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- LeRoy Erickson Papers
LeRoy Erickson Papers, 1935-1989

Kenneth LeRoy Erickson was born May 15, 1926 in DeLamere, North Dakota. After graduating from high school in 1944, he began farming with his father. He married Lila Moxness in 1946. Erickson began his long record of community service the next year by serving on the Council of Immanuel Lutheran Church in DeLamere and as a Township Supervisor for Hall Township, North Dakota. He took flying lessons from Paul Bennet of Milnor, North Dakota and purchased his first airplane at the age of 21. He then served as a volunteer on the local Civil Air Patrol (CAP). His CAP duties included search and rescue operations, transporting patients to hospitals, and delivering groceries, fuel, mail and machinery repair parts to snowbound individuals.
Erickson had a distinguished political career. In 1966, he campaigned as a Republican candidate to the North Dakota House of Representatives and was elected to the 1967-69 legislative session. During the 1969-71 legislative session, he worked as a lobbyist for the North Dakota Stockmen's Association. He was a delegate to the North Dakota constitutional convention in 1972 and served again in the North Dakota House in 1973-81. In three legislative sessions, he served as Chairman of the House Transportation Committee. In 1980, Erickson was elected to the North Dakota Senate, where he served during the 1981-85 sessions and was a member of the Senate Education Committee.
Outside of the legislature, Erickson served his state and community in many other ways. He was an active member of the Sargent County School Reorganization Board, Red Willow Lutheran Bible Camp, Concordia College C-400 Club, North Dakota Farm Bureau, Immanuel Lutheran Church Council and the Milnor, North Dakota Parent Teachers Association. Erickson was an officer in many of these organizations, often serving terms as president or vice-president.
Kenneth LeRoy Erickson died on January 14, 1997. He was survived by his wife Lila; two daughters and their husbands, Marsha and David Susag of Fargo and Kim and John Mund of Milnor and four grandchildren.
Source: LeRoy Erickson Funeral Service Bulletin. Milnor Lutheran Church, Milnor, North Dakota, 1997.

Donation; Acc.97-2146
The LeRoy Erickson Papers date from 1935 to 1989 and have been divided into four series as follows:
Series 1: Personal/Biographical/Political
Series 2: Legislative
Series 3: 1972 Constitutional Convention
Series 4: Oversized Materials