Title: North Dakota Swedish Baptist Conference Records
Extent: 0.25 Linear Feet
Languages: English [eng], Swedish [swe]
Access Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Method: Donation; 82-1013 and 82-1021
Related Publications:
North Dakota Baptist State Convention 1884-1984 by JoAnne and Don Shoemaker (1984)
Historik öfver Svenska Baptisternas verksamhet i North Dakota från dess början till år 1912 (1913)
Preferred Citation: Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
Processing Information: Reorganized and added to Archon in 2023
History of Swedish Baptists in North Dakota by Frank J. Liljegren, 1901 (handwritten in Swedish)
Historical Sketch of the Kulm Swedish Baptist Church by A.E. Bowman, ca. 1940s (typescript in English)
First Baptist Church, Kenmare, 50th Anniversary Memorial Book, 1950 (copy)
770-1: from left - Christine Anderson Bowman (b. 1891), Betty Ogren?, Elna Ostrom Anderson, ca. 1915
770-2: Peter and Betty (or Betsy) Lindgren family, standing from left in back - Bert, Vivian, Manfred, and Gunnar, from left in front - Vernon, Peter, Edwin, Betty/Betsy, ca. 1916
770-3: Mr. and Mrs. Anton Lindgren, undated
770-4: Lindblom farm, from left - Christine Anderson Bowman, Carl Lindblom, unidentified girl, Tillie Lindblom Lindgren, Edwin Anderson, Conrad Lindblom, unidentified man, ca. 1910
770-5: school children of Norden School District, ca. 1900