Title: North Dakota Masonic Records, 1876-1972
ID: OGLMC/1031
Extent: 3.0 Linear Feet
Date Acquired: 00/00/1985
Languages: English [eng]
The North Dakota Masonic Records are mainly comprised of annual minutes and proceedings for the different Masonic organizations quartered in the state. At times the various Masonic groups' records merge, such as the booklets with Grand Chapter/Council Proceedings for 1933-1967, which contain proceedings for the annual meetings of both the Royal Arch Masons and the Royal and Select Masters of the State of North Dakota. The "Code Books" contain general Masonic information such as by-laws and trial procedures, the "Grand Chapter" refers to meetings of the Royal Arch masons, and the "Grand Council" refers to Royal and Select Masters. Other records make obvious in the title the group to which it pertains. Several national guides are included that document Masonic expansion and famous historical figures.
Access Restrictions:
Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Source:
Transferred from the Chester Fritz Library's circulating collection
Acquisition Method:
Donation; Acc.85-1404
Preferred Citation:
(Description of Item). North Dakota Masonic Records. OGLMC 1031, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Finding Aid Revision History:
Finding aid migrated to Archon in January 2015.