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Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church Records, 1898-2008
Collection Overview
Title: Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church Records, 1898-2008
Primary Creator: Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church (1897-)
Extent: 14.25 Linear Feet
Date Acquired: 01/13/2009
Subjects: Grand Forks, Grand Forks - Churches, Religion - Church Records, Religion - Lutheran Church
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church Records contain materials documenting the history and mission of the Church. The collection is arranged according to the following series: History, Administrative, Annual Reports, Agendas and Meeting Minutes, Congregational Records, Organizations, Publications and Bulletins. Within each series the folders are arranged alphabetically by subject and then chronologically.
History, 1922-2008, contains selective anniversary histories of the church and scrapbooks. The Administrative series, 1934-1992, contains property records, assorted financial documents, correspondence and pastoral reports. The Annual Reports series 1933-2008, consists of summary reports for each calendar year , including financial data and reviews of activities. The Agendas and Meeting Minutes series, 1912-2004, contains meeting records of various church governing bodies including the Board of Deacons, Church Council, and Church Board of Administration.
The Congregational Records series contains two sets of membership records, one set for the years prior to 1997 and one for 1997 and after. Both are arranged alphabetically by first letter of surname. In addition, there are membership photos, baptism, and marriage and death records. The series also contains Letters of Dismission and Flyttningsbetyg (Moving Certificates), in English and Swedish, that contain genealogical information on members including their places of birth in Sweden.
The Organizations series, 1905-1972, contains meeting minutes and other records for organizations in the church such as the Alter Guild, Ladies Aid Society, Lutheran Church Women (LCW), Lutheran Men’s Club, and Youth Group. The Publications series, 1983-2003, consists largely of The Messenger, a monthly newsletter. The Bulletins series, 1967-2004, has bulletins of church services, including inserts, and are arranged chronologically.
Collection Historical Note
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Repository: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Source: Laura Munski, Augustana Lutheran Church
Acquisition Method: Donation, 13 January 2009; 2009-2964
Separated Materials:
--This publication was cataloged and added to Special Collections Stacks.
Preferred Citation: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Processing Information: Processed by Matt Hagen-Stowe, an undergraduate student in Special Collections, Fall 2011.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: History],
[Series 2: Administrative],
[Series 3: Annual Reports],
[Series 4: Agendas and Meeting Minutes],
[Series 5: Membership Records],
[Series 6: Organizations],
[Series 7: Publications],
[Series 8: Church Bulletins],
- Series 1: History
- Series 2: Administrative
- Box 1
- Folder 1: Abstracts, Mortgages and Titles (Block 12, Lot 4)
- Folder 2: Abstracts, Mortgages and Titles (Block 12, Lots 4 and 6)
- Folder 3: Abstracts, Mortgages and Titles (Block 12, Lot 6)
- Folder 4: Abstracts, Mortgages and Titles (Block 12, Lots 8, 10, and 12)
- Folder 26: Board of Deacons Correspondence, 1944-1949
- Folder 27: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Congregational Mission Profile, 2000-2001
- Folder 1: Abstracts, Mortgages and Titles (Block 12, Lot 4)
- Box 2
- Box 8
- Folder 21: Abstracts, Mortgages and Titles (Block 21, Lots 2 and 4)
- Folder 22: Abstracts, Mortgages and Titles (Block I, Lots 9 and 11)
- Folder 23: Institutional User's Daily Record, General Ration Order 5, 1944 - 1945
- Folder 24: Correspondence Regarding New Organ, 1920
- Folder 25: Correspondence from Pastor Paul Hegstrom (Messian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Kansas City, Missouri) to Pastor Gerald Johnson, Augustana, 15 August 1947
- (Regarding Hegstrom accepting a call to be a Pastor at Augustana)
- Folder 26: Correspondence Regarding a New Church Building, 1953-1954
- Folder 27: Pastoral Reports, 1931-1944
- Folder 28: Memorial Fund Committee, 1974-1984
- Folder 29: Church Rules for Weddings, undated
- Folder 21: Abstracts, Mortgages and Titles (Block 21, Lots 2 and 4)
- Box 1
- Series 3: Annual Reports
- Box 1
- Folder 11: Annual Reports, 1933-1944
- Folder 12: Annual Reports, 1945-1949
- Folder 13: Annual Reports, 1950
- Folder 14: Annual Reports, 1951
- Folder 15: Annual Reports, 1952
- Folder 16: Annual Reports, 1953
- Folder 17: Annual Reports, 1954
- Folder 18: Annual Reports, 1955
- Folder 19: Annual Reports, 1956
- Folder 20: Annual Reports, 1957
- Folder 21: Annual Reports, 1958, 1968-1969, 1975-1977
- Folder 22: Annual Reports, 1979-1987
- Folder 23: Annual Reports, 1982-1989, 1993-1996
- Folder 24: Annual Reports, 2000-2001
- Folder 25: Annual Reports, 2007-2008
- Folder 11: Annual Reports, 1933-1944
- Box 1
- Series 4: Agendas and Meeting Minutes
- Box 1
- Box 2
- Folder 11: Church Board, 1911-12
- (In Swedish)
- Folder 12: Church Board, 1929-1936
- Folder 13: Church Board, 1937-1938
- Folder 14: Church Board, 1939
- Folder 15: Church Board, 1945-1961
- Folder 16: Church Board, 1965-1979
- Folder 17: Board of Deacons, 1947-1949
- Folder 18: Board of Deacons, 1950-1961
- Folder 19: Board of Deacons, 1960-1963
- Folder 20: Board of Trustees, 1954-1965
- Folder 11: Church Board, 1911-12
- Box 5
- Folder 10: Church Council, 1965
- Folder 11: Church Council, 1980
- Folder 12: Church Council, 1981
- Folder 13: Church Council, 1982
- Folder 14: Church Council, 1983
- Folder 15: Church Council, 1984
- Folder 16: Church Council, 1985
- Folder 17: Church Council, 1986
- Folder 18: Church Council, 1987
- Folder 19: Church Council, 1988
- Folder 20: Church Council, 1989
- Folder 21: Church Council, 1990
- Folder 22: Church Council, 1991
- Folder 23: Church Council, 1992
- Folder 24: Church Council, 1993
- Folder 25: Church Council, 1994
- Folder 26: Church Council, 1995
- Folder 27: Church Council, 1996
- Folder 28: Church Council, 1997
- Folder 29: Church Council, 1998
- Folder 30: Church Council, 1999
- Folder 10: Church Council, 1965
- Box 6
- Box 1
- Series 5: Membership Records
- Box 7
- Folder 1: Membership Profile Form, A-B, ca. 1979
- Folder 2: Membership Profile Form, C-D, ca. 1979
- Folder 3: Membership Profile Form, E-H, ca. 1979
- Folder 4: Membership Profile Form, I-K, ca. 1979
- Folder 5: Membership Profile Form, L-M, ca. 1979
- Folder 6: Membership Profile Form, N-O, ca. 1979
- Folder 7: Membership Profile Form, P-R, ca. 1979
- Folder 8: Membership Profile Form, S, ca. 1979
- Folder 9: Membership Profile Form, T-Z, ca. 1979
- Folder 10: Record of Members, A, Pre-1997
- Folder 11: Record of Members, B, Pre-1997
- Folder 12: Record of Members, C, Pre-1997
- Folder 13: Record of Members, D-E, Pre-1997
- Folder 14: Record of Members, F-G, Pre-1997
- Folder 15: Record of Members, H, Pre-1997
- Folder 16: Record of Members, I, Pre-1997
- Folder 17: Record of Members, J, Pre-1997
- Folder 18: Record of Members, K, Pre-1997
- Folder 19: Record of Members, L, Pre-1997
- Folder 1: Membership Profile Form, A-B, ca. 1979
- Box 8
- Folder 1: Record of Members, M, Pre-1997
- Folder 2: Record of Members, N-O, Pre-1997
- Folder 3: Record of Members, P, Pre-1997
- Folder 4: Record of Members, Q-R, Pre-1997
- Folder 5: Record of Members, S, Pre-1997
- Folder 6: Record of Members, T-V, Pre-1997
- Folder 7: Record of Members, W-Z, Pre-1997
- Folder 8: Record of Members, A-C, Post 1997
- Folder 9: Record of Members, D-G, Post 1997
- Folder 10: Record of Members, H-I, Post 1997
- Folder 11: Record of Members, J-K, Post 1997
- Folder 12: Record of Members, L-M, Post 1997
- Folder 13: Record of Members, N-Q, Post 1997
- Folder 14: Record of Members, R-S, Post 1997
- Folder 15: Record of Members, T-Z, Post 1997
- Folder 16: Letters of Dismission, 1909-1997
- (Transfer Letters in Both Swedish and English)
- Folder 17: Pastor's Copy of Marriage Licenses from Polk County, Minnesota, 1945-1947
- Item 1: James LaChance and Dorothy Peterson, 7 August 1945
- Item 2: Howard Glen and Donna Hotvedt, 31 December 1945
- Item 3: Harvey Tripp and Angeline Kucera, 26 June 1946
- Item 4: Cleve Costley ans Doris Swenson, 24 July 1946
- Item 5: Edgar Nelson and Alma Olson, 27 January 1947
- Item 6: Harold Johnson and Fillie Carter, 22 April 1947
- (Clerk's Receipt for Return of Marriage Certificate; No License Included)
- Item 7: Merrianm Erickson and Eunice Babcock, 28 June 1947
- Item 1: James LaChance and Dorothy Peterson, 7 August 1945
- Folder 18: Membership Review, 1978-1980
- Folder 19: Membership Transfers, 1980
- Folder 20: Records of Marriages, Baptisms, and Funerals, 1980
- Folder 1: Record of Members, M, Pre-1997
- Box 1
- Box 5
- Box 9
- Folder 17: Legal Document Regarding Severin and Maria Gustafson, 16 April 1917
- (In Swedish. The document regards the estate of an unnamed and deceased son of the Gustafsons. In the presence of the pastor from Augustana, Severin transfers his share of the estate, as well as power of attorney, to his son, Nils, who lives in Sweden.)
- Folder 18: Peter Lindgren Correspondence, 17 February 1992
- (In Swedish. The letter is from Peter Lindgren of Williaman, Minnesota. Lindgren asks to be removed from the church records as he has moved. He also donates $2.00 to Augustana.)
- Folder 17: Legal Document Regarding Severin and Maria Gustafson, 16 April 1917
- Box 10
- Box 7
- Series 6: Organizations
- Box 1
- Box 2
- Folder 1: Ladies Circle #2 Meeting Minutes, 1936, 1939 and 1942
- Folder 2: Ladies Circle #2 Meeting Minutes, 1944-1949
- Folder 3: Ladies Circle #2 Meeting Minutes, 1954-1955
- Folder 4: Ladies Circle #6 Meeting Minutes, 1946-1957
- Folder 5: Lutheran Brotherhood, 1945-1946 and 1954
- Folder 6: Women’s Guild Rosters and Meeting Minutes, 1951-1953
- Folder 7: Women’s Guild Rosters and Meeting Minutes, 1954-1955, undated
- Folder 1: Ladies Circle #2 Meeting Minutes, 1936, 1939 and 1942
- Box 6
- Folder 7: Ladies Aid, 1905 - 1913
- (In Swedish)
- Folder 8: Ladies Aid, 1914-1924
- (Partially in Swedish)
- Folder 9: Ladies Aid, 1929 - 1931
- Folder 10: Ladies Aid, 1936 - 1945
- Folder 11: Ladies Aid, 1946 - 1948
- Folder 12: Ladies Aid, 50th Anniversary, 2 June 1948
- Folder 13: Ladies Aid, 1949 - 1959
- Folder 14: Ladies Aid Scrapbook, 1959 - 1961
- Folder 15: Ladies Aid, 1960 - 1963
- Folder 16: Ladies Aid, 1963 - 1966
- Folder 17: Ladies Aid, 1967 - 1972
- Folder 18: Luther League, 1926 - 1931
- Folder 19: Lutheran League of Swedish Churches, 1913 - 1915
- Folder 20: Mens Club, 1932 - 1957
- Folder 7: Ladies Aid, 1905 - 1913
- Box 9
- Box 1
- Series 7: Publications
- Box 1
- Box 9
- Folder 1: The Messenger, 1983-1987
- Folder 2: The Messenger, 1988-1991
- Folder 3: The Messenger, 1993
- Folder 4: The Messenger, 1994
- Folder 5: The Messenger, 1995
- Folder 6: The Messenger, 1996
- Folder 7: The Messenger, 1997
- Folder 8: The Messenger, 1998-1999
- Folder 9: The Messenger, 2000-2001
- Folder 10: The Messenger, 2002-2003
- Folder 11: The Messenger, 2004
- Folder 1: The Messenger, 1983-1987
- Box 1
- Series 8: Church Bulletins
- Box 2
- Box 3
- Folder 1: Church Bulletins, 1968
- Folder 2: Church Bulletins, 1969
- Folder 3: Church Bulletins, 1970
- Folder 4: Church Bulletins, 1971
- Folder 5: Church Bulletins, 1972
- Folder 6: Church Bulletins, 1973
- Folder 7: Church Bulletins, 1974
- Folder 8: Church Bulletins, 1975
- Folder 9: Church Bulletins, 1976
- Folder 10: Church Bulletins, 1977
- Folder 11: Church Bulletins, 1978
- Folder 12: Church Bulletins, 1979
- Folder 13: Church Bulletins, 1980
- Folder 14: Church Bulletins, 1981
- Folder 15: Church Bulletins, 1982
- Folder 16: Church Bulletins, 1983
- Folder 17: Church Bulletins, 1984
- Folder 18: Church Bulletins, 1985
- Folder 19: Church Bulletins, 1986
- Folder 20: Church Bulletins, 1987
- Folder 1: Church Bulletins, 1968
- Box 4
- Folder 1: Church Bulletins, 1988
- Folder 2: Church Bulletins, 1989
- Folder 3: Church Bulletins, 1990
- Folder 4: Church Bulletins, 1991
- Folder 5: Church Bulletins, 1992
- Folder 6: Church Bulletins, 1993
- Folder 7: Church Bulletins, 1994
- Folder 8: Church Bulletins, 1995
- Folder 9: Church Bulletins, January - June 1996
- Folder 10: July - December 1996
- Folder 11: Church Bulletins, 1997
- Folder 12: Church Bulletins, 1998
- Folder 13: Church Bulletins, 1999
- Folder 14: Church Bulletins, 2000
- Folder 15: Church Bulletins, 2001
- Folder 16: Church Bulletins, January - September 2002
- Folder 17: Church Bulletins, October - December 2002
- Folder 1: Church Bulletins, 1988
- Box 5
- Box 2
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: History],
[Series 2: Administrative],
[Series 3: Annual Reports],
[Series 4: Agendas and Meeting Minutes],
[Series 5: Membership Records],
[Series 6: Organizations],
[Series 7: Publications],
[Series 8: Church Bulletins],