The Nuremberg War Crimes Trials Records has been divided into four series as follows:
Series 1: International Military Tribunal (IMT) Proceedings
Series 2: American Military Tribunal (AMT) Proceedings
Series 3: Evidentiary Documents
Series 4: American Military Tribunal, Case 6
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. 8 volumes. D 804.G42 A4 (CFL Floor 4 Book Stacks)
---A collection of documents and guide materials prepared by the American and British prosecuting staffs for the International Military Tribunal (IMT). These volumes may be thought of as the equivalent of a Grand Jury indictment of the top Nazi leadership.
Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal. 42 volumes. D804.G42 I55 (CFL Floor 4 Book Stacks)
---Complete proceedings of the IMT, as well as documents entered into evidence.
Trials of War Criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law no. 10, Nuernberg, October 1946-April 1949. 15 volumes. D804.G42 G373 (CFL Floor 4 Book Stacks)
---A printed extract of portions of the twelve trials conducted by the twelve American Military Tribunal (AMT).