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John Disher Papers
Collection Overview
Predominant Dates:1945-1993
Primary Creator: Disher, John (1921-1988)
Extent: 26.75 Linear Feet
Date Acquired: 12/02/1994. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Space, University of North Dakota - Alumni
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The John Disher Papers, 1937-1994, document Disher's career, reflecting the evolution of the United States space program from its beginnings through the 1980s. The collection is divided into seven individual series.
Series 1: Personal Materials
Series 2: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), 1945-1958
Series 3: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1958-1989
Series 4: Avanti Systems, 1980-1989
Series 5: University of North Dakota School of Engineering and Mines, 1986-1988
Series 6: Oversize Materials
Series 7: Photographs
Collection Historical Note
John Howard Disher was born December 23, 1921, in Olmstead, North Dakota. He was raised in Devils Lake, North Dakota and graduated from high school there in 1939. He earned a B.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, in 1943. While at UND, he was a Sigma Nu Fraternity member and was active in the University concert and marching bands.
Following his graduation from UND, Disher joined the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, or NACA, a predecessor of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA. He worked as a NACA aeronautical research analyst in the Flight Propulsion Laboratory, located in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1951, Disher was named head of Free Flight Research Section. This group tested the first hypersonic flight of a solid rocket, and the first flight of a high energy fueled vehicle.
NASA was formed in 1958. The following year, NASA appointed Disher Project Engineer of the task group formed to oversee the Mercury Program, which launched the first American astronauts into space. He served in this capacity at the Langley Research Center in Virginia until 1960, when he was named Head of Advanced Manned Missions and relocated to NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. In 1961, he became Assistant Director for Apollo Spacecraft Development for the Spacecraft and Flight Missions Office. From 1963 to 1965, he was the Director of the Apollo Test for the Apollo Program Office. He was appointed Deputy Director of Skylab in 1965 and played an important role in the development of that program. In 1974 he became the Director of Advanced Programs, Manned Space Flight and held this post until his retirement from NASA in 1980.
Disher also made notable achievements independent of NACA and NASA. In 1969, he graduated from the Harvard Business School Advanced Management Program. From 1948-1987, he served on the Technical Committee of the Indianapolis 500 Automobile Race.
After his retirement from NASA, he became an aerospace consultant and formed his own company, Avanti Systems. Avanti Systems’ clients included the Italian government, Boeing Aerospace, and the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment. From 1986 until his death in 1988, Disher served on the University of North Dakota School of Engineering and Mines Advisory Council. He was a member of the International Academy of Astronauts and a fellow of the British Interplanetary Society.
Disher received many honors, including the NASA Sustained Superior Performance Award for Apollo Test Program Management (1964), the NASA Exceptional Service Medal (1969), the Collier Trophy, a Skylab Program Award (1973), the NASA Distinguished Service Medal for the Skylab Program (1974), the American Astronautical Society Achievement Award for Skylab (1974), the University of North Dakota Sioux Award for Outstanding Achievement (1974), the American Astronautical Society Achievement Award for Skylab (1974), and the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for "Outstanding Achievement in Development of Advanced Space Systems and Innovative Concepts" (1980). In 1993, the University of North Dakota School of Engineering and Mines honored him posthumously with its Nye Award.
John Howard Disher died August 27, 1988, in Bethesda, Maryland. He was survived by his sons, James and John Thomas, and by his wife, Lillian Helen Rusnak Disher, whom he married in Cleveland, Ohio on April 9, 1948.
Source: "University of North Dakota School of Engineering and Mines Engineers Banquet, Thursday, March 4, 1993." [Pamphlet]
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Repository: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Accruals: Additional material was deposited by Lillian Disher, Walnut Creek, California, on October 11, 2001 (2002-2553)
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Source: Lillian Disher, Bethesda, Maryland
Acquisition Method: Donation; 94-1987
Separated Materials: Six oversize folders were separated and placed in the Oversize File Cabinets.
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). John Disher Papers. OGLMC 1299, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections. Chester Fritz Library. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Finding Aid Revision History: Finding aid added to Archon in October 2013.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Personal Materials],
[Series 2: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), 1945-1958],
[Series 3: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1958-1989],
[Series 4: Avanti Systems, 1980-1989],
[Series 5: UND School of Engineering and Mines, 1986-1988],
[Series 6: Oversize Materials],
[Series 7: Photographs],
- Series 4: Avanti Systems, 1980-1989
- Disher formed Avanti Systems, his aerospace consulting firm, upon his retirement from NASA in 1980. This series documents his professional consulting activities from 1980 until his death in 1988.
- Sub-Series 1: General
- Box 5
- Folder 1: General Correspondence, 1982-1989
- Folder 2: Resume - John Disher, (Dates from 1984 or 1985)
- Folder 3: Notes - Handwritten, Loose, 1986 and undated
- Folder 4: Letter by John Disher to Aviation Week and Space Technology Regarding James Beggs, 1987
- Folder 5: Disher Interview by Cosmos Club, 1987
- Folder 1: General Correspondence, 1982-1989
- Box 11
- Folder 21: Phone numbers and addresses for AVANTI
- Folder 22: Blank Consulting Agreements for AVANTI
- Folder 23: Contract outline
- Folder 24: Legal Documents
- Folder 31: AVANTI Consulting correspondence, 1981-1983
- Folder 35: ANSER application by Disher, 1984
- Folder 36: Discussions with Ernesto, 1981
- Folder 37: Money notes
- Folder 38: Miscellaneous work notes
- Folder 21: Phone numbers and addresses for AVANTI
- Box 5
- Sub-Series 2: Italian National Space Plan
- From July 1981 to June 1982, John Disher resided in Rome, Italy, working under contract with the Italian government’s CNR/PSN (In English, the acronym translates as "Council of National Research/National Space Plan"). CNR/PSN hired him to work on the Tethered Satellite System, or TSS, a project jointly developed with NASA. Tethered satellites were designed to be launched from a space shuttle and remain attached to it for the purpose of scientific experimentation. Subseries items include correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, outlines of presentations, handwritten and typed notes and newspaper clippings. Some professional papers on potential applications of tethered satellite systems are included as well.
- Box 5
- Folder 6: Italian National Space Plan, undated
- Folder 7: Correspondence, Tethered Satellite System, 1980-1982
- Folder 8: U.S./Italian Discussions on Tethered Satellite System, 1980
- Folder 9: "Electrical Behavior of a Shuttle Electrodynamic Tether System," 1981
- Folder 10: Notes on Tethered Satellite System, 1981
- Folder 11: Italian Visit to U.S., 1981
- Folder 12: "Tether Management," 1981
- Folder 13: Memorandum of Understanding Between the National Research Council of Italy and NASA, 1981
- Folder 14: Tethered Satellite System Generator of DC Electric Power, 1981
- Folder 15: Tethered Satellite System Briefing to the NASA Deputy Administrator, 1981
- Folder 16: Tethered Satellite System Project Overview Briefing, 1981
- Folder 17: Tethered Satellite System, Active vs. Passive Assessment, 1981-1982
- Folder 18: "Notes for USA Visit, AIT," 1981-1982
- Folder 19: "An Alternative Configuration of the Electrodynamic Tether Experiment," 1982
- Folder 20: "NASA Issues Request for Proposals on Tethered Satellite Contract," 1982
- Folder 21: Minutes - PSN/CNR and NASA Planning Meetings on Tethered Satellite Program, 1982
- Folder 22: NASA Space Station and Tether Funding Plan, 1982
- Folder 23: "Tethered Satellite System, A Cooperative Project - USA and Italy," (Stickers), undated
- Folder 24: Applications of Tethers in Space Workshop, 1983
- Folder 25: "Aeritalia for Tethered Satellite System Present and Future Applications," undated
- Folder 26: International Conference on Tethers in Space, 1986
- Folder 27: International Conference on Tethers in Space, 1986 (Continued)
- Folder 28: Third International Conference on Tethers in Space, 1989
- Folder 29: Fourth International Conference on Tethers in Space - Call for Papers, 1990
- Folder 30: Tethers in Space Handbook, 1989
- Folder 31: Newspaper Clippings on Tethered Satellite System, 1992
- Folder 6: Italian National Space Plan, undated
- Box 5
- Sub-Series 3: General Consulting and Engineering
- General Consulting and Engineering, an Italian engineering consulting firm, hired Disher to assist them on a contract with the Italian CNR/PSN. This contract involved technical and management assistance to CNR/PSN for the Lageos 2 satellite project. The Lageos 2 satellite was launched into orbit by the Italian Research Interim Stage, or IRIS, an Italian CNR/PSN space program developed to oversee satellite missions. The first Lageos satellite was launched by United States in 1976. Its purpose was to measure the movements of the earth's crust and rotation. In 1982, NASA and CNR/PSN established a joint study group to consider the potential benefits of a second Lageos satellite. The group highly recommended such a satellite, feeling that much additional information on the earth and its rotation could be obtained. Materials in the sub-series date from 1981-1983 and include reports of the NASA/PSN study group, Disher's reports to and correspondence with General Consulting and Engineering and a CNR/PSN document explaining IRIS.
- Box 5
- Folder 32: "International Cooperation in Manned Space Flight, Next Steps" by John Disher, Paper Presented at Riena, Atti 22 Convegno Int.le Sullo Spazio, Roma, 1982
- Folder 33: Papers on the IRIS System and Satellites, Presented at Riena, Atti 22 Convegno It.le Sullo Spazio, Roma, 1982
- Folder 34: IRIS System, 1981-1982
- Folder 35: IRIS Performance and Lageos Weights, 1982
- Folder 36: Lageos Satellite, 1983
- Folder 37: Lageos Satellite, 1983 (Continued)
- Folder 38: General Consulting and Engineering, undated
- Folder 39: European Space Agency Satellite Photo, undated
- Folder 32: "International Cooperation in Manned Space Flight, Next Steps" by John Disher, Paper Presented at Riena, Atti 22 Convegno Int.le Sullo Spazio, Roma, 1982
- Box 5
- Sub-Series 4: Aeritalia
Aeritalia, an Italian aerospace company, contracted Disher to work on Project Columbus in 1983. Project Columbus was a planned European Space Agency (ESA) contribution to the proposed international manned space station, which was then being developed under U.S. leadership. The name "Columbus" was a reference to the scheduled launch date of 1992, five hundred years after Christopher Columbus's initial voyage to North America.
Project Columbus was derived from an earlier NASA/ESA collaboration known as Spacelab. Spacelab was a scientific research center inside a space shuttle orbiter cargo bay. Unlike the earlier Skylab, Spacelab could return to Earth after each mission. With Columbus, ESA hoped to improve on Spacelab with "free-flying, autonomous elements which can either be docked to the planned American space station or deployed independently for extended missions in near-earth orbits." (Press release, Box 5, Folder 48). The materials include articles and publications, papers, presentation outlines and written notes by Disher. Information pertaining to both Spacelab and Columbus is present.
- Box 5
- Folder 40: "Spacelab Follow-On Development Programme, Phase B Results," 1981
- Folder 41: "Spacelab: The First Results" New Scientist August 23, 1984
- Folder 42: "Spacelab One, Lessons Learned," 1984
- Folder 43: "At Work in Space: Lessons Learned in Integrating Scientific and Applications Experiments in the Spacelab and Experiments Processing Division, Cargo Management, Kennedy Space Center," by P.R. Elfrey, 1985
- Folder 44: "Spacelab-J Mission Complement, Review for Associate Administrator for Space Science and Applications," NASA Headquarters, 1985
- Folder 45: Spacelab Mission I Experiment Descriptions, 1986
- Folder 46: "Spacelab," Aeritalia Pamphlet, undated
- Folder 47: General Comments on Spacelab, undated
- Folder 48: Project Columbus, 1983-1984
- Folder 49: International Symposium - "Towards Columbus and Space Station," 1985
- Folder 40: "Spacelab Follow-On Development Programme, Phase B Results," 1981
- Box 11
- Box 5
- Sub-Series 5: LeRoy E. Day and Associates
- LeRoy Day and Associates, an aerospace consulting firm, hired Disher in 1985. Disher was to assist in completing a contract for the Japanese company Nissho Iwai, who had in turn been contracted by NASA for work on a manned space station habitability module. This subseries includes correspondence, reports, papers, Disher's handwritten notes and newspaper clippings. Many materials pertain to life support systems in space and concern matters such as astronaut food and hygiene. Some items, such as NASA Research Animal Holding Facility reports, document previous life sciences research.
- Box 5
- Folder 50: Nissho Iwai Corporation, 1985-1986
- Folder 51: LeRoy E. Day and Associates/Nissho Iwai Consulting Project, Correspondence, 1985-1988
- Folder 52: Leroy E. Day and Associates/Nissho Iwai Consulting Project, Notes - Loose, Handwritten, 1985-1988
- Folder 53: Newspaper Clippings on Space Food, 1985-1988
- Folder 54: Articles on Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analysis, 1981, 1986
- Folder 55: Oxygen Atom Reaction with Shuttle Materials at Orbital Altitudes, 1982
- Folder 56: Life Sciences Considerations for Space Station, 1982
- Folder 57: Johnson Space Center Contamination Control Requirements Manual, 1982
- Folder 58: "Man in Space: Space Medicine, Physiology and Biology, 1982"
- Folder 59: "Standard for Headspace Oxygen Analysis," 1983
- Folder 60: Food System and Dining Workbook, 1983
- Folder 61: "Life Sciences Flight Experiments Program, Life Sciences Laboratory Equipment Descriptions," 1984
- Folder 62: Items Relating to Space Food, 1974, 1985-1988
- Folder 63: Space Shuttle Orbiter Waste Collection System, Conceptual Study, 1985
- Folder 64: Contract to Study Food Hardware System for Space Station, 1985
- Folder 65: Contract to Study Food Hardware System for Space Station, 1985 (Continued)
- Folder 50: Nissho Iwai Corporation, 1985-1986
- Box 6
- Folder 1: "Human Factors in Food Systems for Space," 1985
- Folder 2: "Human Factors in Food Systems for Space," 1985 (Continued)
- Folder 3: "Space Station Science Laboratory Module Planning Support Data Base," 1985
- Folder 4: "Life Sciences Accomplishments," 1985
- Folder 5: John Disher’s Interim Report on Space Station Food System, 1985
- Folder 6: NASA Technical Memorandum: "Life Sciences Space Station Planning Document," 1986
- Folder 7: "Living in Space," McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company, 1986
- Folder 8: Human Research Facility Planning Support System, 1986
- Folder 9: Space Station Food Supply and Service System Program Review, 1986
- Folder 10: Space Station Food Supply and Service System Preliminary Requirements, 1986
- Folder 11: Space Station Food Supply and Service System Preliminary Requirements, 1987
- Folder 12: Research Animal Holding Facility, 1987-1988
- Folder 13: NASA Research and Engineering Procurement Office’s Competitive Procurements, Fiscal Year 1987
- Folder 14: Cosmos Space Life Sciences Research, 1988
- Folder 15: NASA Contracts on Waste and Hygiene, undated
- Folder 16: NASA Approved Personal Hygiene Supplies for the Space Station, undated
- Folder 17: Health Maintenance Facility, undated
- Folder 18: "Reference Level C Element Requirements," undated
- Folder 1: "Human Factors in Food Systems for Space," 1985
- Box 5
- Sub-Series 6: JLC Aerospace
Disher completed two contracts for JLC Aerospace in 1987. The first involved a joint project between JLC Aerospace and the Planning Research Council (PRC) to produce a report on the lessons learned from the space shuttle Challenger accident and their application for the proposed manned space station. The final JLC/PRC report, "Space Station Lessons Learned from Challenger" is included in this subseries. Also included are correspondence between Disher and JLC Aerospace, and a magazine article and NASA documents on the Challenger accident.
For Disher's second contract with JLC Aerospace, he served on JLC's Space Advisory Committee (SPAC). This committee produced a paper entitled "An Assessment of U.S. Civil Space Goals," a copy of which is included in this subseries. A large part of this report evaluated three previous reports on the same topic. These are the Ride Report, the Paine Report and the AIAA Report. The Ride Report, entitled "NASA Leadership and America's Future in Space" was a report by astronaut Sally Ride to NASA Administrator James Fletcher. The Paine Report, entitled "Pioneering the Space Frontier" was produced by the National Commission on Space. It is named for Thomas Paine, a former NASA Administrator and member of the Commission. Other notable Commission members included Astronaut Neil Armstrong, former United States Representative to the United Nations Jeanne J. Kirkpatrick and U.S. Air Force General Chuck Yeager. The AIAA report, entitled "U.S. Civil Space Program: An AIAA Assessment," was authored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Copies of all three reports are included in this subseries. Correspondence, handwritten notes and typed comments document the thoughts and opinions of Disher and other SPAC members on the three reports. The Committee also refers to the Collins Report, the final report of the NASA Space Goals Task Force, headed by astronaut Michael Collins. This report, also included in the subseries, is smaller and less detailed than the three mentioned above.
- Box 6
- Folder 19: JLC Aerospace, 1987
- Folder 20: "Space Station Lessons Learned from Challenger," Report by PRC Systems Services and JLC Aerospace Corporation, 1987
- Folder 21: Materials on Space Shuttle Challenger, 1986-1987
- Folder 22: "An Assessment of U.S. Civil Space Goals, A White Paper by the JLC Aerospace Corporation Space Program Advisory Committee," 1987
- Folder 23: NASA Space Goals Task Force Final Report (a.k.a. "The Collins Report"), 1987
- Folder 24: "Pioneering the Space Frontier, The Report of the National Commission on Space" (a.k.a. "The Paine Report"), 1985
- Folder 25: "Pioneering the Space Frontier ("The Paine Report"), 1985 (Continued)
- Folder 26: "Leadership and America’s Future in Space" (a.k.a. "The Ride Report"), 1987
- Folder 27: "U.S. Civil Space Program: An AIAA Assessment," 1987
- Folder 19: JLC Aerospace, 1987
- Box 6
- Sub-Series 7: Miscellaneous Avanti Clients
- Materials in this subseries consist largely of copies of contracts and some correspondence. Clients in this subseries contracted Disher's services for various reasons. In some cases, the contract only specifies that Disher's services remain available for a certain client during a specific length of time. Notable projects include furnishing breakdown costs on the proposed manned space station to United Technologies and serving on Hernandez Engineering's task force to assess losses in the Challenger accident. The Advanced Technologies, or "Adtech" project is also worthy of mention. Disher contracted with this company to work on a proposal to NASA for "Advanced Programs and Plans Support." A copy of this proposal is included in the "Advanced Technologies" file.
- Box 6
- Box 11
- Folder 27: Boeing Consulting Agreement, 1984
- Folder 28: Consulting Agreement with United Space Boosters, Inc
- Folder 29: GC & E Company documents
- Folder 30: General Electric Consulting Agreement and correspondence, 1981-1982
- Folder 32: Engineering Consulting Services Contract with Consiglio Nazionale Delle Richerche
- Folder 33: Correspondence from Consiglio Nazionale delle Rierche, 1981-1982
- Folder 34: Statement of Professional Services and Expenses for subcontracts, 1981
- Folder 27: Boeing Consulting Agreement, 1984
- Box 6
- Sub-Series 8: Aerospace Company Literature
- This sub-series consists of informational literature produced by various aerospace companies to provide information on the company and promote its products and services. Materials date from 1981-1986.
- Box 6
- Folder 35: Aeritalia, Company Information/Promotional Literature, 1986 and undated
- Folder 36: Aerospace Technology Associates, Brochure, undated
- Folder 37: Astro Resources International, Company Information/Promotional Literature, 1981 and undated
- Folder 38: Eagle Engineering, Company Information/Promotional Literature, 1981 and undated
- Folder 39: Fiar, Company Information/Promotional Literature, 1986 and undated
- Folder 40: Ford Aerospace, Company Information/Promotional Literature, 1986
- Folder 41: Garrett Pneumatic Systems Division, Company Information/Promotional Literature, undated
- Folder 42: General Technology System Limited, Projects, Studies and Advisory Services, 1985
- Folder 43: Gruppo Agusta, Company Information/Promotional Literature, undated
- Folder 44: Harris Corporation, Press Release, 1986
- Folder 45: Ingersoll Engineers, Company Information/Promotional Literature, 1982
- Folder 46: Marconi Space Systems, Company Information/Promotional Literature,1986
- Folder 47: Moog Space Products Division, Company/Product Information and Promotional Literature, 1987 and undated
- Folder 48: Orbit Sciences Corporation, Company Information/Promotional Literature, 1984
- Folder 49: Presearch, Inc., Company Information/Promotional Literature, 1986
- Folder 50: Rockwell International, Company Information/Promotional Literature, 1986
- Folder 51: Spacehab, Company Information/Promotional Literature, 1986
- Folder 52: Sundstrom Missile and Space Power Systems, Company Information/Promotional Literature, undated
- Folder 53: Technology Management Consultants, Brochure, 1985
- Folder 35: Aeritalia, Company Information/Promotional Literature, 1986 and undated
- Box 6
- Sub-Series 9: General Research and Background Files
- Materials in this sub-series include papers, publications, NASA reports, newsletters and other documents and newspaper clippings and press releases. Files pertain to some aspect of space technology. The majority concern the proposed manned space station. Disher worked on various aspects of this station for several different clients. There are also files on the space shuttle, advanced space transportation systems and the possibilities of establishing an international base on the moon.
- Box 6
- Folder 54: NASA Brochures and Newsletters on the Space Station, 1982, 1986-1987 and undated
- Folder 55: "Space Stations - A Perspective," 1981
- Folder 56: "Zero Order Space Station," 1982
- Folder 57: Workshop on Lower Cost Alternatives to One or More Space Stations, 1983
- Folder 58: "The Process of Space Station Development Using External Tanks," 1983
- Folder 59: Boeing Report on Space Station Needs, Attributes and Architectural Options Study, 1983
- Folder 60: "Space Station Briefing to Diana Hoyt, National Space Caucus, and Marsha Smith, Congressional Research Service, 1983
- Folder 61: "Space Station Operations Working Group," 1983
- Folder 62: "Civilian Space Stations and the U.S. Future in Space," 1984
- Folder 63: "Practical Applications of a Space Station," 1984
- Folder 64: Space Station Program Plan, 1984
- Folder 65: Space Station Program Description Document, undated
- Folder 66: Office of Space Station, Organization Chart, 1984
- Folder 67: Space Station Prelaunch Operations Plans, 1984
- Folder 68: "Tailoring the Space Station for Mission Operations," by R.W. Hager, J.R. Woodcock, Boeing Aerospace, 1984
- Folder 69: "Space Station Technology Development Mission: Requirements Definition for Advanced Automation and Robotics," 1984
- Folder 54: NASA Brochures and Newsletters on the Space Station, 1982, 1986-1987 and undated
- Box 7
- Folder 1: "Space Station Reference Configuration Description, Systems Engineering and Integration, Space Station Program Office," 1984
- Folder 2: "Space Station Reference Configuration Description, Systems Engineering and Integration, Space Station Program Office," 1984 (Continued)
- Folder 3: "Space Station Technology/Advanced Development Program Review for Industry," 1984
- Folder 4: "Space Station Technology/Advanced Development Program Review for Industry," 1984 (Folder 2)
- Folder 5: "Space Station Technology/Advanced Development Program Review for Industry," 1984 (Folder 3)
- Folder 6: "Space Station Technology/Advanced Development Program Review for Industry," 1984 (Folder 4)
- Folder 7: "Space Station: A Cooperative Endeavor" by Phillip E. Culbertson, 1985
- Folder 8: Kennedy Space Center Advanced Projects, Industry Briefing, 1985
- Folder 9: Space Station Program, Advanced Development, Program Overview Briefing, Kennedy Space Center, 1985
- Folder 10: Space Station Advanced Development Program Overview, Marshall Space Flight Center, 1985
- Folder 11: Space Station Supporting Development Competitive Procurements, 1985-1986
- Folder 12: Statement of NASA Task Force on Scientific Uses of Space Station, 1985
- Folder 13: Newspaper Clippings on Space Station, 1985 and undated
- Folder 14: 8th U.S./European Conference, `Cooperation in the Space Station System,’ 1986
- Folder 15: "Space Station Concerns," 1986
- Folder 16: "Assessment of the 1984 Recommendations of the Task Force on Scientific Utilization of the Space Station, Submitted to the ... U.S. Senate," 1986
- Folder 17: "Space Station Plan," 1986
- Folder 18: Management Review of Space Station Program, 1986
- Folder 19: "Space Station Program Systems Engineering and Integration, SRR Results and Summary," 1986
- Folder 20: "Space Station SE and I Task Force Report to Mr. Andrew J. Stofan, Associate Administrator," 1986
- Folder 21: NASA Executive Technical Committee, Critical Evaluation Task Force, 1986
- Folder 22: Statement of Dr. James C. Fletcher, NASA Administrator, Before the U.S. House of Representatives, 1986
- Folder 23: "Industry `Pre-Briefing’ Conference," Space Station Operations Task Force, 1986
- Folder 24: "Space Station Redesign," Aviation Week and Space Technology, September 22, 1986
- Folder 25: "Space Station Program," 1986
- Folder 26: "The Space Station: A Description of the Configuration Established at the System Requirements Review," 1986
- Folder 27: Statement of Work, Space Station Advanced Automation and Robotics, 1986
- Folder 28: Request for Proposal - Space Station Work Package #1, 1987
- Folder 29: Request for Proposal - Space Station Work Package #1, 1987 (Folder 2)
- Folder 30: Request for Proposal - Space Station Work Package #1, 1987 (Folder 3)
- Folder 31: Draft Request for Proposal - Space Station Work Package #2, 1986
- Folder 32: Request for Proposal - Space Station Work Package #3, undated
- Folder 33: Request for Proposal - Space Station Work Package #4, undated
- Folder 34: Requests for Proposal - Advanced Program Planning and Analysis, 1985, 1987
- Folder 35: "The Space Station - From Concept to Evolving Reality," 1987
- Folder 36: Space Station Presentation Material, 1987
- Folder 37: "Space Station Presentation to the Subcommittee on Space Science and Applications," 1987
- Folder 38: Report of the Committee on the Space Station of the National Research Council, 1987
- Folder 1: "Space Station Reference Configuration Description, Systems Engineering and Integration, Space Station Program Office," 1984
- Box 8
- Folder 1: "Space Station Program Description Document - System Requirements and Characteristics," undated
- Folder 2: "Space Station Mission Analysis," undated
- Folder 3: "Technology for Space Station," by Raymond S. Colladay and Richard F. Carlisle, undated
- Folder 4: "The Importance of the Space Station as an Element of the Total Space System Architecture," by Ivan Bekey, undated
- Folder 5: "Space Platform Design Options: A Comparison for Cost Effectiveness of Expendable, Reusable and Serviceable Spacecraft," by Dr. J. A. Vandenkerckhove, undated
- Folder 6: "Platform Project Requirements," undated
- Folder 7: "Change Notice for Space Station Program Definition and Requirements," 1993
- Folder 8: NASA Standard Contract for Launch Services, 1981
- Folder 9: "Comparison of Three Kinds of Possible Power Generators as Space Shuttle Power Extension Package," by Wei-Yuan Yang, 1981
- Folder 10: "Shuttle-Derived Launch Vehicles, A NASA Perspective," 1982
- Folder 11: "Advanced Space Transportation Requirements and Options," by M.W. Jack Bell, 1984
- Folder 12: National Security Launch Strategy, 1984
- Folder 13: "Film-Making on the Space Shuttle," by William D. Green, 1986
- Folder 14: "Lessons Learned: An Experience Data Base for Space Design, Test and Flight Operations," by Gilbert L. Rothe, 1986
- Folder 15: NASA Advisory Council, Report of the Task Force on Issues of a Mixed Fleet," 1987
- Folder 16: Payload Flight Assignments, NASA Mixed Fleet, 1985, 1988, 1990-1994
- Folder 17: Office of Space Transportation Systems, Expected Accomplishments - 1987
- Folder 18: "Space Transportation Systems for the ?90's," undated
- Folder 19: Shuttle Program Configuration Manual, undated
- Folder 20: Solid Rocket Motor, 1986
- Folder 21: "SSME-Alternate Turopump Test Plan," 1986
- Folder 22: RLIO Centaur Engine, 1987
- Folder 23: Heat Exchanger, undated
- Folder 24: "Recent Disasters During Launch and Operations of Commercial Satellites," 1984
- Folder 25: NASA News, 1982, 1986-1987, 1989
- Folder 26: Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center Organizational Chart, 1984
- Folder 27: NASA Spinoff, 1986
- Folder 28: NASA Global Geodynamics, undated
- Folder 29: NASA Highlights, 1986-1988
- Folder 30: NASA Aeronautics - Research and Technology, 1986
- Folder 31: NASA Information Summaries, 1986
- Folder 32: Office of Space Science and Applications, Presentation to the NASA Alumni, 1987
- Folder 33: "NASA Organization and Definition of Terms," 1987
- Folder 34: Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology, Overview for NASA Alumni League, 1987
- Folder 35: "Questionnaire for Capacity for High Technology Development," 1987
- Folder 36: Materials Regarding NASA Budget for Fiscal Year 1989, Dated 1988
- Folder 37: "Looking to the Future," by Gary L. Jackson, 1988
- Folder 38: U.S. House and Senate Committees Regarding Space Program, undated
- Folder 39: White House Press Releases, 1988
- Folder 40: "Comparison of Alternative Strategies of `Return- to-the-Moon’ Executive Summaries," H. Hermann Koelle, et. Al.
- Folder 41: Project Horizon, An Early Study of a Lunar Outpost, 1987
- Folder 42: "The Case for an International Lunar Base, Ad Hoc Committee Return to the Moon," 1988
- Folder 43: Project Horizon, An Early Study of a Lunar Outpost, undated
- Folder 44: Newspaper Clippings, 1985-1988 and undated
- Folder 45: "Configuration Management Reviews and Inspections," 1981
- Folder 46: NASA Management Instruction - Minimum Guide Lines for the NASA Flight Insurance Review Program, undated
- Folder 47: NASA Management Instruction - NASA Scientific and Technical Document Availability Authorization, 1984
- Folder 48: "Man in Space,"1984
- Folder 49: Roles and Needs of Humanity in Space - Three Papers by Jesco Von Puttkamer, undated
- Folder 50: "Towards Industrial Development in Space," by Isaac T. Gilliam, undated
- Folder 51: "Space Flight - Its Risks and Gains," by Gerald D. Griffin, undated
- Folder 52: National Space Club Essay Contest, 1988
- Folder 1: "Space Station Program Description Document - System Requirements and Characteristics," undated
- Box 6
- Sub-Series 10: Professional Conferences
- This sub-series contains papers, programs, attendance lists and some correspondence relating to professional conferences. Materials date from 1980-1992. Conferences include the annual American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics Conferences, the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) Congresses and the International Academy of Astronautics meetings,
- Box 8
- Folder 53: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1966-1989
- Folder 54: Papers Presented at AIAA Conferences, 1981-1986
- Folder 55: NASA/AIAA Advanced Materials Seminar, Attendance List, 1982
- Folder 56: International Academy of Astronautics, 1986-1988
- Folder 57: 32nd IAF Congress, 1981
- Folder 58: 33rd IAF Congress, 1982
- Folder 59: "Overview of Space Station Operations," by John Disher, Presented at 34th IAF Congress, 1983
- Folder 60: 34th IAF Congress, 1983
- Folder 61: 35th IAF Congress, 1984
- Folder 62: 36th IAF Congress, 1985
- Folder 63: 37th IAF Congress, 1986
- Folder 64: 38th IAF Congress, 1987
- Folder 65: 39th IAF Congress, 1988
- Folder 66: 40th IAF Congress, 1989
- Folder 67: 42nd IAF Congress, 1991
- Folder 68: World Space Congress, 1992
- Folder 69: American Astronautical Society, 26th Goddard Memorial Symposium, 1988
- Folder 53: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1966-1989
- Box 8
- Sub-Series 1: General
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Personal Materials],
[Series 2: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), 1945-1958],
[Series 3: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1958-1989],
[Series 4: Avanti Systems, 1980-1989],
[Series 5: UND School of Engineering and Mines, 1986-1988],
[Series 6: Oversize Materials],
[Series 7: Photographs],