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Pearl Young Papers, 1927-1995
Collection Overview
Title: Pearl Young Papers, 1927-1995
Primary Creator: Young, Pearl (1895-1968)
Extent: 1.25 Linear Feet
Date Acquired: 06/05/2012
Subjects: Space, University of North Dakota - Alumni, Women's History
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Collection Historical Note
Born in Minnesota in 1895, Pearl Young became not only an extremely accomplished alumnus of the University of North Dakota (UND), but also left a lasting impression on the fields of aeronautics and transportation. Raised near Rugby, North Dakota, she was largely self-sufficient from the time she left home at the age of eleven. During her time at UND, she worked as an assistant in the Physics Department, as well as for the U.S. Weather Bureau, while majoring in physics, mathematics and chemistry. After graduating Phi Beta Kappa in 1919, Young accepted a teaching position in the Physics Department, where she remained for two years. She then joined the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), the predecessor of NASA. At NACA, she first worked in the Instrumentation Division, but was later assigned the task of Technical Editor. Young established an editorial department at NACA and wrote “The Style Manual for Engineering Authors.” Her methodology for editing would eventually become the standard throughout this government agency.
Throughout her life Young was a dedicated traveler. She made two trips to Europe, one in 1927 and another in 1936. Young was also a passenger on the first flight of the Hindenburg. Methods of transportation, particularly public transportation were very important to her, not only as a field for discovery, but also as a practical daily concern as she never learned to drive a car. Young worked as a reporter and editor for the Norfolk Ledger Dispatch and, at one time, interviewed Eleanor Roosevelt. After World War II, she left NACA and taught Physics for ten years in the Pennsylvania State University system. For many years, Young researched the life of Octave Chanute, a man considered to be a mentor to the Wright Brothers, with the intention of writing his biography. After being diagnosed with cancer, however, she was unable to complete this work before her death. Her research materials on transportation were given to the University of Wyoming, while the materials on aeronautics and Chanute went to the Denver Public Library. Pearl Young died 16 June 1968 in Hampton, Virginia.
Phillips, Viola Ohler. "Talk for Dedication of Pearl I. Young Theatre." August 22, 1995, Pearl Young Papers, OGLMC 1602, Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, University of North Dakota.
Dodds, David. "Pearl Young: physicist, aviation science trailblazer- and UND graduate." UND Discovery, Spring, 2011 (May 12, 2011). http://www.discovery.und.edu/ (accessed June 11, 2013).
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Repository: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Acquisition Source: Alice Check (Beaverton, Oregon) and Fred Phillips (Center Sandwich, New Hampshire)
Acquisition Method:
Donation; June 5, 2012 (2012-3168) and September 12, 2012 (2012-3194)
Addition to collection December 31, 2013 (2013-3225)
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). Pearl Young Papers. OGLMC 1602, Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Processing Information: Processed by Maureen Hukill, Special Collections intern, in June 2013.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
[Box 1],
- Box 1
- Scrapbook 1: Trip to Europe, 1927
- Scrapbook 2: Trip to Scandinavia, 1936
- Scrapbook 3: Trip to Europe, 1936
- Scrapbook 4: UND Alumni Hawaii Trip, 1960
- Folder 3: Business Correspondence with Viola Phillips, 1943-1946
- Folder 4: Personal Correspondence with Viola Phillips, 1943-1963
- Folder 5: Business Correspondence with Viola Phillips, undated
- Folder 6: Personal Correspondence mainly with Viola Phillips, undated
- Folder 7: Personal Correspondence from Francis, 1943
- Folder 8: NACA internal memos and report, 1942-1947
- Folder 9: Biographical information on Pearl Young and colleagues at Langley
- Folder 10: Articles about Pearl Young, 1947-1995
- Item 1: "Pearl Young Resumes Teaching." Wing Tips. May 1947
- Item 2: "Former Woman Employee, Aviation Pioneer, Dies." Langley Research. June 1968
- Item 3: "Phillips Honors Pearl I. Young." NASA News Researcher. September 1995
- Item 4: "Benches Bequeathed." Times-Herald (Newport News, Virginia). circa 1971
- Item 5: "Hampton Residents Benefit from Former Employee's Will." circa 1971
- Item 1: "Pearl Young Resumes Teaching." Wing Tips. May 1947
- Folder 11: Pearl Young Theater Dedication, 1995
- Folder 12: Publication: Bibliography of Octave Chanute, 1963
- Folder 13: Publication: Alphonse Pénaud's Letters on Aeronautics, 1968
- Scrapbook 1: Trip to Europe, 1927
Browse by Box:
[Box 1],