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Dr. Alice Hunter Papers
Dr. Alice Hunter Papers, 1879-1973
Collection Overview
Title: Dr. Alice Hunter Papers, 1879-1973
Primary Creator: Hunter, Alice (1891-1975)
Extent: 12.75 Linear Feet
Date Acquired: 05/00/1976. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Grand Forks - Health Care, Health and Medicine, Women's History
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Dr. Alice Hunter Papers have been organized into eight series:
Series 1: Personal and Family
Series 2: Business Correspondence
Series 3: Corporate Records
Series 4: Pamphlets and Flyers
Series 5: Newspaper Clippings and Scrapbooks
Series 6: Cookbooks
Series 7: Americus Township Records
Series 8: Miscellaneous
Collection Historical Note
Dr. Alice Mary Hunter was born in Grand Forks on September 30, 1891. She attended Belmont School and Grand Forks High School, and graduated from the University of North Dakota in 1914. After graduating from Chicago's Rush Medical College in June, 1919, she interned at Cincinnati General Hospital in Ohio. She practiced medicine in several states, and in 1924 took a six month course in anesthesia at the Mayo Clinic. She then came back to Grand Forks and joined Dr. William H. Witherstine in his practice, and handled anesthesia for other physicians in town.
Her parents, Adison I. and Alice Bailey Hunter, both originally from Indiana, were socially prominent in Grand Forks. Her father came to Grand Forks in 1883 to homestead, but apparently soon left farming. By 1890 he was the owner of a livery stable specializing in Kentucky thoroughbreds. A.I. Hunter turned to banking in 1909-1910, joining the Union National Bank of Grand Forks as cashier. Later he became president and chairman of the executive committee of the First National Bank of Grand Forks.
During the banking phase of his career, chain banking was common in North Dakota. Individuals from one bank would establish new banks in other communities, controlling them through interlocking directorates. A.I. Hunter was involved in three other small banks in the Grand Forks area, only one of which survived the Depression. He also held substantial interests in a wide variety of local businesses, and owned almost nine sections of land, both in the area and in Canada.
Dr. Hunter's mother died in 1925. Her father became ill in 1935, and she spent much of her time caring for him until he died in December 1936. About this time, she stopped practicing medicine, although the reason is unknown. She spent the rest of her life living in her parents' house, managing the land and money she had inherited, arguing with many and slowly turning into an eccentric and a local legend. She died in a nursing home on December 7, 1975.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Repository: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Accruals: Additional donations were received on June 26, 1981 (81-775) and from Dr. David Tilotta, University of North Dakota, on June 29, 2001 (2001-2522). Prior to the donation, Dr. Tilotta purchased the material at an auction.
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Method: Donation under the terms of her will
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). Dr. Alice Hunter Papers. OGLMC 370, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Processing Information: The collection was re-processed in November 2015. At that time miscellaneous and unidentified materials, as well as artifacts, were discarded. The finding aid was migrated to Archon at that same time.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Personal and Family],
[Series 2: Business Correspondence],
[Series 3: Corporate Records],
[Series 4: Pamphlets and Flyers],
[Series 5: Newspaper Clippings and Scrapbooks],
[Series 6: Cookbooks],
[Series 7: Americus Township Records],
[Series 8: Miscellaneous],
- Series 1: Personal and Family
- The first series contains the family and personal correspondence of Adison I. Hunter and Alice M. Hunter, genealogical materials, family documents and diaries.
- Box 1
- Folder 1: Genealogical Material, Family Documents, Wills, etc.
- Folder 2: Personal Correspondence, 1961-1973
- Folder 3: Personal Correspondence, 1956-1960
- Folder 4: Personal Correspondence, 1951-1955
- Folder 5: Personal Correspondences, 1946-1950
- Folder 6: Personal Correspondence, 1941-1945
- Folder 7: Personal Correspondence, 1938-1940
- Folder 8: Personal Correspondence, 1936-1937
- Folder 9: Personal Correspondence, 1935
- Folder 10: Personal Correspondence, 1931-1934
- Folder 11: Personal Correspondence, 1926-1930
- Folder 12: Personal Correspondence, 1925
- Folder 13: Personal Correspondence, 1921-1924
- Folder 14: Personal Correspondence, 1901-1920
- Folder 15: Personal Correspondence, 1879-1900
- Folder 16: Personal Correspondence, Driving License, 1964-1969
- Folder 17: Personal Correspondence Insurance Claim 1941
- Folder 18: Personal Correspondence, Uriah Stroup
- Folder 19: Personal Correspondence, undated
- Folder 20: Address books, Christmas card lists, etc.
- Folder 21: Diaries, 1960-1971
- Folder 22: Diaries, 1953-1959
- Folder 23: Diaries, 1948-1951
- Folder 24: Diaries, 1935-1947
- Folder 1: Genealogical Material, Family Documents, Wills, etc.
- Box 2
- Box 10
- Box 1
- Series 2: Business Correspondence
- The second series consists of the business correspondence of Alice M. Hunter and Adison I. Hunter. Also included are personal business papers, tax records, cash books and journals, investment letters and miscellaneous legal documents relating to Adison Hunter's personal investments.
- Box 2
- Folder 4: Business correspondence, 1960-1973
- Folder 5: Business Correspondences, 1955-1959
- Folder 6: Business correspondence, 1954
- Folder 7: Business correspondence, 1953
- Folder 8: Business correspondence, 1952
- Folder 9: Business correspondence, 1951
- Folder 10: Business correspondence, 1950
- Folder 11: Business correspondence, 1949, A-L
- Folder 12: Business correspondence, 1949, M-Z
- Folder 13: Business correspondence, 1948
- Folder 14: Business correspondence, 1947
- Folder 15: Business correspondence, 1946, A-L
- Folder 16: Business correspondence, 1946, M-Z
- Folder 17: Business correspondence, 1945
- Folder 18: Business correspondence, 1944
- Folder 19: Business correspondence, 1943
- Folder 20: Business correspondence, 1942
- Folder 4: Business correspondence, 1960-1973
- Box 3
- Folder 1: Business correspondence, 1941
- Folder 2: Business correspondence, 1940
- Folder 3: Business correspondence, 1939
- Folder 4: Business correspondence, 1938
- Folder 5: Business correspondence, 1937, A-F
- Folder 6: Business correspondence, 1937, G-Z
- Folder 8: Business correspondence, 1936, A-G
- Folder 9: Business correspondence, 1936, H-Z
- Folder 10: Business correspondence, 1935, A-F
- Folder 11: Business correspondence, 1935, G-Z
- Folder 12: Business correspondence, 1934, A-E
- Folder 13: Business correspondence, 1934, F-H
- Folder 14: Business correspondence, 1934, I-Z
- Folder 15: Business correspondence, 1933
- Folder 16: Business correspondence, 1932
- Folder 17: Business correspondence, 1931
- Folder 18: Business correspondence, 1930
- Folder 19: Business correspondence, 1929, A-B
- Folder 20: Business correspondence, 1929, C-F
- Folder 21: Business correspondence, 1929, First National Bank of Munich
- Folder 22: Business correspondence, 1929, First State Bank of Gilby
- Folder 23: Business correspondence, 1929, G-J
- Folder 24: Business correspondence, 1929, K-L
- Folder 25: Business correspondence, 1929, M-N
- Folder 26: Business correspondence, 1929, O-Q
- Folder 27: Business correspondence, 1929, R-S
- Folder 28: Business correspondence, 1929, T-Z
- Folder 29: Business correspondence, 1908-1928
- Folder 30: Business correspondence, Adison I Hunter "Forgeries"
- Folder 31: Business correspondence, Arvilla Village Properties
- Folder 32: Business correspondence, R.B. Griffith Loan.
- Folder 1: Business correspondence, 1941
- Box 4
- Folder 1: Business correspondence, Leonard-Fuller, 1947-1967
- Folder 2: Business correspondence, Leonard-Fuller. 1927-1947
- Folder 3: Business correspondence, Leonard-Fuller. legal document
- Folder 4: Business correspondence, Peterson
- Folder 5: Business correspondence, Hunter v. Smith
- Folder 6: Business correspondence, State Fire Marshall
- Folder 7: Business correspondence, Thomas;
- Folder 8: Business correspondence, undated
- Folder 9: Abstracts of Title
- Folder 10: Abstracts of Title
- Folder 11: Deeds, mortgages, etc.
- Folder 12: Miscellaneous legal documents
- Folder 13: Personal Business and Tax Records
- Folder 14: Personal Business and Tax Records
- Folder 15: Personal property taxes
- Folder 16: Cash books
- Folder 17: Investment record inventory, Hamar farms 1922
- Folder 18: Investment Letters, A-L
- Folder 1: Business correspondence, Leonard-Fuller, 1947-1967
- Box 5
- Box 2
- Series 3: Corporate Records
- The third series consists of corporate records from various businesses in which the Hunters had interests. Particularly detailed are the records of the Arvilla Supply Company and the Grand Forks Transportation Company, of which Dr. Hunter was a director for several years.
- Box 5
- Folder 4: Arvilla Oil Company
- Folder 5: Arvilla State Bank, Financial Records, 1930-1941
- Folder 6: Arvilla State Bank, Financial Records, 1925-1929
- Folder 7: Arvilla State Bank, Financial Records, 1914-1924
- Folder 8: Arvilla Supply Company, Annual Financial Statements, 1930-1933
- Folder 9: Arvilla Supply Company, Annual Financial Statements, 1925-1929
- Folder 10: Arvilla Supply Company, Annual Financial Statements, 1915-1924
- Folder 11: Arvilla Supply Company Monthly and Quarterly Financial Statements
- Folder 12: Arvilla Supply Company, Legal Documents & Miscellaneous
- Folder 13: Canada-North Dakota Land Company, Correspondence, 1931-1936
- Folder 14: Canada-North Dakota Land Company, Correspondence, 1926-1930
- Folder 15: Canada-North Dakota Land Company, Financial Statements, Dividends, etc.
- Folder 16: Canada-North Dakota Land Company, Legal Documents
- Folder 17: Drayton Farming Company
- Folder 18: First National Bank in Grand Forks
- Folder 19: First National Bank of Grand Forks
- Folder 20: First National Bank of Munich
- Folder 21: First National Bank Company
- Folder 22: First State Bank of Gilby
- Folder 23: Grand Forks County Credit Company
- Folder 24: Grand Forks Transportation Company-Minutes
- Folder 25: Grand Forks Transportation Company-Annual Financial Reports
- Folder 26: Grand Forks Transportation Company-Monthly & Quarterly Financial Statements, 1954-1955
- Folder 4: Arvilla Oil Company
- Box 6
- Folder 1: Grand Forks Transportation Co.-Monthly & Quarterly Financial Statements, 1952-1953
- Folder 2: Grand Forks Transportation Co.-Monthly & Quarterly Financial Statements, 1950-1951
- Folder 3: Grand Forks Transportation Co.-Monthly & Quarterly Financial Statements, 1948-1949
- Folder 4: Grand Forks Transportation Co.-Monthly & Quarterly Financial Statements, 1933, 1935, 1946-1947
- Folder 5: Grand Forks Transportation Co.-Stockholder Communications
- Folder 6: Grand Forks Transportation Co.-Annual Reports & Miscellaneous
- Folder 7: Jamestown College
- Folder 8: Milprint Inc.
- Folder 9: North Dakota State Fair Association
- Folder 10: Northern Credit Corporation
- Folder 11: Northern Packing Company
- Folder 12: Red River Valley Brick Company
- Folder 13: Sheyenne Telephone Company
- Folder 14: Union National Bank
- Folder 15: Miscellaneous Businesses
- Folder 16: Unidentified Businesses and Miscellaneous Business Material
- Folder 17: Business
- Folder 18: Rubber Stamps
- Folder 1: Grand Forks Transportation Co.-Monthly & Quarterly Financial Statements, 1952-1953
- Box 10
- Box 5
- Series 4: Pamphlets and Flyers
- Series 5: Newspaper Clippings and Scrapbooks
- Box 8
- Box 9
- Box 11
- Item 1: "Photographs"
- Black cover: Contains various personal snapshots of the Hunter family
- Item 2: "Scraps"
- Contains newspaper clippings from the Grand Forks Herald entitled "Half Century Recollections," as well as several articles regarding the death of Addison I. Hunter in December 1936
- Item 3: "The Ideal Scrap Book"
- Black cover: Contains various undated newspaper clippings, mainly regarding the history and development of North Dakota
- Item 4: "Photo Album"
- Green cover: depicts several trips Dr. Hunter took from 1928 to 1937. All of the photographs are snapshots and are black and white.
- Item 1: "Photographs"
- Box 8
- Series 6: Cookbooks
- This series consists of miscellaneous cookbooks kept by Dr. Hunter.
- Series 7: Americus Township Records
- This series contains various records related to Americus Township in Grand Forks County dating from about 1888 to 1912. These records are incomplete.
- Series 8: Miscellaneous
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Personal and Family],
[Series 2: Business Correspondence],
[Series 3: Corporate Records],
[Series 4: Pamphlets and Flyers],
[Series 5: Newspaper Clippings and Scrapbooks],
[Series 6: Cookbooks],
[Series 7: Americus Township Records],
[Series 8: Miscellaneous],