental Health and Psychoeducational Issues, guest editor Damian McShane, 1989
- Folder 9: Journal of Social Issues Special Issue Regarding Contemporary Rural Problems, 1983-1984
- Folder 10: "Local Norming Test Results for American Indian School Aged Children," Paul Dauphinais and Damian Vraniak, 1991-1994
- Folder 11: "Mean Comparison Procedures in Indian Educational Research: A Cautionary Note," Roland D. Chrisjohn and Damian McShane, undated (title page only)
- Folder 12: "Mental Abilities of American Indians and Alaska Natives," Damian Vraniak, 1991-1993
- Folder 13: "Mental Abilities Testing Research with American Indians: A Reprise (a Reply to Chrisjohn's Commentary," Damian McShane, Canadian Journal of Native Education, 1988
- Folder 14: "Mental Health and North American Indian/Native Communities: Cultural Transactions, Education, and Regulation," Damian McShane, American Journal of Community Psychology, 1987
- Folder 15: "Mental Health Research and Services to American Indian Youth: A Review and Analysis of 15 Years of Data," Damian McShane, undated
- Folder 16: "Mental Health Service Delivery to American Indians in the State of Minnesota: Pre-Conference Survey Report," Damian McShane, February 1979
- Folder 17: "Middle Ear Disease, Hearing Loss and Educational Problems of American Indian Children," Damian McShane and Jeannette Mitchell, Journal of American Indian Education,1979
- Folder 18: "Middle Ear Disease, Tympanometry Screening, and Language and Educational Delay in High Risk Groups Such as Native American Children," Damian McShane and James D. Nordin, 1978
- Folder 19: "A Narrative and an Analysis: Child Warriors and Troubled American Indian Youth," Damian Vraniak, 1993
- Folder 20: "Native North Americans: Indian and Inuit Abilities," Damian McShane and J.W. Berry, in Human Abilities in Cultural Context, edited by S.H. Irvine and John W. Berry. New York " Cambridge University Press, 1988
- Folder 21: "The Need for American Indian and Alaska Native Psychologists," Damian McShane, SIP Newsletter, 1989
- Folder 22: "The Need for an Internal, Subjective, and Relational Approach to the Cultural Promotion of Mental Health Within Native American Communities," Damian McShane, in Research Priorities in Native American Mental Health Service Delivery: Workshop Report, undated
- Folder 23: "The Need for an Internal, Subjective, and Relational Approach to the Cultural Promotion of Mental Health Within Native American Communities, Damian McShane, in Research Priorities in Native American Mental Health Service Delivery: Workshop Report, draft, 1981
- Folder 24: "Neurocranial Form: Differentiating Four Ethnic Populations Using a Simple CT Scan Measure," Damian McShane, International Journal of Neuroscience, 1983
- Folder 25: "Ojibwa Adult-Child Interactions: A Brief Literature Review," Damian McShane, Canadian Journal of Native Education, 1986
- Folder 26: "Ojibwa World View: A Re-Examination," Damian McShane and Arthur W. Blue, Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 1985
- Folder 27: "Otitis Media and American Indians: Prevalence, Etiology, Psychoeducational Consequences, Prevention, and Intervention," Damian McShane, in New Directions in Prevention Among American Indian and Alaska Native Communities, edited by Spero M. Manson, Portland: Oregon Health Sciences University, 1982
- Folder 28: "Otitis Media, Psychoeducational Difficulties, and Native Americans: A Review and a Suggestion," Damian McShane and Jeanne Plas, Journal of Preventive Psychology, 1982
- Folder 29: "Overview of Mental Health Needs and Resources," Damian McShane, Rosalie Cark, Phillip Hunter, and Jean Mitchell, Indian Mental Health Board Unit, 1978
- Folder 30: "Overview of Mental Health Needs and Resources," Damian McShane, Rosalie Cark, Phillip Hunter, and Jean Mitchell, Indian Mental Health Board Unit, 1978 (draft)
- Folder 31: Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Special Issue Proposal by Damian McShane regarding Combined Professional-Scientific Psychology Training Programs: 1988-1989
- Folder 32: Professional School Psychology Special Issue Proposal by Damian McShane, October 1989
- Folder 33: "Psychoeducational Assessment of Bilingual American Indian Students: Three Brief Evaluation Reports," Damian McShane, undated
- Folder 34: "Published Material Concerning Testing, Assessment Procedures, and Research with American Indians, Written by Dr. Damian McShane, 1979-1986" (collection of photocopied articles)
- Folder 35: "Questions Psychologists View As Very Important to Ask in Relation to Beginning an Assessment of a Minority Public School Student," Damian McShane, draft, 1977
- Folder 36: "Recategorized Wechsler Scores of American Indian Children," Damian McShane, dissertation proposal, George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University
- Folder 37: "Recategorized Wechsler Scores of American Indian Children," Damian McShane, Ph.D. dissertation, George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University
- Folder 38: "Recategorized Wechsler Scores of American Indian Children," Damian McShane (shortened version for possible publication?), undated
- Folder 39: "Refugee Adjustment and Intervention Recommendations," (author probably Damian McShane), undated
- Folder 40: "The Relationship of Intellectual and Psycholinguistic Abilities to the Achievement Gains of American Indian Children," Damian McShane and Jeanne M. Plas, Canadian Journal of Native Education, 1988
- Folder 41: "The Relationship of Number of Otitis Media Episodes to the Intellectual and Psycholinguistic Performances of American Indian Children," Damian McShane and Jeanne Plas, 1981
- Folder 42: "Response to a Critique of the McShane & Plas Review of American Indian Performance on the Wechsler Intelligence Scales," Damian McShane and Jeanne M. Plas, School Psychology Review, 1984
- Folder 43: "A Review of Scores of American Indian Children on the Wechsler Intelligence Scales," Damian McShane, White Cloud Journal, 1980
- Folder 1: "Improving Interventions with American Ethnic Minority Children: Recurrent and Recalcitrant Challenges," Damian Vraniak and Susan A. Pickett, in Handbook of Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents, edited by Thomas R. Kratochwill and Richard J. Morris, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1993
- Box 3
- Folder 1: "Scolarisation Et Specialisation Hemispherique Dans Le Traitement De L' Information Tactile," Henri Cohen, Joseph Levy, and Damian McShane, undated
- Folder 2: "Severely Mentally Ill American Indians in Mainstream Public Mental Health Care: A Profile," Damian Vraniak and James Greenley, 1994-1995
- Folder 3: "Strength in Adversity: Blacks Bear Burden Better Than Whites," Susan A. Pickett, Damian Vraniak, Judith A. Cook, and Bertram J. Cohler, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 1993
- Folder 4: "Suffering and Services, Helping and Healing: The Development of Local Caring Communities with American Indian Youth and Families," Damian Vraniak, September 1995
- Folder 5: "Training American Indian Psychologists to Serve Tribal and Urban Community Mental Health-Related Needs," Damian McShane, Carolyn Barcus, and Tom Wagner, undated
- Folder 6: "Transactional-Ecological View of the Ojibwa with Special Reference to Psychoeducational Assessment," Damian McShane, undated
- Folder 7: "A Transactional View of Crisis: Crisis Intervention Center Telephone Patterns," Damian McShane, M.S. Thesis, George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University: 1976
- Folder 8: "A Transactional View of Crisis: Telephone Call Patterns of a Crisis Intervention Center," Damian McShane, Crisis Intervention, vol. 12, no. 2
- Folder 9: "The Transcultural Education of American Indian and Alaska Native Children: Teachers and Students in Transaction," Damian McShane, Editor's Introduction to Peabody Journal of Education, 1983
- Folder 10: "Transcultural Intellectual Assessment: Performance by Hispanics on the Wechsler Scales," Damian McShane and Valerie J. Cook, in Handbook of Intelligence: Theories, Measurements, and Applications, edited by Benjamin B. Wolman, New York: Wiley, 1985
- Folder 11: "Transcultural Training, Service Delivery and Research: Certifying, Sanctioning, and Monitoring Mental Health Professionals," Damian McShane and Joseph Bloom, 1983-1984
- Folder 12: "Treatment of Child Warriors: Survival and Healing Among Native Children of Trauma," Damian Vraniak and Dewey J. Ertz, 1991
- Folder 13: "Troubled American Indian Youth: Suffering and Services: An Analysis of Trauma and Experience, Helping and Healing," Damian Vraniak, undated
- Folder 14: "Wechsler Scale Performance Patterns of American Indian Children," Damian McShane and Jeanne M. Plas, Psychology in the Schools, 1982
- Folder 15: "The Wisconsin Mental Health Services Core Data Base: A Study of Ethnicity and Case Manager Assessments of Severely Mentally Ill Clients in Fourteen Counties," Damian Vraniak and James Greenley, et al., 1992
- Folder 16: "WISC-R Factor Structures for Ojibwa Indian Children," Damian McShane and Jeanne M. Plas, White Cloud Journal, 1982
- Folder 17: Untitled, Regarding Intelligence Testing and Assessment of Native American Children, undated
- Folder 18: Untitled, Regarding Native American Adaptation to Extreme Environments
- Folder 19: Untitled, Regarding Testing and Native Americans
- Folder 1: "Scolarisation Et Specialisation Hemispherique Dans Le Traitement De L' Information Tactile," Henri Cohen, Joseph Levy, and Damian McShane, undated
- Box 1
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Biographical/Personal],
[Series 2: Publications],
[Series 3: Presentations],
[Series 4: Research],
[Series 5: Grants and Proposals],
[Series 6: Tenure Files from Utah State University, Logan],
[Series 7: Subject Files],