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- Ad Altiora Society Records
Ad Altiora Society Records, 1904-1908

Title: Ad Altiora Society Records
Extent: 1.0 Folders

Student literary society established in 1904

"The need of another literary society had been felt for a long time. Several had talked of organizing one, but nothing was done until the winter term in 1904. A constitution with by-laws was then framed and the draft was read at a meeting of Per Gradus on March 21, 1904. Seven members and ex-members of Per Gradus signed the draft and petitioned the faculty for permission to organize a new literary society, a permission that was readily granted. But the society was, as yet, nameless. Dr. Thomas being called upon to propose a name suggested Ad Altiora. This was adopted and Ad Altiora was now born and baptized."
Source: 1906 Dacotah, page 103

07/22/1960. Transfer from University Publications (programs and financial receipts)
Restrictions: Open for inspection under the rules and regulations of the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections.
Acquisition Note:
Donated by Margaret Rose of the State Historical Society of North Dakota at the request of O.J. Lokken, Fargo, North Dakota
Preferred Citation: (Description of Item). Ad Altiora Records. OGLMC 128. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota.
Finding Aid Revisions: Finding aid added to Archon in May 2019.
Collection Material Type: University of North Dakota Records
Scope and Contents: The Ad Altiora Records consist of the group's handwritten constitution, assorted programs, and financial receipts.