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William W. Roath, Jr. Papers, 1973-1986
Collection Overview
Title: William W. Roath, Jr. Papers, 1973-1986
Predominant Dates:1982-1985
Primary Creator: Roath, William W., Jr. (1956-)
Extent: 5.0 Linear Feet
Date Acquired: 08/20/1985
Subjects: City of Grand Forks, North Dakota, University of North Dakota - Alumni
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The William W. Roath, Jr. Papers have been divided into three series:
Series 1: Personal Materials
Series 2: Grand Forks City Council Subject Files
Series 3: Policies and Procedures
Collection Historical Note
William Wesley Roath, Jr. was born in 1956, in Bozeman, Montana. Because his father was an Air Force careerist, Roath moved often while growing up. From 1981 through 1985, he attended UND. He graduated from UND in August 1985 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics with minors in History and Political Science.
While a student, Roath was elected to the Grand Forks City Council from Ward I as a Democrat. His candidacy was supported by the Prairie Campaign for Economic Democracy. As a city councilman, Roath chaired the Ad Hoc Committee on Energy Research and the Mayor's Task Force on Nuclear Relocation Alternatives, was vice-chair of the Mayor's Task Force on Energy Preparedness, and was a member of the Public Service Committee. In November 1984, Roath campaigned to represent District 42 in North Dakota's House of Representatives, although he lost by eighty votes. When he graduated in August 1985, Roath resigned his seat on the Grand Forks City Council and took a job as Director of Employment Training for the Goodhue-Rice-Wabasha Citizens Action Council in Minnesota.
In 1987, Roath became the Director of the Wright County [Minnesota] Community Action Agency. A year later he was named Executive Director of Emotions Anonymous for Minnesota. In 1990, Roath became the Executive Director of the Minnesota Civil Liberties Union, the state's affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union. During that same year, Roath served as a district manager for the Paul Wellstone campaign during his successful 1990 bid for the United States Senate seat from Minnesota. In July 1994, Roath began a position as coordinator of the North Dakota chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Repository: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Source: William W. Roath, Jr., Grand Forks, North Dakota
Acquisition Method: Donation; Acc.85-1393
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). William W. Roath, Jr. Papers. OGLMC 1027, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Finding Aid Revision History: Finding aid migrated to Archon in April 2015.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Personal Materials],
[Series 2: Grand Forks City Council Subject Files],
[Series 3: Policies and Procedures],
- Series 2: Grand Forks City Council Subject Files
- Series 2 is the bulk of the collection and consists of an alphabetical Grand Forks City Council Subject File. All subject headings have been retained and four additional headings (city merchants, disabled, hospital, and lots/buildings) were formed from documents found within the folder labeled "miscellaneous." Items within each subject have been arranged chronologically. Subject Files typically contain amendments, city ordinances, correspondence, proposals, reports, and resolutions related to the subject. Bound financial records have been incorporated into this series. Many budgets reflect monies requested for 1986.
- Box 1
- Folder 2: Airport: May 1982 - November 1983
- Folder 3: Airport: January 1984 - March 1985
- Folder 4: Airport Budget: 1982 - 1986
- Folder 5: Assessing Department Reports: 1983
- Folder 6: Board of Equalization Minutes and Protests: 1982 - 1984
- Folder 7: Annual Budget, City of Grand Forks: 1983
- Folder 8: Annual Budget, City of Grand Forks: 1984
- Folder 9: Annual Budget, City of Grand Forks: 1985
- Folder 10: Budget, City of Grand Forks: August 1982 - December 1983
- Folder 11: Budget, City of Grand Forks: January 1984 - June 1984
- Folder 12: Budget, City of Grand Forks: July 1984 - March 1985
- Folder 13: Bus System: April 1982 - July 1984
- Folder 14: Capital Improvements Program Committee: June 1983
- Folder 15: Capital Improvements Plan: 1983
- Folder 16: Capital Improvements Plan: 1984
- Folder 17: Capital Improvements Plan: 1985
- Folder 18: Chamber of Commerce: 1983 - 1985
- Folder 19: City Center Mall: 1982 - 1983
- Folder 20: City Bonds: March 1982 - November 1982
- Folder 21: City Bonds: April 1983 - September 1984
- Folder 22: City Government: June 1982 - July 1985
- Folder 23: City Hall Budget: 1982 - 1986
- Folder 24: City Merchants: February 1983 - August 1983
- Folder 25: Civic Auditorium: May 1982 - August 1983
- Folder 26: Civic Auditorium: February 1984 - January 1985
- Folder 27: Civic Auditorium Budget: 1982 - 1986
- Folder 28: Civil Preparedness: 1983
- Folder 29: Civil Service: February 1982 - December 1982
- Folder 2: Airport: May 1982 - November 1983
- Box 2
- Folder 1: Civil Service: January 1983 - December 1983
- Folder 2: Civil Service: January 1984-March 1985
- Folder 3: Committee of the Whole Minutes: August 1982 - August 1984
- Folder 4: Community Development: April 1983 - February 1985
- Folder 5: Constituent Services: May 1982 - July 1983
- Folder 6: Construction: April 1982 - March 1985
- Folder 7: Construction, Estimate Summaries: August 1982 - March 1985
- Folder 8: Convention & Visitors Bureau: August 1982-April 1985
- Folder 9: County Affairs: June 1982
- Folder 10: Disabled: February 1983 - November 1984
- Folder 11: Elections: 1982 - January 1985
- Folder 12: Emergency Preparedness: December 1982 - May 1984
- Folder 13: Emergency Preparedness Act: 1973, 1978, 1979, 1982
- Folder 14: Energy Utilities: November 1981 - March 1984
- Folder 15: Engineering Department Budget: 1982 - 1986
- Folder 16: Events Center: July 1984
- Folder 17: Finance Committee Minutes: April 1982 - July 1985
- Folder 18: Finance Report: March 1983
- Folder 19: Finance Reports: 1983
- Folder 20: Finance Reports: 1984
- Folder 21: Flood Control: July 1982 - February 1985
- Folder 22: Health & Safety: August 1982 - March 1985
- Folder 23: Hospital: February 1984
- Folder 24: Housing Authority Minutes: April 1982 - February 1985
- Folder 25: Labor: March 1982, February 1983
- Folder 26: League of Cities: May 1982 - October 1984
- Folder 27: Liquor/Gambling: September 1977 - June 1984
- Folder 28: Lots/Buildings: April - August 1982
- Folder 29: Mass Media: February 1982 - March 1985
- Folder 30: Mayor/General City: May 1982 - March 1985
- Folder 31: Miscellaneous: June 1982 - March 1985
- Folder 32: Parking: August 1982 - January 1985
- Folder 33: Parks: May 1982 - February 1985
- Folder 34: Planning & Zoning: April 1982 - December 1982
- Folder 35: Planning & Zoning: January 1983 - December 1983
- Folder 36: Planning & Zoning: January 1984 - March 1985
- Folder 1: Civil Service: January 1983 - December 1983
- Box 3
- Folder 1: Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes: May 1982 - March 1985
- Folder 2: Police and Fire Departments: March 1982 - June 1985
- Folder 3: Proceedings (Council): April 1982 - December 1982
- Folder 4: Proceedings (Council): January 1983 - December 1983
- Folder 5: Proceedings (Council): January 1984 - December 1984
- Folder 6: Proceedings (Council): January 1985 - July 1985
- Folder 7: Public Safety Committee Minutes: April 1982 - July 1985
- Folder 8: Public Service Committee Minutes: October 1981 - July 1985
- Folder 9: Public Transportation Budget: 1982 - 1986
- Folder 10: Railroads, Burlington Northern: March 1982 - May 1983
- Folder 11: Sanitation: January 1982 - June 1984
- Folder 12: Sanitation Department Budget: 1982 - 1986
- Folder 13: Schools: April 1982 - January 1985
- Folder 14: Senior Citizens Association Mill Levy Fund: 1983
- Folder 15: Sewage Collection Improvements: 1984
- Folder 16: Sewage: April 1982 - December 1982
- Folder 17: Sewage: January 1983 - December 1983
- Folder 18: Sewage: January 1984 - March 1985
- Folder 19: Sewage Department Budget: 1982 - 1986
- Folder 20: Sidewalks/Bicycles: May 1982 - December 1983
- Folder 21: Solid Waste: 1982
- Folder 22: Streets: April 1982 - December 1982
- Folder 23: Streets: January 1983 - December 1983
- Folder 24: Streets: January 1984 - March 1985
- Folder 25: Street Department Budget: 1982-1986
- Folder 26: Taxes: April 1982 - September 1982
- Folder 27: Taxes: January 1983 - December 1983 2
- Folder 28: Taxes: January 1984 - February 1985
- Folder 1: Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes: May 1982 - March 1985
- Box 4
- Folder 1: TCI (cable television): 1984
- Folder 2: University/City: 1983 - 1984
- Folder 3: University/City: 1985
- Folder 4: Urban Development: 1982
- Folder 5: Urban Development: 1983
- Folder 6: Urban Development Committee Minutes: April 1982 - July 1985
- Folder 7: Urban Development Budget: 1982 - 1986
- Folder 8: Water: March 1982 - December 1982
- Folder 9: Water: January 1983 - December 1983
- Folder 10: Water: January 1984 - March 1985
- Folder 11: Water Rates: 1973 - 1984
- Folder 12: Water Rate Studies: 1976
- Folder 13: Water Rate Studies: 1982
- Folder 14: Water Rate Studies: 1983
- Folder 15: Water Rate Studies: 1985
- Folder 16: Water Utility Fund Budget: 1982 - 1986
- Folder 17: Water Treatment Plant: 1981, 1984
- Folder 1: TCI (cable television): 1984
- Box 1
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Personal Materials],
[Series 2: Grand Forks City Council Subject Files],
[Series 3: Policies and Procedures],