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Congregation B'nai Israel Records
Congregation B'nai Israel Records, 1905-2010
Collection Overview
Title: Congregation B'nai Israel Records, 1905-2010
Primary Creator: B'Nai Israel Synagogue (1891-)
Extent: 14.0 Linear Feet
Date Acquired: 01/13/1995. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Grand Forks - Churches, Religion - Jewish
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Congregation B'nai Israel Records are divided into four series:
Series 1: Synagogue
Series 2: Sisterhood
Series 3: B'nai B'rith
Series 4: Separated Materials
Collection Historical Note
The Jewish community of Grand Forks began forming in the late 1880s and by 1891 the city's Jewish population included approximately 60 families. This first generation created a tightly knit social and religious community in Grand Forks. Articles of Incorporation adopted on August 26, 1891 organized the community into the Congregation of the Children of Israel. Soon after incorporating, the congregation set about erecting a synagogue. The first services were officiated in 1892 by Rabbi Benjamin Papermaster, who remained until his death in 1934.
The following rabbis succeeded Papermaster: J.W. Shapiro, 1934-1938; Shalom H. Barenholtz; Louis Berkal, 1940-1954; M. Levison; Morris Shapiro, 1957-1960; Soloman Tratner, 1962-1965; Abraham Garmaize; M. Benjamin Silman, 1970; Jeffrey Bearman, 1975-1976; Robert Kravitz, 1984-1987; Deborah Bronstein, 1988-1989; and student rabbis: Stephen Mills, 1989-1991; Burt Schuman, 1991-1993; Jay Moses, 1993-1994; Ken Carr, 1994-1995.
By 1915 congregants had also formed an Ahavath Zion Society of 96 members, including 22 women, a Hebrew Literary Society for children ranging in age from 8 to 15, and a chapter of B'nai B'rith. The Congregation placed supreme value on educating their children about the beliefs and practices of Judaism.
The Sisterhood was founded in 1891 as the "Ladies Aid Society" and later reorganized adopting the name of "Sisterhood" during a meeting on November 12, 1933. During that meeting, twenty-nine women voted to become members and signed pledge cards to that effect. Those present also voted to charge fifty cents in yearly dues. Five days later, twenty-two women assembled as the Sisterhood. The Sisterhood's frequent fundraisers in the 1930s and 1940s provided an opportunity for residents of all faiths to gather for social teas and picnics, or to play cards for an evening in secular halls and clubs. Funds initially went directly into a trust fund to erect a new shule but ceased after the construction of the temple of B'nai Israel. In the late 1970s, Sisterhood members began to focus more on their role as women active in the Jewish faith.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Repository: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Additional materials were donated by Meg Kossover, Thompson, North Dakota on August 18, 1998 (98-2232), September 10, 2001 (2002-2573), February 17, 2004 (2004-2680) and January 2011 (2011-3082).
Additions were also received from Ben Berkal, Winnipeg, Manitoba, in October 2012 (2013-3234).
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Acquisition Source: Dr. Mark Siegal, Congregation B'nai Israel
Acquisition Method: Donation; 95-2008
Related Materials: Children of Israel Congregation Records: OGLMC 253
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item) Congregation B'nai Israel Records. OGLMC 1304. Box #, Folder #. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections. Chester Fritz Library. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Finding Aid Revision History: Finding aid added to Archon in July 2015.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Synagogue],
[Series 2: Sisterhood],
[Series 3: B'nai B'rith],
[Series 4: Separated Materials],
- Series 1: Synagogue
- The first series contains bylaws, meeting minutes, correspondence, and financial statements for the congregation itself, and for the rabbis and the religious schools. Membership listings and the cemetery book for Montefiore Cemetery are also in this series, as well as publications of the congregation. In addition, there are prayer books and manuals.
- Box 1
- Folder 1: Bylaws
- Folder 2: Minutes of Meetings, 1905-1925
- Folder 3: Papers Interleaved in Minutes of Meetings, 1905-1925
- Folder 4: Minutes of Meetings, 1974
- Folder 5: Minutes of Board Meetings, 1989-1991
- Folder 6: Correspondence, 1967-1974
- Folder 7: Correspondence, 1975-1992
- Folder 8: Financial Record Book, 1969-1974
- Folder 9: Financial Statement, 1968
- Folder 10: Financial Statements, 1974
- Folder 11: Financial Statements, 1975
- Folder 12: Financial Statements, 1976
- Folder 13: Financial Statements, 1977
- Folder 14: Financial Statements, 1978
- Folder 15: Financial Statements, 1979
- Folder 16: Tax Receipts, Certificates
- Folder 17: Religious School Salaries, Bills, Enrollment
- Folder 18: Rabbi Expenses, 1975-1976
- Folder 19: Record of Cash, Dues, Donations, 1969-1972
- Folder 20: Membership Dues
- Folder 21: Listing of Members (copied from binder, and address labels)
- Folder 22: Dues Schedule, 1984
- Folder 23: Savings Account Records, 1975-1979
- Folder 24: Information Memo, Agricultural Extension
- Folder 25: Bulletin, 1969-1993
- Folder 26: Certificate of Honor for David Rosenberg
- Folder 27: Appointment Calendars, 1970-1971, 1971-1975 (blank)
- Folder 28: Montefiore Cemetery Book
- Folder 29: B'nai B'rith Leaders Manual, Blueprint of Leadership Development
- Folder 30: Member's Handbook, A Manual for AZA's
- Folder 31: Form of Prayer's for the Feast of Passover
- Folder 32: Prayer Book for the New Year
- Folder 33: Mahzor Abodat Israel Prayers for the Atonement
- Folder 34: Daily Prayers, By: Dr. M. Stern
- Folder 1: Bylaws
- Box 2
- Box 3
- Box 4
- Folder 1: Bylaws, 1986 and 2009-2010
- Folder 2: General History, 1984-1991
- Folder 5: Bulletins and Notes, 1984-1989
- Folder 6: Education Program, 1988
- Folder 7: Financial Daybook, 1947-1963
- Folder 8: Financial Records, 1979-1989
- Folder 9: Financial Ledger, 1964-1977
- Folder 10: Correspondence, 1971-1989
- Folder 11: Insurance Documents, 1981-1982
- Folder 12: Meeting Minutes, 1971-1990
- Folder 13: Membership Mailing List, 1987
- Folder 14: Montefiore Cemetery, 1974-1989
- Folder 15: Ritual Committee, 1985
- Folder 16: Tax Exemption Records, 1974-1990
- Folder 17: Temple Beth El Religious School, 1972-1988
- Folder 18: Bulletins, 1997-2002
- Folder 19: Membership List and Event Flyers, 1998-2007
- Folder 20: Bulletins, 2002-2009
- Folder 21: Description of Board Roles and Roster of Board Members, 2007-2008
- Folder 22: Correspondence from UND, June 20, 2008
- Letter to B'Nai Israel from the University of North Dakota inviting the Congregation to join a special task force in dealing with hate crimes at the UND
- Folder 1: Bylaws, 1986 and 2009-2010
- Box 5
- Item 1: Torah Covers
- Both covers are made of tan velvet and have gold thread embroidery. Also on both are the Ten Commandments in Hebrew with lions on either side of the list.
- Item 2: Torah Covers
- Both covers are made of tan velvet and have gold thread embroidery. Also on both are the Ten Commandments in Hebrew with lions on either side of the list.
- Item 1: Torah Covers
- Box 6
- Box 7
- Item 1: Synagogue Curtain
- Made out of blue velvet with gold embroidery.. Slight fading, probably due to exposure to sunlight, causes some areas to appear turquoise in color.
- Item 2: Synagogue Curtain
- Made out of dark green velvet. Throughout the curtain detailed designs made with red and tan fabric are visible.
- Item 1: Synagogue Curtain
- Box 1
- Series 2: Sisterhood
- This series contains a brief history of the group, membership lists, meeting minutes, correspondence, programs and fundraisers, and invitations to the annual dinners. Information regarding Montefiore Cemetery is also included in this series.
- Box 2
- Folder 7: History
- Folder 8: History of Members' Families
- Folder 9: Membership Lists, 1978-1984
- Folder 10: Minutes, 1927-1939
- Folder 11: Minutes, 1939-1941
- Folder 12: Papers Interleaved in Minutes, 1927-1941
- Folder 13: Minutes, 1948-1955
- Folder 14: Minutes, 1953-1960
- Folder 15: Minutes, 1955-1960
- Folder 16: Minutes, 1960-1971
- Folder 17: Minutes of Meetings and Events, 1968-1984
- Folder 18: Papers Interleaved in Minutes, 1960-1980
- Folder 19: Minutes, 1970-1981
- Folder 20: Minutes, 1982-1991
- Folder 21: Minutes, 1983-1989
- Folder 22: Papers Interleaved in Minutes, 1968-1989
- Folder 23: Correspondence, 1967-1991
- Folder 24: Budget Statistics, 1965-1987
- Folder 25: President's Notes, 1989-1992
- Folder 26: Papers Interleaved in President's Notes, 1989-1992
- Folder 27: Materials of Montefiore Cemetery
- Folder 28: Montefiore Cemetery Statements
- Folder 29: Programs, 1965-1987
- Folder 30: Programs
- Folder 31: Stationery
- Folder 7: History
- Box 3
- Box 4
- Item 1: Minutes, 1960-1980
- Separated and placed on the shelves adjacent to the collection
- Box 2
- Series 3: B'nai B'rith
- This Series contains information about the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization (BBYO) and all Adult Jewish Education. B'nai B'rith raises funds and provides services to its community of members including numerous programs that educate and inform about Jewish traditions. The BBYO is very active with conventions, clubs, and education. B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG) is a subgroup of BBYO. Records include bylaws, correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports of various meetings and conventions.
- Box 3
- Folder 1: Bylaws, Policies, Definitions
- Folder 2: Duties of Officers
- Folder 3: Minutes, 1974-1985
- Folder 4: Synopsis of Minutes of Local Board of Government Meeting, 1976
- Folder 5: Reports for Board Meetings, 1971-1976
- Folder 6: Schedules of Meetings and Conventions, 1975-1987
- Folder 7: Conventions, 1962-1977
- Folder 8: Correspondence, 1971-1986
- Folder 9: Convention Expenses
- Folder 10: Membership and Budget Statistics, 1975-1976
- Folder 11: Updates of Members
- Folder 12: Purim Services, 1985-1986
- Folder 13: Jewish Communities in North Dakota
- Folder 14: Operations Manual and Career Information
- Folder 15: Music and Programs
- Folder 16: Programs
- Folder 17: Programs
- Folder 18: Study/Discussion Guides
- Folder 19: Study/Discussion Guides
- Folder 20: Study/Discussion Guides
- Folder 21: Memo and Date Book (blank), 1968-1969
- Folder 22: Publications of Organization
- Folder 23: Publications of Organization
- Folder 24: Publications Used by Organization
- Folder 25: Activity Book, 1964-1965
- Folder 26: Photograph - Triennial Convention, Philadelphia, International President David L. Brumberg, ca. 1971
- Folder 28: Stationery
- Folder 1: Bylaws, Policies, Definitions
- Box 4
- Box 3
- Series 4: Separated Materials
- Cassette Tape 1803: George Lincoln Rockwell Lecture, November 17, 1965
- Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party, spoke at an UND Board of Governors seminar on extremism. The reel to reel audio cassette tape was placed in the Audio Tape Collection.
- Oversize Folder 1: Map of Montefiore Cemetery, undated
- Placed in the Oversize File Cabinets
- Cassette Tape 1803: George Lincoln Rockwell Lecture, November 17, 1965
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Synagogue],
[Series 2: Sisterhood],
[Series 3: B'nai B'rith],
[Series 4: Separated Materials],